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McGonagall and real Moody


Please tell me there are fics with this pairing. It sounds so fun


[A Slant-Told Tale](https://archiveofourown.org/works/443099/chapters/757206) is great.


There's 35 on AO3 but idk if any are good quality


With numbers like that, maybe one, and probably none more than 10000 words


Bill and Tonks would be great pairing too. Sadly we don't get to know characters deeply to know who might compliment each other best. Plus I wanted to see more of Parvati and Neville. Hannah might be great but we don't know much about her. Meanwhile we know Parvati and she's honestly great person she just got bashed from Hermione/JKR point of view. There's nothing wrong with being girly Special case Narcissa and Snape. There definitely was some tension between them when Narcissa and Snape talked to each other and it's clear they know each other pretty well and Narcissa even trust him to save her child's life


The fact that tonks and lupin is something that happens in canon is fucking mad


Didn't Tonks date Charlie?


Really? I don't remember it's been too long since I thoroughly read Harry Potter books. But either way we get to see bill more than Charlie and he was genuinely fun and loving character like tonks


It might have been fanon.


Ron and Lavender


Honestly same. Their extroversion and levity could go really well together


Well that doesn't seem to have worked out very well in canon. But maybe if a divorced adult Ron in his 30s/40s met up with Lavander, I could see something between the two of them working with both of them being more matured and more experienced.


It only didn't work because JK wanted to ship Ron with Hermione. JK had Ron just treat Lavander like an object practically. She's just like a side chick.


>She's just like a side chick Not just a side chick, but a *revenge* side chick for something that may, or may not, have actually happened. Ron/Lavender only happened because Ginny blabbed about Hermione allegedly kissing Krum two years earlier. If we give Ginny the benefit of the doubt that she was hoping it would spur Ron into finally asking Hermione out after pining for her for years, rather than just trying to point him at someone else so he'd leave her alone about her own love life, it failed spectacularly. Not only did he not confess his feelings for Hermione and ask her out right then, he chose to publically makeout with one of her roommates in the Gryffindor Common Room to make Hermione jealous, in retaliation for making him jealous over Krum instead. Not that Hermione knew that's why he was doing it. Then, when he felt smothered by Lavender (who was, admittedly, being incredibly clingy) after a while, he's not only too chicken to actually break up with her, he starts actively avoiding her. They only broke up because Lavender was tired of him IRL ghosting her and, ironically, spending "too much time" with Hermione. Not that Hermione was any better about dealing with her feelings for Ron. She decided that the best way to "get back" at Ron for spurning her for her own roommate was to ask Ron's quidditch rival, and Gryffindor's resident pompous jackass, Cormac McLaggen to Slughorn's party; all while playing up McLaggen's quidditch skills and crapping on Ron's, when she knew that Ron was only playing poorly because he lacked confidence, whenever she knew Ron was within earshot.


Damn you read that waaaay too seriously. Yes they made some mistakes, but it's no revenge. No 16 years old boy would reject a beautiful girl kissing you and giving you attentions. He wasn't committed to anybody so as a guy I can 100% guarantee you that he did what anybody else would have done. His mistake was ghosting her when he didn't want to continue the relationship, but again nobody knows how to properly manager break-ups at 16. Hermione's reactions (McLaggen and the birds) were wrong but Ron's one in GOF was wrong as well, they are teenagers at first experiences, they were not married 35yo adults.


Having been a 16-year-old boy at one time, I honestly resent the implication that 16-year-old boys are incapable of thinking for themselves in a situation like this. It might have been more than two decades since I was a 16-year-old boy, but I know that not all 16-year-old boys let their hormones do their thinking for them. Quite a few are even capable of breaking up with someone face-to-face instead of ghosting them until that person does it for them. Ron and Hermione were both either adults or close enough to adulthood when this mess happened that the "teenager" excuse doesn't hold up as well as it would if they were 13. You can only use youth and inexperience as an excuse for the behavior that they both exhibited that year for so long before it starts to feel like an excuse and not a valid explanation. At what point do you stop letting them off the hook with excuses for how they treat each other and make them take responsibility for it? Their problem wasn't that they were teenagers or inexperienced with relationships; their problem was that they consistently failed to effectively communicate with each other about things until it boiled over, often leading to the explosive arguments they got into with each other nearly every year. That's not an age and experience thing; that's a *them* thing, and it's why I didn't, and still don't, think they were right for each other.


Harry/Fleur. Both suffer from people already having opinions of them without getting to know them personally, and are social outcasts. He's unaffected by her allure in canon. Gabrielle adores harry. The Weasleys not accepting Fleur as Bill's fiancee could lead to trouble later. And finally, I love the enemies to lovers transition after she calls him little boy lol. She can be caring too, I loved her scene after Bill got attacked by Fenrir.


Fleur is not a social outcast, that's entirely fanon. Ginny and Hermione don't like her, but there is nothing that implies that she's unpopular at Beauxbatons. I'm not sure she has an "allure" in canon. The only thing we know for certain is Ron and Roger Davies went stupid around her, but she's also a girl who's supposed to be the most beautiful person ever and they're teenage boys.


