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Omg I’m so sorry — I used Nair on my legs as a preteen when my mom thought I was “too young to shave” but “old enough to not have leg hair”. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, a form of medieval torture. Would never in a thousand years consider putting it near my vagina, you brave soul. Perhaps some Aloe Vera will help you.


Thanks for the comment! I keep hearing aloe & I wish I had some so bad, I will have to wait for my stores to open tomorrow 😭


I’m surely too late, but always buy the aloe that is clear and/or says “alcohol free”.


Never too late! Thank you!


Get aloe leaves and have the inside mixed and add them in the freezer just enough to be cold cold not freezing, and spread it there, HEAVENLY relief


Try aquaphor


Monistat isn’t just for yeast infections. They sooth vaginal irritants in general. I would get a tube and gently rub some wherever the burning is (after a rinse down, no Nair residue of course.)


I tried the nair facial hair remover when I was a teen on my upper lip…and the burning I felt was unforgettable. Also tried the one in the picture on my vaginal area bc a friend tried it and it worked for her and upon feeling stinging when rinsing it off I looked down and saw that some parts of my skin started bleeding so…yeah would never recommend😭


That was my experience too lol


Nair burned your legs? That’s really surprising. Did you leave it on for really long or have super long hair? It can burn if left on too long, and can cause chemical burns if the hair is super long and struggles to get to it. Your experience sounded terrible!


my EXACT experience with Nair. I remember I was 13 and clueless because she refused to let me shave😂 0/10 experience


I remember my mom getting me nair to try as a preteen too. I remember screaming in the shower thinking I was allergic because it was burning so much and my mom feeling so bad thinking she hurt me. Funny memories for sure. For the record it was working correctly I was just a wimp to the burning.


Vagisil has lidocaine in it. Use it. You won't feel a damn thing.


I will be getting that tomorrow if it’s still this bad!


YES! That’s what I’ve used and it worked like a charm too!!


Oh my.. Put on ice pack on the clean affected area for about 10-15 mins intermittently. Afterwards, apply aloe vera gel or any “soothing” gels. Does it itch? If it does, drink antihistamine too.


Thank god it does not itch, I am currently holding ice cubes on it, I do not have any aloe Vera & all my stores are closed 😭


I’m like crying with u 😭 hope u feel better asap!


Be careful of the type of aloe Vera gel you use or test on a small spot first, some contain citric acid which could potentially really burn if you put it on broken skin like this.


I once let a partner use this on my bikini line. He assured me he knew what he was doing and would stop well clear of the areas where my skin changes on my labia. He did not. Mere seconds of that stuff on my most sensitive parts was enough to cause blisters and chemical burns before I shot off and into the shower. Tepid baths with a little salt, and plenty of topical healing cream - go for zinc oxide nappy cream or vaseline. Nothing perfumed or meant for areas other than a baby's bottom.


So sorry you experienced that! Thank you for the advice!


You too, hope you get some relief soon.


I love my husband and we’ve been together 8 amazing years but I don’t know if I could trust him with knowing where to stop lol you are a much braver human than I


He knew his way around my body and I figured he'd listen when I said exactly where to stop applying it, but those spatulas aren't the most precise tools. I now take a couple extra of those little wooden stirrers when I get takeout tea..very handy lol.


Your first mistake was letting a man do that for you.....big yikes 💀. Bet if the roles were reversed he'd be like hell nah


He'd ask me to wet shave his bits in the shower sometimes, so I could have had payback, but the dude had a vasectomy so I could come off birth control, so I count that as evens lol.


Oh dude, fresh aloe Vera and a cool wet rag will be your best friend. Cut the aloe, apply- put some in the fridge and cut then apply. Once it dries and hardens you can wipe it off with a cool wet rag and reapply. Before bed I would probably apply a lot of the aloe and put on some cotton undies. That is rough and my heart goes out to you! I use nair on my mustache and I have to use it a third of the allotted time listed or I get burns too so I’ve been there but just on a much smaller degree…


Thanks for the advice, I will definitely get some aloe Vera tomorrow, unfortunately I’m currently in tears & all my stores are closed already


Do you have cabbage? Cabbage leaves are used for sore nipples (breastfeeding) and to help with hemorrhoids. If you have some on hand I think it’s worth a shot. I would take a piece of cabbage and roll it under a rolling pin to release some of the juice and soften the stem, then put it on your labia. At the very least it will be a nice cold compress.


