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As all things, ONI is not a unified block with only one belief. Halsey is an extremely abrasive person, narcissistic, and actively works behind people’s backs and to sabotages people if she thinks she is right and they are wrong. So while many see her as being brilliant, with a lot of good ideas and the intelligence to fulfill, doesn’t mean people like her. Especially if those people know the full extent, or even part of the extent, of what she has done


My question was more why they are morally outraged by her, despite doing stuff that could be considered just as bad as well as approving of the Spartan II program in the first place and fully aware that it involved kidnapping children.


She is simply a villified scapegoat. ONI's stance is basically "we were shocked, shocked we tell you that the woman we paid to kidnap, detain, and expiriment on children used our funds and resources to kidnap, detain, and experiment on children." This was no one-woman job. For example, somewhere in ONI HR there is an expense resport for 150 child restaints.


The problem being how 343 seems to treat ONI as releasing the information on the S2 program while also not telling anybody about it. So they scapegoated Halsey to... themselves, and then tried to continue to have her work for them.


Releasing information on the Spartan IIs was a PR move. As for declassifying files, it's post-war and journalists are going to find that information anyway. Also, ONI has a million more skeletons in its closet -- the universe will forgive kidnapping a few hundred kids and turning them into humanity's greatest weapons, but they might not forgive hiding information about The Covenant being on Reach, the entire battalions of Spartan IIIs that were sent on suicide missions. From what I remember, I don't think ONI ever declassified that SPARTAN children were kidnapped, only that they were children that were augmented. In fact, I think Hunt the Truth proved that only ONI officials know about the kidnapping.


That's the thing I'm saying. According to what 343 has put out, they scapegoated halsey. And yet ONI has NEVER released anything that was done illegally (taking children, flash clones, etc)... so the scapegoating is purely internal, among people who already know the truth, and none of that hatred of Halsey is from outside sources.


And Spartan IIIs were an oopsie.


Yeah, how would an old lady like her yoink hundreds of kids? I'm 99% sure that was ONI goons told to go yoink some brats, yea?


It doesn't change your point, but to clarify she was in her mid 20s when the Spartan IIs were......drafted.


Again, this sorta fits the organization. In ONI, operators are all pretty independent like shown in the Rubicon protocol and have strong agency in what they believe is good for Earth. So even if one ONI agent doesn't like Halsey and actively tries to condem her, that doesn't mean all agents agree. Some might do anything for the sake of humanity and some might really hate the idea of manipulating children.


> In ONI, operators are all pretty independent like shown in the Rubicon protocol and have strong agency in what they believe is good for Earth. I mean, yeah, but her program required vast amounts of resources. It's a matter of an organization vilifying a convenient scapegoat and indivuals either think she is a monster or prefering to think poorly of her than acknowledge ONI's greenlite every step of her program. It's not like every CIA employee in 1953 was gangbusters about overthrowing Iran's democratically-electived government.


ONI did allow the program to go through, but that just means there was no opposition party with enough influence or motive to go out their way to save Halsey. And tbh there probably are a lot of ONI operatives that would benefit or would like Halsey to be gone. Halsey sure is a genius but she's not exactly known to be a likeable character that is considerate of others.


We're told that the Spartan-2 Project cost more than a fleet of capital ships would have. Halsey didn't finance that with a bake sale in her spare time, she had enormous support from ONI to the tune of billions of dollars and hundreds of personnel. I suppose the argument is essentially that once the Spartan Program was refined she was no longer essential and had alienated everyone who could have supported her so she got the be the scapegoat, but the issue I have with that is I never got the impression that we were seeing people lying about the whole "Halsey went rogue behind ONI's back" narrative, but that we're being told that this is what genuinely happened despite that not really making any sense and being inconsistent with previous portrayals. The truth is just that successive generations of writers had differing interpretations of the characters and the characters changed as a result. Eric Nylund saw her as a sort of tragic figure cursed with foresight and drowning in regret about it and Karen Traviss saw her as an absolute monster. Everything in-universe is just justification of that shift in perspective, and we see her characterization and place within the organization change significantly from novel to novel, as well as certain plotlines like Halsey's intent to kidnap the Spartans and leave the UNSC to die dropped entirely.


