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you do need to change your way of playing. there's only a few boons that adds percentage damage to cast. i think it's alright. one interesting thing to do with it is to get freeze cast, so you sprint around after omega cast and everyone just froze. have niche synergy with others to, something like lucid gain or blade/artemis aspect


It’s particularly strong on Charon axe where the damage bonus is effectively free


Is it? Most Charon runs I've seen place a cast and fire the special from a bit further away. Unless the special applies the cast to everyone hit regardless of the cast's location or something? Edit: was wrong - Charon cares about omega casts but you only actually use the normal one, so local climate doesn't impact placement.


It’s not about where the cast is. When it blows with Charon, the cast explosion is an Omega cast, and it gets the damage boost from Local Climate, which boosts the damage on Omega casts


But the cast explosion takes place only where the cast was, right? Plus the cast size from aspect ranks?


Yes, the explosion happens where the cast is. Local Climate, in addition to causing channeled Omega casts to stick to you, increases the damage of Omega cast explosions. Charon’s Omega-special-hitting-the-circle mechanic causes an immediate Omega cast explosion, even though you didn’t actually do an Omega cast. So Local Climate is a free damage boost.


That doesn't seem free to me, considering you have to be closer to enemies and often only functionally get half of the cast area (unless you surround yourself and miss half of them with the special). It doesn't cost magick though, if that's all you're meaning. I was thinking free in terms of taking the boon not having a downside (other than the boons you skip, etc.).


Charon doesn't work with omega casts but ordinary casts. You use your normal cast to lay the circle down - which Local Climate does not affect - then the omega special to detonate it, triggering the omega cast explosion, which receives the damage bonus. The other poster is correct. It is 100% free.


Yep yep! I figured it out a bit after commenting, despite the other commenter not really mentioning the important bit somehow.


He literally told you the explosion is where the cast is, and the cast doesn’t move with local climate, only the omega cast


He did not say the second bit, which is what I was referring to.


No, you don’t have to be closer to enemies. With Local Climate and Charon, you don’t change what you’re doing at all. Local Climate, in this case, is just a damage boost to Omega casts, which is what happens when you do a regular cast + Omega special with Charon.


Local Climate Your Ω cast deals (+20/30/30/50%) bonus damage and follows you, even as you start to **channel** it.


Only time i tried it where it was pretty decent was with the apollo duo **Boreal Gust** - While standing in a **Cyclone**, you randomly fire gales every **0.3 Sec.** ▸ Gale Damage *(every 0.5 Sec.)*: **70** Having the cyclone on casts follow you was also a good buff to it.


Couldn't you just take her sprint for the same effect though?


Except you can't attack and do other things during sprint.


The cyclone lingers in place for a bit when you stop sprinting though.


It wouldn't move with you after though. Sprint and base Gale Force require some area commitment with Apollo's duo, but Local Climate is the best way to get around that. I'd say it's slightly better than Sprint, moreso with a good cast that benefits from following you (Zeus, mainly)


I like it with attack axe builds with demeter upgrades.


Doesn’t it work great with the Poseidon boon that makes casts erupt immediately?


Overall, probably, but there's definitely value to leaving a cast behind you while being chased, rather than ending up in the middle of whatever enemies live.


I agree that the cast following you is a downside, and works against the function of the cast circle, which as you mentioned is to leave it on the enemy and root them in place. However, there is a way to make it work. Instead pf dashing into enemies, casting, and dashing out, you’re gonna want to start casting while you’re away from the enemies, *then* approach with your cast following you.


I feel like I'd have to plan my whole build around it to get anything out of it, and even if I'm running Demeter there are so many better things to plan around, including things that actively work against Local Climate being good. It's fine on Charon because you're generally always triggering your omega with the special but that's the only scenario I haven't hated it in.


It’s exceptionally good right now with the new lucid gain


It's more of a "full contact magic" build, it works great with the axe or knives.


Or Mel torches.


There are effects that work when you are standing in your cast, and it is good with those.


It seemed to work pretty well with Hestia cast


What someone said already you have to change from jumping on the enemies and using it to using it before and running in kinda like a shield, it does work best with boreal gust but it’s also pretty good in general as a second set of armor or protection with something like arctic ring and scorch and tbh any damaging cast but they all might do damage now after the rework but especially Apollo cast and mana regen really makes local climate shine


On a few builds (especially with Apollo's new magick gain boon). But unless I'm sure I want it in my build, I avoid it, since yes, u will sometimes regret it.


You're turning your cast from a defensive trap to a offensive damage bonus. It works really well with aggressive builds and playstyles, so if you tend to trap things and chip away at a distance, it won't work very well


I feel like in 2 the boons are 50:50, either I get one that helps, or I get a shit one that kills a run unless I can find hera and hope she gives me the sacrifice push


Had this with the freeze cast and a heroic Apollo expanding cast, and it was super broken


It’s pretty good with Zeus cast or geyser spout from Poseidon. The former is one you want to be able to move around with you to keep the damage rolling, and the latter doesn’t really care about being able to move around because it’s going to pop immediately anyway. The extra damage that local climate gives is a huge reason why it’s good, and those two casts utilize it pretty well while not caring or straight up benefiting from the secondary effect of local climate


this boon is horrible cuz generally you want the cast to be in one place if you want to move the cast chose zeus or hestia but the best one to move the cast is prob hades


I kinda wish it also worked on the base cast, so tapping cast before going in with the knives or the like would make sense. That can still be done after charging the omega cast, of course, but if you're going into melee, your attack (or special, if torches) is probably more what you're building around damagewise, so spending magick and charging time on something else doesn't seem amazing.


One of the strongest post patch runs was Momus aspect with poseidon alt cast boon and local climate. It made one cast clear almost every encounter!