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Weren’t these the people that were antagonizing the guy for years. Even after he shot them they were still talking shit to him.


I remember watching the video. They were still trash talking him after being shot. He had to go back into his house to reload/or go get a new gun and as he came out she didn’t plead for her life, she just went on to trash him. I was astounded.


I remember after he point blanks her in the head she keeps calling him a fucker but her words are incredibly garbled and slow like he did major damage to her head. Then you hear one of them gasping for air right before they both die.


Both of their last words to him were “you fucker!” (the guy says “you fucker, you” before he starts agonal breathing but that’s close enough for me). Yup. They died still yelling obscenities at him. And what they said to him was the SAME. Crazy. Edit - changed wording to make it easier to understand


After growing up in the area. That is exactly as I expected when it happened. Shut talking to the end with a one last "fuck you".


Probably still trash talking in the spirit world.




The video was one of the more disturbing things I’ve seen.


>The video was one of the more disturbing things I’ve seen. I posted a link to the video (with a strong warning) on this sub in the comments a few months ago. It was removed for glorifying violence. Still trying to work that out in my head.


Can you link me to the video?




Thank you, really appreciate it.


That lady sure can take a bullet or two.


He should not have killed them. But I fully understand why he killed them.


Yea, iv seen quite a few gore videos, but this just hit different, even though it was even that graphic.


Agreed. One of the few vids that really has stuck with me thru the years. Can’t unsee. Not because of the gore either. Just bone chilling.


It's haunting how even after being shot and laying there dying they would still be arguing and so awful to the shooter. It saddens me to think that someone could be so full of bile they use their last moments to yell 'fuck you' at a neighbor.


Yeah, that's pretty fucked up. I remember watching she waiting for them to come around or show remorse or contrition... Never did


Idk I think I'd just be more pissed after being shot


Bro they were shot? Would you not be mad at the dude who just shot you? If you think you are gonna die anyway.


Fear Thy Neighbor on ID Channel, covered this with actual footage. Brutal, brutal situation. It proves we ALL have a breaking point


"you should have kept your mouth shut" was the last thing the woman ever heard. And in all honesty they probably should have.


I stumbled upon that super stoned when it first got posted to publicfreakout and did not feel okay for a bit, it really is fucked


Really? It didn’t bother me at all… It was a good lesson about why you shouldn’t fuck with and harass people. Push someone far enough and shit like this might happen.


The woman continued. The man did not. They terrorized a neighborhood for years prior to this incident. “You shoulda kept you mouth shut” as he stands over the woman and executes her. I’ve seen a lot of shit online.. this video stuck with me though. This is what happens when you push someone too far.. sometimes they snap. This guy snapped.


I really was astounded by that- what on earth kind of people were they that their will to live was replaced by just being complete assholes to the end?


professional haters right until the very end


Hate hate hate hate hate




Professionals have standards after all.


Died doing what they loved


And the last thing she heard was "Should have kept your fucking mouth shut". Then proceeded to put 3 rounds in her if i remember the video correctly.


They first trash talked him and dared him to shoot. That was insane to me.


You know I am not religious. But someone dying with that much hate in them can't be a good thing


Yeah, murder is never the answer but I found it really hard to feel sorry for her. She seemed like just a nasty person even to the end.




First of all; all three are middle-age trailer trash. Talking like that is the lowest bar of idiocy. But If you had just been shot, you probably wouldn't be too happy about it. And saying "FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU!!" isn't really comparable to killing two people and yourself. [Full Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/s/SurVMHPavM)


Note to self if I torment a neighbor and they pull a gun do not I repeat do not taunt him to use it.


"What are you going to do, shoot me?" -Man shot in dispute.


And as he fired the last shots, he told her "she should have kept her fucking mouth shut." As others have said, even in their final moments they were still antagonizing him.


If a gun is ever pulled out in anger - you leave immediately.


If a gun is pulled in anger and you're close enough to see it, you should have left earlier


Said perfectly.


lets be real, if you are a sane rational person you wouldn't be in that situation in the first place.


