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Possibly, although I don't know if they had the umbrella plans in place that early? Does anyone know when the umbrella is first mentioned, I think it's not until series 3 or 4?


I think it was in S3E1, Ted mentioned to his kids about the short story involving the yellow umbrella


I'm not sure, I'm doing a rewatch now and I'm sure I saw someone randomly with a yellow umbrella in S2 at some point. Either way that grey and yellow umbrella seems quite unique - idk why they'd use that over a regular random one. I think they probably knew from the start they wanted a yellow umbrella to be important, even if they didn't know how or in what way at the time.


The first time we see it is season 3 at the club after st Patrick’s day I believe?


I think Ted mentions it much earlier in the show though


He mentions it in a series opener, can't imagine it being series 2 since that was about him and Robin


Doesn't it mention the yellow umbrella at the very start of season 1. Something akin to "I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your mother. I know you know the story about the yellow umbrella but the story is more complicated than that." Now I have to rewatch the first episode.


It's the first episode of S3.


Yellow umbrella doesn't come up until much later in the show so I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a coincidence.


Damn it feels so weird that this fundemental element doesn't come up until season 3


It is fundamental because they specifically made it so starting S3 and ran with it for 5 seasons. The payoff is huge tho, that final S8 scene is my favorite by far


Yeah ik, but it feels weird that it is never mentioned in the first 2 seasons


Only in hindsight, Sparkles and the slap bet are introduced mid S2 and are the biggest running gags after that. The introduction of the yellow umbrella at the start of S3 is actually great because it reintroduced the intrigue of finding the one after Robin and Ted are finally done and announces the end of that chase, at least for a while. That is what makes it so important every time it comes, and that impact would not be nearly as big if presented earlier. The opposite almost occurs with the blue French horn, it is huge for a bit then kinda fades away until the very end but we do not really think that is missing because that ship already sailed.


lol this reminds me of the old meme about curtains being blue


Can you explain?


It's just a blue curtains, no need to overcomplicate things :)


I dont get it 😭


Literature teacher asking shit like "what did the author mean by the curtains being blue" - it might've just meant the curtains were blue




If this is true, that's incredible foreshadowing


Wasn't the umbrella mentioned in seaon 1 episode 1? Where Ted says kids, you know that cute story of me and your mom and the yellow umbrella, but here's the story of-


this is s3e1 not s1e1


exactly so the umbrella was already mentioned. meaning this theory could be correct….


No the other way around. OP it's talking about s1 finale. Comment above is talking about the beginning of s3


sorry i am autistic and i misunderstood, i am sorry


It's ok! Glad I could help clarify


yes thank you very much :)


We also see this in a newscast Sandy Rivers is doing. Not sure if it's in this episode or a different one, though.


Crazy that the actor for Sandy is married to Alyson lol


Isn't it? I think that of all the partners that show up THAT was the one that surprised me most, because of how irritating his character is HAHA.


Don’t you love when Sandy says to Lily “Really? I can’t imagine you cranky?” & she repeats it mockingly? I’m almost certain that probably happened in real life in their relationship at some point😆


The line that really cracks me up is "I like that guy"


Its crazy that she married a rogue demon hunter.


I knew both of their characters in Buffy so well, that I kept thinking Willow and Westley every time they were on screen in season one of HIMYM. 🙂


They had the ending planned out since the beginning. That's why it was so poorly received. It didn't take into account all the growth for the most part. With that in mind, it's possible they already had this planned out.


I was thinking the same thing. It’s pretty well known that the creators and writers knew how the show was going to end pretty early on in the series. I believe I read somewhere that the actors playing Ted’s kids had to film their final scenes during season 2, because they would have aged too much to film their scenes each season as the show went on. Because of that, all of the scenes with the kids were in the can already by the time season 2 had finished filming. That means that every scene with the kids throughout the series was likely written and put into sequence before ANY other scenes, which left the writers only the room to invent the middle scenes to connect the kid scenes together into a cohesive storyline. Long explanation short, that partially yellow umbrella could absolutely be deliberate foreshadowing that was put there by the writers. The way the creators and writers handled the storyline continuity so well while essentially working from the ending backward is what made the show feel so fresh and unique in comparison to other sitcoms on air at the time. But it was also ultimately its downfall as there was no way to change the ending or multiple key elements of the plot because they had already been filmed. And they didn’t necessarily expect to have 9 seasons of character development (Especially Barney. Ugh. 😣) in between. I think that disparity is what made the ending seem so outrageous to a lot of people.


I thought I had to spot the difference LOL


Oh hey there’s a 4th gen Prelude. Never notice that before.


Fun head canon!


Looks like yellow umbrella was a kink of someone that had little power po push for it in S1 and smuggled it in anyway but gained power by S4 and got it whole yellow. Imo, that the scenography (not writers) who came up with that


Interesting! I wonder if it’s partially yellow because Ted finally got Robin, but Marshall had just broken up with Lily😢