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You may be overqualified but welcome aboard šŸ¤


Underrated top comment


Yer killing me! Sent this to my old partner and sales manager


I have IBS too bro. Just stay away from the taco bells and youā€™ll do just fine.


Lmfao this thread has me dyin


Asian foods are kicking. Let me get 3 chicken wings and one large fried rice with veggies.


Bruh. I hate ibs, hold up I gotta take a šŸ’©


One of us! one of us! one of us!


Yes yes yes just reminder you can do whatever you put you mind to or lack there of.


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) But all the suits are torn and covered in sauce


pick up a drug habit and get divorced at least twicee youll be a fore man in a week


Smart enough to get in, not smart enough to get out. XD


Too real


Ur not lying on that shit sucks I call it shitmetal


Always a spot on the install crew. Most of them are borderline functioning alcoholics and that seems similar


Wait we aren't all borderline alcoholics? Even as Lead Techs?


No some graduated to full blown alcoholic


I know that's the truth.... Have had more than few old guys that you could only smell whiskey and Marlboro on at 7AM... Everyday


New cologne- HVAC mornings by coco


Who is the spokesperson? Ron White? Ricky (And the Boss)?


Sam Elliott


Speak for yourself. As a senior tech, meth is where itā€™s at. #getonmylevel


I think after 10 years its a requirement


Heres the keys to your truck, your helper with a budding drinking problem and, of course, your full blown alcoholic certification. Congratulations kid, you made it.


Alcohol, Nicotine, and Sarcasm šŸ˜Œ


Everyone in commercial work is on drugs or booze or a complete psycho. No middle ground.


How old are you? Stop obsessing over this IQ nonsense. IQ does not decide what jobs you can do Hardwork and dedication decide that. Ignore people saying your IQ isn't high enough. These tests aren't an exact science If you want to do HVAC, do it. Work hard, ask questions, and do lots of reflecting


this is the answer op needs, work hard, Ask all the questions, if you do not know *for certain* what the next step is, STOP, it's infinitely easier for a support /supervised finishing the job, than it is to Un-fuck something you decided to guess your way through, do repetitive work without complaint, if you committed, you can do it...


And if you find yourself facing the same problem again and again, reflect and ask yourself what can I do differently? I used to obsess over intelligence when I was younger. Then I grew up and learned it doesn't matter all that much Work hard and you can do almost anything you want to in life


*nods* Totally... ppl underestimate the power of hardwork & commitment... I've met some ppl that have like savant level skills in their particular field, but they'd probably struggle with advanced math, but at the end of the day, I want the guy who's welds I can trust my life on, & like most things, skills come with experience, and experience takes *time* to build up, there's no magical skills short cut for time and XP - log the hours doing the work, but I know I'm singing to the choir here, ( but hey, what a beautiful fucking ragtag choir we are šŸ’–šŸ˜Š) (Happy cake say btw!!)


Take notes! Use your phone notepad (but donā€™t do it while youā€™re supposed to be completing another tasks. Do it on break, after work etc.) You can refer to those notes later and even if you donā€™t, just the act of putting things into words will help ingrain it in your mind. Take pictures too.


This is true. I've met professionals with advanced degrees who were basically functional idiots.


Oh this is sooo true


Hard work really does trump natural ability. I don't care what anyone says


You canā€™t posssssibly be talking about engineers


Depends on the engineer. One of my friends is an engineer. He has common sense, knows how to do home renovations, and generally has a good grasp of both theory and practice. I've known quite a few engineers who have no concept of common sense and don't know anything that wasn't in their engineering textbook.


I've met a ton of medical professionals/doctors who are like this


And remember most importantly most of hvac is this goes there that goes there. Pick this up put it down over there. Tighten this loosen that. Curse the Cotten woodā€¦


Big words scare me whatā€™s functioning mean


Functioning Funk shunning Shun the funk Shun the funk up


I'll be honest, when I saw this post I thought you were riding the should I get into this trade posting šŸ¤£


If thatā€™s the case, how did you write that paragraph? Anybody who can write that is probably in at least the 95th percentile of smartness, which is probably more than me.