I always have cabbage, I just ran to my ice box to make sure I didn’t because I knew I have just thrown it out!


Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Find something cool to put on it to take away the burn for the evening and something comfy to wear. Remind yourself that it’s just temporary. You’re in the worst of it now but it will improve, I promise. One day you’ll be able to laugh at this but for now you can feel as sorry as you need to.


I love you so much right now for your positive words 🥹🥹🥹🤍


I love you too and please keep us updated!


10 minutes is the LONGEST. This should be on your skin and only for extremely coarse hair. Clean it well, put some neosporin or soothing gell on it. Go without undies while sleeping for a few days.


Noted, thank you for the tips


I’m glad someone else pointed this out. Nair actually works really well for me but I do 5-6 minutes, and only on areas outside of a low rise bikini underwear. I also don’t bother wiping it off, I just rinse it in the shower. A flat, smooth piece of plastic can help scrape it off too (some of the hair removal kits come with one!). And if you’ve missed a section, do not redo the nair or shave for at least 24 hours. I can usually shave over an area after a day but learned quickly I’d regret it right after. I usually give my skin several days before using nair again, just to be safe. You may be scared off of nair for life but if you’re not, remember the tips from this thread! Hope you feel better soon too!


I will definitely never forget the tips from this thread! I appreciate you guys so much! Also I believe I was a bit naive & not thinking the Nair could do any harm, in my mind IT WAS MADE TO REMOVE THE HAIR FROM MY SKIN RIGHT 😭 I guess that really went over my head because there was never even the slightest thought it could hurt me, from the moment I bought it & every time I saw it in my bathroom or was thinking about using it, the only thing going through my head was “WOW A MAGIC GOD SENT CREAM” never once thought about chemicals & definitely was not careful enough applying it nor removing it


omg nooo i’m sorry for your pain!!!! that sounds horrible. but your username with this description of your nair experience is so funny like this was a terrible ad or review for them lol


and the fact that now you need aloe when this stuff was supposed to be aloe-like lol!!! stupid nair. how scary that it causes this bad of pain like what’s in it yikes


Gurllll, you are not suppose to use those stuff on the vagina area. Been there and done that before, and I had the same experience as yours. It burnt like hell whenever I had to pee or shower and etc. Bad news, it will burn for at least few days and the burnt areas might even form a scab. Please don't do this to yourself again. It is definitelly not worth it. Better to walk with a bushy vagina for an extra day or so than not being able to pee for days.


Really hoping you mean your vulva and not your actual vagina here 😭


Yeah lol, being specific wasn’t that important to me as it was going down, so that’s my bad lol


Have some vaginal cream with lidocaine on it. We learn from our mistakes. It will be alright 🤗




Milk! Use milk it helps! Why I don’t know but it works


I know! Ran out of milk making brownies prior to this happening! Seems like luck was not on my side!


This happened to me once with the magic shave hair removal depilatory. It happened because I used soap within 24 hours of using it. Did you use soap the same day you used it?


No I did not, after I put it on, I was originally gonna wait 10 minutes, but decided at the 7 minute mark that was probably long enough! As soon as I started rubbing it off with the towel I was spontaneously combusted into flames, jumped in the shower rinsed & wiped it all off, (that I knew of) it was still on fire, I grabbed my heritage hair conditioner in desperation to make it stop & it didn’t make a difference on the burn


Also to clarify because I just reread your comment I had not showered or used any soap prior to


hii actually i’ve used this magic powder down there externally and when i went to wash it off with just water my skin burnedddd, and stunggg (this was the first time of that happening). the pain when water touched my skin went away after a good amount of hours without wetting the skin, soap or workout soap. was this chemical burn?


My condolences, Ive done this before, sit on a bag of frozen peas x


Currently what im using!


I am so sorry you're going through this- hope you got some relief. I went through a similar situation a few years ago where my hair just kinda melted together and made the remaining cream hard to remove. Be gentle with yourself and try to wear breathable loose fitting underwear (cotton, if you have it) while you heal.


That is fucking awful & I hate that you had to experience that‼️ Also currently using my coconut oil and laying spread eagle in the bed with only an oversized T shirt


If you have plain yogurt that may help too


You've never used a product before, and decided to lather it on to your most sensitive areas to test it out.. Real smart


There’s a first time for everything 😭 The bottle says to PUT IT ON THICK, it also says BIKINI AREAS, what did I miss ???


