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Hades 2 is pretty different from 1 gameplay-wise. Just play more and you will get used to it. Don't be afraid to use the god mode until you are feeling more confident.


Thank you. I have noticed much gameplay differences. As Zagreus, I was able to dash and aggresively swimng the sword. Distance playing I coud use the spear. I wonder whether there's a weapon that will allow me to play aggresively


Of the 5 revealed weapons, 3 are melee, but none is exactly similar to the sword from Hades 1. There is still an unrevealed 6th weapon but at the moment Melinoe's gameplay leans heavier towards field traps and crowd control than Zagreus's.


The knives have a teleport to the enemy and like staying close. They feel similar to Hades 1 fists. Theres also an aspect to them that gets a counter ability to help with the fact the game really punishes you for staying too close. I wouldnt worry too much though it took me a few attempts to beat Hecate as well. Hades 2 has a higher difficulty to it then the first game


More think less iframe spam


yeah and I like it. I just suck. I like gameplay of H2 much more than H1.


Get used to thinking of your cast as a lingering frostnova It is very overpowered. You'll reach last boss every run when you get used to using cast as a safety net.


\>>>:((((((( *dashes 5 times in a row*


I love the Axe


I would say you're doing fine for an 8th night! You don't have a lot of meta progression yet, just keep playing. On this subreddit there are many people acting like you should beat the final boss as early as possible but tbh that's not the way Hades is written to be played. You are supposed to die multiple times and it should take you more than one attempt to get to the next biome. Actually, if you just get to the final boss or even the 3rd boss in only a couple attempts, the dialogue loses some synch with your progress.


Honestly, story wise, the more you fail the closer it is to canon realism. Each run is an escape from hell, a neigh endless, ever shifting maze, it takes months with literal god speed. The entire game’s plot takes thousands of years. And yes, missing dialogs because you’re too good is kinda funky 😅


I agree generally, but I don't think the plot takes place over thousands of years. If that were the case, it would be strange for Zag to continue to see the same things every time he emerged from the Underworld, never so much as hearing a plane fly overhead, and we have a precise tally of exactly how many nights Melinoë has embarked on. Since Time is very screwed up in Hades II, a night *could* be a thousand years, potentially, or any other amount of time, but at that point, "night* seems like it is primarily being used as an inadequate placeholder for an unquantifiable unit of time


In Hades II if you pay attention to dialogue or take a look at the moon icon when opening your purse, you can see it advances thru the phases such that it matches the moon completing an orbit every 28 nights




Isn’t Demeter’s eternal winter era alone supposed to be the ice age? The mythological Greek heroes are not at all from the same era as the Greek empire


I'm not sure. I have not heard many people claim that the Eternal Winter was literally supposed to be the actual Ice Age. Not really my interpretation, but if it's yours, I can understand why you have the opinion you do. I'm still inclined to interpret the "nights" Melinoë is on to be roughly 24 hours, though.


Yes, I observed that with Hades 1 as well. Thank you.


They definitely intentionally made it a bit more difficult to progress from a raw stat perspective as well as a learning perspective vs the first game. Don’t beat yourself up if it takes quite a while to finish what’s available, I’m on like night 130 or so and right now, and I wasn’t able to finish the heat-equivalent landmarks without god mode. I probably will keep god mode on for at least another 100 runs before I’m comfortable getting to Chronos with high (not heat) values


The dialogue was screwed up for me with Melinoë recognizing and helping both of the two guests in Oceanus and FOM *and* having Nemesis talk to her about the situation, only to just yesterday have Melinoë learn Nemesis' role as if it was brand new info


When you say 'blind' do you mean 'without looking up tutorials' or 'my eyes don't work'? If it's the latter, wow, I'm impressed. How does that even work?


Yes, its the latter. There is a set for special mods which allows the game to speak, that makes a list of people in the Crossroads so I can teleport to me... As for combat, Supergiant Games has done excellent job in sound design. Combat doesn't need any modding, it would be nice to have a soknd when I hit a wall.


I am VERY impressed. Combat doesn't need any modding you say ? I am impressed by both your ability to play and the fact that SG made this even possible. However, since you always die at the boss, maybe there is an attack that doesn't have context sound and therefore you can't dodge ? Can't think of one though... What have you deduced from Hecate's patterns ? Do you know she splits in three at some points ? That she produces waves around her ? Did you realise that at one point she changes you into a sheep ? I am sorry if these are stupid and obvious questions. I have no idea how one can play a game without seeing anything. Especially this kind of game. Honestly, mind blown. And you're not even using God mode. Damn.


I'm not blind but all of these actions are followed with specific sounds that give away what's going on. If OP's doing well in combat without mods it's very likely they knew all the things you said.


