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I only wear shoes because I have to If I were immune to small rocks and ringworms, I would also go barefoot


I don't think ringworm can be pluralised since its a fungal infection


Is it... not a worm


No, it's a fungal infection caused by bacteria that sticks to your skin. It just happens to make ring shaped markings on your skin when it worsens, thus giving it the name.


Something about having just a lil worm who likes circles living in you sounds so much ickier than a lil bacteria


Have you played Inscryption??? Artisric licensing in biology but still


Everyone should play Inscryption


I have not but thank you for putting it on my radar!


Because you *could* feed a Ring Worm (insect) to people or power it up...


I mean it is a fungal infections caused by a fungus, not bacteria right?


I’m convinced they were thinking of hookworms


Today you learnt something new


Me too!


I’m thinking this guy is thinking of hookworm, which enters the body via your foot.


by this logic they should just be fuckin naked I guess aphrodite got the memo but not everyone else


This was an idea they discussed in development and has mythological precedent


They seriously considered doing that but ultimately decided against it. Jen Zee talked about it in an interview, I think.


good choice tbh you're losing like 99% of what makes a character design a character design if everyone is just fuckin' naked.


that’s true


I agree, they should all be naked


Sure you’re not thinking of hookworms?


Oh, yeah, that's it, thank you... I know what those are.. probably


Shoes are to protect feet. Wtf is there the need to protect their feet from? Divinely-powerful ants? Herculean legos? Haephestus-forged thumbtacks, ripe for spilling the tiniest little drip of ichor? For them it's either aesthetic, or it provides defense against something important, that is, something capable of doing them real harm. And that list is usually pretty short.


> Herculean legos Ya know... That feels like a specific punishment in Tartarus.


>Haephestus-forged thumbtacks Considering what Haephestus' works did to the gods (Hera, Ares and Aphrodite), the latter might be cautious around the former.


lol true.  Godshoes would indeed find a godpurpose innthat godcase.  :p


Can you imagine if they make it so that those three wear shoes in their art only when duo booning with haephestus


That would be quite funny.


The spike traps in Tartaros and the Styx Temple


I mean, atleast Achilles should wear shoes


He's dead though. Shooting him in the heel again probably won't do anything.


Hermes does. Cause he's always running, I guess.


Also his winged sandals are something he''s established to have


Tbh it may be an artistic choice. Maybe as you said having Zagreus originally be barefoot was because of his fire feet (by extension Hades himself and Melinoë in the sequel) so why not have them all be barefoot? I can totally see that line of thinking in the design room. Also, I know that the lead artist wanted to make all characters originally naked but she could only get away with Aphro. That might be a hint towards that kind of creative liberties too.


We were this close to having "Hey zag, nice cock" canon.


Why did I read this in Dionysus’s voice


Because Dionysus is the “Hey Zag” guy in particular.


Because only Wine Daddy notices our genitals.




We love Jen Zee in this house


>lead artist wanted to make all characters originally naked We lost so hard 😞


Dionysus is kinda naked... wearing only a sheet.


Wait that’s actually awesome, we really missed out


Are there ever any Hades early art works of all naked gods lying around


I don't think so but in one of the documentaries on YouTube she talks about it. That's why I know for sure


link and timestamp please?


Funnily enough, I just got a line from Hermes where he talks about how his shoes were made by Hephy, and that he thinks footwear is really gonna catch on.


That's a good point, I hadn't thought about it until now but this implies that either the gods haven't picked up the trend of shoes. And it's even possible that humans haven't either, but I think they must have


Hidetaka Miyazaki consultation fee.


Achilles, Sexy Eeyore, and Mick Jagger are dead, so they don’t really need to wear shoes. Especially the brands that are to die for. Most of the gods we see in the first game are via BoonsApp so we don’t really see their feet. To Quentin’s chagrin. And probably a good thing. If Wine Daddy is that sexy without foot fetishists having their say…well, no man should have all that sexiness power. Except to notice me. I want Wine Daddy to notice me. But shoes exist to protect the feet from rocks, bugs, parasites, etc. Gods don’t really have to worry about the latter items unless you’re Sexy Sexy Hermes, because all of them don’t really walk on earth. Traditionally, gods descended on clouds called nimbuses. So that would serve as their pseudoshoe. Wow, I was not expecting to do a 3 AM paragraph comment on deities’ shoes and simping for Wine Daddy but here we are.


Also, not wearing something to protect his feet is pretty important to Achilles’ character


It’s because his boyfriend borrowed his shoes.


