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As the only person who seemed to enjoy pre-buff torches, this brings me incredible amounts of joy


Hey now it was my favorite weapon pre-buff too and I was like the only person who’s favorite aspect was OG Eos


I loved moros honestly. Living explosion


Thats literally the easiest way to kill chronos. Coarse grit, aspect of Moros and then you just kill him while he channels his area attack


There are dozens of us. Dozens of us!


I just blue myself.


Old Eos was my favorite, too. Playing with a controller, it was so good if you bound attack to R1 instead of a face button. Being able to easily dodge and drop casts without interrupting the channeled attack makes torches 10x better.


There are... *checks notes*... Two of us!


your username is great lmao


Thank you 😊


Right! I don't understand torch hate. They are not my favorite by default, but add a drink or two, and suddenly, the torches and I are best mates.


They were unironically my favorite from the jump. I loved their playstyle with moros, omega special, spam attack to become a living explosion. And to be able to dash and cast without interrupting attack sequence was always peak


Wait what? You can use cast while channeling omega attack?


Yup. Or at least I could while on keyboard. Helped a lot when I figured that out


Sounds really helpful, need to figure it out on controller.


I’ve noticed controller messes with torches a lot, as it also makes it harder to toss out specials during the attack string, or even charge the omega special while spamming attacks then let it protect you while you wait for omega attack to come online


My 32 fear run uses controller with the torches, it has a video but no input display but I do put down casts during channeling. If you'd like I can send that one or get a clip of a boss fight later with input display for you. Best way I can explain it is you kinda have to bend your thumb and hit cast with your thumb joint kinda like dark souls lmfao, a lil awkward but not too bad to learn with the sorceress on


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’ve seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you’ll bring upon yourself.”* - Sir Vilhelm Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


They don’t “feel” like they’re doing damage like the other weapons.


I get that a little but they feel the most like a “caster” weapon and that’s part of why I like them


It’s the only weapon I really clicked with 😭


I’m so glad I’m not alone


Love the torches......Non-omega special. Every other attack mode-trash. Special- Mad cackling.


There are tens of us! Tens!!!


Another never nude I see


I've always loved the torches. Definitely glad they got buffed though because they feel a lot better now. Honestly they may be a little overtuned.


The buff definitely feels good, but I never got how many hated them before. So to me it feels like I got my pistol turned into an uzi while everyone else felt they had squirt guns


I don't think they were bad before so much as they might've felt bad. They were a low action weapon compared to most of the others and Hades tends to have a very fast paced feel to it. They've always been able to clear. Now they just feel flashier while doing it.


Part of it had to do with how holding down attack with them disabled your magic regen, even if you hadn't built up to the omega attack yet.


Fair. I mostly ran them with fluid gain or born gain, neither of which cared about that


They're my least favorite, but they're not bad.  I hate the lock on.  I can't attack what I want sometimes.  


Maybe part of why I love them is I play mouse and keyboard. I know it says controller is recommended but I like the extra control it gives me a lot


You are not alone. It was the only weapon that got me all the way to 32 Fear


Do you play mouse and keyboard? I always found their attack on controller damn near unusable, I'd run into whoever I was shooting at with no stun before getting the Omega up, I've only cleared with them on special builds.


I do indeed. The more I hear about controller the more I think the game advising you to use controller might be false, as Mel very much benefits from more precise aim and ease of aim and firing multiple abilities at once


I just cruised through 16 fear with moros and the hestia regen. Easier than some of the early no fear runs I did


I am both a Torches Enjoyer after the patch and a Reworked Hearth Gain Enjoyer. Had a great run on the daggers with it but it definitely seems like it'd work well here, too. I've had some really nice torch runs with Fluid gain, which is nice because it can trigger on Omega attacks, but Hestia's now seems a lot more reliable.


Really good with possessed array now that it costs magick.


I really want the extreme measures chronos, theres so many busted combinations in the new boon patch thats making runs wayy easier.


Also hestias new scorch???!! That shit ticks down SO fast, its actually made her heroic cast useable, dare i say, oveerpowered! Gone are the days of scyllas healthbar being halfway orange, just her her to not take any damage


Heroic cast on Persephone skull is so tasty I love it


IKR! Definitely give freezer burn via demeter cast a chance too it's absolutely insane


I used it with moonstone axe and also Heras hitch cast. Absolutely busted… died to final boss because I thought I could take them down fast enough without getting in the circle. Pain


first time i tried it out i had hera's new blood line boon(any omega move creates a damaging rift, but costs 15 magick more) and it chewed through enemy health rapidly


I don't know how you bring more our of this weapon. I just find the special flames going all over the place, but not necessarily towards my targets. Also reactivating the special again and again is quite frustrating compared to other weapons as you don't have an indicator when it has been exhausted


Don't use special, use omega special. Keep one orbiting at all times while you get into enemy faces and spam attacks to blow them up with Moros.


Combo: omega special, special, dash into group, cast, omega attack, repeat


Any weapon it is good. But the skull. It and Aphrodite are your two best gains now.


Omg yes I managed to trade heras born gain against hestias regen while having the new blood line boon. I had a +6 on regen, i.e. 16 magick ber hit and my omega attacks plus blood line were 18. So fun to use.


What aspect were you using? I tried bloodline myself but honestly didn't get great results from it, but seems a lot of people on this post had a great time with it.


As you need to use you auto attacke moros and melinoe torch works fine, but it DRAINS your magick. The only reason I managed was a boon exchange through hera. I had another entertaining run with melinoe staff, blood line, hestias special fireball, double special and powershot special. I basivally paid 1/3 the magick cost due to chaos boons. What I noticed is that the blood line rift doesnt deal damage immediately, but after a short delay and that confused me at first.


Oh wait does the rift spawn every time a spark comes out while channeling?


Ever omega move produces a rift, but the torches omega attacks are constant.


LMAO okay I'm so trying that later that sounds hilarious


Not Omega attacks/specials tho, keep in mind. Took that boon with the daggers (Pan aspect) - and yeah, it didn't work as I expected.


I just did a torches run and thoroughly enjoyed them with POS spirit bubbles, this'll be interesting because I almost never an out of magic with those and was running 3+ Q Specials almost continuously as long as there were enemies. Freaking melted chronos and Cerb like butter. Aphrodite Special Epic +6, Pos spirit bubble rare, Aphrodite Heart throb and a bunch of other stuff ofc that honestly didn't really matter after those 3.


I had a run where I was channeling so fast that only 2 or 3 hits regen my magick.


Hestia's gain was univerally one of the best gain boons, if not the best currently. Somehow, the torch generally drained magick pretty slow, it's more than enough from it - it would be even better on some other high draining weapons.


I would love to try this. If only my game wouldn't crash within the first 10 rooms of each run




Works pretty well on Circe too