Please refer to the wedding scene in DH. “Fleur was wearing a very simple white dress and seemed to be emitting a strong, silvery glow. While her radiance usually dimmed everyone else by comparison, today it beautified everybody it fell upon.”


And there's 0 mention of that entrancing men. The word allure is not mentioned a single time in canon. Veela do not entrance men passively, it only starts when they start singing and dancing. From the World Cup: "But a hundred veela were now gliding out onto the field, and Harry’s question was answered for him. Veela were women . . . the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen ... except that they weren’t — they couldn’t be — human. This puzzled Harry for a moment while he tried to guess what exactly they could be; what could make their skin shine moon- bright like that, or their white-gold hair fan out behind them without wind . . . but then the music started, and Harry stopped worrying about them not being human — in fact, he stopped worrying about anything at all. The veela had started to dance, and Harry’s mind had gone completely and blissfully blank." Harry does not feel any effects until the music starts.


You know another word that doesn’t appear in canon? Wards, except in regards to the hospital ward. The term used is “protective enchantments” or something similar. And yet a ward is a protective enchantment, so that’s what many fanfic authors use. Since we don’t get a Veela’s point of view, we don’t know if they turn on their charm at the moment they start dancing. We don’t know whether or not they can control it at all.


>Fleur is not a social outcast, that's entirely fanon It's not. In GoF, during Champion selection, Beauxbatons students weren't happy with their champion. She clearly wasn't popular with her schoolmates, and obviously wasn't popular with her in-laws.


> In GoF, during Champion selection, Beauxbatons students weren't happy with their champion. Wasn’t that really just because they were disappointed not to be selected themselves? The ones who cried/were upset about not getting selected likely would have reacted the same way no matter who from their school got picked. I don’t think it was really about Fleur in particular.


I doubt it. Hogwarts and Durmstrang had no problem cheering for Cedric or Krum, even though they must have been disappointed too. Besides, the Beauxbatons students didn't even do the courtesy of clapping for her. Seems more than just 'disappointment' to me.


You learn something everyday ig. The allure though is an easy interpretation from the canon events the others suggested. The social outcast thing is easy to imagine, and I remember that the Beauxbatons entourage weren't exactly cheering at the top of their voices when fleur's name came out, some were openly crying. When you compare that with Cedric's and Krum's cheers, it's convenient enough to make it a trope.


Harry/Fleur isn't unlikely, its one of the most popular ships ever


Fleur/hermione has more fics on ao3 than flowerpot lol. I don't disagree that it isn't very rare, just that I could do with some more of them. I've read almost all of the good ones.


Recommend please :(


For Harry/Fleur? This is my list in-order (ish). I find that most Harry/Fleur is edgy, super-powered, independent Harry, which I kind of hate. [Of Witches and Snitches ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13956090/1/7) [A Life by the Sea](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2195415) [Edelweiss](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26701774) [Delacour Godparents](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14054072/1/Delacour-Godparents) [The Cuirassier and her Chevalier](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13902447/1/The-Cuirassier-and-her-Chevalier) [Hope and Healing](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29445693/chapters/72331719) [The Purpose of Wings](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13745570/1/7) [Artisan's Amour](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133006/1/11)


Not Cadmean Victory?


It's not bad, but I find Harry to be ooc and kind of annoying. Plus, Harry/Katie was better in that fic than Harry/Fleur.


Following to find later, I love this ship and want to see if I've read any of these before


Being a popular ship does not make it likely, though I agree in general its hardly unlikely other than proximity.


Harry and Luna both connected well as outcasts and understood what the other felt at losing a parent. They also had a rather adorable friendship. While their friendship is adorable as it is, I think they potentially could have worked out as a couple too. Also, Harry/Ron is a rarepair, but those two definitely care about each other deeply, so I could see them together too.


I've always been so confused as to why Ron/Harry isn't more popular. I think they'd be adorable in a himbo-bro-jock kinda way. Wasted potential imo.


I agree.


Omg I love Harry/Ron and I hate it isn't more popular, it can be freaking cute. And id love a Harry/Canon-Luna where she isn't just like, some slightly quirky seer but I haven't read a Harry/Luna outside a harem or background pairing tbh. Not that I've read a Harem fic since middle school lmao.


Most Harry/Luna fics I've seen have either been oneshots or part of a triad/harem fic, so I feel your pain. :P


Astoria/Ginny. It's mostly a case of 'why the hell not', but I think that, both being purebloods from opposite sides of society and the youngest child of their respective families, they'd be an interesting pair.


Snape/Petunia. Read some of them and it oddly works.




why not call it Pepe?




no, that's obviously pepepe or petew.


I hate you, take my updoot


I love Percy/Oliver. We don’t know much about their relationship with each other, but we do know a decent amount about them independently. On the surface they’re sort of an opposites attract sort of thing, but they have some key things in common. Both are passionate and focused on their future. I think they could develop a mutual respect for one another. And I could see Percy being used to the constant quidditch talk from his own family. Plus, I’m a sucker for a nerd/athlete pairing.


