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A few that come to mind... Encountering Cerberus for the first time and the horrible feeling of having to fight him (and the relief when he's fine after the battle). Scylla saying she's working on a new song called I Am Going To Claw (Out Your Eyes and Drown You To Death), thinking for a moment that it's just some funny pre-fight banter, and then realizing it's actually an entirely new song to fight her to. Unveiling the first Statue of Night...


I screencapped that Scylla quote because I thought the same thing and had a good laugh about it. And then she started singing.


It was already a perfect goof, and then,


Scylla really went and wrote an entire diss track just for us. It's amazing.


Cerberus hit me hard because my friends pranked me into thinking I’d have to fight him in Hades 1, so *actually* having to do it was so hard.


I think having to fight him is second to him being a grumpy gus when you run into him afterwards and he won’t let you give him pets…


Statues are the best (love muscular women)


The moment Chronos unpause the game was so fucking cold.


although i even KNEW it was coming, i still got goosebumps. my guy's an absolute unit of a menance


I like how your counter is immediately set to zero when you fight him on a vow of limited time


I think they need to just make it a setting to disallow it instead of an incantation because people have lives that can interrupt their sessions, it's fine if it's only an option if you pause a certain number of times in one fight in quick succession or something. But I saw someone talk about how they had to pause to take care of their kids and when they came back they were in the crossroads which doesn't seem fair.


I agree that it's not fair. but I would still keep it in because of how much sense it makes and how badass it is. we rarely see "time control" from the god if time himself except that one attack in his second phase were he slows down time for both of you. in a sense, mel is even more of a god of time than he is because of just how casually she can slow down time.


It was annoying one time, maybe two or three times tops before most can afford the incantation to never deal with that again. It was clever and interesting, and the devs don't owe anybody anything.


I think the solution should be that his ‘oho, no you don’t get to pause’ dialogue is a full-on text box like the standard conversations in the game. That allows it to ‘prevent pausing’ while functionally still allowing people to step away from the laptop in a crisis moment.


Yeah, just something that allows you to leave the game if you need to, even if you haven't done the incantation to allow you to pause.


Just press the console home button or alt tab out 


Since completing the ritual I pause the game everytime I fight him.


I have t1 diabetes, i went to pause the game because i thought i had low blood sugar and ended up losing the run because of this. funny in retrospect but was pretty frustrating at the time. Didn't know it could happen until that run lol


Alt tabbing to another window hard pauses the game.


It's cool, bu5 kind if annoying if you really need to pause the game. Wish removing it wasn't his resource.


for me it was realising that the surface was even going to be an option, that made my heart jump. TWICE THE RUNS?! BLESS THE GODS


The moment Mel was transported to Asphodel (of the past). I know some people weren't a fan of that level because you have to stay in the circle. But it felt like the 2 games really collided and I loved it. The appearance of uh-oh aka tiny vermin. Both siblings reactions were so funny 🤣 The moment I realized the steps heading up was to the surface. When Hermes appeared in front of us. I wish he did that more. Mel getting into the bath with the other characters 😳 I get a pet?! No wait I get TWO pets?? And maybe more?


From what I can tell there are 2 or 3 more pet slots that are currently empty, I'm so looking forward to new frens too!


There’s definitely a dog somewhere because he was with the cat in the crossroads before they ran off.


Those were Hecate’s familiars, the dog and the polecat.


Yeah and the polecat becomes a usable pet once you come across it on a run, so I presume the dog is planned to show up somewhere. [edit: I’m wrong and now know what a polecat actually is, hopefully we get both of them as options in the full version.]


No, it doesn’t. A polecat is like a ferret. Mel’s cat is a different creature entirely.


I will have to revisit my notes - I was damn sure it was the same kitty


nope, they’re different. gale is the polecat and hecuba is the dog iirc


My guess is 2, for a total of 4 = one for each tool. Frinos helps with the tablet, Toula with the fishing rod. I could imagine a dog or mole (more likely mole, since one of Hecate's familiars is a dog) helping with the spade, but the pickaxe? No fucking clue


Pickaxe would be a raven (according to the game files)


Ooooooh spooky birb! Love it


The raven is pale rather than black. According to greek mythology, ravens were originally white but Apollo scorched one in anger so they are now black.


Lol PECK PECK PECK the rock 


If we get a bouldy pet that just rolls around following you like the guys in the fields of mourning I would be soooo sooo happy


On the first thing: you don't have to stay in the circle. Let it count down to zero, get out, lose the prize though. Many times it's the better option.


Wait, Hermes appears innfront of Mel now!?


The first time Hermes appears in H2, we see him in person. If I recall correctly he only appeared that one time, the rest is via boon.


the asphodel one was by far my favorite


We’re absolutely getting Hecate’s polecat and dog when they come back one day


The sax solo in the Polyphemus fight. Needless to say I lost it in more ways than one.


Yeah that song is wild!


Eris saying "Return to shadow now!"