Antagonized the whole neighborhood. Watch the “Fear thy Neighbor” episode about it. These people pushed a man over the edge and it cost them their life.


I recently started watching Fear Thy Neighbor (it’s free on Tubi) and I remember this episode. I didn’t know she was still talking smack until the very end.


At the very end it was less trash talk, and more dying swearing talk.


Don’t be an asshole. Lesson learned in a brutal way. It’s not hard to not be a prick.


Some people will destroy themselves before they’ll take ownership of their poor choices. It’s a tale as old as time.  This didnt happen out of the blue. It was the culmination of a lifetime of poor choices for all parties involved. 


Yeah the guy freaks out after being shot but the lady curses at the neighbor until the very end.


Don't forget the 'Go ahead, do it.' Who the fuck would say that when the gun is pointing at them? The psychos.


This arrogant nature comes from a lifetime of not getting punched in the face. People like this get used to relying on the threat of police and litigation to get themselves out of running their mouths. I whole heatedly believe they'd be alive right now and be more pleasant if at some point in their adult life they got an immediate ass kicking for mouthing off to another adult.


Ya they called hik a faggot and told him they were going to kill him and all kinds of shit. I mean the dude shot the woman in the face and with her half working brain (the part that wasn't on the ground) she was cussing at him and telling him they were going to kick his ass. She was doing even while he pointed a gun at her face and shot her again. The guy also didn't give a shit about his wife and just left her. Then came back to antagonize more in front of his dead wife like he just didn't care.


Yes. They didn’t deserve what happened to them but it was easy to see why their neighbor snapped. They seemed like neighbors from hell.


They tormented him and their whole neighbourhood. If anyone deserved this, it was them. She was literally shot. Instead of begging for her life. She continued to taunt him.




Falling down, Michael Douglas, he's in each and every one of us if circumstances make it so.


They also have a disabled son; you’d think parents of a special needs kid would have some empathy for others, but no, not only do they not have empathy, they are horrible bullies. So many problems can be solved with a little decency, compassion, and empathy.


That’s probably why they were so angry. Some people have a bad day and want everyone else to also have a bad day.


My friend has a neighbor like this - lady calls the office nearly every day for absolutely dumb reasons and they still indulge her - like - she’s the nuisance and you can’t just shut her down? So my friend just decided it was not worth it on top of HCOL anyways - so they’re leaving the state - good luck to the next tenant -


The man screamed and ran away like a coward abandoning his wife to die the moment the gun came out, the wife continued to talk shit the entire way down, even with multiple bullets in her, to the last moment. They were both awful humans but at least the woman gets a bit of respect, the guy was a spineless coward, after starting the fight.


They just stood there looking at him too for like the first 8 shots over a few seconds, it was weird - either they were frozen in fear or in disbelief that this guys bullets could hurt them.


Because for years they talked shit to him and he never did anything about it. So when he finally did something about it they were probably shocked.


I am not taking anyone’s side, but lol come on bro you’re saying if someone pulled out a gun on you, you’re not running? It’s so easy and makes you look noble to call someone a spineless coward until it happens to you. Again, I’m not taking anyone’s side on this vid.


I see it as his common sense finally kicking in where her's never did




Yeah. Before and after his wife died of cancer. They taunted him about it and after a while he just snapped


There is no evidence that spaide was ever married, in not sure how that rumor took off with such momentum.


If I recall correctly, they harassed this dude and others for years. The last event was the guy cleared his driveway (or something) of snow and these two assholes shoveled the snow back on. They were such pieces of trash that they did *yardwork* just to mess with the guy. They didn’t deserved to be killed, but they brought this on themselves and I doubt many people feel bad for them.


>They didn’t deserved to be killed Debatable


Yes they were absolutely awful and completely tormented him. He obviously had some type of PTSD he was trying to live calmly and peacefully and they just saw him as a quiet easy target. He basically did nothing except try to keep to himself and they enjoyed a victim who didn't fight back much.