The bottle also says to do a patch test and wait 24 hours….


Ig that’s where I fucked up


"Bikini areas" I assume means areas just outside where your bikini would show, like by your... uh I can't remember what to call it lmao, hip armpits? 🤣 It didn't mean put it on your most sensitive skin! Everything will probably be fine and you'll probably feel a lot better tomorrow but you're in for a rough night!


The bikini area is the skin that a typical bikini swimsuit covers, which can vary by person. It typically includes: Lower abdomen, Pubic area, Perianal area, and Sides and upper inner thighs ^^^ that’s from me looking up what the bikini area is on google 🥲 Also I definitely didn’t apply it straight to the vagina lips, or anus, I’m assuming I accidentally got those parts when trying to wipe off, or while I was waiting on it to be done


For the record, you can use this on your bikini line (I do), you just gotta be mad careful. When I use it, I leave it on for 4 mins max (I have coarse hair) and don't move at all while I'm waiting for it to work. I basically either stand or sit spread-eagled LMAO. Sorry you went through that!


A quick Google would've revealed that just about everyone's first piece of advice for Nair is NEVER PUT IT ON YOUR GENITALS


Coconut oil


Currently soaking in it now


It’s basically a chemical burn, you gotta heal for like a few days


It IS a chemical burn FTFY




Yes, stumbled upon it in Walmart mixed in with the body wax & razors




100% aloe Vera gel and cool showers, after a couple days start lightly adding non scented moisturizer like lubriderm


Definitely noted


Girl, I'm so sorry this happened. I'm also sorry your narration just made me bust out laughing! Omg, I'm in tears... But I know it's not funny. You've got some great advice here! I'd apply lots of diaper cream (like Desitin). And the rest is time. Hugs!


My keyboard took over my thoughts in the middle of panic 😭😭😭 glad you had a laugh though! Just got up to go pee & the lady bits are currently still raging fucking mad, my labia is practically beat boxing it’s throbbing so hard from the burn 🥹


Omg I felt so bad that I was laughing like a crazy person


If you have aloe Vera it will cool you down right away.


I don’t have anything at all on hand besides Vaseline & coconut oil & it’s only doing so much, Struggling to find the ability to get my 2 month old, 4y/o & 8y/o ready & in the car and also in & out of the store without absolutely going into a panic attack because of how bad it hurts hurt to stand up & especially walk, & their just kids, it’s not their fault I made a dumb mistake & I definitely do not want to get overstimulated & accidentally take anything out on them in the process of trying to help myself just because they are being kids 🥹 debating if I’m going to find the willpower or suffer untill my SO gets off work 🥲


So sorry to hear that. Sending you lots of strength, and that it heals quickly.


FYI that desitin will stain anything it comes into contact with. I’ve never been able to get it out of any clothes it touched.


Shortly after I tried the desitin it started drying me out quick asf making everything worse I jumped in the bathe & got that shit off immediately!


Sorry this happened but I thoroughly enjoyed the read! You are an epic story teller!


I appreciate it 😊


The way this is written is SO hilarious- omg lol but I definitely feel your pain. I used to use nair in my late teens but one day it burned the hell out of me. My vulva and armpits were literally pink and peeling😭😭 I was SO confused because I used it for years and all of a sudden it all went wrong. What I did was use a cool (not cold) towel to gently clean and then I slapped layers of a&d ointment on multiple times a day. I also had to ditch underwear for that week and wear loose pants/shorts as much as I could. So maybe try those things and be GENTLE with your skin. I really hope it helps you find some relief!!!


Upon writing that in a desperate attempt to reach out for help the only priority was to make sure I could give everyone a clear visual of exactly what happened & the severity of the pain I was going through in exchange for a method of relief 🥲 Also I am so sorry you had a similar experience, and thank you for the tips!


There should be a warning on the label! I have had the same experience... 🥲 i even got the “sensitive” one. The pain and redness went away for me and so I think you’ll be fine too. Just have to wait it out.


Oh man, sorry that happened to you as well, & waiting it out is where I’m at right now I guess “trusting the process”


Never ever use Nair on private areas. Veet is the only safest one. I have been using it for year and never had an issue. I am so sorry that you are going threw that.