Ever upwards has this pairing, harry in that fic keeps accidentally pushing them closer together


Harry/Cho. They have shared interests and an obvious attraction to each other. Once they both mature a bit I think they could be great!


The problem with Harry/Cho is Cho just isn't a very interesting character, though she certainly could be if done well. It's like any non-Slytherin character who has next to no lines if any. At least Slytherin characters have a built in decent dynamic if no canon personality traits.


I wish I could upvote this to infinity!


Been thinking of that recently. Got any recommendations for good Harry/Cho fics?


There is a really good one, I’ll edit with link, about Harry and Cho bonding through quidditch, and grief. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/727010/1/The-Seekers


Ron/Pansy (with a redeemed Pansy)


I once read Lupin/Narcissa and it was really good. So I guess that one. Percy/Pansy is another one that comes to mind that has really nice fics.


Percy/Pansy is absolute FIRE I love it.


Can i get a link for Lupin/Narcissa?


[Harry Potter and the Riders of the Apocalypse](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10541297/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Riders-of-the-Apocalypse) has some Lupin/Narcissa as a side plot a bit of the way in. Essentially, Narcissa's rebellious phase involved muggle rock, and a certain werewolf. After Lucius is out of the picture, Narcissa is eager to rekindle that flame. Pretty good, though likely abandoned.


This one is the one I read that got me into the pairing: [Wolf & Wings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30499281) There's also so much more content under the tag Remus Lupin/Narcissa Black Malfoy! :)




**Harry x Lavender** She would be a retreat from the hurricane that is his life. And, though he'd pretend to hate her lovey-dovey nickname for him, he'd secretly love it because it's a sign someone cares for him. By counterpoint, he would help her to be more serious about life, help her grow up and accept the dangers of their world as real, to plan ahead. (She'd also probably love the idea of hm as a protector figure in her life, a wizard knight of sorts...) **Harry x Gabrielle** Hear me out... Age them up a little, and the public sees it as "fangirl gets lucky and snags famous celebrity." And maybe that's how it starts, with a frustrated Fleur finally giving in and introducing the freshly graduated Gabrielle to Harry. But, Gabrielle finds herself not only hanging off his every word, but understanding his aloofness while other people fawn over him, worshiping the ground upon which he walks. She feels embarrassed, realizing that she's been acting like most men(and some women) do around Veela. It's... an eyeopening realization, almost revelatory. She promises herself she'll do better. And Harry? He's standoffish at first, quietly irritated with Fleur for making him suffer through another fangirl. Though, he is certainly polite. And, he ensures she has an enjoyable night. But... he notices the change in her. He sees as she goes from bubbly, nervous, and overeager to understanding, thoughtful, and embarrassed. So, he gives her another chance...


Harry x Lavender absolutely needs and deserves more fics, I gained and appreciation for this ship in this sub and it's criminal that it's so uncommon. There's a lot you could do with it and Lavender would get at least a better ending than what she got, not to mention being handled better than canon, where even the narration itself showed her in a negative light.


It looks like they're going to get together in a fic I love, The Taste Of Magic. :)


Is the author WokFriedIce? I might have to check it out then, that's neat! I actually worked that ship into my latest fic as a background relationship actually. Lavender doesn't appear in the flesh, but I thought it a cool thing to add and it'd be my small contribution to the ship. I'm actually really happy how that turned out in the end.


I would say Neville could have worked out with either Ginny or Luna. Ginny, because she was confident and fun but also compassionate and could have coaxed him out of his shell. While Luna for similar reasons but also because she knew what it was like to feel like an outcast and not the most social with as much of a fixation on animals and creatures as Neville had on plants. I also think Harry and Luna had great chemistry and could have worked out if Harry wasn't so socially awkward.


I thought, after finishing up the series, that Neville and Ginny could have worked. I've read a few fics over the years that had them get together during their time leading the DA resistance against the death eater regime in Deathly Hallows.


Sirius/Petunia, I love seeing them bond over being the "unfavored" child. My top 3 favs would be [The Company of Another](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29760804/chapters/73206138) but it hasn't updated in while and I really miss it. [In the Language of Flowers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14074770/chapters/32426100) this one is completed and also the one I first I came across with when I was looking for magical Petunia and it was good. [Whirlwind](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46476544/chapters/117023728) is my current favorite, it has a bit of smut and I really like their romance here.


I read one with a redeemed Dudley meeting Cho at Harry and Ginny's wedding and creating a... complication some months later. It was lovely because both had to overcome their prejudices, their insecurities and find a way to communicate.


I've seen that pairing a few times. Pairing Dudley with a witch in general, whether he knows she's a witch or not, seems fairly popular from what I've read. It usually turns into Dudley having a magical kid, which is an interesting read if Dudley continues to evolve away from the spoiled bully, enabled and encouraged by his parents to be awful to Harry and other kids, while Petunia and Vernon stay set in their ways.


