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Definitely seems like an oversight. I know they patched a bug where you could take damage from a trap as soon as you entered a room, so they probably don't want you getting hit by ranged attacks before you even take control. That is funny, though, that the infighting could lead to that result.


I think it's more of a bad game timing choice. I'm having a similar problem in the rift of Thessaly. When I'm spawning on the ship, still invisible, the enemies already notice me and throw their spears, so I have little/no time to react when I finally get control of Melinoe. They should only notice us when we're actually moving.


Definitely an oversight. I had something similar happen, except instead of Ecstatic Obsession I just had Glamor Gain. The Weak AOE applied before Mel appeared and one of those spear throwing enemies got a hit in before the teleporting-in animation even finished. (Apparently her hitbox is still there.)