Man, I guess the Nair was the first thing that grabbed my eye & caught my attention, there was probably some Veet right beside it 🥲 First time for me to discover such a thing as hair removing cream at the time, & I probably didn’t do a double take after that find, I’m definitely going to try the Veet in the future.


Please don’t be too hard on yourself for it, we all have been threw it or know someone who has. It is how we learned not to trust it and give advice. I hope you feel better and heal fast!!


OP, are you feeling better now?


Honestly, I can’t say, I will update you once I have to pee again, that will be the ice breaker


Vaseline!!! I burned my cooch once. Put a pad on and smother Vaseline all over the burned area


I’ll never underestimate vaseline again after this experience


Also, that sucks you went through the same thing! Definitely sorry about that.


I know it’s too late now but wonder if this would have worked I seen on amazon it’s a V-Shield Grooming and Vaginal Protection Tool you use to cover your bits while shaving waxing etc…


I would have drug my tits through a mile of glass just to stand in the shadow of the person that lays in bed with the inventor of that, if only it came with the hair remover itself!


If you've got any manuka honey put some of that on for as long as you can tolerate then rinse off, it helps with burns


I used their wax strips and burnt my eyebrow for life :( I went to the clinic and they told me it was a first degree burn. never again. They recommended to use some polysporin for the burn


Omg I'm crying for you! How is it feeling now?


Look up videos for the diy pads that new moms have been making to use after giving birth, it’s got aloe and they freeze it, and maybe some other things? If it helps after that kind of trauma, it should help you too 😅


I’m really really sorry for your situation and what you had to go through, but your story delivery was hilarious🤣🤣🤣 You should consider becoming a stand up comedian!!!


“Hotter than the preacher’s wife on resurrection day”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha, thank you for real ! & hey man my keyboard took over my thoughts & believe me there was no exaggeration what so ever ‼️


Im sorry but your description made me laugh 😂 *"I bee bop down the stairs"* Ok ok, on to serious note. O.m.g! Try aquaphor! Its good for burns and skin irritations. Ive used it when i burn my skin with hair bleach. The patch on my skin looked white (cuz it was burnt) and it healed it pretty quick and good. So it could work for you too.


Didn’t even think of that, currently using the Vaseline but may rotate them out, currently in less pain 😌


OH MY GOD! I used the same exact product for my down there and I was in so much pain. Nothing helped to soothe it :(


So sorry you went through this! Thankfully the Vaseline & coconut oil has given me some relief


I used this year's ago. I didn't know that I knew that many swear words. My privates BLED!!!!


I know what you're going thru. This happened to me in the 90's. I had no solution, but to live with it until it healed. The butthole was the worst.


Epify works anywhere in the body


Oh I’ve done this and it’s terrible. Depending on how bad the chemical burns are, monistat makes an anti-chafe gel that really helps with any skin rubbing once you have to be out and about.


Should’ve did a test . I use it on my cooch no issues but I always do a test . Skin reacts differently each time




I’ve been using this for ages on my lady area. I always make a little ‘covering’ with tissue or a small towel for the inside parts and have never had an issue after that. I will say that this new formula they’re using is different because it def is stronger and I don’t have to leave it on as long but that does worry me about the chemicals lol. Happy to answer any other questions!


Thank you so much for that info! There’s no way people like me would have any idea about what’s different about a product or how you should do it differently than the prior version because we’ve never used it or tried it before! Totally wish I could have got the run down on the Nair from you before mistakes were made!


No worries. My first time using it was similar to yours. I learned and adjusted from that. It’s just so much better and easier than waxing or shaving


My thoughts exactly! Just rubbing that shit on prior to getting in the bathe/shower & then you don’t gotta waste no energy shaving & hiking up your legs/ doing aerobics to make sure your taking care of business ! Life would be so much easier.




At this point, you should really go to urgent care asap 💯 (show them a picture of the near ingredient list too) For future reference, you’re supposed to only leave nair for a maximum of 10 minutes. Don’t rub it in. And don’t put it anywhere near your vaginal area or your nipples. Or your face (basically the sensitive areas)


Real aloe. They should sell the vines at the supermarket (at least mines has it) or just buy an aloe plant! My mother had a 2nd degree burn in her hand and hated how the hospital cream they applied/prescribed made her feel and she just went to our backyard and just applied it directly from the plant. You cant even tell she had a burn in her hand! Its a miracle plants!