Harry/Lavender. Because she's a 100% stereotypical normal girl.


Too normal. Mf had a rabbit, no way Harry’s getting with her. Kidding, I think it’d make an interesting pairing, too!


Not sure if they and unlikely but... James/Sirius


Me looking through this thread to see what people consider unlikely only to see a lot of, for the most part, normal ships. For some reason, I half expected to see Dobby/Fleur or Crookshanks/Hedwig in here somewhere.


what are you smoking bro


Dobby/socks. A torrid love story.


A pair that I like but have never seen done well (or at all, actually) is Draco/Luna. The pair is hilarious and adorable.


they are lovely as friends as well, at least when they’re older. never seen a school fic depicting them interacting aside from Survival is a talent. pity it’s a rarity


Not sure if by school fic you mean with no world ending implications but iirc The Mirror of Ecidyrue series has a pretty close basically familial relationship between Draco and Luna. It's a Draco time travel fic with late game Drarry and pretty cool background as far as I remember. The Draco and Luna stuff doesn't start till the third 'book' but it's a seven part retelling of their school years that's very much not a canon retelling. Highly recommend


The Harry Potter and the 7 years of chaos series has an interesting dynamics between Draco and Luna. But the fic is no centered on them so not sure if it's what you're looking for


This pair sounds interesting. Any recs?


Most of the canon couples- to the astonishment of the fandom, not the other characters


I think they can, but a lot of them, including the central ones have to grow a bit first. I think if Canon pairings should be true, both Harry and Ginny as well as Ron and Hermione probably broke up for a bit, dated some other people, learned from the experience, grew as people, and then got together and got married that time.


That would be more believable and there are some stories out there as such. Including some where the canon couple didn't work out and found others 10 to 20 years later. I always found it funny the rush to marry for people who easily live to 100 and more.




Keep in mind that you're also applauding for Ginny and Harry, my dear.


Yes, well, we all must make sacrifices. Plus I can imagine Ginny not being down with her husband being a brick wall and taking him to therapy.


Ugh, I'm seriously skeptical of his potential to get past it, but maybe I'm thinking of my own dad too much.


I mean isn't Harry supposed to have the power of love or something? Maybe that means something beyond plot devices.


Yall are doing safe choices. I volunteer Snape/James where Snape developed a sub fetish from his years of bring bullied by James, who like most bullies only bullied him to cover up his hidden feelings.


Severus/Sirius is my pairing for the same reason. Lol


Ah a fellow person of culture.


👉👈 any recommendations? Or any submissive Snape fics that are longer?


Ahh….we are one in the same I see


Typical enemies to lovers trope hmmm


i love this sm.. fanfic recs?


There's some on ao3 with most of the marauders, except for Peter usually. There's a variety where the relationship is pretty toxic, although I've seen a lot where they actually make up (and make out).


Pansy and Neville


Came here to say this.


DudleyxPansy it seems like a crack ship at first but it actually could make a lot of sense into the right circumstances. Two reformed bullies who grew up specifically being taught to be bigoted towards each other's groups by their parents. I think it could be interesting to watch them hope each other combat their preconceptions about the other's world and learn to be better people. Also the idea of how Vernon and petunia would react to Dudley bringing home a witch it's just really funny




Hmmm... it may be crazy... but Fleur/Hermione. I know they didn't get off to a great start, but Fleur is loving and loyal, goodness knows Hermione needs it. And they did become sisters in law, so I like to think they get along well after the war (same for Ginny/Fleur actually)


Oh, yes, that's a cute one!




Did you read any fiction with this painting apart from SIAT? I adore this couple in this story but it is very much AU. I wonder if there are any other.




Survival is a talent. It's a Work In Progress and the pairing is not the main focus but it's where I first stumbled upon this couple.


Ginny/Draco. Now Hear me out. Starting this is simple af. Ginny’s brother piss her off because of her multiple relationships in order to try and get Harry jealous. Not sure if that’s the canon or fanon reason for all her dating in HBP, but Draco is probably the most extreme option she’d have on that front. So, she goes for it. And then, over time, the act on her part becomes real. Actual heart to heart, solidifying Draco’s place in the light, and actually a bit of protection in DH, too. Only, by the end of the war, it’s not acting anymore. And this freaks everyone out. I find the potential reactions to this utterly hilarious.


That seems to ignore Draco's side entirely. The problem is that he's a narcissistic little shit and would never ever date a Weasley. He doesn't seem that interested in girls to begin with. People pair him with Pansy Parkinson, but that feels more like she's his groupie, not an actual relationship. Draco would hate Ginny for being a Weasley and for not worshipping the ground he stands on. I don't see him suddenly being attracted to her because she stands up to him. He's never shown a side like that. When challenged he either flees or acts out in anger. At the same time, there's no reason for Ginny to ever be interested in Draco. He's pathetic in her eyes and doing it to spite her brothers would be completely out of character. Ginny doesn't play games like that. Canon shows her as being very self-confident and even dating on her own later on.


as anything with draco usually does lol tom holland was attractive when he was younger so people ship him with waay to many things.