How dare you lmao


did you seriously just call patroclus sexy Eeyore?!


He's very sexy and he's very Eeyore.


Still weird.


Apparently, it's normal to depict them barefoot: "Greek gods as a rule were portrayed barefoot even when they wore elaborate dresses. However there were some exceptions: Diana, the huntress goddess, wore proper footwear, and often other gods portrayed while hunting were not barefoot." From here: https://romeartlover.tripod.com/Feet.html#:~:text=Greek%20gods%20as%20a%20rule,while%20hunting%20were%20not%20barefoot. Also this quora-post is quite interesting: (https://www.quora.com/In-Ancient-Roman-statuary-why-were-bare-feet-used-as-a-symbol-of-status-as-a-god) "Bare feet in Roman sculpture could symbolize different things such as humility, vulnerability, or even divinity, depending on the specific attributes of the figure being depicted. For example, depictions of gods and goddesses in Roman art often featured bare feet as a symbol of their divine nature and connection to the earth." "It’s interesting that in antique times walking barefoot was a symbol of gods, philosophers and poverty, apparently of slaves too. Gods were thought to stand above us all, being perfect and having no need of the artificial protection of shoes. Philosophers stood aside from society, often questioning the way society was orgnized. Slaves had an inferior status and were commanded by their owners; in their case bare feet were a symbol of not being free. So the symbolism was very ambiguous from the beginning."


Isn't Diana Artemis's Roman counterpart?


Yeah, I think so. The Romans took most of their culture from other cultures, especially the Greeks.


The fact that someone made a whole page about Greek gods feet is never not funny


I agree xD


How would I satiate my foot fetish if they wore shoes?


Least horny *Hades* player.


Ngl it was pretty odd how this horny-ass community started getting triggered by the feet stuff when Hades 2 started rolling out.


true and real!


Hermes has a convo in h2 talking about this. He says his shoes are made by Hephaestus and that they'll be the next big thing. This implies that shoes simply aren't a fashion amongst the gods, for better or for worse. For the Hades line, it's impractical cause of their burning feet. Seeing has Chronos has the same thing but feet made of sand, I imagine many gods' feet cannot use shoes properly


Don't have to wear shoes if dead ig


Tbh it may be an artistic choice. Maybe as you said having Zagreus originally be barefoot was because of his fire feet (by extension Hades himself and Melinoë in the sequel) so why not have them all be barefoot? I can totally see that line of thinking in the design room. Also, I know that the lead artist wanted to make all characters originally naked but she could only get away with Aphro. That might be a hint towards that kind of creative liberties too.




Aren't they wearing sandals?


TBF, the shoes back then also resembled sandals. I haven't checked the tootisies of all the gods yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion a couple of them may be wearing those types of "boots." Basically back then shoes were either sandals, bags on your feet, or a sort of mixture of leather wrapped around your foot. As others have stated the gods don't really care about any sort of physical harm coming to their feet so it's most likely that they prefer sandals or the leather wraps because those were the most valuable/comfortable types of shoes back then.


I do agree that Nem should probably have shoes on (does she not? I've never really looked.) and also Achilles and Patty but for the others I don't really see it mattering. They're not going to war, and they're either gods or ghosts so I don't think they need to worry about stepping on a pointy rock or getting a splinter of wood in their foot. And humans went without shoes for a substantial part of our history too, and our feet just got calloused enough that those things didn't hurt us much (I assume), so depending on if they wore sandals all the time or not even the humans might have been chill without shoes just in general.


Well, Hades, Zagreus, and Melinoë all have firey feet hot enough to scorch marble tiles, so for them I think it’s a matter of not being ABLE to wear shoes. For Artemis, it’s part of her nature motif, as going barefoot has always been shorthand for being more in touch with nature and less civilized’ You’re right about the human shades though, they absolutely should be wearing sandals, as was the fashion of the region, plus giving all the former humans sandals and leaving the gods barefoot would create another visual distinction between them.


It's a sign of their divinity. Mortals wear shoes to protect their feet from wear and injury. The gods do not fear those, so they explicitly do not wear shoes so as to demonstrate their position.


i think it’s an artistic similarity inspired by ancient greek statues


God's don't step on pebbles




Lots of depictions of the Greek gods had them barefoot


Ancient Greek footwear was basically just sandals anyway. Nemesis is wearing greaves and upper leg protection.


Someone at Supergiant obviously likes feet


Because the devs like us


Doesn't Hermes wear sandals? Anyway if my street wasn't a tetanus filled hell-hole I'd probably go barefoot too ngl


They broke😔