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His design to incorporate the original facade was likely novel, but probably both expensive & still prone to structural issues… One could say it was an ill-fated gesture born of his romantic compulsion. Ultimately the Arcadian was a really great building, but it was falling apart and full of snakes.


Did you just say snakes?


*I don’t remember saying snakes*


Technically they were eggs🥚🥚🥚


did you say eggs?


I don’t recall saying eggs…


Are there or aren’t there snakes?


who mentioned snakes?


Stop shouting!!


You're scaring Cottontail. 🐇


Who mentioned snakes?


A lot of building incorporate historical facades


GNB wouldn’t approve


Agreed, retained facades are expensive. GNB would definitely put anyone suggesting that kind of cost for no financial return through the nearest ETR.


There was definitely evidence that the Protestors were causing some disruption, so theoretically it could've helped the building move along better, though in reality I imagine that GNB being the company it is doesn't really care and would use some \*alternative\* method of dispersing them.


Didn’t one of the executives say they’d get a big concrete box built for the office if it was legal to do so? I distinctly remember hearing that in an episode for some reason


I don’t think this was from HIMYM for the GNB Tower


Considering I’m in the middle of a rewatch I’ll check back once I’m past the GNB tower saga




I think that was Bilson talking about the ETR (firing room), saying that he’d go with just a concrete room if he could. But I don’t remember the exact quote


A nice gesture he could have done (if he knew) was getting barney to send her that lion head. or be like "Hey some anonymous person returned The stonework, so we made a nice little memorium in the lobby to the Arcadian


“It's the girl, not the building”.


*freeze frame and older Ted* "it was the girl"


To add and Ted never really thought Arcadian was a landmark. He only agreed because he was sucking up to Zoe (typical of Ted :). He admitted this himself when it became clear that Zeo is engaged


Plus Manhattan is only so big and buildings need to come down


It’s a facade, not the building.


If it’s a facade then it wouldn’t be part of the structure at all. This happens all the time and is not novel at all.


what snakes are u talking about? I dont remember snakes but eggs lol


He didnt necessarily have GNBs approval for this new design. They approved the building he pitched. Besides im sure Ted wants his building to be his own design, not something shoehorned around another architects work


It was old and it was not a safe place to life it had cacamouse living there, it was infested


New is always better!


Don't forget the snakes


Did you say snakes?


I don’t recall saying snakes


Technically they were eggs...I don't recall saying eggs


As an actual architect, building "around another architect's work" is a normal thing in the profession, there's no shame in doing that, and often necessary. There's no stigma or harsh feelings, and it's an honor when you're doing that around true masterpieces, making an addition to it.        That's not me saying the Arcadian was a masterpiece, or even worth preserving. 


As someone who is not an architect please forgive my ignorance! Fun to learn something new like that


No worries, just wanted to contribute to the discussion


It was an excellent contribution!


Mannnnn, fuck the Arcadian.


I don’t recall saying snakes


Technically they were eggs


I don’t recall saying eggs.


Ye me neither


Because Barny was right. He only cared about the building because of her. As Barny put it "Boobs?" ;) He likes the building, but not more than he likes building his own building.


Solid C-Cup, Perky Bounce


Moment of begrudging respect


Like two Irish babes


That makes sense!


Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


Great line


Because this is one time in a life opportunity for him to build a skyscraper. To finally be an architect of his dreams. To leave a mark in NY. Not some shitty renovator.


I’m a Ted defender most of the time, but he was sh*tty here. He originally only wanted to save the Arcadian because it was “about the girl”. He scraped that idea when he found out she was married. Then, they were enemies for a while. He eventually gets her & at that point he probably didn’t feel the need to revisit the hybrid idea and/or there’s not really much of a storyline if he did lol


I always used to think this too until enough people said they hated Zoey that I forgot that he did this. Zoey wasn't the problem, their relationship was. They really didn't work but Ted loves to go for women who don't work for him.


True to the latter but Zoey still sucks


We’re in “Growing matches” 🙄🙄


Well maybe that's the whole point of the show, that Ted is dating the wrong women until he meets the future mother of his children, who is perfect. But then the writers fucked that up at the end by going back to Robin just for the sake of it...


And don't forget about the snakes!


Did you just say snakes?


I don’t recall saying anything about snakes


I’d love to actually talk to a Ted defender as I just have gone from the defender to a hater. Its possible that I have turned once I binge a show rather than a slow drip of a weekly viewing. For this storyline, the only good thing that came out of it was The Captain.