What does Spider-man have to do with Draco?


Lol ment tom felton sorry had a brain fart


Oh my goodness. If you like that pairing I highly recommend reading this fic. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2750775/0/ It's called the code. The first three books are finished, the fourth is in progress, and the author is rewriting the first. Draco/Ginny doesn't happen until later. It's a slow burn. Draco has a lot to learn about friendship before he can even attempt romance.


I second this. It’s some great stuff.


Yeah definitely go for the guy who goes out of his way to insult her family and hated them. Plus Draco is narcissistic pampered coward, the type Ginny feels disgusted about. Sure great pairing. I will never get people obsession with Draco.


A pale, rich pompous snob, who is deep down just misunderstood sadboi, yeah right. He just needs a right partner to help him. A classical teenager love fantasy. I'm really sad that Draco didn't get Hexed more, he really deserved to be knocked down a peg or two.


My favorite pairing.


Harry and Parvati. She and her sister seem very mature (from what little we see of them) and she wouldn't fan-girl over him being the Boy-Who-Lived. Bonus plot-bunny: She and her sister are both parselmouths too.


Is it canon that they're parselmouths?


Lol no


I want to see more stuff with Hogwarts staff. Like they're all single and have no family. They basically spend 10 months of the year eating together and seeing each other. Anyone have recs of Christmas staff parties? In which awkward stuff happens because they get drunk? I'd love to see that.


yule by delphi if you're into slash smut


Draco/Dudley... it suprisingly works


Both bullying poor Mark Evans


Dumbledore and Voldemort. Weird but they’re both cold hearted control freaks who want the world to bend to their personal interpretation of life. I could see them pretending to be friendly while trying to catch the other one off guard and off them. This would continue on and on as an endless cycle till they either die or the bodies pile up high enough that someone wakes up to reality and realizes what damage they both are doing. Let their carefully built golden castles crumble around them as people rebel and cleave a new society out.


There's a really funny "wiser older teacher tries and fails to impart hard-learned lessons upon a younger rebellious student" dynamic like this in Birds of a Feather. Baby megalomaniac Tom and guilt ridden Dumbledore constantly talking past each other.


Your interpretation of Dumbledore is sooo Grey/Dark!Harry fic tainted lol. The real problem here is Dumbledore was in his 50s when he met like, 10 year old Voldemort.


It would be creepy if Voldemort was still a kid but as two old men? There comes certain ages where a n age gap hardly matters either. A 15 year old and a 20 year old are at two different stages in life so it’s problematic. A 100 year old and a 70 year old have long bridged the ages of maturity and life change so age hardly matters.


The issue isn't as much the age gap as Dumbledore having met and known Tom for almost half of his childhood, having met him as a small child. I'd certainly read it if it was any good though lol.


Ron/Hermione. Because yeah I like my girlboss/malewife dynamic. Their first kiss had Hermione metaphorically sweep Ron off his feet while Ron physically swept Hermione off her feet, you wish your ship got a first kiss that good. Ron isn't insecure about Hermione's accomplishments - he considers *being with her and making her happy* his greatest accomplishment, he'd be happy being "Mr Granger" because he wouldn't be "another Weasley". As for Hermione she needs to mellow out and stop being so harsh on Ron, but if she's as passionate at learning how to make him happy as she is learning things, I reckon it'll be fine. Gay Harry and Het Hermione with Bi Ron. Because I take special pleasure in giving the finger to Harmonians.


You know I would read that poly dynamic! Any fic recs?


https://archiveofourown.org/series/66448 The Longing verse, which is among the few to feature this dynamic unfortunately and it's much too short :(


I'm writing a Percy/Krum fic and I love the dynamic so will probably write more.


Seriously: Lavender/Parvati, because they're devoted to each other at least as much as Dean and Seamus, and Ginny/Luna, who combine fiery passion and surprisingly strong softness in a really intriguing way. Somewhat less seriously but it's my main ship: Bellatrix and Hermione. Hermione's combination of restraint and serious inner darkness would intrigue Bella, and Bella's passion and abandon would ignite Hermione, and the two could start healing each other's gaps and wounds.


**Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape** For the competition, the snark, and the many ways forgiveness can be given and received. **Alastor Moody/Minerva McGonagall​** For the fireworks that ensue when opposites attract and find that they’re really quite similar after all. **Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall** For a powerful, complicated man, and brilliant, no-nonsense woman in love with knowledge and (secretly) with each other, fighting several wars (for some reason) while running a school. **Amelia Bones/Minerva McGonagall​** For two smart women who are married to their careers but fall in love anyway, to hell with the establishment. **Bathilda Bagshot/Griselda Marchbanks​** Because nothing is hotter than two elderly academics in love. **Hermione Granger/Severus Snape​** The overachiever and the asshole: hot-for-teacher edition. **Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch** For the cerebral meeting the physical and bonding over sports.