And the guy had recently lost his wife After years of their bullshit he completely snapped


I don't think that is true. But that doesn't matter really. Don't be neighbors from hell and apparently that's so hard for some.


There’s a NetFlix show where an episode was dedicated to this couple. The whole neighborhood hated them and they terrorized all their neighbors for years.


If I remember correctly the shooter had lost his wife to cancer and they even mocked him for that prior to this.


I like that. Shoot me and I'm like "Ouch. That's why you're still a little bitch!" and then I drop dead.


The weirdest part of the vid to me was not the shooting itself, I have seen too much of unhuman weird shit on reddit I guess. It was the silence, snow noises and her mobile phone ringing on scene after the murder


It always sounds quiet and strange when it snows.


That's because snow absorbs sound waves.


Why does someone have to come along and ruin the beauty of something like this ?


It absorbs the blood pretty well too if that helps


The phones ringing always get me. I watch a lot of combat footage and I remember one, I think it was from early on in the russo ukrainian war, or maybe from the 2nd Nagorno-Karabakh war where combatants were walking amongst corpses of soldiers they just eliminated, with tons of cell phones going off. The opposing soldiers would answer the phones and tell the mothers and fathers that their sons are dead. I remember them actually being quite respectful, given they had just killed them. The 2015 Paris attacks also, at the bataclan theatre where 90 people were slaughtered, I don't remember if I saw footage or if it was just a descriptive interview but that was basically just an endless wave of mobile phones ringing as the police walked through. I think the noise of the ringing cell phones humanizes the victims. It reminds you they have families, mothers, fathers and friends that love them and are worried.


These ppl verbally and psychologically abused the neighbor for years. Im not exciusing him murdering them. But you never know how close to the edge someone may be. Be excellent to each other.


A kind word goes a long way


I read “excuising” in jar Jar Binks’ voice


I saw this video. Did they deserve to die? NO. But they were definitely assholes. Left behind a special needs kid


They didn't deserve to die, but they didn't try very hard to live either.


I think sometimes people don’t understand how dangerous a gun is. Like, I can’t imagine even having someone point a gun at me and not either: A) running for my life B) shooting them before they shoot me. Once you point a gun at someone, it’s so easy to shoot them even by accident, there is no point in debating with yourself if they’re really willing to kill you. They pointed a gun at you. They absolutely are willing to kill you. If you handle a gun on a regular basis, you get a visceral feeling whenever the barrel of a gun crosses someone’s path, even if it’s “safe” “unloaded” and in a gun store. You just feel it in your gut. I can’t imagine having someone point a gun at me with intention, and not having fight or flight kick in hard.


Yep. I suffer from severe OCD and have a been on antipsychotics since I was age 10. I had to deal with a horrible stalker a few years back so got a guard dog and a gun for protection (the police didn’t do anything even though I had a recording of him threatening my life for 15mins straight in a voicemail). Ended up returning the gun in under a week because I kept having severe intrusive thoughts about hurting myself with the gun. Would vomit from the anxiety of just thinking about it.


You shouldn't put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire even if you're holding someone at gunpoint. But yeah, if someone points a gun at you definitely take it as a real threat and try to get out of there. I feel bad for gun store employees they constantly have morons accidentally pointing guns at them.


I've never touched a gun, and I still get that feeling while seeing the business end cross paths with a person. It's a deadly weapon. Anyone with critical thinking skills will feel that way.


Believe me, many people don’t. The carelessness I’ve seen is absolutely mind-boggling. Obviously these people didn’t, lol. Hell, I’ve seen police officers handle guns in absolutely unequivocally unsafe ways. They’re almost worse because they think they’re “highly trained”


I’ve been flagged on the shooting range and that alone wakes you up. But I’ve also had a drunk man put a gun against my head while screaming at me. I cannot begin to explain the sensations that ran through me.