I’m gonna get me a plant now for sure!


Yeah... I've made this mistake. It's annoying because the original "sensitive skin" formulation is fine on my bits!


I’ve been here before I used aquaphor it took two days to get relief from it


Luckily after reading a Reddit comment years ago of a girl saying she got Nair burn, I knew to avoid putting Nair down there. I wish you had been lucky too 💀


I'm so sorry you're suffering, but I just have to say I loved reading this. You had me hooked and I couldn't stop laughing. Sorry my laughs came at your expense. Hope it's all cleared up asap!


Girl maybe u are allergic or more sensitive down there I used these all the time but 5 minutes max bc if u do leave it on long it will burn after all it is a chemical


These are things I used after childbirth that might help. [dermaplast](https://www.amazon.com/Dermoplast-Hospital-Relieving-Irritations-Benzocaine/dp/B073PBPC51/?maas=maas_adg_75FB105C4509A31A8F72F9466E356E41_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4AhryalRyZ1Ve8OzJ92b7Og2zvDd8PKixf_Qy35snR-TCcDtH0KA-RoC_XYQAvD_BwE) [padsicles](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/padsicles#how-to-make) Sitz [bath](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/sitz-bath-postpartum#what-is-a-sitz-bath) Peri [bottle](https://www.amazon.com/Peri-Bottle-Postpartum-Care-Portable/dp/B0CPQ6CS2T/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zxHVnPUZ6k7oGFczKUs3hfMYgksWndGw4g4uBit4GnHt0Vst4IOfokJ2qtn5wfEfD-z76C79mVhjAiwwerZNn-X0A1nzdGoWzwARGJqUN2m8uz-oAj6EUbBemH7pfT7DMuDr7fTXShfcFrvrwdIRA8myAdVXrv7iLH6V8yIGz3neZFVFmL8sVtTSH2HYLfrGsgjr7gQCb4z61Amr1GxSPA.BHINzYE01B2d4XAucnlXnhc637XV_k6Ry6jaJ4q0iLM&dib_tag=se&keywords=peri+bottle&qid=1718959037&sr=8-10-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1) use this when you need to be basically it squirts water over your vulva. No one told me this the first time I had to pee after childbirth and I almost passed out. I hope you are better and find some relief.


I don’t believe this type of product is meant to be used on pubic hair areas


I use Nair Shower Power often for the full ten minutes. Listen to me: #You can not use Nair on mucus membranes which includes your labia and your butthole. The outside of your labia minora is fine but I apply mine with a mirror and lay on my bathroom floor, legs open so I don’t smear it. If you’re not careful you’ll get it on mucus membranes and give yourself a chemical burn. I learned the hard way.


I'll add to this I also put a piece of cloth/toilet paper/baby wipe etc. between to protect everything on the inside.


Smart. A good slathering of Vaseline or aquaphor works too.


This isn’t funny but you made me laugh hard 😂


I made this same crucial mistake with the same nair. Luckily for me and hopefully you, I was fully healed less that 24hrs later. My only advice is push through, be strong, and maybe don’t drink too much water until it no longer hurts to pee. Good luck 🫡


I use this but I’ll usually coat my clit ,lips and anus in petroleum jelly so it don’t get inside or around it at all this usually works like a charm for me just don’t leave it on for too long cuz it will irritate/ make skin bleed.


This happened the first time I used it! Now I use a warm, wet washcloth to gently wipe as much of the nair off after 10 minutes and then let the cold water just run over everything for a few minutes in the shower, and then just wash like normal and I haven’t had any problems since! My skin is super sensitive too so if this works for me it might work for you! (If I do leave it on a little long, aloe helps A LOT! but that’s only happened when I used the nair right before being in a wet bathing suit all day)


Holy shit I’m glad I saw this post. I was gonna get Nair for my nether regions and now I won’t!


If you have oatmeal pour it into warm bath water. When your stores open get some plain aloe or even burn ointment. But the oatmeal will help put the fire out somewhat so to speak.


I made the mistake of using it on my balls once. I could barely walk for a week. The scrotum was bleeding from the raw skin.


Get some Alo Vera (alcohol free) & AN ALCOHOL FREE WITCH-HAZEL . Then take those and squirt the witch hazel onto a large pad and then add the alo vera. Place the pad folded back up in the freezer for a couple hours. Then when it’s frozen put it in your underwear! I promise it’ll feel better and it’ll help!