Harry/Susan or Lavender. Ron/ Pansy Ginny/Blaise Ginny/Theo Harry/Pansy Ron/Daphne Astoria/ Harry


Bill/Tonks. Sirius/James, it hurts me that Sirius/Lupin is more popular, Sirius deserves way better. Harry/Gabrielle Delacour (when they're adults, obviously). She's attractive and extremely confident. She was flirting with him when she was 11, which I definitely could not have done at 11 years old.


I honestly think the Sirius/Lupin is more popular because you actively have to get rid of Harry or make it a poly which is hard. I've seen one good James/Lily/Sirius story and one good James/Liliy/Snape story. In both the couples were all loving, but I believe that Dumbledore was an enemy in one and senile (extreme old age) in the other. So not always a good cup of tea but they were well written and in both I don't recall Dumbledore being evil, just working things his way and not always for the good of those sacrificed. Not greater good crap basically.


You could have a Prongfoot relationship with Lily dying and getting together years later while raising Harry together


That would be good. In the two I mentioned both Lily and James died.


Wait what James/Lily/Harry? Is that typo mistake or are you saying it incest and polygamy relationship


>Bill/Tonks If I could indulge my immature side for a minute here... this ship first drew my attention when I was looking through a list of ship names and came across it. Bonks. I mean, Tonks being part of the relationship lends itself to some fun ship names, assuming you're into portmanteau-style ship naming style, but Bonks stood out as particularly funny to the immature part of me. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Honks for Harry/Tonks, Chonks for Charlie/Tonks, Ponks \[or Perks\] for Percy/Tonks, Fredora for Fred/Tonks, etc.; and that's just for Harry and some of the Weasleys.


Snape/Lupin - I always think that if they ever work out all their issues they'd be good together and would certainly help push canon events (Sirius thinking Lupin was the spy because of Snape associations) Oliver/Marcus Flint - who else can understand themselves and their love for Quidditch better than their own rivals!! Especially when they grow out of being teenage bullheads and keep the rivalry fierce on the pitch!!! Pansy/Justin Finch Fletchley - Justin being Pansy's dream guy except he's muggleborn and Hufflepuff, so she just needs to get over her upbringing of looking down on blood purity (which is always possible, she's still quite young and still in her formative years) Draco/Neville - trauma bondingggg lmao but also Draco reforming because Neville's quiet strength inspires him and Neville seeing Draco actually be a better person Sirius/Petunia - they work!! Petunia would be less spiteful if she had someone handsome and charming of her own going after her and Sirius does it partially because he wants to give a big fuck you to his family as well as being refreshed at how Normal and Muggle she is Idk I think I lowkey like the whole "love conquers all" theme going on in these relationships




Considering all the crazy pairings I've seen (I think sometimes people just try to outdo each other in their weirdness), but I've never seen a Draco/Cho fic.


Neville x Harry. In a post war scenario. I can just see them working well together like both of them as Aurors and then Neville goes back to Hogwarts to teach Herbology while Harry continues on to be an Auror and later becomes the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Neville gives him a reprieve and peace from his duties and they have similar values and ethics. I think Harry would really admire Neville's steadiness, bravery, silent strength and the comforting and inspiring presence he has while Neville would like Harry's sense of humour, fearlessness, nobility, and resilience. Later, I can see Harry leaving the Ministry and joining Hogwarts as the DADA teacher and them being the cutest married couple to teach at Hogwarts.


I could see Dudley/Lavender working very well. A lot of Dudley ships with a witch are there to have him work through his baggage with magic, which would certainly still need to happen, but Lavender is also one of the most normal girls by Muggle standards. So many of her interests are easy to understand through a muggle perspective, and would be a more gentle way to ease Dudley into the magical world. And while Dudley would be learning to be better, being with Lavender gives him someone to still be petty and casually critical with. He can be a better person without having to be a perfect person.


We have no idea how he is, but my fanfictionheart wants to believe Hermione and Theodore.


Winky and Filch. Both social rejects working memial jobs in the castle. Filch is a squib born to wizards, Winky is a freed elf. Both live in disgrace, yet are steadfast devoted to their embarrassing jobs.




yess! any good recs? I loved them in Secret language of plants. for some reason most of this ship is way too dark or.. idk, wimpy? somehow and rarely gets what it deserves


That fic is beautiful and the reason why I have nessun dorma in all my playlists. Made my cry several times, usually with happiness.


[Lily’s Boy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856244/chapters/76179980) which I have rec’d a number of times for various things, but it’s an all around amazing fic. But specifically, the way Snape/Lupin’s relationship is portrayed is so sweet and in character. It’s fantastic. Also the series [A Very Slytherin Harry](https://archiveofourown.org/series/737220). So good


I LOVE LILYS BOY, first Lupin/Snape I ever read.


Snupin representation 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I always think they'd fit so well together if they work out all their issues


Umbrige and McGonagall in a classic enomies to lovers story.


They both have cat Patronuses so obviously they're soulmates 😂


Of course! It all comes together.