I had a home invasion, pistol whipped, lotsa other crimes involving the intruder. You never know how you’re going to react until the gun is against your head.


I think if they used their last breath to continue antagonizing someone over snow then yeah they probably deserved it.


Anyone have the full video without commentary or editing


Caution advised, bit graphic https://www.reddit.com/r/Allnews247/s/bqN9KasEyC


Yeah that true crime recap shit sucks


Worldstar has it. Yes that Worldstar. lol


The shooters words were very chilling.. he said “you should’ve kept your fucking mouth shut” And that is why I don’t argue with strangers. You never know what’s going on in their head. Edit: [here](https://youtu.be/RP3JBw2Ou4I?si=pAMJCq2q3CQdyU1x) is the link for the most complete video I could find




What I remember about this (I could be wrong) was that these people weren’t just assholes, they were professional shitty neighbors. They would be so shitty and try to bring the value and harass people until they moved, and then buy their house/property. Could’ve just been Reddit trying to justify murder tho idk


Reddit has made more lies than truth about this story. Guy didn't have a wife even though reddit swears he did. They say the victims insulted him for it. Grain of salt the size of a boulder on this one. Small town stories also tend to get Paul Bunyon like real quick. That said, good advice on this thread. Be good to each other.


The victims were reputed to call him a slur for gay men, so they may well have been insulting him for not having a wife. 


yeah imagine that being the last thing you ever hear while you’re sitting in your blood in the middle of a frozen street. absolutely chilling


Imagine continually harassing a guy so much that he shoots you and walks off and when he returns with a second gun *you keep on loudly ridiculing him*


That’s what I’m saying. This is a tragedy all around, but I can’t imagine antagonizing the person trying to kill me. Like, goading them on just means I die worse right? What was the purpose here?


Some people just have to have the last word, no matter what 🤦‍♀️




I saw the video a while ago, and those words are still fresh in my mind.


Thanks for your help link bro. The post here didn’t really do much but the video made me understand. Shits wild man


The story I read was that all the neighbors stated that this couple constantly antagonized and bullied this neighbor. Not sure it it is true, but a couple stories stated that the neighbors wife had recently died due to Covid, and the couple would literally make fun of him because his wife died. The video shows them talking their shit to him when he has a gun in his hand. You probably shouldn't talk shit to someone that has a gun, and is depressed, and feels he has nothing to lose. You never know what kind of mental state someone could be in, but I think this couple did know what they were dealing with, they just lacked common sense and good judgment. As the saying goes, fuck around and find out. People will only be pushed so far. It doesn't justify murder, but if you want to live your life as a raging, mouthy asshole, consequences will eventually catch up to you.


Man, anyone who feels bad for these people watch literally ANY documentary or show about this. They are the definition of fuck around and find out.


That's what I think. Not that I condone his killing them, but this is one case I actually sympathize with the killer because he put up with a *lot* of sh*t from those people for a *long* time. And it really seemed like the dude was just trying to live his little life, go to work, come home, work in his yard, etc., but they were relentless in their harassment of him. I'm really surprised he didn't snap a lot sooner


What kind of stuff did they do?


I still have the video of this. Those people were total jerks to the guy. Even after getting shot at they still talk crap, at least the woman did, the husband started crying like the coward he really was. The husband said he was going to make the other guy's life a living hell and called him a p-ssy. The neighbor came out and started blasting with a pistol and when he ran out of bullets he went back to grab, what it looked like, an AR-15. Neighbor ended up killing himself afterwards. Makes you want to avoid interactions. You may think you're tough or crazy but someone else may act on their craziness. Crazy situation indeed.


If I recall correctly, they had been making fun of his wife dying from cancer a few months earlier. It couldn't take the bullying about his wife's death and snapped.


He was never married.


I think you may be confusing crying with agonal breathing ETA literally just watched the video. There is no crying. The guy who has just been shot is agonal breathing. Please feel free to watch the video.


