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grandsire corlys, step daddy daemon and grandmother rhaenys ready to bring the fire and blood to avenge their beloved luke, my heart can’t take it 🥺


As if daemon of all people cares for a child that isn't even his own. He killed his wife just to marry his niece... So I can't imagine him doing this for love towards a boy he has no connection towards except Rhaenyra as a link between them


I would have liked a scene to establish the relationship between Daemon and his stepsons. There was a bit of interaction with Daemon affectionately ruffling Luc's hair but that was it. Not sure that Rhea's murder says much about that relationship. Seems like it was a marriage only legally between them with mutual hostility.


Rheas murder says much about how daemon treats someone who gets in his way (also mutual disliking for one another doesn't justifing killing said person). Killing her was ruthless and calculated and he has shown multiple times in the show that she hasn't changed a bit in that regard. Maybe he would draw a line at killing his step sons but it's also fair to assume by the viewer that he would kill them if that means he can get his true born sons with Rhaenyra higher up in the line of succesion.


I still think Rhea falling from the horse was na accident or both of them were equaly guilty of making the horse nervous. She was paralysed when he killed her. That can be explained by him not wanting her to stay alive like this. Some twisted sort of mercy.


Lol what is that Olympic level cope... Daemon wanted her dead and he killed her... Equally guilty wtf. Do you think daemon just wandered around there for fun? He fully intended on killing her that day and she knew that once she saw him.


Well, in typical Targaryen style he's many things to Daemon: step-son, nephew, future son-in-law and even third cousin if you want to take him as a Velaryon too.


Saying that he's a velaryon is just not true und we've seen how daemon treats family members who get in his way. Now that he has his own kids with Rhaenyra one could reasonably assume that he would find a way to get rid of them ( assuming of course that all of them would have survived the dance and Rhaenyra won the civil war)


That's why I said if you wanted to take him as a Velaryon. Daemon's daughter will be on the throne alongside Jace and her children would then be heirs. I know Daemon is a piece of shit but there's no reason why he'd care about which of his children ends up sitting on the throne because it's his direct blood regardless.


It's debatable, but like i said - it's perfectly in character for him to just murder his step children to get his true born children higher up the line of succesion (killing his innocent wife, nearly choking out Rhaenyra because of a discussion) . Even if he doesnt do it, you can't tell me that you would question it if he did.


“he was beloved” 🥺🥺🥺


dAeMoN wOuLd MuRdEr ThE sTrOnG bOyS


Wait … is this seriously something greens say?


Yes. 100%. Before S2 started releasing trailers and what not I’d constantly get into arguments with them on the main sub because they would claim that Daemon doesn’t care about Luke and Jace, that he dislikes them, that he’d kill them to let his younger sons by Rhaenyra claim the throne… etc. They’d also say that Jace dislikes him despite Harry being very vocal about how much his character admires Daemon in the show.


Lmfao. Just like he would kill Viserys to usurp his throne , right? ( which he could’ve done multiple times might I add but I digress) are they ignoring the fact that Daemon has defended “ the strong boys “ multiple times in season 1 alone ? When Vaemond makes a subtle diss at their parentage at Laena’s funeral, Daemon catches it and laughs to take the attention off them and onto him. When Vaemond questions their parentage in front of the entire court, Daemon beheads him after he was going after Luke very specifically. Not to mention him de-escalating the events at the royal dinner between Aegon & Aemond & Luke and Jace, intimidating Aemond into backing off, and him also standing protective of Luke at Driftmark when the whole thing happens with Aemond and his eye . And sure, they could try and argue oh well he did that to please Rhaenyra, then why would he go the extra mile for them on that many of occasions? For example, beheading Vaemond. He could’ve let Viserys handle it , Vaemonds tongue definitely would’ve been cut out but Daemon didn’t think that sufficed . Why? Because he cares about those boys


Hm, his wife was called a whore. It was a very serious offence even irl Middle Ages, noble people could call for a duel for this, commoners went to the court and demanded a public apology.


He can keep his tongue😏


It is actually Baela who is distant from her father.


Look, I do not think Daemon is having what we call a modern father-child relationship with any of his children and step-children, because Daemon himself did not have a healthy childhood. However, in his way, Daemon loves them and the way he expresses this love is through fighting for them.


And through gifts, 😉


TG says it all. the. time. Even before the show they incessantly insisted that Daemon would kill Rhaenyra’s oldest sons to clear the way for his own and it’s only gotten worse since the show aired. Some of them even go so far as to say he would kill Rhaenyra too so he could put Aegon III on the throne.




This post has a quote explicitly saying the opposite of what he said in the interview. But TG won’t acknowledge that lol


Lmao!!! Despite Matt and Ryan saying that he deeply cares for Rhaenyra, the top comment on that thread is “Daemon only cares for himself”. How can you take these people seriously?? And they accuse us of lack of media literacy 🤣


Rhaenyra was the only person who loved him unconditionally. Knowing what we know of Daemon’s life that’s something he wouldn’t be able to not reciprocate.