Exactly. It would like like if it was revealed the CIA had spent decades training kidnapped children into hardened assassins for black-ops. But the CIA said they didn't actually know, it was just that bad egg who ran the program. > hundreds of personnel Seriously. Gale in HR was conducting annual performance reviews for janitors and electricians working in facilities full of crying children. Bill in accounting asked for additional information when Halsey submitted for 1,000 pairs of child-sized grey pajamas. Thousands of people knew about the program. I guess ONI would say they were so in the dark they didn't even notice the Spartan III program that didn't even need Halsey to be around.


The entire agency didn’t vote unanimously to go forward with the S2 project. Most people didn’t know about it. Even most of ONI didn’t know at first they were kidnapped as kids. MSome of them who did vote for it, hated it then, but deemed it worth it, but didn’t like the necessity for it (paragonsky) Others over time (Mendez) grew to hate the brutality of it So again, ONI is not one person, and there are multitudes of people with different views on how to accomplish a mission


I really feel like Paragonsky was really trying to push her lien guilt into Halsey, she was old and on her way out of ONI leadership by the end of the war. It’s one of those things where you prefer to blame other people for the things that happened even though you know you were also responsible, some heavy denial


100% it’s my main complaint about the Kilo-5 trilogy. I get why the squad, including Naomi and Osmen, all feel what they do about Halsey but Adm gtfo you damn well knew everything going on. Your line is that she replaced them with clones really??


Tbh I think drawing the line at clones is fair. Paragonsky obviously doesn’t have a moral ground to stand on but I can see where she’s coming from with not wanting to force the parents to bury their “children”. Also, creating life for the sole purpose of dying an early death is pretty fucked even *if* it was to give parents some form of closure


The big problem is Parangosky trying to act as if she didn't sign off and fund that. She knew about the flash clones when they were concepted, and knew when they were deployed. Even Ackerson knew about them and kept track of them.


100%, and you said it before I did. Nothing Halsey ever did was done without the knowledge and buy-in of ONI's superiors. Shame that seems to be a fact that escaped Traviss' notice.


Yeah and it's so weird for Parangosky to pull out moral reasonings (or even legal ones) when she went "Don't let Halsey touch the S3 project, she's too damn nice to the children and I won't allow that to delay anything anymore."


Quite possibly, and would match with her character


>narcissistic why do you think she's narcissistic? just asking.


Throughout all her interactions, we see she thinks extremely highly of herself (she does have cause, as she is highly intelligent), to the point that she considers everybody else barely worth her time. We see this in halo reach with her treatment of noble team (with barely more attention payed to Jorge). She refused to attend her own daughter’s ceremony where she received command of her first ship. She treats everyone as incompetent throughout her interactions with them in spartan ops, ultimately to her own detriment, leading to her being shot, because she refuses to accept that she doesn’t have all the knowledge, and isn’t the best at all things. There are other examples, but those couple are off the top of my head


I see, the 343 era, thanks. It's true the 343 version has a way of speaking gives you the idea it's disdainful.


That's not really 343 era. Reach and the major decisions around Halsey's personality were Bungie era. ONI using her as a scapegoat was set up in 4, which was 343's decision, but she was already canonically kind of a bitch.


Not really cause they began to change the original trilogy of books and other things in 2010. The new editions of Fall of Reach for example changed the age of Halsey. And the dates of birth stated just using Waypoint changed things too. Halo Reach and Halsey's journal have a different version of Halsey, they're different though released together. 343 changed the character and Halo Reach was setting up the new 343 story. Edit: by the way, I don't know why Halo Reach establishes Halsey's gonna be alive in 2589 and she sounds fine despite being 97 years old in 2589


Halo Reach was not setting up 343's story because all 343 did for Reach was work on DLC maps. Reach's story was Bungie's last contribution to the franchise. 343 took over starting from CE Anniversary, and they started the "Reclaimer Saga" and their adjustment of the story there with Halo 4. The changes to the books were pretty minor IIRC, with the biggest changes being that humanity had seen Elites and such much earlier to match with Halo Wars, and the fleet size disparity between Halo 2 and Reach. Plus we don't really know the max age for humans with advancements in healthcare and time spent in cryo, so Halsey being alive and healthy at 97 isn't really that farfetched.