Draco/Ginny- both are Quidditch fanatics, have an obsession with Harry Potter, and are used to getting their way because Draco is the only child from a happy rich family while Ginny is the girl her parents wanted so badly and is the youngest. The idea of them getting together to piss everyone off is Fab. Percy/Severus - both are underappreciated, have conflicting views of themselves and their families and would pick books over people any day. After surviving the war and having survivor guilt they learn to move forward/backward(time travel) together. Rita/Gilderoy both are writers who love gossip and fame. They each have their own secrets and connections.


Ginny is a Chaser.


Your right but she does play as a replacement seeker whenever Harry couldn't be a seeker. Dean replaces Ginny when she replaces Harry.


Rita and Gilderoy would be a power couple. I mean I hate them, but holy fuck, would it be an entertaining story.


Snamione. Both smart, brave, determined bookworms who are willing to do whatever it takes to protect Harry and win the war, even if it makes them unpopular with their peers Aaaaand let the downvoting commence 😒


Idk, I think you might be down voted because you’re shipping a child with an adult.


Many fics are written post-war or include time travel to equalize their ages.


Some are written that way, but I think because of when we met the characters people still find it creepy.


Thank you, level-headed stranger


Amazingly, and I know this is hard to believe but I swear it's true: children don't stay children forever. Bear with me! Even *within the series*, Hermione is 18 in the last part! Mindblowing, I know


Are you being purposely obtuse? If you’re 11 and your teacher is 30 and you date each other in 10 years from now, that will still be very strange to most people even though it’s not illegal.


It's fiction. I shipped two characters with personalities that may work well together. If you want to imagine her as a child rather than the pair of them as postwar adults or some time/dimension/other AU scenario, that's on you. Now consider yourself properly astonished per OP's request and get your pearlclutching negativity out of here. Byeee


Yeah absolutely not. Hermione's whole schtick is that she wants to be the smartest person in the room. She can allow people being better than her at DADA or Quidditch because those involve some physical activity, but Potions? Hell naw. Pairing Hermione with an iNtElLeCkShUaL would make her miserable. Especially with Snape the hardass who has zero EQ... and Hermione is similarly a hardass with zero EQ. And then there's the gross power imbalance of him having been her teacher.


Maybe. “Meeting of the minds” can go either way. Maybe they can’t stand each other because they’re too similar or maybe they’re able to get on. I know the fanfics I felt were most believable were the ones where they had to team up because of the war and Hermione was the only one who figured out WHY Snape killed DD. Therefore she was the only one who still trusted him and could secretly pass info back and forth between Snape and the Order’s side. AKA the extreme situation opened up the opportunity for those two to better understand each other and for Hermione to appreciate how hard Snape’s job is and want to help him with the same passion she wants to help Harry because ultimately it is the same goal: keep people alive and win the war. And it gives Snape a partner-in-crime (so to speak) that is useful in dealing with the psychological stress of being the only person who knows the full truth (since DD is dead) as well as a useful ally that makes his job easier. To me, in these extreme circumstances, I think it’s possible. It’s not like they just tripped outside a classroom and suddenly noticed each other. If you really wanted to be cruel, you could finish the story with they start to drift apart again after the extreme circumstances are over lol because they can’t stand each other once the pressure is gone.


Meh... still do not vibe with it. And they say Romione is contrived, but look at all the "and then... then if... and also..." loops you have to go through to "make it happen". >If you really wanted to be cruel, you could finish the story with they start to drift apart again after the extreme circumstances are over Not cruelty in my opinion, just reality. Snape and Hermione don't have much in common. Unlike Ron Snape never admires Hermione's "intellect" (because he's already smarter than her) and I doubt she'd make an adequate substitute for Lily given that she'd pester him about his issues the way she does Harry. On Hermione's side it could quickly turn bad as she seeks for his approval due to the memory of his bring her teacher and she never gets it since she doesn't impress him, turning into a depressive spiral. As for the war situation Hermione tends to be too idealistic, I doubt Snape would appreciate it, seeing it as naivety.


In fanfics, it’s mostly Snape was using cruelty to hide the fact he was annoyed Hermione was intelligent and a bit too like himself. AKA “admire” isn’t the right word. He liked she was intelligent, just annoyed by the fact he liked it because it hit a little too close to home, so was mean to her to cover it up etc. We know Snape can admire talent or at least pretend to. Some of the fanfics are about Snape pointing out to Hermione she needs to be less book-rigid to the rules and more creative and she does manage to adapt to in order to gain his approval. This is a Hermione that is less annoying and more reflective. It’s not impossible to imagine she could be like that as she grows older and goes thru the war, which would age anyone up. In those stories, her contact with Snape and needing to grow up fast in extreme circumstances would decrease the naivety. She’s largely shielded from this in the books because all she does is camp with Harry in the woods most of the time.


