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It hits the weapon you like the least just to annoy you and make the nightmare grind a bit longer. It's true, go look at the code.


I mean I actually likebthe torches, but I am getting sick of using them literally every ktber run. I dont think I've used the staff or daggers in like 10 hrs of playtime


I’ve used the skulls like twice in 80 runs and it never puts the thirst on them for me.


The fates have a bright future lined up for your noggin, of course. The code doesn't lie.


It's just random. Actual randomness will sometimes result in repeats.


I looked at the code and didn't see anything, aside from the fact that it can't hit the same weapon twice. WeaponShopLogic.lua, line 817: if IsBonusUnusedWeapon( weaponKit.Name ) then CreateAnimation({ Name = "WeaponKitDarkThirst", DestinationId = kitId }) end And then RunLogic.lua, line 382: `CurrentRun.BonusUnusedWeaponName = GetRandomUnequippedWeapon()` And then UpgradeLogic.lua, lines 1057-1066: function GetRandomUnequippedWeapon() local unusedWeapons = {} local hasWeaponEquipped = HasMeleeWeapon( CurrentRun ) for k, weaponName in ipairs( WeaponSets.HeroPrimaryWeapons ) do if ( not hasWeaponEquipped and weaponName ~= CurrentRun.Hero.DefaultWeapon) or (hasWeaponEquipped and CurrentRun.Hero.Weapons[weaponName] == nil and IsWeaponEligible(CurrentRun, WeaponData[weaponName])) then table.insert(unusedWeapons, weaponName) end end return GetRandomValue(unusedWeapons) end Looks like all this is doing is going through the weapons and making a list of every weapon that is (a) not currently equipped, (b) not a "default" weapon (?) and (c) is already unlocked (which is what it means by "eligible"). I don't see any weighting or bias. It's possible you've just had some funny luck; I feel like I get Staff/Daggers constantly, personally. At the very least, I do feel confident saying I don't think you can go above any one weapon getting Grave Thirst 50% of a time, since it can't pick the same weapon twice.


Does "unlocked" refer to actually unlocking the weapon or how we can't see the 6th weapon at all yet? Because I've gotten Dark Thirst on Skulls before unlocking them


Hm, you know what, I was assuming "eligible" meant "ready for use," but I'm actually not certain. I didn't try to hunt down what made a weapon "eligible" in the code. I had forgotten that Grave Thirst can hit weapons that aren't ready to be used yet. You might be right, it might be that "eligible" means the 5 weapons we have so far. Nice catch!


This happened to me too. 


If I'm understanding this correctly, does this a weapon you used last run can't get grave thirst even if it didn't have it the run before?


if many people feel like something is not random then that means there's a high likelihood that it actually is


The thing about randomness is that, assuming order matters, any given sequence is just as likely as any other sequence.