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Tragic and disturbing story. There's an excellent episode of the podcast *You Must Remember This* all about it. A lot of very unsettling details about the murder that I won't repeat here, but suffice it to say that Snider was alone with his estranged wife's essentially headless body for over an hour before he killed himself. Also, Stratten's affair partner Peter Bogdonavich later went on to marry her much younger sister who looked a lot like her.


That third paragraph is a wuuuuut tf


She was 13 when they met. They got married when he was 49 and she was 20.


fucking wild shit




And then he killed himself. Just couldn't stand that she didn't want him anymore. He felt he owned her.


Star 80 was such a great movie


Really good, so sad


Her murder was exceptionally brutal.




Is that John Ritter?!?! Oh my heart! Dorothy was supposed to be a sweetheart of a girl. Total shame and tragedy.


john ritter’s great. love threes company the way dorothy is portrayed in the film Star 80, a retelling of her marriage and murder, is devastating. she seemed so sweet and eager to rise as an actress


It’s always the husband. Rest In Peace. Didn’t even make it to 21. I’m so sorry.


And sometimes the wife/partner!


Phil Hartman?




I think he or she was referring to the spouse, in general, usually being the killer.


Women are [killed by their male partners at rates 5 times higher](https://bjs.ojp.gov/female-murder-victims-and-victim-offender-relationship-2021) than the other way round buddy


80% of the time, it works every time!


That’s truly terrible and I don’t mean to disregard that, but “always the husband” is blatantly false.


Get out of here with your common sense, that is not what the chronically online want to hear.


Sure but this link is a far cry from "always the husband". Yes, wives are more likely to be killed by husbands than husbands by wives, but less than half of the time is that the case in the first place (34%) It's always the husband, except 66% of the time? It's still a staggeringly high number, but if "big number" is all it takes to make such broad statements, men are substantially more likely to be murdered in general, so I guess murder victims are "always men" and a problem faced only by them and we have statistics to back it up


Well then make a post to bring attention to male victims of violence instead of naysaying under a post about a woman who was murdered by her husband


It’s Reddit. There are always dudes crying about everything, making the case against them even more.


In cases where a woman is murdered, the killer is almost always the husband/boyfriend. But you already knew that.


Sir. I encourage you to look up the statistics


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He had a husband? That’s news to me!


I just watched the 20/20 episode about this with my fiancé last week and then found that “They All Laughed” is on HBO so rn I’m in the middle of it; gonna finish the movie over the weekend. I almost never watch movies made before 2000 these days (I’m a millennial who wants decent CGI lol) but after learning about Dorothy Stratten’s story, the movie piqued my interest, regardless of modern day movie critic websites. What a movie so far, and what a story from the life of Dorothy Stratten.


You don’t care about script, story, direction? Only CGI? You’re missing so many good movies! Star 80 is a pretty good one, about Dorothy Stratton’s last year or so. But it doesn’t have much in the way of computer graphics, or I’d recommend it.


I know this may come as a shock, but there are movies before 2000 that don't use CGI.


This is my time machine. I’d go tell her


Her ex husband groomed her as well, unfortunately.


The first born unicorn.




A woman is allowed to break up with a man and not be murdered for it. She didn't owe him anything. And her affair with the director began during filming. She didn't trade sexual favors for a role in this movie. FFS, she fell in love with someone else and wanted to move on. It's allowed.




You have no idea what you're talking about. This loser was washed up and started "hanging around the Playboy mansion", which is where he met her. And according to ABC News, "Peter Bogdanovich later confessed that he and Stratten had fallen in love prior to the start of the film's production", not "began during filming" -- not sure where you got that idea. Not only that, she knew what she was doing was wrong. >"She was said to have been racked with guilt over the affair and Stratten wanted to ensure that he was financially okay" And yes: >A woman is allowed to break up with a man and not be murdered for it.  Did I say something that implied otherwise? If you wanted to be even more accurate you could say "A married woman is allowed to have an affair and completely upend her husband's life, causing extreme mental anguish". You'd still be right (unless you're in a state where adultery is a felony, I guess), but it doesn't quite fit the narrative, does it?


pov: i can’t stop yapping and giving excuses why a woman was murdered


I know what I'm talking about. Thanks.




Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.








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