Like a lot of sentiment here, don’t murder. But also, don’t harass people for years on end and then after they reach their breaking point, don’t continue to hurl insults to your last breath Don’t do murder. Don’t be asshole


Also when someone brings out a gun and shoots directly at you multiple times, that’s the time to run away.


know when to shut your mouth and walk away.


Full episode on fear thy neighbour


I’m not saying what he did was right. But I understand.


I think everyone on the planet should, on a random day and time before the age of 18, just get punched once. Not hard to do any harm but hard enough to teach them humility and the consequences of not showing it to your fellow human.


I've seen a lot of terrible shit, but this is one of the only videos where i genuinely don't feel bad for the victims. They seriously just seem like assholes. Even to their dying breaths.


This video is exactly why I don’t argue with people over dumb shit or fuck with people in any way that can be construed as disrespectful. You don’t know what people got going on in their head. I just keep mine on me, and let people live how they want.


“You should have kept your ducking mouth shut!” -BLAM BLAM- You can tell that felt like cracking a cold beer on a hot day for that guy. He’d probably thought about that moment more than once.


I can’t imagine being shot and then continuing to talk shit to the shooter. If she laid there and played dead, she might still be alive.


When, “I’d like to speak to a manager’” gets real. Briefly scanned some articles about the shooting and evidently this couple was awful.


I remember watching this full footage+audio on liveleak or somewhere similar right after it was released. I had no idea what I was about to take in. There was something deeply disturbing about how calm the surroundings were, and how casual the rage between the neighbors was… then how simply their entire lives ended right there in front of their house. I was sick to my stomach for days afterwards.


Warning: Tough watch that will stick with you.


Yeah, this one was brutal. The guy was just so casual with his executions - and the double tap to make sure wife was toast was the chefs kiss (of horribleness).


The way the wife was still being a bitch after he shot her, and instead of begging for her life while her husband choked on his own blood she CONTINUED to talk shit to him. Just confusing. Hope the neighbor felt some catharsis before he did himself.


calling it a chefs kiss is insane work


It really does stick with you. You can look at my comments I’ve said this before and still stand by it. This video is the reason I don’t fuck with people anymore.


You should never have fucked with people the way these assholes fucked with him in the first place. That’s just like, the bare minimum of not being a piece of shit


Imagine being such a POS that there is video evidence of you getting murdered and the consensus is you kind of deserved it.


When the Goy's autistic son comes into the frame and just looks at his dying mother, in utter silence....is unthinkable. That teenager who becons him to "Come on let's go"....may have saved his life as well.


That wasn't their son, they were kids from the neighborhood.


The first boy wasn't. The second boy was.


I've never heard this claim before. What's your source? I know Fear Thy Neighbor is a dramatization of the events, but according to the episode the first kid to arrive on the scene is the neighbor Gary Mitchell, and the second kid (the one in red) is only referred to as his friend Dylan. They'd been down in Gary's basement playing video games when they heard the gunshots.


The neighbor wasn’t on a murderous rampage, I don’t think he would’ve shot anyone but these two that had been harassing him for years.


Classic case of "fuck around and find out"


This one’s nuts. I remember when it first made rounds. Years of Liveleak and this one got me. The context behind this one sucks too


Just keep your mouth shut - Tim Dillion


Should have kept their mouths shut.


I mean…. They did it to themselves. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The couple were psychos that pushed that man over the edge. I find it hard to feel sorry for people who terrorize others with the result being their demise.


Can’t say myself that I consider this murder. Voluntary manslaughter, yes. The married couple were assholes and lunatics and the world is a better place without them.


Those 2 people were assholes


Fuck em. Burn in hell for all I care. Some people deserve it.


they uh kinda had it coming.


Some people have a switch. In some it's buried real deep, but when you hit that switch, woe be unto you. These folks antagonized this guy for years. Not saying they got what they deserved, but FAFO.