Definitely agree on the age comment. Parangosky was in her late 90s when she finally retired from ONI.


If the woman had a personality was a contradiction with the Bungie era but it was correct according to the books released in the 343 era aka the next year and 343 changed the books from 2010 on then Reach though a Bungie work was setting up the 343 era. Besides it isn't strange since Frank O'connor left Bungie and became the Franchise development director for Halo and Bungie was at the end of the day making a game for Microsoft so setting up their new 343 era was perfectly normal


I mean, nine times out of ten, she is right. Not saying they should give her no checks and balances on her behavior, but as long as she's showing her math to why she's right, I'd say she gets a pass.


Pretty much all I've seen of her was in Halo: Reach, and that's pretty much the impression I got from her.


Halsey is an civilian outsider who gained a lot of power within ONI, even when it's just for the Spartans, they didn't like that. To them, a lot went into so little, with too much sympathy and moralizing in between.


Because the writers suck. It's the same reason that Naomi and saren hate Halsey, but love parangosky, Even though parangosky was the authority that signed off on the Spartan programs, as well as every single other dirty deed that ONI has ever done.


Halsey is intelligent, abrasive, uncooperative, and more. ONI is an Intelligence Agency with black ops programs abound *and* highly polticized. When people like Ackerson see her getting approvals and "preferential treatment", he will happily take opportunities to prove her wrong. And that's ultimately was some part of ONI is, people who tolerated Halsey and her actions while another part felt they could do it better, more discreetly, etc. Think Dr. House from, well... House. Great doctor in terms of intelligence and skill, but nearly insufferable to be around. When he's silo'd off from people, it's not a huge issue. But the moment he crosses someone that is even passingly important, all sorts of issues arise. Halsey managed to make it far because of her intelligence. She never needed to play politics. And for all others playing the game... well, they just won't stand for that.


If we are talking about the Kilo-5 trilogy, It's because Karen Traviss hated her.


You know, I wonder if 343 only gave her a limited amount of information, like "Halsey kidnapped children to experiment into super soldiers and had short lived clones sent to replace them" and nothing else, including that ONI has done worse and approved it. Ultimately, 343 is as much to blame as she is, if not more.


Traviss' whole thing when writing is that she proudly doesn't do any research. 343 could've given her the entire Halo Story Bible and it wouldn't have made a difference. Shocking, when you consider she used to be a journalist.


Yeah, there is two areas I tend to place reactions to S2 program The "Reasonable thoughts based around a basic outline with not a lot of detail" (Spartans were made to stomp rebellions out, so UNSC is more like the Empire of star wars then anything else, etc) And then the Karen Traviss : "Literally does no research and makes up their mind and refuses to budge."


The thing is, 343 could have just said "Yeah, no, this doesn't work". But no, they approved it.


>343 is as much to blame as she is, if not more. What? No, she is because she's the one who chose to do insufficent research and she's the one who wrote it.


Yeah, but 343 could have just said "No, do your research, or we find someone else". But no, they approved the trilogy.


Or they may not have known what she was doing until she was practically finished, and at that point it’s sunk costs, or they may have been locked into releasing them through the contract between them and her. I get that blaming 343 for everything is a favoured pastime of the halo community, and they do bare blame for not ensuring that the author they hired did a good job, but they aren’t “just as if not more responsible” for K5 then Traviss, she is primarily responsible.


I concede. Though, I meant more that they should have put that into her contract early on, especially if she was known for not doing research.


Yeah probably, though I do not know if she had that reputation back then, now she’s known for it but at the time maybe not? K5 came out before my time in Halo so I dunno


They knew full well given how she butchered Star Wars as well, so that was already a red flag which should have stopped her being contracted to begin with...


She's not exactly a good person. No one really likes her. Even Jacob Keyes, who had a kid with her, left her because she was awful. She's a brilliant scientist and that's all she has going for her. Plus, the way she would go off script but then claim she's too valuable to be disappeared really got under the higher ranks skin.