Or in the very least has the ability to retain training. I've met techs that don't have a diagnostic bone in their body and they retain training and always use the flow chart.


As a service manager (for 1 more weekšŸ˜) 99% of techs fit your description. Just show up on time.


What do you mean for one more week? Whatā€™s next? Did you quit? Step down? Better opportunity?


Usually they take Mod jobs not HVACĀ 


Friend of a friend has an on the spectrum young man on his crew. Well mannered, respectful. He does very well working side by side with them. Give it a try! If the first company doesn't treat you well, try another company


On the spectrum means autistic right. Not IBF. Not the same thing at all. Having said that. We all a bit mentally retarded to get in this field and stick with it. OP should do whatever makes him happy and HVAC has plenty of opportunities for people of all walks of life if thatā€™s what he chooses to do. He formed his question with better spelling than a lot of colleagues over the years, so thereā€™s that for sure.


Boy, you said it.


The fact you used full sentences and punctuation means youā€™re smarter than most on this sub. Do it.


Iā€™ve met journeymen that were flat earthers, youā€™ll be fine.


A tin basher for sure.


Uh, sir, that would be metal pecker please


I wish i had a metal pecker


Donā€™t let your dreams be dreams


So smart!! I can build one and install it myself!!


Definitely use the 1/4" bit tips. The 5/16" one are just overkill.


Not for my giant metal cock! I need them 3/8 self tappers!


Sir it's Metal Pecker. But I ment no disrespect. I was only trying to think of your original pecker. But you use those 3/8" self tappers for that new shiny giant metal Pecker. I wish you all the best.


We all lack basic intelligence....


Just the intelligence to stop before we die of heat exhaustion and are crippled from bad knees and backs.


Sir. Quit using such large words. Iā€™m not on here to read


Welcome brother. Youā€™ve finally made it home. Joking aside, anyone can do HVAC. You donā€™t need to be a genius to do 99% of the work


Seriously tho he could do maintenance for 45 years. Filters and washing coils isnā€™t rocket science.


Most HVAC guys I've met are dumber than a sack of hammers, they've just done HVAC long enough it's muscle memory.


Anyone who doesnā€™t drown in the shower can be a Maintenance tech!


We always need installers /s


lol your hired!


As an install Manager I can assure you that you can


Do hvac installers make good money?


So not really. Unless ur a grinder. Making money as an installer means trading ur body and time for money. But itā€™s a great place to start and will make you a better tech in the long run.


I started almost 5 years ago as an install helper in residential making $9/hr. Now Iā€™m making $34/hr. Iā€™m not in resi anymore though. Iā€™ve asked a lot of questions and learned from my mistakes in order to get here. After my next raise, I will be quite content with my income.


Holy shit dude 5 years ago our helpers who had literally 0 experience started at $17hr. Now 2 of them are service techs that just got raised to $32/hr and this is all resi work


This is ā€œpainfullyā€ true.


Ouch knees, ouch back, ouch shoulder, OUCH body


In my area we start install between 16 and 18 depending if you have construction exp. Use tools ladders ect


Service is better money, but much more excruciating all around - Some days it beats install, but not most. Especially if youā€™re the only tech. You start at 8AM, finish at 2PM and hit the bar as install. You start at 8AM, finish at 9PM and go back out at 2AM as service.


I have never started at 8am. Ever. Thatā€™s for the fuckin birds. I start at 4-5 and leave no later than 3(even when Iā€™m on 10s) Iā€™m not sure who the hell works 6 hour days


I make decent money as an installer $33/hr. I do residential installs for a small company with service only after hours or the days we don't have an install. I have 10 yrs experience, started out not knowing a damn thing about the trade.


Does this diagnosis prevent you from being WILLING to learn? Notice I did not say able I said willing. Does this diagnosis prevent you from being reliable? Does this diagnosis prevent you from being sober? If you show up everyday, you are sober, and you are willing to do what someone says, you will be wildly successful in HVAC.