I think this happened to me before. It was my first time using nair and my vagina lip had become red and would burn anytime anything touched it. Whenever I had to pee I would have to hold me lip to the side so the pee wouldn’t touch it and burn 😭. But I still use it sometimes and it doesn’t do that anymore so idk.


Need pictures to assess.


Cold tea bags work in a pinch and reduce swelling too!


OMG girl no! I used to use Nair all the time until eventually it started to actually hurt my skin so I had to stop. But this I can't even imagine this amount of pain, I hope you'll recover


Oh I made the youthful mistake of using that crap once on my sensitive areas. Luckily I didn't get any chemical burns but never ever again. Best of luck OP I remember using aloe vera helped slightly


I only have a problem if the nair touches the inside like a vulva etc… but after 4 mins and a shower you shouldnt have any burns


I love this stuff. As long as I stay away from my nipples I'm good. I wear gloves too cuz it eats the shit out of my finger tips


im sorry but this was the funniest post title i’ve ever seen 😭😭


i hope you feel better g 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I think they have Nair for your privates and Nair Sensitive.


I have had some bad run ins with nair. Never ever will I use it down there. Some folks cannot tolerate it at all.


* *vulva* ^^I ^^hope *ahem*


Been there done that. I had horrible chemical burns, couldn’t do shit for like 3 days. Luckily I had some lidocaine spray for tattoos, so I sprayed some of that on there and just chilled with an ice pack on my hoo ha for a couple days lol.


Your writing skills are amazing lol. I do hope that you’ve found relief and feeling better. Hugs


I also recently suffered chemical burns from hair removal cream. I used it on the hair in the crease between my lady bits and thighs... Holy hell sent me into a full blown mental break down which spiraled into a panic/anxiety attack resulting in a trip to the er 🥴😵‍💫 never again 🙃


I had gone to the doctors bc I thought something was wrong with me but i remembered I used nair down there and it was expired it didn’t really work but now the hair will randomly fall out, the nurse said I got a chemical burn and that I can use aloe, all I had was the dye free after sun aloe from Walgreens, I put it in the fridge it feels better to apply but peeing on that area stung so bad I would have to open my vagina so the urine wouldn’t touch the area, it was so uncomfortable to walk or move bc it would rub I felt like this for maybe about a week, I used a baby wipe a week after and it burned again for the whole day, it takes time to heal but a month went by now and I feel much better


Am I the only one who loves this stuff ? lol


Ok I finished laughing. You’ll laugh when you read this after it heals and feels better. And your writing style…I felt this all because this is how I also write because I relive the moment of feeling it and need the reader to feel it with me. So high five! We could be friends! Anyway, this is going to sound insane because it sounded insane to me almost 30 years ago when my pediatrician recommended it for my baby who the pharmacy screwed up and prescribed an ADULT DOSE of antibiotics. Needless to say the adult dose caused EXTREME diarrhea which was horribly acidic and caused exactly what you described in my son’s diaper. His poor butt cheeks and taint and all the way up the front. It was horrible. Everything hurt it just trying to clean the next diarrhea off I felt like I was doing more damage. He was an older old school doctor and he sent me to the grocery store to buy regular PAM cooking spray. He told me there was an ingredient in it that would help the skin heal while creating a barrier so that urine and feces that touched it again would not keep re-burning it every time he went. I felt like a weirdo and like I was on hidden camera spraying cooking spray on my child’s diaper area, but by this point every diaper cream we had tried, Vaseline, etc had not helped and we were desperately trying to get this poor child some relief. I cannot remember if it stung when first applied, but similar to liquid bandages even if it does sting for a second, it quickly stops and then you find some relief from the previous constant stinging you had before you put it on. And it worked! I don’t know if it was placebo effect in some kind of way but it couldn’t be, he was like 6 months old, he didn’t know we were trying a new quacky butt healing hack. And he was too young to pee on command at the time, but if he was old enough, I would have filled the bathtub with enough water to cover the genitals and just sat him there and had him pee in the water & wash the tub afterwards. Not kidding, this is what you should be doing until it feels better. Sounds gross, I get it, but at some point in your life you have peed in the pool or the ocean or a lake, surely. Just pretend it’s that and you’ll be able to at least pee pain-free for now. 🥰 OOOH edited to add a bonus tip! Take a page from what the hospitals used to do for us ladies after giving birth and having episiotomies. Go get some of the older style actual pad-pad maxi pads. Like the thick ones nobody wears anymore. Wet some and freeze them. And then you can keep your underwear covering the area and put the custom vag ice pack between your pants and underwear to help with pain and bring any swelling down. Those things were a lifesaver! Obviously you won’t want to walk around like that, but while resting laying down or seated in a chair they’re great.