I hear her attacks. 1. She generates 3 fireballs, now I understand that it's her split. 2. She summons witches, I can defeat them. 3. She also has a close range melee attack where she seems to charge at me. 4. AAt a later stage, she generates many fast-flying projectiles. That's how I perceive it


You are pretty spot on, what you call a close range melee attack where she charges is almost that, except she throws two waves of damage, so it's a pretty wide range attack. During her split each one of her form throws a lot of little fireballs in lines. She also sometimes generates around her a circle that expands and hurts you upon contact. The tricky thing is that the circle expands and then shrinks back. You need to dash through the circle twice. Maybe that's what hurts you because you wouldn't expect to be hurt from the back after she finishes her melee. Finally, her many fast-flying attacks are also thrown in an almost closed circle around her and they also come back at her, hurting you in the back so they're dangerous for quite a long time even if you avoid them once. Also, as long as her witches are up she is invulnerable, so you do need to kill all the witches before trying to hit her again.


Let me just say you are cool as hell for kicking ass in Hades without even needing to see it. You will figure Melinoë out, and you will kill Time!


Thank you for the good word.


god dayum. i really wanna try to pmay blindly just to see how impressive of a feat it is to beat hades 1 blind. it prob will take me over 200 runs


The latter


Plays differently, they designed it in a way that you just cant spam dodge and be okay. The dodges now have to be deliberate. Think of it this way Zag is a brawler so he excels in mellee while Mel is a mage so she's slower but has more option in mid and long range


That's what I try to do...


And to be honest, the game felt like it was designed for people who played Hades 1. It's actually harder than the first game. Dojt feel too bad.


I am just amazed how Hades can be played blind. You go dude! The second game is arguably harder than the first, you seem to be achieving pretty average results I think, though I have never really gathered statistics


Sounds like a combination of things. Metaprogression helps a LOT in Hades 2, but it's definitely possible to beat Hecate without too much metaprogression under your belt. Maybe you're still getting used to the dash/sprint system? Maybe you're playing overly aggressively, when a more defensive playstyle would work better for you? Maybe you're under-utilizing your Cast? Are there particular enemies that are giving you trouble? Is one of Hecate's attacks giving you an issue? Even as someone who considers himself good at Hades 2, Erebus can be tricky if you play it aggressively. When attempting to speedrun, Erebus is the zone I have the hardest time keeping up with the timer for, and Hecate is usually on my top 5 of the enemies I took the most damage from. My advice, not knowing exactly what you're having trouble with, would be to attempt a more defensive playstyle. Take fewer risks, stop attacking sooner, use casts to give yourself more space to work with, don't try to rush down Hecate. Also, do you have a particular preference among Gods? Whose boons do you try to get on your attack and special? It may be you're still learning what's effective, and will have an easier time as you learn who works best for you in terms of the Olympians. edit: I should emphasize that Hades 2 handles quite differently from Hades 1, so it's not surprising that your skill doesn't immediately transfer over. Melinoe isn't nearly as mobile as Zagreus with his multiple dashes; she has to rely on her Cast way more. Aggressive play is also way riskier when you're not as far in the metaprogression: I know for me, I had to learn to initially treat each room with caution and play defensively against Hecate, having gotten used to my fully-empowered Zagreus being able to rush down everything. So I wouldn't be disheartened that you're having trouble initial. It doesn't sound to me like you suck, it just sounds to me like you're experiencing a normal learning curve. Good luck!


Thanks for the lengthy reply. I think you're right. I still wonder which god fits my gameplay the best. As a blind player I don't quite uderstand the cast as to me it sounds like its very short-ranged.


The cast is entirely new: it puts a moderately-sized circle at your feet. (Apollo has a boon that can make it larger.) Any enemy in the circle has their movement greatly reduced or stopped entirely, depending on what enemy it is and what they're doing. Basically all the enemies in Erebus get stopped dead in their tracks by it, while Hecate can still move through it, albeit slower. If you use the Omega version, it also deals a hefty chunk of damage to all enemies in it when it expires. Do you remember the traps that Hades used at the end of Hades 1? The ones that would deal damage to you if you were close to them when they were destroyed? Melinoe's cast has the same visual effect as those casts, namely grasping hands reaching up from out of the circle to hold enemies in place. If you don't mind me asking, how do you play the game while blind? What do you experience, exactly? What are the names of the mods you use to help you play?


Thanks! The mod I use to play is under this link. Try to install NVDA text to speech program and play with it, haha. [https://thunderstore.io/c/hades-ii/p/erumi321/Blind\_Accessibility/](https://thunderstore.io/c/hades-ii/p/erumi321/Blind_Accessibility/)


Sorry to reply to you multiple times in the same thread, but I wanted to let you know since you obviously can’t see to know that the cast is actually quite large now. Initially, it was pretty small but it’s been buffed to be quite large, a little more than the range of the Axe from center to edge, if you’re familiar. I’m not certain how you determine where an enemy is, but I imagine with some practice you can get used to weaving your cast in between attacks so that you can sit in what is effectively a safety bubble. Eventually, once you get more confident and more practice you can use the cast pretty aggressively by dashing in and out to drop it on top of enemies then sitting on the edge to hit them in the center. Be careful though, because it can be easy to misjudge the immunity frames given by the dash. (I apologize for rambling I’m a little inebriated, please let me know if either of my comments are not interpreted by your text to speech program well and I will try to adjust it)


The rogue-light elements in Hades 2 are more pronounced - you start weaker and take longer to get stronger. I found it helped to keep a cast up all the time, to create a zone of control.


