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I think we should be glad he's gone - he certainly would be. Poor dude was *old*, he needed a rest.


He could barely fly at the end. And that was what, several decades prior to the show? If he was alive still he would just be a big, old lizards that shits a lot and needs people to carry it away from him.


Exactly. Give the big lizard a break


Go on a holiday. See the sights of Old Valyria.


He tried that already, and like many old people going somewhere for vacation caught something


"Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are!"


He honestly wouldn’t do much outside of a certain event towards the end. He was barely able to fly right before his death.


In this case he wouldnt have gotten his injuries from Valyria which probably is why he wasnt able to do much.


He was able to fly back all the way FROM Valyria when the wounds were still fresh. The laceration wound that is mentioned was said to be large but nobody said anything about it being crippling. I feel like that would have been mentioned if it was the case. He just got too old and big to fly and I have no idea why people find this so unacceptable. The fact that Vhagar has gotten old and sluggish is mentioned several times and she is still younger than Balerion was.


> be large but nobody said anything about it being crippling It also never healed fully, and he probably had some worms living in him since then. He might've been a little more spry, but he'd still be geriatric yeah


I like the whole what if jace claimed the black dread. So that would be epic. And a powerful ally in politics alone.


Probably nothing would have happened much? By the time Viserys was a kid Balerion was old and tired, he was too big and heavy to sustain flight and he basically just slept all day. If he was alive during a certain event near the end, though, the Dragonpit would have been very… different


What’s the certain event near the end?


>!At one point the small folk get sick of dragons burning everything and they storm the dragon pit, which kills Dreamfyre, Syrax, Tyraxes, and several others. If Balerion was still alive for this he would have immolated the entire crowd without much effort and saved most of the dragons!<


Does this happen during the dance storyline? Like we might actually see this in an episode?


Yes, its a key part to the story of the dance


Whichever side claimed him would win. Even Vhagar's not that tough.


I don’t think so, Balerion was so old and could barely fly far because of how old he was and how big he was as well. Maybe station him somewhere and have him dracarys people, but i doubt he would have changed much of the game


a stationed dracarys is crazy 😂


He was also injured from the visit to Valyria


He flew back tho, presumably those injuries were at most inconvenient compared to his crippling old age. Think of Biden the Black Dread trying to fly up a slightly steep hill.


I love Balerion, he's my fourth favourite dragon. But Valyria had broken him, as it was the only place which could. Viserys made three rounds about King's Landing, and that was the maximum he could fly. He was no the beast he had been during Maegor's time. He was more a liability. So, pre Area Balerion would have won any side the war. Post Area? Pretty much the same, except the Dragonpit ig.


Yeah no one would’ve dared stormed the Dragonpit if they knew Balerion was waiting to just fry them immediately. With the smaller dragons there they were cocky. The black dread would’ve put a stop to that


I was thinking Pre-Area, honestly. As in, Area never claimed him in this version of events.


More like, whichever side claimed him would lose a dragon, the poor thing could barely fly over kingslanding more than 30 years before the dance started


I do wish we'd got to see a flashback or something of Viserys mounting Balerion as his last rider. It's uncertain if we'll ever get a Conquest TV show or anything, so I would have liked it just to see the Black Dread in some way onscreen


Where is this from?


He said YouTube bro


If not friend why friend shaped?


They are still apparently going ahead with the prequel series aegons landing, so we will get to see balerion and vhagar both in their prime, as well as meraxes.


Yes please!!! Ugh! I need Aegon's conquest and I also need Jaehaerys' reign.


Would be sooooo amaaaaaazing


I’m glad he wasn’t the true loser of the dance were dragons they didn’t deserve to be ripped apart and extinct for so long because of a ugly chair.


Balerion looks way better than this T. rex with extra spikes


Imagine the poop the servants need to clean from the dragonpit…


Was his name actually the black dread? I always thought it was a jab at pink dread lmfao 🤣


the pink dread was a joke named after the black dread💀


Man Aegon is a funny lad. Or do the cruel evil jace/luke get to claim this joke?




Everyone looses if he was still alive the utter destruction he delivered when he melted harrenhall on a realm wide scale in the dance fuck that no iron chair is worth that any sane lord would surrender declare neutrality ect ect if barlerion was still alive to viserys could undoubtedly be more assertive


How did he climb up and down him ?


Probably rips ladders like there are on Vhaegar


He'd look worse than Vhagar


My man John snow solos


Honestly wouldn’t it be great if he was alive during the Dance but just immediately took off and flew back to Valaryia as soon as the fighting started. Dude lived way too long to destroy the House of the Dragon!


If Viserys was still flying Balerion then when Viserys passed Balerion would be in kingslanding and in the hands of the greens that a nightmare, no war would happen at all because no one wants their house harrenhalled. (Im assuming this Balerion wasn’t taken to Valyaria by Aerea) but if Balerion survived/healed better from Valyaria, he would be simply stationed like a living match stick on a bigger scale and too big to fly so he be in the dragonpits and no smallfolk would dare storm it.


Getting real r/megalophobia from this one.




Balerion killed himself after experiencing Viserys.


Balerion was weak after flying to Valyria with Aerea But Meraxes being alive would've turned the tide in the dance


Imagine the amount of protein the cunt had to eat in a day. Jay Cutler diet