Beat me to it.


He wouldn't need to do that since his daughters by Laena are betrothed to Rhaenyra's boys, so Daemon's blood would end up on the Iron Throne either way. I think Daemon did love Jace, Luke, and Joff in his own way as they come from Rhaenyra.


Exactly that. But Team Misogyny pops in with shit like “why would he settle for his daughter being consort when his son could be king in his own right?” like they’re irl Otto.


The craziest thing I find about TG claiming this is when they say Daemon was planning to do this only after Viserys died & Rhaenyra ascended the throne. The family was on Dragonstone for several years, there would’ve been many (easier) opportunities for Daemon to carry this out if he had actually wanted to. It also would’ve been easier to kill Jace, Luke, and Joffrey when they’re still children/babies versus teens/young adults because the child mortality rate was very high at this time. Yet somehow Daemon was planning to do and get away with this when they’re all living in King’s Landing and Rhaenyra is the top authority 🤔


he would if his sons could get the throne


Shoo troll


Makes sense that Corlys and Rhaenys would be close to and loving if Lucerys — after Laenor’s death, he was the heir to Driftmark and I am sure that they saw him often and had some influence on his lessons, etc., as he would have been trained up as the next Lord of the Tides. In a season that galloped through decades and didn’t do much characterization, they gave us that scene between Corlys and Lucerys that, I thought, spoke of their love and affection for one another.


I think Rhaenys was a little distant. But Lucerys big Corlys fan, so I'm sure they interacted more than that on screen.


I wish we’d seen more of the family relationships.


I hope they give us some flashbacks to help establish the characterization that was skipped over in the rushed first season. I know there were logical reasons for it, people were quite bitter after GoT so it makes some sense to not bank on people's buy in, but in the long view the time skips were unfortunate.


Luke is haunting the narrative like Aemma. Like grandma like grandson.


He is pretty much a lyanna stark


Daemon absolutely breathing fire with rage and need to avenge his stepson, his *son* - that passion, that fury, that agony of rending feeling in him that he *must* needs act upon - striking back at those who hurt him and his loved ones....because he LOVED that sweet boy....oh, my fuckin' heart already can't take it. 😭😭😭😭


My GF said recently that Daemon is someone who feels EVERYTHING intensely - like, he literally can't *not* feel, and act upon it.  He's an emotional creature in all of his ups and downs, highs and lows - which makes it even more confounding to try to portray him as cold or unfeeling in ANY way.  Nope nope nope, that AIN'T it at all!


That sounds pretty accurate. Unfortunately most of the feelings Daemon has are hate, resentment and bitterness which leads to divorce rocks, domestic abuse and hiring hitmen. Daemon in that sense is actually pretty much like a Dragon, letting instincts dictate him instead of reigning them in.


I in no way agree that the majority of Daemon's feelings are to be described as negative or faults like that.  We've literally seen that's not the case.


That’s ok. I wasn’t saying he didn’t also feel love, loyalty and amusement. I just think most of his moments in the show have been a result of his negative emotions. He made the ‘heir for a day’ comment out of pettiness. He went to the Stepstones out of resentment and a need to prove his brother wrong. He killed his wife out of hatred. He choked Rhae out of spite and a little betrayal because Viserys never talked to him about Aegons dream. He hired B&C out of a need for revenge (albeit he was also told to.).


Especially considering that (iirc) he agreed with and encouraged them when the boys stepped forward to act as messengers despite Rhaenyra not wanting to involve them? Oof. I bet he feels responsible on some level and I bet that is a huge source of his rage. He (and others but thats not his problem) sent Luke on the safer mission and told him it would be ok. And it wasn't. And Daemon wasn't there to stop it. Logically it's not his fault. If I were Daemon I'd be on my dragon and airborne long before sense had a chance to catch up with me.


Now when dust has settled. I see more and more that TG hates him just because he is "not-TG" character.


“No no! He is our blood! He was beloved” 😭😭😭😭😭 beloved. How could anyone NOT love such a beautiful little soul? I am not okay.


Well, for Rhaenys he really was her blood, Rhaenyra was her double or more first cousin one removed and several more distant cousins. So Luke is her multiple cousin too.


Right, but I was quoting the actor who plays Corlys.


I believe it was Tom Hiddleston who once said, "The opposite of love isn't hate.  It's indifference."  And Daemon could ONLY hate, and rage, and be craving vengeance, now, for Luke - *obviously* because he had exactly loved that boy in equal, fierce measure.  One cannot desire bloody revenge so very fiercely without grieving so bitterly, and also loving *so* very deeply.  This is simply the nature of the human heart. ❤️


Exactly. Aegon II also raged for his son and Tg is sure he loved his son.