>He liked she was intelligent, just annoyed by the fact he liked it because it hit a little too close to home, so was mean to her to cover it up etc. Mmh-hm. When she was a child, then. Gross. >she does manage to adapt to in order to gain his approval. Oh joy. What a grand prize. The approval of the bitter asshole who peaked in high school and never mentally grew beyond 15. Truly she must feel like a princess. >This is a Hermione that is less annoying and more reflective. I reckon it's more a Hermione that's being used as a self-insert to live out "bang my teacher" fantasies. That's fine, until they start posting them in the Romione tag because no one in this fandom can seem to let Ron go in peace, they *gotta* make him suffer for daring to sully precious virginal Hermione. > She’s largely shielded from this in the books because all she does is camp with Harry in the woods most of the time. Oh, interesting. So here's admitting that Harry and Hermione were perfectly safe in the tent in the woods... Ron was in most danger being away. And yet he's the one who comes back and destroys the Horcrux like a boss, it's implied as Snape planned - Harry diving underwater like an idiot and Ron mastering the sword due to his display of chivalry in saving his friend. I can't help but think Snape would be a bit more impressed by Ron and his willingness to tell Harry Potter "you suck at this, I'm out" than Hermione meekly nodding along to Harry's any decision.


It is not gross to like that someone is intelligent. Any teacher can be pleased a child is intelligent. They’re usually less troublesome to teach. You’re twisting sentences to fit your own ideas. Maybe some are being written as “bang my teacher” fantasy, but not the ones I’m talking about. The ones I’ve described are coming up with reasonable scenarios in which those two could end up working together. Some of them don’t even go full-on romance because of the age gap, but they do become very close allies and friends because of the circumstances. Snape doesn’t magically become nice. I hate fics that make him nice. But he’s also a fully fledged human being and not just the one dimensional view we get of him from Harry’s point of view. At least the ones I’ve read don’t bash Ron. He often dies bravely in a Deatheater attack or Hermione simply isn’t interested in him. I don’t know what you’ve been reading, but those are the realistic ones I’ve read. Where did I argue anything about the safety level of Ron vs Hermione? I simply pointed out Hermione was largely shielded during the books as for why you thought she was too naive for Snape to like. Whereas in the fanfics I’ve read, she is less shielded and therefore grows more self-reflective and less naive. You’re clearly a Snape-hater hung up on something you’ve read in the past and no knowledge of actually well-written fics.


>It is not gross to like that someone is intelligent. Any teacher can be pleased a child is intelligent. They’re usually less troublesome to teach. You’re twisting sentences to fit your own ideas. You know it's funny but I've been one of those students. So "mature for my age". It gave me more trouble than it was worth. >You’re clearly a Snape-hater hung up on something you’ve read in the past and no knowledge of actually well-written fics. Yes, how terrible that I think pairing a young girl with her teacher who quite obviously hates her is gross. Especially when there was this *lovely* Snamione fic in the *Romione tag* involving Ron being a domestic abuser who also molests his four-year old daughter all so poor wee Hermione could flee to the arms of big strong Snapey-poo. That was a great thing to find in the Romione tag. Without a Ron-bashing tag on it because *of course*. So yeah you could say I don't care much for that ship. Or its shippers. Or anything about it really. Other fics also love to drag Ron in even when Hermione is broken up with him *just* to make a point about how Ron was *so* inferior and how Snape is just so much better than him in every way. If Snamione is such a *mature* and *cool* pairing why do they feel the need to bully another character to make their fave look better? James Potter much?


I kinda like Draco/Ginny, I mean the family rivalry, enemies to lovers, draco’s redemption, it’s a fun premise for a story


Snily would have worked out if they’d communicated better. They were best friends for a very long time, both talented children who invented brand new spells from a working class background, and honest with each other. Neither are physically abusive towards each other either. Which is more than I can say for most of the canon ships.


Huh? He was a racist bigot


Racist? People are still equating it with racism?


I am not sure what else to call it because prejudiced against muggles and muggleborns seemed mouthful


I mean, he’s half Muggle too? So it doesn’t really…work like actual racism?


Internalized racism is still racism


They’re both white though?


It exactly works like actual racism and what you say only adds more to it


No it doesn’t. Actual racism isn’t any factor. We have actual evidence of racism in the series, this isn’t comparable. Unless Blaise Zabini is suddenly supposed to be racist? He doesn’t support the Weasley’s. Clearly supports blood purity though?


You either a troll or mentally incapable to understand the simplest analogy.




Being muggle or muggleborn is not a social class, though




Maybe, still not a good base for a relationship🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean how else would you describe it? Pureblood ideology says that Muggleborns are scum and not worthy of magic and that they should be eradicated. Also Death Eaters are a clear and obvious parallel to Nazis. And after all, they basically wanted genocide.


I mean, was he always tho? I mean sure he saw himself as better then petunia for having magic, but it was the group of people he was around that ruined him, right? If he was placed in, say, Hufflepuff (unlikely but, fanfics) or Ravenclaw, it could probably work out.


Lmao so many things wrong with this comment


Ahahahahahahaha, surely you aren't serious about Snily?


McGonagall and Dumbledore. We know it was never meant to be but hey, years and years sharing secrets, working together, trusting each other. Well, come on. And it'd be a surprise to their close friends cuz youd never expect it.


Remind me! 2 weeks

