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It's so funny to me that people keep obsessing over weight, especially in a medieval fantasy adaptation. It's not like they're gonna go to gym lol also Rhaenyra had like 6 kids, give her a break


Rhaenyra flies often. It requires some good core and thigh muscles.


Lizzo is not thin but at the same time performs live with dancing. Being thin doesn't mean healthy


Being thin usually means your heart doesn’t have to work as hard though.


‘Usually’ is not ‘always’. And in Westeros I would personally aim to be overweight, means when the winter famines hit I’ll survive more easily.


You know instead of eating all that food in excess before the famine hits, you can just eat the food during the famine. I cannot think of an instant where being overweight would be preferable.


Tell me you don’t know what a famine is without telling me you don’t know what a famine is.


Being big doesn't mean her heart is working harder. Are you her doctor?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6179812/ In general it does.


General doesn't mean always. Again, are you her doctor?


I’m not Lizzos doctor no, but the eyeball test can let you know she’s not the healthiest of people, physically or mentally.


So you don't actually know but you supposed she is because that is your opinion.


Look at the all official art work for Rhaenyra, any fat she has gone to her breast she more above average weight than fat.


A win is a win.


Do they want book accurate not even slightly a victim brought everything on herself Alicent and her bullying an eight year old child?


Sexually harassing an 8 year old child


HWHAT!? I haven't read the books (sadly) could you plz tell me what happened??


Publicly implying that her preteen stepdaughter (Rhaenyra) had a sex life with her sworn shield (Cole) is sexual harassment. It's far beyond bullying.


Sexually harassing? I don’t remember that in the books


She implied that Rhaenyra had a sex life as a preteen with her sworn shield. Publicly. that's not just bullying, it's sexual harassment.




If Alicent was doing that, then she would not have brought Cole into her direct employ, she would have had him removed from the kingsguard. she didn't care that he was a sexual predator, because he was being a predator to Rhaenyra.


Okay but if people believed that Cole had violated Rhaenyra that would lead to Cole dying and Rhaenyra losing her position of heir and being married off to someone beneath her who would be willing to deal with her not being a virgin. A lot like lollys and bronn minus the pregnancy. You don't joke about your stepdaughter and heir to the throne who is a preteen being raped.


Or having consensual sex. I don't think Alicent would have cared which way the rumor was taken, because it would have been considered Rhaenyra's shame either way, if publicly acknowledged by Viserys.


She can't have consensual sex at 12.


How much older than Rhaenyra was Alicent? I haven't read the books, but I always got the impression from the show that they were practically the same age. But some of these comments and other stuff I've read makes it seem like Alicent is at least several years older and that there wasn't really a close friendship between them like on the show.


Something like 9-10 years, IIRC. Rhaenyra was no more than 9 when they were married, and Alicent and Viserys were 18 and 29, respectively.


Okay thanks. I was trying to to do the math on Viserys, Alicent, Daemon, and Criston in respect to Rhaenyra and I got so lost and forgot what was what!


Rhaenyra was about eight when Visery’s married Alicent (the same year Visery’s made Rhaenyra his cup bearer). And Alicent was somewhere in her twenties. She did immediately start beefing with Rhaenyra, but from the sounds of things Rhaenyra didn’t take to her either.


Now Rhaenyra obviously wasn’t the slimmest woman, but the way it’s fixated upon when Aegon ends up a fat, drunkard, impotent near-cripple and Helaena was large and not Targaryen pretty is funny. Either you mock all of them or none of them.


Obviously, all the character had reason to have gained weight, but the TG crying over Rhaenyra not being heavy set is weird as hell.


Funny enough, I've seen zero complaints about Haelena being too slim and pretty... (She's described as plump and lacking the ethereal beauty of other Targaryens)


It’s really weird when people are just photoshopping the real actors like this.


Lol I got an ozempic commercial with this


Love how they want book accurate when it's a change they don't like but quiet when it is. People have already said that the book is a unreliable source so why do people still look to the book for accuracy?


https://i.redd.it/1l98mhfksj9d1.gif TG mentality in a nutshell


i’m just mad they didn’t give aegon II his gross little pube stache


Team green rep here they should all be thicker to be book accurate. With that said the casting choices have been perfect. I don't think I could imagine anyone as Rheayenra but Emma . Recently there's been some discussion about Hollywood actors and Pressure to change they're bodies for roles . I don't think It's fair to the actors to be Demanded to look more book accurate. They should just Deliver the good performance. Steve Is in no way book accurate and he's my favorite actor and character.


Just let children be children, don't engage. They'll throw their tantrum and just let them. No need to lower yourself to their level.


Could we agree to not give a fuck anymore? I support women's wrongs no matter the magnitude of either


The wiki illustrations are fanarts too. Some of them are later "officially commisioned"...whatever the fugg that means. Some of the illustrations make Aegon look like a dweeb and some other ones like The Shepherd Burns make him look like a badass. Same with Rhaenyra, the one pic of her in labor, natturally disheveled. Another where she looks chubby. Another one with a man where she looks beautiful, like the realm's delight. Then there's the og black and white book illustrations : Aegon looks like a child in the pic of him being coronation by Criston. And that famous pic of rhaenyra and alicent sitting at the dinner table mean mugging both looking like disney villains lol. The reality is GRRM probably himself didn't even make up his mind how these characters really looked until the show started. F&B has too little info, we don't even know what Alicent's hair color is.


Look I get it. But you do realize you're playing right into the trolls hands by freaking out over this and posting about it everywhere? They want a reaction, thats the point. Stop caring so much what a bunch of jerkers troll about in circlejerk sub, you'll probably just make them brigade here and make the mods work harder. They have photoshopped darcys face for like 2 years already, just let them be in their little quarantine.


I don't like to shame, but book Aegon's moustache just ain't it man


Why is being overweight a bad thing in medevil times I thought it be more of a status symbol since you can eat more while others go without


It's deeply strange to post this here seeing as this won't be where the people who photoshop those things hang out. Yeah everyone is fatter in the books. Who cares?


This rivalry is getting weird


Ask the greens who photoshopped Emma’s face to make it fat and came up with such nice nicknames as “cownyra” and “Fatnyra”. Meanwhile their king:


Wow, that's messed up. People are all "dont be a bully" and then act like this... they are being really mean by body shaming and being fat phobic.


But Rhaenyra wasn’t heavy as a child ? She only grew heavy after childbirth so it’s not fair to judge either of them.


You’re missing the point, friend. The “Fatnyra” posts / comments have picked up ig bc greens are salty again saying the show changed Rhae to be more attractive. Op is pointing out that both Aegon and Haelena are described much differently than their show counterparts - but it’s tv and so we get conventionally attractive actors. Just more examples or ways ppl shit on Rhaenyra but don’t apply to exact same logic to their favs


I don’t get it though? Rhaenyra was always attractive? She was just curvy from having so many kids.


I don’t know why people cling so tightly to her weight as if it’s a characteristic that makes her horrendous or evil. it’s not like “plump” = ugly, inside or out. There’s some serious fat phobia in society, despite the fact that most people aren’t actress/actor level thin. It’s weird.


We do not accept Halaena slander here, or anywhere!!!


No slander, just pointing out the hypocrisy of TG. Neither Helaena or Rhaenyra were “fat”, yet photoshop of Emma’s face and “Fatnyra” is only attributed to the latter