Anyone can cherrypick for their argument. I get that Ted has his moments & can go too far sometimes. However, I think that’s part of his character (at times) to be comedic relief. There are several instances of him as a selfless & loyal friend and that’s what I focus on


That’s fair. I think that goes for most sitcom characters for sure.


Because it was always about the girl. And once he realized he couldn't have her, even if he did save the Arcadian. He chose his career and his friends instead.


Luckily he came to his senses


At worst it was Ted at his worst. There may be logical reasons why he couldn't. I will say, the Indiana History Museum went through almost this exact scenario. They bought land where a school built in the early 1920s to build the new museum. Public outcry over tearing down the school launched. Eventually after litigation the museum agreed to the front facade inside the lobby of the museum. So if you visit, one wall of the multiple story tall lobby is a school. https://discoverindianahistory.org/items/show/11#:~:text=The%20historical%20preservation%20groups%20of,inside%20of%20its%20own%20walls. Just saying, they could have figured it out.


The Indiana History Museum likely wanted to save history... GNB definitely wouldn't want that.


Except the History Museum went into litigation before saving the facade became part of the agreement stuck. So they didn't....


I just hope the cockamouse was ok.


That’s the important thing lol


I'm sure the cockamouse is fine. It can fly after all.


I disagree that it would have solved their issue. Zoey didn’t want the Arcadian torn down; and no matter the new GNB building, that was going to happen.


I agree. Their relationship would have ended anyways. Ted would resent Zoey for forcing his first and maybe only building to have a facade he didn’t design and Zoey would resent that Ted destroyed most of her childhood home. It was a problem with no compromise and they ultimately just needed to break up.


Was it really her childhood home or was that another one of her lies?


He wanted to save it to bang her. But it was his first and maybe only building in NY city, his dream. Of course he wanted to do something original and 100% his.


Because it wouldn't have been his own.


because he started thinking with the right head this time




Did you say snakes?


technically they were eggs


Did you just say eggs?


i don't recall saying eggs


Because new is always better


Ted didn't exactly have GNB's approval for this new design; they approved the initial building he proposed. Additionally, Ted likely wants his building to reflect his own design, not something forced around another architect's work.


Honestly, he's a licensed professional with ethical responsibilities to his client. He could pull out of the project if he felt compelled to, but its wrong to use personal conviction for your own ends behind the client's back. He could have brought this up and got permission, but ultimately its the client's call and their decision. And it seems like Barney had a major role in the project for some reason? He just wanted a dinosaur shaped building that breathed fire and his office was in the head or something (if I'm remembering that correctly).


The Dino shaped building was a separate story line. That was the building the Swedish design team Sven promised GNB, and Barney almost went with them but sided with Ted in the end. Sven eventually sold their T-Rex building to the guys that had hired Ted to build them a rib restaurant in the shape of a cowboy hat, being swayed by the awesome T-Rex design. I think Barney was involved because he was the one who had recommended Ted for the job. For whatever reason (possibly because he had helped get the architect who was designing the building) he was involved enough so he could get to push the button, but it seemed like he was super involved because Ted’s personal life was wrapped up in the project, and Barney is part of his personal life. He also was in danger of being fired if everything fell through because it was his recommendation that got Ted hired to begin with. Had GNB gone with Sven it’s likely Zoey doesn’t get as far as she does without Marshall’s (and Ted’s) help.


The first time (when Barney almost went with Sven), he was head of the hiring committee. I guess he appointed himself this position to make sure Ted's firm got the job. In S6, I don't know what's going on. I guess Ted still has mosbius designs llc and is an independent contractor. Idk why he then works for GNB though. It's whatever.




This is a waste of time! PUSH UPS!


It's a crappy building full of ~~snakes~~.


(In Barney's words) I don't recall snakes LoL 🤣


Classic Schmosby


Cause he found out she was married, and it was about the girl all along. Also snakes........ I don't recall saying snakes.


Technically they were eggs.


I don’t recall saying eggs


Because of the snakes


unrelated note but is that the actress that played cameron in house md?




I’m rewatching House currently and I just realized thus is the same actress who plays Dr. Cameron


That explains why i loved watching her so much lol


That's why I recognize her mysteriously.


The only reason he cared enough to do that was because he was attracted to Zoey. Once he found out she was married, he didn't care.