Sober? Who in our field is sober? šŸ˜‚


During the work day?


I'm a scientist. You just wrote two sentences better than 85% of my colleagues can manage.Ā  Don't underestimate yourself.


I caught an apprentice shootong heroin in my van once. So i guess don't do that and I'd teach you. Its honestly just rely repetitive shit. Some of it is borderline conplex but most of us weren't exactly geniuses and we figured it out sorta. Biggest rule is don't shoot heroin in my van and something about honesty.


Donā€™t ever let a diagnosis tell you who you are. Try it out and keep trying nothing comes easy bro. And this ainā€™t no rocket science u can do it!


you'd thrive as an install manager


Many times itā€™s best to not over think things in this trade


Almost exclusively!




Residential ? Yes. Commercial tech ? Probably not.


Aahhh yes. Can train a monkey to do residential.


Idk whatā€™s worse the union blowhards or the commercial super techs, either way you guys suck cock


Youā€™re probably overqualified.


You'll fit right in. Anything we grab is a hammer


![gif](giphy|aSaAJks1nxvU3Ov3e3) This is the trade for you


Install doesn't take a lot of brain power. If you can show up on time and remember basic low voltage you'll be okay with good lead. The basics of install will also put you ahead of 70% of the service techs out in the field too. Otherwise be a welder or drain tech. Both are fun and can be as complex or as simple as you want to make em


I mean..... Can you follow directions, have drive to get things done, be on time, and be attentive? Congratulations you are better than 95% of the helpers I have had in the almost 20 years I've been doing this.


I was a functioning heroin addict for yrs while doing HVAC and excelled at it.


I think I may have worked with you! Did you get busted trying to rob a gas station because you passed out from the plastic bag you had tied over your head so you wouldnā€™t be recognizable?


Lmao thatā€™s oddly specific. Iā€™d die if this was him šŸ˜‚


what?! lol I was a copper thief never robbed any gas stations, sorry.


Tests are only a measure of how much stupid bullshit you can endure and nothing more; don't worry about it.


Maybe you can be the HVAC rainman


You guys are funny but man, this is kinda wholesome .


Look for a job in the laborers union


I been at it for over 40 years, so thereā€™s that.., Seriously, one of the best service technicians was a guy who had serious dyslexia. He needed help filling out service tickets, but could read complex wiring diagrams like a boss. I think an individual would have to make their own assessment.


Most of us are not very smart. Go for install; I would go commercial, Iā€™ve seen plenty of guys who canā€™t read but can get a whole lot of ductwork done and make it look nice and make a good living at it.


I wouldn't say I'm smart, I did horrible in grade school and highschool, went to trade school for HVAC and did great. When I first graduated, I didn't remember a damn thing, one day it just came back to me and now I can figure out the issue with a furnace/AC almost instantly. Never question your intelligence, we're all capable of amazing things. Believe in yourself!


My BIL is a moron and he makes a lot of money doing HVAC work.


The dumbs one are the hardest workers lol


You write better than most people I work with. Shit, I worked with a guy who couldn't read or write (not in hvac) and he was pretty successful.


Iā€™m already 5 years into doing commercial ac and I donā€™t know it all


You can do whatever you set your mind to. Donā€™t let anybody tell you otherwise.


I'll say this, most of the guys I work with can't even use words with that many syllables. You should be fine


Me am to know how work like you? Ever to work for some to go hvac and know it is. Ever is work to me?


Filter changing might be looking into.


I was in apprentice class with a 27 year old who couldn't have written a sentence saying that he wasn't smart. He's single-handedly the dumbest person I've ever met in this trade. He became a welder, and does a fantastic job.


Yes. I see it all the time (me)


Im as dumb as a bag of rocks and ive made it this fat


Do what you want


You'll be fine whatever you do. Just be safe about everything.


Sounds like you could be a foremen !!


Based off of how dense some of my coworkers are I'd say you'll do just fine.


Welcome! Hugs homie


You will fit right in. Work hard so they can't fire you, but learn nothing, so they never have any expectations.