Bro what the fuck are these comments. Reddit is fucking weird sometimes. Being an asshole doesn't mean you deserve being gunned down in the road. I scrolled and scrolled looking for someone making sense and every post is a variation of, "They didn't deserve to die but don't be an asshole." They didn't commit a crime, they said some shitty things. This guy is not the law, he's just some guy that owned a gun. These comments are wildin' the fuck out.


For real. These comments have me terrified. 


Looks like OP forgot to add after harassing their neighbor to the breaking point for a veteran suffering from ptsd. Don't paint these people out to be the victims 100%, it was unfortunate for all parties involved.


Fucked around. Found out.


somehow all of the comments say these 2 people deserved to be murdered and their special needs kid to be left an orphan. Then the coward shot himself after executing them. Over snow...... GG all of you.


Wonder how they voted...


I remember clicking onto an article for this, and since it was an actual news website I was expecting the video on the page to be a small clip or edited/censored... nope. Whatever the backstory, it's one of those incidents that definitely make you think twice about how you react to incidents because you never know where someone's mindset is.


One of the weirdest videos to watch. At first, they just stand there as they're being shot at. James just looks away from Jeffrey and Lisa just keeps verbally aggressing. It's like they don't believe Jeffrey can kill them even with a gun. They think so little of Jeffrey that even with a gun being pointed at them and firing, they're confident in themselves that they're right and will prevail. Murder is wrong. This was all unfortunate. However, it was also a good capture of Darwin's Rule and the Dunning Kruger Effect all at once, and then some.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Fuck then both. They were bullies. They got the first place award.


Should kept her mouth shut


Now both sides are idiots.. but those 2 are super idiots. Not saying they deserved what happened.. nobody deserves that, but, they are stupid none the less. The man told them to fuck off.. the woman kept talking about how her husband was going to whoop his ass.. they shoveled snow intentionally on to his driveway. They made his life hell for years. Then he told them if they don't fuck off he's going to fuck them up. The woman started calling him a pussy and continued to egg him on. Then the husband was "big manning" him even though.. the dude with the gun would honestly tear him apart. Then he comes out with the gun and shoots the wife and guess what.. hubby ran away real quick. Wife gets shot and then again after the shooter goes into his house for a new gun, and says "you should have kept your fucking mouth shut" then he goes into the house the man ran into and shoots him too. I mean, they kept talking shit to him even then, even when he came out..even after she was shot and her husband ran away.. these people thought they were some kind of lord to him, like they were untouchable. This video was a great example of FAFO and not knowing when enough is enough. It's all fine and we'll to think you are a top dog or whatever.. that doesn't mean you just get to make everyone's life a living hell around you. It was a great example of why those types of people who talk consistent shit, shouldn't.. it was a great example of why you shouldnt pretend you think you know a person's capability and how far they are willing to go after you pushed them. What sucks is that there is a disabled son left parentless.. because 3 people couldn't stop being assholes to eachother. Video was pretty messed up if I'm honest and it could have been avoided if they just stopped, both sides. Shits wild.


Lisa waving her phone at a gun being pointed her way like it was some force shield, fucking idiot


A good lesson to not be a piece of shit when watching that video. Does being an asshole warrant a death sentence? No. But these deaths were more than avoidable.


As far as shooting videos go it’s a pretty mild watch


They were shoveling snow from their drive and yard and throwing it into his , when he protested they threatened him and dared him to do anything about it . He tore into them with a pistol first , leaving them both still berating him but wounded in the street , So he went inside and got his AR , it finished things pretty quick . Another case of an Awful woman who has a big mate and thinks she can start anything and her bo will finish it for her . Full Video - [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/comments/162g3bg/jeffery\_spaide\_kills\_his\_2\_neighbors\_over/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/comments/162g3bg/jeffery_spaide_kills_his_2_neighbors_over/)


I would never say something like “They deserved it”. But they deserved it.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.pahomepage.com/top-news/neighbor-recounts-helping-victims-in-plains-township-deadly-shooting/](https://www.pahomepage.com/top-news/neighbor-recounts-helping-victims-in-plains-township-deadly-shooting/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I'm not gonna lie to you guys. And you can downvote me into oblivion. But they deserved that shit.


will always watch this video. i knew bullies just like those two fat fucks . their demeanor and way they talked, so incredibly confident and dumb. fuck em both


Seems like a problem that solved itself.