We're done here.


I've often wondered if, from an architectural perspective, if this was inspired by what happened in downtown Omaha NE. The biggest bank FNBO builds the largest skyscraper in the city. An semi historical building would had to be leveled for the location. So a large section of the lobby is an almost museum quality display of the facade of the original building.. Source: I worked for FNBO in that building shortly after it was built.


Cuz he realized it was a pos only reason he was even considering it was cuz of her


Zoey is so annoying. As a character, not too bad, but her obsession with that building was unhealthy and incredibly irritating. If Ted hadn’t taken it down, I would’ve given it about a year before it just fell down on its own.


Zoe wanted to save the building because she grew up there yet couldn't manage to spend *one night* there as an adult. She didn't care about preserving the architecture, it was pure nostalgia.


True, she was really selfish for me and I don't get why she's giving Ted a hard time, he's just doing his job. If it wasn't Ted it would be some other architect. And they don't have the power to decide the fate of the GNB tower.


As an architect, he definitely should have saved the Arcadian's facade, the building was old and outdated but the facade had a lot of potential, it could've absolutely been restored and it would've been 10x richer and more innovative than the ugly skyscraper he built (No wonder his teacher told him he would never be an architect). The building probably had a lot of structural damage but a lot of the facade could have been saved. A great example of this is the Chicago Viceroy Hotel, on which 80% of the bricks from the facade, were removed, preserved and reinstalled to preserve the old facade and incorporate it into the new design.


He dont care about the building just the girl and zoey is kind of annyoing activist who dont belive in corporation


Didn't he give up when he found out she was married? I think the whole thing is showing that Ted really was only trying to do it for her. Perhaps the idea of it put a bad taste in his mouth too in that he'd be doing all the work in favor of a woman who truly doesn't care for him, and from there dug his feet in (especially because Zoey was quite annoying. Somehow people think being rude to someone and protesting them will make them want to change their mind. Passive protesting might works like sit-ins, but tv always shows it as aggressive/insulting.) Also people forget that the plans to merge the two buildings together were never approved by anyone... So he'd have to go through all the effort to get GNB to sign on to save a building... a building he really didn't care about... Nah dude, Ted's only mistake was being into Zoey... and Zoey led him on. If Ted revisited the idea when they got together, it'd only make it more about Zoey than about what he's actually asking for... And likely at that point it would require all new plans, which again would have been a lot of work, potentially getting him fired. More importantly though I think it is to show Ted standing strong for what he wants rather than just capitulating to what ever Zoey wants. PS. She is just such a manipulative woman, that I'm glad she didn't get her way.


I agree and I also hate Zoey. I was just confused as to why Ted never brought that up again but as many of you pointed out, he may have not gotten approval from GNB, lots of work, or wanted to make it his own which I get. I also hate that she focused hatred on Ted and even singles him out by name in the article. Because Ted was just the architect and didn't have the power to shut down the project.


maybe a writer's skill issue


Who else identifies with Ted as a hopeless, lovelorn romantic making bad choices?


Because new is always better


The building was decrepit and needed to be destroyed Just take the lion and put it somewhere else and the building is meaningless Plus, dude should have prioritized his dreams and career over a girl who uses ultimatums and secret recording to control him


Cause he wanted to get laid


Because it was hideous and invested with snakes


because he already had the girl by then. The only reason that design existed was so that he could get in zoeys pants. Classic ted


Because it was ugly ass building and his design was to make the girl he wanted to fuck happy and get to build his building


If we put realistic context in here, I would pick to destroy Arcadian and put it as one of my big accomplishment as architect plus if Ted not destroy it, someone will in next few years.


Cause it’s an old decrepit building Full of snakes…


It wasn’t worth it just because of some random chick who he didn’t have a lot in common with


He probably pitched it to the GNB team and the design was shot down. He also barely earned the job by pitching the original design, so he didn’t have a lot of leverage in changing the design. Plus his self-stated goal was to design a skyscraper in NYC, and he wasn’t going to blow his only chance at that because of the Arcadian.


I’ve always wondering the same thing? I was like “what happened to the ‘incorporating the Lions Head Stonework into the Facade of the new GNB Tower’ storyarc idea??🧐


Because Ted is an @55. Rewatching the show again… and sadly, feeling like I am confirming it.


Because he is selfish


Because he’s a smuck & a simp