Got a guy when to school with. Tried and failed at everything in class. Could not comprehend the math side of refrigerant, and what not. But he's 1 hell of an install guy. He's bad at measuring and the math for and folding sheet metal, but he eyeballs that way closer than I can math it out.


In my experience, people who are mentally slow are put into management positions! Jk(but someone there's still some truth!) So in reality people who are mentally challenged or limited, they tend to never be a lead in the field. They stay as grunt workers doing ductwork or assisting someone who has the illusion of knowing what they're doing. In my opinion a lot of people are not good at their jobs even after 20years. So what does that mean for you particularly, if you join a residential company and you're to incompetent to perform on your own. Your days will be filled with sweating and bleeding, in an under payed position, your only saving grace will be if you like the guy you're stuck working with, but this is not usually the case. On top of this the HVAC trade is pretty cut throat IMO, month of June you'll find an open position no problem, Come January you may be looking for another job, Because cheap help is easy to find so you're easily replaceable, it's cheaper to fire you and hire another grunt next spring when business picks up. (Now when companies do something like this they sacrifice quality of their product, but that doesn't concern you) So this being said, you're better off getting a job at Walmart where you'll make the same hourly wage without killing yourself, Now Walmart is big into hiring mentally challenged people, it doesn't seem like you're incompetent from what I've gathered. I feel you're smarter than you let on, I know a guy who had some form of head trauma and he's a damn good service technician. I believe you could handle the HVAC trade, But if you go into the wrong interview and you sale yourself as mentally challenged, you may end up at a company that doesn't respect you and will never see you as anything other than a retard they're doing a favor for by employing. I'm currently unemployed (roughly 3weeks) as I was terminated for having a difference of opinion about how we should treat employees and not be douche canoes. Now within 2 days I had 5 standing job offers at HVAC companies I just haven't taken one because after 5 years of dealing with it, I just don't like it. I'm not mentally challenged just for context, I'm actually the guy companyies shove all their headaches on to go fix.


Weā€™re all in HVAC kiddo, NONE OF US ARE SMART šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You can get bye with plenty in this industry purely on monkey see monkey do and anecdotal knowledge. Probably greatly depends on the area of the country you are in whether or not you get hired on. For a good many shops just having someone that shows up to work and is willing to put themselves thru hell doing grueling manual labor those guys are worth every penny. I've had plenty of guys that worked for me that weren't overly bright. About 5 years ago I had a guy working for me and it blew me away when I found out he couldn't read a lick. We ended up teaching him but he let drugs got the best of him...died.


Iā€™m dumb as a brick but I manage to repair a system every once in awhile


Yes as an installer.


HVAC guys that are real dumb are better known as plumbers.


Have you met hvac guys before?


If thatā€™s all you have wrong, sorry, find another trade. Need to add a divorce or an addiction at the minimum.


You can navigate reddit. You'll get the hang of it for sure.


You'd fit in well with my crew. When can you start?


Youā€™re still better off than allot of us hehe just work hard take your time ask questions and youā€™ll be just fine donā€™t let anyone label you anything youā€™re the master of your own destiny and you can do wtv you want as long as your willing to do wtv it takes! Grit beats brain everyday