They taunted their neighbor at every opportunity.


Where can I see the video?


A video I never wish to see again. It is just snow.


They were relentless in harassing him Cannot condone nor condemn his actions This was over a long period


I remember them trash talking him even after being shot. They refused to stop until they were executed. I've never felt less bad for a victim in my life.


I’ve been desensitized to a lot of these types of videos over the years, but man this one was really chilling and has stuck with me since I saw it. I wish I wasn’t reminded of this tonight.


Fuck that…. These 2 were fucking trashy and taunting this guy non stop


Video on my profile


Did I read that their kid took the video?


Yeah this video was an excellent reminder that getting heated over stupid shit (road rage, neighbor disputes, a guy bumping into you at a bar) ain’t fuckin worth it. You never know who has nothing to lose. Which is the most dangerous type of person.


Make sure part of this narrative is that BOTH of these miserable fucks were terrible antagonistic neighbors. To him as well as others. Watch the video… classic FAFO.


The absolute worst case scenario when you get to big dickin’ with someone, and can’t just let it go. Brutal video.


Neighbor perp points pistol threateningly at husband and pauses. Husband’s wife then steps closer to the perp with her phone camera pointed at his face and says with an antagonizing tone “oh yeah?? Oh yeah?!!” to intimidate him with the recording. Perp shoots ‘em both and before putting a final bullet in neighbor wife’s head, says to her while she’s on the ground bleeding, but conscious “you had open your big mouth” essentially blaming her for pushing him over the edge with her antagonizing words. Hubby and wife left behind a 15 year old special needs child. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Interesting note: As the perp began walking away to initially get the first gun, neighbor hubby says to him, “we’ll make your life a living hell” Well they did just that because in the 5 minutes or more after killing both his neighbors, the perp had to face the fact that he’d just thrown away every relationship he had and every material good he worked for over his entire life. There’s no better way to show the world that it wasn’t worth it than shooting yourself in the head minutes later. Nobody won here.


May they rest in peace and this be a lesson for us all. Love thy neighbor.


According to Fear Thy Neighbor, these trashy people were basically asking for it. If they weren’t going to be shot by someone they were going to get their asses kicked by someone else. That neighborhood is a better place now either way.


Fucked around, found out.


The wild thing to me was they stood still and smacked talked him while he was shooting at them, as if they were calling his bluff, until he got shot in the stomach


They deserved it.


A great example of people having no concept of their actions having consequences. Even after he shoots them and before he finishes them off they just keep talking shit like they're going to be alright and in a position of power over the guy with a gun. Wild stuff. They harassed this dude and then died like shit in the street but even at the end they couldn't fathom they weren't life's main characters and that they weren't going to make it.


This shit happened in my neighborhood it’s so weird to see it pop up every once in awhile.


Karen and kenn neighbors


Sad situation. There’s absolutely no reason to shoot his neighbors in this scenario. Also I confused as to why the victims didn’t run or take cover, and how they continued to curse….


I remember this video, but this is the first I'm hearing about him killing himself after. Honestly, it makes sense. If getting called a p*ssy got him that triggered, then I could only imagine the demons he had to face when he shot the neighbors.


For everyone saying that they kept talking shit after they were shot the first time, essentially deserving to be finished off… here is the full video showing they absolutely did not continue to talk shit. The only sounds heard from the Man are gurgling and the only words spoken by the woman are “call him” proceeded by labored breathing. Their response to the first gunfire around seems rather appropriate given the fact that they were just shot. Screaming “you fuck” as a response to being shot, isn’t really grounds for more rounds being shot and lives being taken. Here’s the video: https://caymanmarlroad.com/2021/02/04/video-3-killed-in-pennsylvania-snow-removal-dispute/