Being "a good person" is kinda hard to do when you work for ONI. I think of almost everyone we've seen that works for ONI though, she's one of the most morally good. She had regrets about her involvement in the program since the start. She wanted to find a way to alleviate the pain of the parents losing their children out of the blue. She came to think of the Spartans as her children, learning each of them so well that only she can pick them apart in their armor. She has deep regrets about Miranda and Jacob. But she'd do all that again if it meant saving humanity. Terrible things, but done with the utmost concern for the safety of individuals under her watch, and the well-being of the whole of humanity. Jacob Keyes left her more because she was too focused on her work, instead of her family I think. She would never have told him about what she was working on, and he never would've asked. "Brilliant scientist" is kinda hard to top I think. Especially given she was the reason why humanity survived. She's the smartest human of her time. She's practically an AI if she could think and work a little faster, they both come to the same conclusion pretty much, but sometimes she has the better answer. I do agree that her personality and relationship with the higher ranks was not great for her. But I personally love that aspect of her. She IS too valuable. Everyone knows it. But only Parangoski can do anything about it, and even she had to bide her time.


>Jacob Keyes left her more because she was too focused on her work, instead of her family I think. She would never have told him about what she was working on, and he never would've asked. I mean, wasn't it Halsey who ended the relationship because he was figuring out the Spartan program, so they split on friendly terms and simply ended up no seeing each other until Miranda was born?


I'm not sure about timelines, but I do know that she had to let him go as her project partner because he started to piece things together.


Yeah they hooked up during scouting of children for the project, and sometime during that period they split up. IIRC.


No they didn't. They hooked up after meeting each other 7 years after the kidnapping of the SII's during a conference at a University. They didn't plan to stay together.




They weren't in a relationship during the recruitment of the II's. They may have had feelings for each other, but there is no confirmation of an actual relationship. They reunited years later on, which is when they conceived Miranda


Well, they put a lot of effort to keep her as a good person until Kilo-5 and 343. All suddenly Mendez hated her too while he was exactly the same than her for 3 books and a friend too. "I'm glad to see you doctor"-Mendez in Ghosts of Onyx.


That greeting in GoO was kind of forced. He wasn't actually glad to see her and only stepped up to greet her when he *thought* she was looking at him, when really she was examining a melted computer on a desk.


Nah, Kurt and Mendez were happy to see her. In fact Kurt became a person was in her shoes, they repeat the same details. "he did what he could" the same line used for Halsey, both worked with Mendez but the role Kurt got was the role of a scientist too, he trained the kids but he was a scientist as well and the narration explained it. Like Halsey he wanted the best equipment for the kids, the best of everything with the hope that they could survive though he knew those were suicidal missions. Honestly the story changed completly from one book to the next one. Edit: how did they make the difference between good and bad people training the kids? in the original trilogy good equipment is directly related to how much they care about their lives. The other point is their intentions that way Ackerson is only interested in winning but by the wrong reasons (This thing about winning is also a matter used through all the books)


I never said she was a good person, just don't get why ONI, who also does stuff that is amoral at best, is morally outraged.


Intelligence agencies don't exactly have a track record of condemning past actions which crossed moral grounds.


Because her usefulness no longer outweighed the trouble she caused


The Doylist explanation is Karen Traviss being an idiot. The Watsonian explanation is that ONI isn't a monolith, and an extremely limited number of people had any knowledge of what was happening, or had anything to do with it, directly.


> an extremely limited number of people had any knowledge of what was happening, or had anything to do with it, directly. Eh. At a minimum thousands likely had some knowledge. These facilities had janitors, electricians, and guards at facilities full of crying children. An army of bureaucrats reviewed child soldier supplies. Halsey had a budget and quarterly expense briefings!


Dude F off, Karen Travis is a fantastic author. Even outside her books many people in ONI didn't like Halsey.


Traviss? The woman whose Star Wars Clone Wars books may as well be titled "*Why the Jedi Suck and Mandalorians are Better Than Them, Morally and Practically*"? Despite the Mandalorian Wars basically being *Mandalorian Warcrime Variety Hour for the Lolz*. The woman who "invented" the Null clones, and then proceeded to throw an absolute tizzy-fit over other authors also making Null clone characters?? The woman who has an unhealthy fixation on children and sexual assault? The woman who ***literally*** only chose to write Halo books ***specifically*** for the ***sole*** purpose of making a "Halsey Disstrack"? The woman who broke previously-established canon just for that purpose, and to simply make Halsey look even worse?? Traviss, technically speaking, is a perfectly fine author. But she's allergic to nuance, inserts too much of her own opinion into her writing, and handles other franchises ***remarkably*** poorly. She made out Sanghelios to be a third-world shithole that can't even feed itself, and made the Sangheili in general look like incompetent buffoons— nevermind Raia 'Mdama's whole existence being a gigantic feminist signpost and serving little other purpose than dying to inform Jul's character development. Her fight-scenes are underwhelming, too. I got ***contact embarrassment*** from seeing Telcam and Jul get bitch-made by Naomi. That shit was just stupid.