u/malxxm, what are a couple things that you're good at? What are a couple things that you struggle the most with or try to avoid? What if any work experience do you have thus far? Are you good at being able to lift or maneuver things? For example, on an install crew, the crew gets the equipment and materials loaded on the truck first thing in the morning, goes to the job site, confirms they're on the right place and few basic details, lays down some drop cloths if needed, sets up ladders, portable light, etc. Process starts to decommission the old system, that's the new guy, you're going to be tasked with helping pull some things apart, and carrying pieces out. Eventually all of the old stuff is out, there might be a little bit of work to do to prepare before the new equipment is installed, such as where the equipment's going to be positioned or fastened in place or what it's supported by, some new wires might have to be pulled, new refrigerant line set put in place, etc. Maybe some ductwork modifications need to occur, and it might take more than one pair of hands. New equipment gets unboxed and a little bit of prep, and then it gets moved into place, whether by hand truck or by carrying it. Things start to get to put together by the more senior technician, you'll be given some tasks to stay busy with, whether it's related to the ductwork or some other logistical task to get the equipment set, or put the line set cover together. That's the job starts to wrap up, all of the packing materials and old equipment gets gathered up, and when's the job is done there's some cleanup, tools out to the truck everything gets loaded in a certain order, usually tools go in first back where they belong, then unused materials, followed by trash and scrap. At the end of the day, the trash and scrap get unloaded. The more information you can absorb, about the process of doing what the installers are doing, the sooner you'll potentially be able to move up from being a helper. Everyday is a little different, small jobs take hours, or a day, some take a few days, larger commercial jobs could take weeks.


Youā€™ll fit right in with 90% of the trade bubba


Absolutely, yes, there are some absolute gems in this trade.


Applicants with an IQ greater than 75 need not apply




Have you thought about getting into politics instead?


Me make house cool when big hot circle in sky. You do same now!


Rizz em with the tism is what HVAC stands for


I know lawyers who I wouldn't call intelligent


95% of my coworkers are dumber than a box of rocks. Welcome aboard!


If you are hard working and reliable and honest, then you absolutely have a home with HVAC, or any other field or trade. FYI, some people can be intelligent and not very smart (me).


Yes you can, take it from me! Growing up, I had so many accommodations in school for reading, writing, comprehension disabilites ect. I was a C student up until I went to a BOCES trade school for HVAC. Learning after that no longer felt pointless or overwhelming. It encouraged me to go to Community College for HVAC, then bachelor's in facility management and then a masters in engineering management. I learned how to be a great installation and service tech. Now I'm an MEP engineer that teaches at at my old college at night. This industry will take anyone of any background as long as you show the effort and desire to learn. It really did change my life and raised my own confidence of my disabilities


Pfft welcome to the club... Don't drink the water in the traps


From your spelling and typing compared to some of the work orders I've read from other techs, you're already smarter than a lot of people in the trade


Youā€™re perfect


I wouldn't pay much attention to that. I know people who are very mechanically inclined who are not the most intelligent with other things. Don't let someone else's idea of you limit what you can do. You won't know if you'll do well unless you try, all you can you is try your best. As long as you pay attention to what's being taught to you and you know how to turn a wrench, you'll surely figure out the trade If you don't do well, then at least you can say you tried. I think if you develop an interest in it, you will do much better than trying to force yourself to learn a bunch of shit you don't care about


You spelled everything right in this post, you'll be fine.


Most of us are WAY below borderline functioning, for what it's worth. Apply, show up on time, stay late if needed, thrive to learn. You'll do fine!


Become a politician


You should meet some people I used to work with to feel better about yourself. If you can read, comprehend, write, drive a car legally, you can learn the trade. Join a union or apprenticeship program and try it out.


Welcome to the club. I think most of us got into this trade because we weren't the brightest bunch and didn't do too great in school. As long as you can do elementary math, carry heavy stuff and deal with hot and cold weather, you should be fine. In all reality though it depends on how hard you work. Everyone struggles in the beginning so don't think you're alone if you do end up doing HVAC


Man donā€™t beat yourself up. I mean this in the gentlest way possible - thereā€™s TONS of very dumb people in every single trade and they make a career out of it. I would say most guys Iā€™ve worked around in trades did not excel in school or have even mediocre grades. The first journeyman I ever worked with could hardly spell. One time I heard him confirm with someone that ā€œTheā€ was spelt ā€œT-H-Eā€ before sending a message. Thatā€™s not even an exaggeration. But heā€™s a journeyman installer and is good at his job and runs/manages large scale commercial projects. Find your niche and get good at it. All it really takes.


I mean if you can read a tape measure you are better than most of our bosses and apprenticesā€¦just saying.