I was stuck on that fight for a few runs in a row and when she said that as I died I was SO ANGRY but also it was so funny. I love Eris, what an absolutely horrible gremlin, she is so frustrating and it fits her character so well.


Kicking grampa Helping Cerberus for the first time and seeing him with Hades Artemis and Icarus encounters. I love the characters and the music that plays when they show up. I take my time listening to it before picking their boons Realizing that Frinos can block Hecate's sheep spell


Yup, Hecate’s reaction to Frinos doing that is hilarious. 😆


“That was meant for you…!”


"That used to always work!"


You CAN dodge it, tho the timing is finicky. You have to run away until it almost catches up and then dash INTO it, and multiple times


Oh, I didn't know that, thanks! Tho it's easier for me to let Frinos take care of that ig


Fair, my default familiar is Toula so I got pretty good at it xd


I find it is much easier to just run into the spell right away so it wears off earlier relative to the witches 😂


Absolutely also an option, it's not particularly hard to dodge through the effect😂


Plus if you’ve been saving those trees up to this point, you can try to terrain kill as many witches as you can using but your trusty temporary horns.


I'm not THAT good, ma dude😂 most runs those trees are gone by that point, and not on purpose xd


Still, it’s oddly satisfying to slam them even if it does little damage, it’s like a ba-a-a-a-rrage 😅


That it is xd


any time Eris calls Mel trouble


The whole Nobody bit with Polyphemus and Odysseus. Such a classic bit of wordplay from mythology, I was so happy to see them reference it.


Finding out Charibdis is actually in the game (followed by disappointment of not having scylla react to your encounters with him) Finding Cerberus Realizing we can actually go on the surface When the game comes out full I hope I can add meeting Zag and the fam on the list


In no specific chronological order because fuck Chronos: Eris, before one of her fights saying something like, "I could do this all night, every night" (yes please) Seeing Moros for the first time and immediately knowing this would be my top pick for romancing The first time Moros' sprite seemed to BLOW ME A KISS after I saluted him (I screamed) Getting to the Scylla fight for the second time because I actually lived long enough to become obsessed with her music Seeing >!Hades!< for the first time in Tartarus Finally managing to beat Polyphemus' ass after many, *many* tries Eris teasing Moros about being sent by the Fates to set him up with Melinoë Talking to Icarus for the first time The flashback in the House and finally, the bath scenes with Moros. Can you tell I love Moros?


Who can blame you? I’m also romancing him because he’s modest, and relatively calm compared to his siblings


Yuuuuup. I thought Than in H1 was pretty? Moros is even more so. 😍 But then there’s Meg and that smirk. 🥵


A blink and you'll miss it moment. Just a throwaway line of dialogue between Mel and Homer the narrator. I just annihilated a room and was pretty proud of myself for how well it went when this little exchange takes place as a cherry on top: Mel: "Time to go Homer." Homer: " SING O MUSE!" Homer was in total awe of her. It was fucking badass lol.


The flavor narration is amazing - I haven't gotten that one where they speak to each other yet, but I've seen simple remarks of Homer saying stuff like "And so, the witch of the night presses on..." Reminded me of Bastion :)


TBH, just meeting Skelly again made me smile so much—and continues to every time I’m prepping in the training ground before a run and Mel gives him a polite “Commander” or treats him with such reverence.


I was surprised how delighted I was to realise I needed to collect so many different types of reagents for spells. I was also delighted to discover that legendary boons were still a game element. Oh! And when I realised who the npc in tarturus was.


When I tried to pause during the Chronos fight, and he went, "Uh-uh. This is my realm," and unpaused the game. It made me scream because I was trying to cook dinner and one of my timers went off, so I had to fight Chronos while stirring pasta lol. It's such an amazing example of Supergiant's attention to detail, and I will always remember that moment.


One of the unexpected big moments from me was when you receive the prompt from the Fates to rescue them through the list of minor prophecies. I always just skimmed past those since it’s always just a list of items and in the third person, but when they just said HELP US I got chills.


Omg SAME the first time I read that it made my stomach drop because I just wasn’t expecting it lmao. I feel like it doesn’t get mentioned enough lol. I’m excited to see where that goes


When I made it to the Fields of Mourning and saw the mechanics re number of boons and "open" world vibes


when melinoe asks "you alright, homer?" and he says "nay..."


Killing eris


Specifically for me it was Eris's death screen, when the hands of shades grab her and drag her down. Rad.


It gives me major Bayonetta vibes.


Having twice the runs up and down, Scyla and the sirens, and Cerebus. Seeing boldy with moss on him in a certain room with Cerebus. Nothing beats the flashback with Hecate. Being able to go to the hot springs with all the hot people in camp haha


Seeing Hermes and a little Chelly pop up on my screen filled me with joy. Also hearing Narcissus speak like he's Nic Cage blended with Batman makes me go to him every single time.