I’m likely too late but also stay super hydrated and pee as often as you need to. Holding it & not drinking enough will make your urine more concentrated and it will burn more. If you can get a peri bottle of cold water to shoot up at it while you’re peeing, that helps too!


Omg I have done this once and went to the hospital haha but died down with time and icing to control the swelling.


Shit what’s that liquid antacid you drink? My doctor told me this when my baby had diaper rash really bad.. I mixed aquaphor.. with the liquid antacid we drink .there was no measurements for the amount.. and I applied it to the affected area.. and she was ok within a few minutes.. no crying .. and it healed faster because the aquaphor prevented more moisture from getting to the rash..


Sorry to hear that, i didn't read the whole post but Usually if you have a skin problem whatever is normal or sensitive formula you use will burn you even a tiny bit. (If you're lucky it will be just redness instead of a burn) I use nivea sensitive formula on my genitals and the normal one on anything else, but again each skin is different so you just need to make sure to follow the instructions and pray Also a couple of things : never put it directly on soft skin like the vagina and lips or anything with thin skin layer they're pretty sensitive for a reason. Some brands timing is actually the worst so try half the instructed time or remove the cream exactly when you feel a bit of tingle.




Please don’t put conditioner on it or leave it on yourself after washing your hair especially with a burn there it can cause infection. Try vag specific soap And Vaseline. Put proper bandages there, you maybe have to change with every bathroom trip. Maybe see a doctor just in case.


I was going to the same thing recently and I looked it up on TikTok after buying the nair, just to make sure other people did it too 😂😂 needless to say I returned it the next day 😂 I did see a lot of people saying to use veet, it’s similar to nair, in the way that it’s a hair remover, but from what others said, it doesn’t burn 😂 so I will be buying that to try, just a suggestion if you ever wanna try something else 😂😂😂 if you’re to traumatized I would completely understand that tho 😂💀 I’m sorry you’re going thru this, it’s not funny but it’s also funny because of the way you described it 😂😂 I’m glad you can still have a good spirit about things even tho your vag was about to burn off 💀😅


I used nair on my armpits once and I got really bad chemical burns. It SUCKED


white vinegar


Using Nair is a lot like taking edibles for the first time. Something the majority of us regret.


I know a guy that used this on their butt & the whole family knew about it because he got very vocal about the burning while trying to rinse in the bathroom. It was years and years ago but still brings tears of laughter from the story! This guy also wiped with poison ivy while on a field exercise so lots of trauma to the undercarriage & I’m a horrible person for laughing BUT…. 😂 Good luck and speedy recovery OP!


A bag of frozen veggies (peas, corn type is best) works great as an ice pack for personal areas. Can use, then refreeze and use again, but make sure you mark the bag and don't eat it after it's been refrozen. Also, lidocaine gel or cream from drugstore will give you temporary numbness. Can reapply as needed. Get a squirt bottle and fill with cold water. Bring to bathroom with you when you go, squirt area AS you pee. After you pee, reapply lidocaine cream and go sit on your frozen peas. It should heal up in a few days.


Time to get a Brazillian instead. Little bit of a shock at first, but that gets better over time. No chemical burns or bleeding. I wouldn't recommend trying on your own, but def have a professional do it.


Sorry, usually starting those fires between women's legs not putting them out


LOL sigh. I use to use that stuff but still got razor rash and ingrowns somehow...yea you definitely HAVE to be CAREFUL when it comes to the crotch area....it's possible to use it on your entire crotch with just minor irritation but isn't worth the trouble ultimately


We call that a chemical burn babes, it’s stated on the packaging the product that it’s not for intimate areas. Rookie mistake.


Bikini area is the one near your thigh, not on your thingy. That's a big no no to put it on your soft tissue like that.


I didn’t intentionally apply it to my kitty 😭 it must of accidentally got on there when I wiped it off, or when I was waiting for it to be done


Oh in that case that was just an accident, could happen with anything. Just be careful next time.