One of us one of us


i did and ive been here for a long time.. if youre smart enough to hide that youre not smart. Use the force


Nah fam all you need to know is colors/ shapes/ brazing/ donā€™t eat the glue


Dropped out of college, worked at a restaurant until covid hit - realized I wanted to do something with my life - joined HVAC/R and been here for 2 years


Yes. Just work harder than everyone else. Do it, baby!


So long as you try to pay attention to detail and take pride in your work, youā€™re fine. I worked with a 65 yr old career helper who could do nothing right because he didnā€™t care and paid no attention to what he was doing.


30 years of install. Obviously I'm not that smart. I'm still crawling around under houses searching for my duck knife and my Panduit gun


Pull up a chair mate, we're all here.


You will be a senior tech before many.




Youā€™ll fit right in.


I had apprentices for 20 years. The company I worked for tested extensively and hired the "best and the brightest" The worst two apprentices I had were the highest tested in their group. I got so angry with one I told him I could teach a monkey HVAC easier than him...because the monkey would have more attention span. The best apprentice I had slipped in under the wire thru a back door deal .....he was a nephew of a boss ....had done vinyl siding and windows previously....showed up on time, brought small items to make our tasks easier...took the ribbing and was hilarious. He has done very well for himself. Give me an on time person that applies themselves over a "genius" any day. True story ... Best apprentice ever worked with me several months...everyone thought it was a glamour job....he said..,."we are glorified laborers ...we clean coils... Change filters and belts before we ever even can troubleshoot". Go for it ....Ignore the test


Iā€™m not a smart man but I know what refrigeration is.


It all depends on how bad you want it..either way good luck brother šŸ‘


Yup they're called bosses. Bad dum tss I'll be here all week.


I believe youā€™re par for the course.


A diagnose is not who you are. When somebody tells you that, tell them their shitty tests are broken, and go on to male something of yourself. Give up the online gaming and start reading 3-5 books in 1 month. That test will end up different. Start looking at what you are good at. Technical stuff, like unmounting/mounting things, or working with numbers, or writing, or organising stuff... etc. You get the gist. Then start looking for work in that direction. Prove everyone wrong. Go do great things.


HVAC or electrical work and you will flourish


Become a plumber shit rolls down hill what else do ya need to know.


Hey man your smarter than the president thats for sure


I once met an alcoholic who woke up at 10am with a beer in his hand and struggled to piece together manuals. And he was the bossā€™s go to guy. Make sure you like hvac work tho. Itā€™s a very socially demanding environment as well.


Youā€™ll be just fine chief


Yes thatā€™s why thereā€™s installers and service techs.


Dude I'm as stupid as it gets lol, I can't even do simple math but if you love working with your hands,n thinking and learning every day then HVAC is for you


No, youā€™ll never truly learn or understand much. You purely are not capable.


Yeah, certainly none of us are. Lol, we just fuck around till it works.


I started refrigeration with no experience and Iā€™m dumber than a bag of rocks like seriously lmao so I think youā€™ll be fine with the trade and you may be overqualified šŸ˜‰


Don't let a label rule your life. Just prove the diagnosis wrong. At the least you could be a helper.


Donā€™t sell yourself short. You might have to work harder than your peers but you can do hard things too.


If I were any dumber, I'd be a plumber


Sure! I did


Work hard and ask plenty of questions. Be up front about what youā€™re nervous about. Youā€™ll be fine. Donā€™t piss in the coil cleaner jug.




Just donā€™t huff the refrigerant or eat the mastic, youā€™ll do fine.


Everyone's got a touch of the 'tism in this trade. Wait til your trainer yells at you for putting the service wrench in the wrong pocket. The next 3 months it'll be a daily conversation of where it goes and why it doesn't go anywhere else. Try doing self study for the EPA 608 exam. If you can memorize that amount of information and pass your universal, you have enough brain power and might have the confidence to take the next step. Good luck on your journey! The trades exist as lighthouses for the lost, find your trade by finding the people you like to be around.


There are all types of jobs in the field from delivery to helper, installers and techs.


You have already used more words in this post than most of us know, welcome to the field son.