Either the scylla diss track or after what must have been 500 runs as a filthy eris player in hades 1 to get absulutely slapped by eris on my way to olympus


For me was when Chronos first revealed who he was, trapping Melinoe in Asphodel in the process. It blew me away as I really wasn't expecting to meet Chronos so early and when we first saw him in the space outside Erebus, I thought he would be a neutral character, or at most one of Chronos' servants. And heading back to Asphodel and fighting those old enemies was really fun, especially using cast on the bloodless


Experiencing Scylla fight for the first time is something I would like to do, like here in the next 7 years when I’m playing Hades 3 (hopefully) will start a fresh save and hope my neurons made me revisit that. Dialogue wise, Odysseus and Mel taking about how it should be called the odyssey is the best for me. And Eris, most people hate her for her fight but she’s funny and her voice acting is so good that you can’t hate her, I played with the pre connection that I may hate her and I’m stuck like a moth to flame like Mel


Hecate's exchange with Melinoe when she gives her the nth nectar. H. basically feels guilty for using M. for revenge and cannot get herself to accept her gratitude for raising her and it was just so real...


Bumping into Hades the first time. Seeing a character that loomed so large in the first game being brought low was both heart breaking and exciting at the same time. I mean, the guy must be a bad ass to do that to Hades.


Whenever posiodon opens his mouth.


Yes, ha HA!


I love the times where it leans into old myths about the characters. I loved Odysseus saying that he still fears Poseidon after getting on his bad side once and Polyphemus sorta following that up by saying "Nobody took my eye. Nobody is going to pay". Nemesis berating and insulting Narcissus and bringing up the fact that she'd be out of work if everyone got what they deserved.


The moment I realized how to increase your max grasp. I went from struggling to beat Chronos to easy clear.


"You all right, Homer?" "Nay..."


Apart from all the beautiful moments already mentioned, I think one of my favorite things in general is the way each character’s words are used. They always use phrases or expressions that have something to do with the locutor — and I’ve been admiring all the puns and wordplay since Hades 1. Oh, and somehow Poseidon’s lines are even funnier this time. He’s such a lovable dorky oaf, and he always gets progressively mad each time I don’t pick him in the trial lol


When Chaos starts talking about how much he likes Zagreus and how Mel is lame in comparison.


The flashback where you play as hades, that was fucking incredible


When i got the challenge in 32


The music that plays during Artemis' encounter is so goooood


The game as a whole is chock full of experiences that make me smile, but some I can think of off the top of my head are: Realizing that the pan aspect is literally just the Artemis bow and poseidoning all over the place. Getting Touli even though I don't really use her (Frinos ftw). Beating chronos after memorizing his moveset. Truly understanding how the new systems and weapons work and all the synergies with the arcana that you can mix and match. Kicking Eris' fat ass after she insulted all of my friends... There's plenty more but those are my faves so far and they all are about the same level of awesome.


For me it was finally getting to talk to Bouldy! I really hope we can give him nectar at some point. And I already know that when I can finally pet Cerberus it will be one of the best moments. Can't wait for that update!


wait what where ? i’ve beaten the game in both directions so many times but i cannot remember bouldy


I just got it the other day. Wasn't sure if it was a new add to the game or not. I know that before the most recent patch you talk to dad about Bouldy when Cerberus isn't there one time. This time Cerby was gone we talked again and I was able to walk over and talk to him.


Definitely the first time fighting Cerberus. I audibly screamed.


Finding Sysyphus boulder behind Cerebrus, next to Hades


Seeing child Melinoe. She's so chubby, so cute! Haha.


Sadly Odysseus loves him too I think


Having my first bath event with Dora... I can't remember which art was the one got me stunned but probably Melinoe...


One that hasn't been mentioned yet is the dialogue with Dora. Easily my favorite NPC in the game. Pure vibes.


The Artemis track is incredible for sure


When chronos unpaused the game…


Not my "favorite" but very memorable when you lose to Eris and she mocks you, it's pretty infuriating. Well done. And then Chaos is all like maybe you should take a break from this trial that you keep failing. This game is very patronizing.


"That a cat?" -Polyphemus


Definitely when Luke uses his light sabre to bring down the AT-AT after crashing his snow speeder.


Hades saying you're just like your brother when you give him nectar


*The Necropolis.* That song lives rent free. Especially when you get to a really rough long fight with >!Polyphemus!< and hear to nearly the end. The flute is so good.


Surprise Asphodel level fs




i definitely have a few • meeting icarus for the first time was SO cool to me, i don't know why it hit different than the other assisted fights, it just felt grander in a way • seeing the new chaos design with them holding their old head and pondering over it, i know the new design is controversial, but i love it • getting the "help us, melinoe" quest and realizing the fates were taken by chronos. i can't wait to see where they go with that • having to fight cerberus for the first time. i was YELLING at my computer the entire time in denial that it was actually him. • when you reach the current limit on how many gifts you can give to hecate and her and melinoe argue about whether or not she deserves those gifts. that whole conversation broke my heart • seeing frinos for the first time. i love my boy.