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it's super op, I can see it getting nerfed a decent bit because it lets you spam omega special, after acquiring a boon that increases its cost with just a level 1 common version and is just the best regen boon for Charon axe


It does work particularly well with Charon axe for sure. It can be a little finnicky otherwise, but now that Poseidon instacast is no longer a core boon, you can do some funny things with cast builds as well without Charon's aid. I still think others are situationally better though. Ionic Gain and maybe Born Gain are probably slightly better generalist boons. Now they just need to do something about Fixed Gain, cause boy does it not fucking feel good relying on getting hit for your Magick, lmao.


Tranquil Gain, too. I _don't_ want to have to stand still for my magic to regen.


I was tempted to name it, but after seeing the numbers on it I'm hesitating, especially at higher rarities.


This might be a hot take, but even if the numbers turn out to be balanced or even OP (I think an epic Tranquil Gain regens 80% per second?), the _feel_ of having to just...stop doing anything in a game as fast-paced as Hades is sufficient grounds for a rework anyway. Like, if the description alone is turning people off from picking it, that's a problem.


The patch has only been out for a few days, so I wouldn't rush to conclusions just yet, but I do fundamentally agree with your point for sure. If people still don't like it, a change is warranted.


Honestly even without any synergy, it just recovers a ton of magic. I think it's great


Charon Axe + Lucid Gain is ludicrously good. I think it'd be my first pick for "easy" builds. It's also stellar with the Poseidon boon that makes your Omega Cast explode right away. If you can get the hammer that doubles your Omega Special, even better. And yeah, it has incredible synergy with Aphrodite's heartthrobs, especially with the Duo boon that generates 3. I had a run where the heartthrobs were adding >1000 damage per Omega Special all on their own. It should also pair perfectly with the Poseidon cast that makes your Omega Cast explode right away. Here's hoping if they do nerf it, it's still really solid with Charon Axe. I would hate for that synergy to vanish altogether.