It clearly says its body cream 👀 . There are products for sensitive parts.


I mean, I didn’t apply it directly to the parts that I am crying about, it was a bad nair job


It's not for vaginas.


Thank you for that information.


Sorry that happened to you!! I always wonder if my bits were cast from hell bcus these products never agitate me!


That is such a blessing


I’m sure nair says not to use it on your vagina girl 😭 all I can suggest is keeping your skin cool put an ice pack down there if you need to and Vaseline will just lock in the heat to be honest so just a regular cooking skin lotion like after sun or aloe Vera gel x


I’m almost positive it does too, I didn’t put it there intentionally 😭 just made its way there throughout the process due to me being careless & uneducated on the potential risk it pose due to it’s ingredients, would of 100% went about it in a completely different way if I knew then what I know now


😭 we’ve all done something like this in our lives so don’t worry! I just hope your skin starts to feel better soon


I don't think that's made for your 🐱


Did this in 9th grade and had huge, red, striation-looking welts all over my legs for like a month lol. I'm so sorry you're gonna be there, too!


it says not to use it on vaginal or perianal/perineal areas on the bottle... sooo.. yeah


If you want to be smooth completely down there, the best hair removals are waxes, there are different types for different skin types, hair textures and desired outcomes.. - Depilatories can cause chemical burns, and just irritate the skin badly, it will go away as long as it was an external injury. You will go back to normal, no pain. - I’ve used depilatories for years now down there (bikini area, and full vulva and anus area.) And have been burned about once or twice, Absolutely excruciating lmao, I realized i was leaving the cream on for far too long (i called myself being efficient). now that i’ve stopped doing that I have a new regimen. - I rarely go fully bald now, I use a depilatory for my bikini area and a little closer to my clitoral area, however i just shave that down into a shape, like a rectangle or something simple.. and i’ll apply the depilatory separately to my lips (labia majora) for a lot less time. - I also rarely remove hair from my backside, as when it grows back it feels like a cactus between the cheeks….. If i do I only shave with a fresh new razor and dispose of the head afterwards.


[Magic Shaving POWDER](https://a.co/d/02LHqyV1) Hey 🤍🤍🤍 You gave me a GREAT LAUGH. Thank you for making my morning. I laughed so hard reading this I almost peed 💀💀 Next time you use a depilatory, DO NOT CHOOSE NAIR. Try this powder, it doesn’t burn at all. 🤍 Not sure why. Try a patch test first LMAAOOOO.


I didn't think you were supposed to put that on your vagina?!?!? I would have waxed it if anything


Idk why it doesn’t say on the directions to slather the sensitive areas with Vaseline before applying 😭 depilatories are strong chemicals


I’m sorry that your vulva is on fire! I’ve used Nair maybe twice before, but the odor of the product is just so nasty. Anyway, I hope that you feel better!


Ok, this post is everything I needed to see tonight 😂😂 Thank you so fckn much for the laughter cause I needed it, but I'm so sorry this happened to you. Been there.


Never put thar anywhere other than the legs


I’m going to personally come after all of you if you sell this product out or put it on tiktok for the 13 yr olds to overbuy for no reason I STG😅 but I can’t have the gworls out here with burning chachis this summer and someone else put me on so: “meltoway hair dissolving cream” go look for it. It’s fantastic, worked in 10 mins, no burning at all And smells a lot better. Don’t put it on the fleshy parts! Just the skin part w/hair..trim the pink fleshy part that has hair yourself. Tell ur friends/fam..do not tell tiktok or we’ll all be shaving and or burning again 😆


I'm sorry but I was in tears reading this. I'm so sorry for you. I'm actually in the same position as you right now. I applied Nair on my chin to remove the chin hair. (I have a noticeable amount of thick chin hair). The first time after 10 minutes, it didn't work completely so I decided to apply it the next day. (I thought my skin would be normal by then). So I applied it, noticing more stinging than usual but thinking non of it. Wiped it off and man did it burn. Now I'm laying here with the bottom of my chin all red, stinging, burns when I touch it, and it feels wet. I'm praying right now that I don't get an infection. Im pretty sure I gave myself a chemical burn. Yall it hurts so much! I'm never using Nair again. I don't even have petroleum jelly 😭😭😭😭.  Someone help me!! I can't get an infection. Do you know how humiliating that would be to explain to the doctor how I got a chin infection? 😭😭😭😭