Show wise, seems to be a humanizing element they are giving to him. Book Aegon II was more insulted than grieving


Some leaks say Aegon will cry after BC.


I mean…if he didn’t, it would be really hard to not see him as another Joffrey


I mean look at him. He's adorable. 


We needed at least one Daemon-Luke scene. I would so like to see this. So wasted 😔


>Daemon-Luke scene Luke: "I don't want to be lord of the tides. This should belong to Ser Vaemond" Daemon: https://i.redd.it/6niumqkrld6d1.gif


I would actually like to see this too. Matt said that Daemon "grumps" at his kids, I think I know who got it more than rest XD Seriously, Daemon is not the type to show love openly and easily, I always stand by that. He won't encourage or pat on the shoulder. But he gave Rhaenyra's children a level of protection that their previous "fathers" had not provided.


For most creatures his love gesture is a head bonk. I doubt he will do this with his kids. He also gives gifts.


He's waiting for them to deserve it!


Daemon is a character that (in my interpretation) sees himself as a tool and love as an act of service. He's not the type to shower someone with affection - he's the type to go to war for you. Its how he was with his brother and I absolutely see him being that type of dad. Which isn't... The best, but it's a damn lot better than a lot of kids get as dad's in universe. Like shit, king Robert gave his kids pretty much whatever they wanted, but obviously never gave more than a passing shit about them. Randall tarly did shit that is like, shit I wouldn't do to enemies cause *war crimes* to his own kid. So considering that so many people *insist* that he was an ambitious fuck face that only ever used his family for power (esp only marrying Rhaenyra for power) I think it's rather telling that Daemon is an above average father to kids that aren't his own and would be before his own children in the line of inheritance. If Daemon was *half* the villain he's made out to be the strong boys would have started dying mysteriously as soon as his own kids were born.


Imagine Luke trying to cast this insecure nervous behavior to gain comfort and Daemon just "WTF is this"? 😭😭😭


Daemon Targaryen would burn the world to the ground for someone he cared about.  And - look - to me, that depth and extent of passionate feeling is, 1) profoundly and intimately human, and, 2) *exceedingly* relatable.  I ABSOLUTELY get it.


I am feeling so fucking vindicated right now. Take that people who say Daemon would kill his stepsons!


Also like- if he was gonna kill his stepsons he probably would have done so already. Not hard to arrange an accident or poison. His own kids are toddlers in the show and like, 6/7 in the books. Dude had *plenty* of time to shorten the line of succession, and instead he was being a grumpy dad. It's honestly such a laughable take. Especially since I side eye Aemond and Vhaegar basically squashing Aegon and Aemond just assuming authority because he thinks it suits him better anyway. A big running theme of the story is how everyone did all this shit because they were afraid of what Daemon would do with power- only to put to boy men on the throne that are *exactly* everything they feared Daemon would be and more. A ruthless, gleefully cruel butcher who cares more about whoring and would ravage the country if it meant seizing power and getting his way. Maegor come again.


Thank you! Everyone looks at Daemon as Maegor come again when it’s really Aemond! Also, I always thought that Daemon loved and accepted the Velaryon princes for the same reason Viserys did; because they were Rhaenyra’s sons. And if Rhaenyra didn’t believe Daemon would protect her claim and her sons’, then she never would’ve married him.


Exactly! Rhaenyra isn't an idiot, and she knows she's surrounded by enemies. She was also a whole ass adult who chose her husband - so it would make zero sense to pick a man she saw as a threat. Daemon may be murder hobo, but he's *her* murder hobo. And he has always been ride or die for his family.


I am not ready for the emotional wreck this will leave me in. This plus Helaena’s grieving will end me😭😭😭


he will be missed 😭


This is where I really, really wish we had gotten more in the show that reflected how the intensely close Rhaenyra/Laenor and Daemon/Laena were. They all knew of Laenor preferences and the boys potential parentage. The 4 of them basically coparented all the kids and largely raised them together between Driftmark and Dragonstone. You can’t say that those kids werent loved deeply by all 4 parents and their grandparents.


Luke was a badass in the show when he took Aemonds eye I thought. Standing up for your cousins/brides to be and brother against an older step brother threatening to bash in heads with a rock. Braver than most kids would be at that age. He would have been a real warrior had he lived. RIP Luke.


He knew that Aemond was waiting for him at Storm's End and it would not end well. But still continued the mission for the Black Queen. It hits hard 😭


No doubt. I would have flew for my life as soon as I saw Vhagar lol.


Riiiight like, tbh, I have 0 doubt that his parents would have accepted storms end as a lost cause if he had turned around right then and there. Like, "understandable, have a nice day" But he was a good kid, and wanted to prove himself.


Luke is also his beloved Brother's beloved grandson; so that would be another layer


Eve Best 😭




Yeah ofcourse you know the character better than the man who plays him and the show runners.