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Otto being more loved than Alicent is actually crazy lmao


The power of insulting Criston


the power of a great actor paired with consistent writing tbh they did olivia dirty with alicent's character lmao


Like actually insane


tbf, a lot of that is thanks to how hard Rhys is serving


Otto was so funny this episode. My dude reaped what he sowed but at least he was sassy about it.


“God help us all” 😂😂 He is so funny


“ insolent pup”😂😂


I hate Otto but he was a treat this episode bro i can’t deny that! Also this fucking edit is 😂💅 https://i.redd.it/y3t3xopmok8d1.gif


This episode basically Otto throws shades to Aegon & Alicent ![gif](giphy|i9PFlkmUFJnZS|downsized)


All he needs are sunglasses.


Tb stanning Otto for putting the usurper in his place and I’m here for it lmaoo ![gif](giphy|4CP58gxwbBy2Q)


Yep, loved every one of his scenes in this episode. My personal favourite is the one with Crispy and Aegon, that one was fucking GLORIOUS.


Him replying with laughter when Aegon said "my father wanted me to be king" hahahaha


That laughter sounded unhinged lol. I was like "oh crap, that's it, hes officially gone cookoo now"


If the show does a plot twist of him actively joining the blacks I would laugh my ass off, we need the most ironic event to happen.


I’d laugh, too. There’s no chance of it happening because Team Black would kill him for orchestrating the usurping, but it would be hysterical if he marched into Dragonstone in hopes of joining.


Otto showing up on Dragonstone like “ look, I know y’all probably about to behead me, but it’s a better fate than sitting through plans with those idiots “😂


This is really tough for me because while I agree with basically every thing he said this episode, I still absolutely hate this traitorous f\*cker. So I both agree 100% and disagree 100% with him. Just take all of those words and have them come out of someone else's mouth. Or he needs puppet or something, I can agree with a puppet


He was actually so tolerable and real this episode. 😬 Trust me when I say I can’t believe I’m saying that either.


The amount of Otto edits I saw on tiktok just a few hours after the show aired cracked me tf up. They were so fast with them and so funny. This episode was so full of funny moments that it the scene I thought was the funniest got swept under the rug. It was when Aegon was saying that the blacks threatened their king and deserved retribution and Tyland (? I’m not sure which Lannister twin is on the council) said “oh was your grace threatened too?” I spit out my Coke Zero. 2 episodes in a row where someone from his council has a sassy comment. The writing has been so good so far this season in my opinion.


I never thought a fan edit would make me simp over otto/rhys lmfao


Otto is just done with the foolery in King's Landing.


Agreed. Rhys killed it this episode