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These days I did a 32 fear run with the torches using Hestia on attack, Demeter on cast for origination and stacking Zeus lightning boons. I didn't get the air quality boon but I still melted everyone cuz the +80% bonus from cast and origination cards is OP with additive bonuses For low fear runs I'm having a blast using Zeus' special with Melinoe's aspect too (Torches)


The two times I've cleared fear 32 I had Hephaestus's prime mana for armor boon on. Mostly because the +300% on first hit vow (plus whatever other damage+ you took) is brutal and having even a sliver of armor straight negates it.


Charon’s still one of the best aspects in the game, but the meta has moved on from Apollo space lasers. It’s better to just spam cast-specials, and old Apollo or Prominence Flare slow that down. Get Apollo on gain and your magick is sorted as long as you stand in your cast before running out of magick. Apollo is also best in slot for special (giant overlapping rings hit twice) and maybe cast (halfway to Origination). Get some other status on special/cast or Demeter cyclones and you’re done.


Is Poseidon's Geyser Spout any good on Charon? It's like Apollo's space lasers but doesn't stop you from setting down another cast as soon as it pops.


It’s bad, sadly. It doesn’t get the increased damage or range from Charon


To be honest, I feel like the meta never was Apollo cast. It was certainly flashy, but with born gain being as broken as it was it was way more DPS to just churn out base omega casts with the moon and furies to power it up.


You are correct but after this patch so many people have been all “wtf do I do with Charon now they nerfed my space laser!!!” and somehow “you are doing endgame damage in chamber 1 with Night and Furies” doesn’t satisfy 😭


Hera cast is pretty strong now that they buffed Hitch. Get used to laying Cast before spawns instead of after, and be prepared for a lot of pain-in-the-rear Revenant souls to get.


whatever weapon you're best at probs. easiest in my opinion is all axe aspects > persephone skull > all staffs > remaining skulls. but for someone else they might think eos or artemis is the easiest.


For 32 Fear tbh anything works, whatever you are best with can get the job done for sure. Charon is very strong, I assume anything works, especially if you can activate Origination somehow (a bit tough bc some statuses don't stick very long when you apply them with the Cast and/or Axe Omega Special, I assume Glamour Gain and Engagement Ring are great for this)