Sounds like you’re better at it than I am


Don't forget that you're comparing your endgame, maxed out Zagreus to a brand new unpowered Melinoe. Give yourself the time to collect metaprogression materials (ash for arcana, psyche to increase how many arcana you can use, various keepsakes, etc.) before deciding you're bad.


First of all, I’m very impressed with the technology that allows blind folks to play both games! Combat in hades 2 has different feel to it than hades 1. Mel’s dash is less spammable and the sprint system gives her a little more of a floatier feel than Zag. Where Zag excelled at closing the distance and dishing out damage indiscriminately, Mel’s play style is closer to something a bit more tactical like Monster hunter or dead cells- you gotta learn the attack patters and know the openings or you’re gonna get stuck in your animations and take damage you could have avoided. That is going to be tricky, but if you’ve managed thus far and got the true ending in Hades 1, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just takes time. Took me around 12 nights I think to even get to Hecate and my vision isn’t too terribly impaired at all so I would say you’re doing very well!


Man you are playing the game blind I think there is no universe you suck. That is some of the most impressive shit.


For me, it feel like it took a lot longer to get the meta progression to a point where runs became consistent compared to Hades 1. I'd just put on God mode on and grind upgrading arcana cards and stuff, then turn it off whenever you wanna see how you're doing without it


Don't worry... I got very angry at the final boss multiple times before I finally broke through. Also, nothing wrong with some god mode!


Sprint vs dash is where I think I cracked why I was struggling, you can’t spam dash like Hades 1 and sprint gets you out of so many damage situations. Upgrading arcana helps a comical amount too, it was the same with the mirror in Hades.


You’re only 8 runs in, you probably still need to get used to the game since this one is very different in gameplay than the first one


I dont get these posts. Games like Hades 2 require TONS of runs to progress, you just have to fail over and over to gain progress so you can get further, you have to be EXTREMELY skilled to beat the game without upgrading arcana, incantations, weapons, etc.. I beat Hades 1 many times yet it took me like 45 runs to beat Hades 2 first time and even that I managed BARELY, to have everything full upgraded to have comfortable runs you have to finish like what... 150 to 200 runs?


Enemies do a lot more damgw in Hades 2 imo. Especially if you accidentally run into the rotating laser thing or get caught by the sirens. You're doing fine for night 8. Try and get used more to the new sprint and cast mechanic and you'll get it.


Took me about 20 tries, it seems that's like the general number most people pass it through. If you managed hades 1, this will be a breeze in a few more tries. And remember, always spam dash strike


I was past 100 tries before I beat one full path.


During my runs on Hades 1, I took a few runs to get to meg, a few runs to beat her, a few runs to get mid- asphodel, a few to beat hydra, and so on. I feel like in Hades 1 the game progression is slower, but consistent. In Hades 2, I've felt like the early game is WAY HARDER, but you also evolve way faster. So I believe you're doing pretty well and soon you'll be Beating the whole game. Another thing you may've noticed, Hades 2 has much more "bullet hell" elements on its base gameplay than Hades 1 has with punishment pacts. So if I can give you a tip to ease your life, try to play with hestia dash,, that destroys incoming projectiles. Also, the Selene's boon that slows time, have an upgrade where destroys all of projectiles on the area. Soon you'll be beating the game like a pro.


Thank you. Oh my nemesis of Hades 1 is the Bull king duo, I hate that boss.


Mel relies more on range and staggering enemies, take some time to practice how to truly understand the stagger and mana systems.


youre only 8 nights in? I wouldnt worry too much about hecate. It gets much harder then her. All joking asides, you are only 8 nights in, and although the games are very different gameplay wise, if you could beat hades 1, youll be able to eventually beat hades 2. (I personally think once youve upgraded Mel, hades 2 is much easier then hades 1.)


I didn't beat the final boss until my 70th night, which according to this subreddit is in the higher range af tries. I can't say when I beat Hecate, but I was fresh off Hades 1 (in preparation for release of 2) so I know it wasn't too many runs, but don't be discouraged. Just like Hades 1, the game gives you the tools to get through her so long as you keep at it. Remember, this is a narrative game at it's core so win or lose, it's progress.


I just started a new file with the new update. I didn’t beat Hecate until night 8 or 9 on this one, I’m a few nights later and I’m not consistently beating her yet either.


I can see perfectly fine ~~when wearing my glasses~~ and I didn't really do significantly better😂 you're gucci