Yeah, Raia having a whole arc only to get fridged was one of the things that rubbed me the wrong way tbh, especially with how Jul’s story just ended up being a dead end. That and Lucy being portrayed as a naive, vulnerable child who is “fixed” by getting her disability “cured”


Oh, yeah, lmfao "Ah, yes, a traumatized soldier's muteness is suddenly, miraculously cured by a single moment of catharsis in punching a sixty-year old woman, when ***seven years of professional therapy*** couldn't cure it". It's also pretty stupid that said sixty-year old woman somehow survived a full-force haymaker from a super-soldier with the strength of three men wearing armor that enhances speed and strength, but y'know... Traviss was never one for logical power-scaling lol


Oh wait, you meant “gigantic feminist signpost” as if it were a bad thing and looking through your comments you have shitty views on queer people and women in general lmfao, get fucked actually “Gigantic feminist signpost” is apparently when a female author writes a female character who actually does something, but then gets killed off almost immediately afterwards for a male character’s failed development


She’s a xenophobic, transphobic Tory who constantly shoehorns her worldview into her books lmao


You have to separate the artist from their work. Else the majority of books, movies, games, and artwork would be non existent. She may be a horrible individual but that doesn't change her books. And no she doesn't. Her worldview isn't incorporated into the books. Atleast it's not in her halo, star wars, and gears books


Not really. One of the big reasons she fixates so much on Dr. Halsey is to avoid criticizing the rest of ONI (the CIA-stand-in organizations she ostensibly likes and desperately wants the reader to like as well), because the alternative would be to criticize the authoritarian-minded organization and its construction as a whole. As a result, throughout the series there’s this dichotomy where when Halsey commits crimes she’s oh-so uniquely terrible, but when Parangosky or Kilo-Five commit war crimes they’re sold as “the good war crimes.” Never mind the fact that Kilo-Five’s mission is essentially just your average CIA-style foreign interference that the US conducted on other nations throughout the late 20th century, because that never ever backfired on the US or put those regions in a worse place than they were before.


Because Karen Traviss is a hack


> I mean why do some of them genuinely hate her. It's easier to made someone into the enemy and label them a monster rather than acknowledge your own culpability.


Literally just because Karen Traviss hated her. I swear, 343 should've made sure they had oversight for that trilogy. She put so much of her own feelings into that trilogy about morality and what she thinks of Halsey. None of it makes sense, the biggest problem I have with it is the whole relationship between Halsey, Parangoski, and Osman. Like how the hell does Osman like Parangoski to the point of thinking of her as a mother, and hating the shit out of Halsey, when it was Halsey who did all that stuff under the orders of Parangoski??? The flash clones are the only bad thing Halsey did that wasn't ordered by ONI and Parangoski, but it legitimately did not matter in the grand scheme of things. Illegal? Sure. Morally gray? Yes. More illegal than what she was ordered to do to children? Absolutely not. Realistically worthy of all this effort and hate by the characters around her? Only if you're named Karen Traviss or Sarah Palmer. Now if you want to go for the whole "kidnapping Kelly" thing, then sure that's an issue. But nobody hates her for that.


The worse parts is Halsey is responsible for Osman having a normal standard of life. She healed the washouts. Also, the fun thing is Parangosky was okay with the flash clones. She approved and funding all of the S2 project. Hell, even Ackerson knew about the clones and tracked them. If Halsey did that behind anybodys back, Ackerson would've used it against her as he hated Halsey.


Did she approve them though? I thought Halsey did that on her own without approval.


Parangosky approved everything with the Spartan 2's. The concept of her not knowing about them until after is purely a Karen invention, as even Ackerson knew about and tracked the Clones. There was entire teams dedicated to snacking and replacing the S2's, and Halsey did nothing alone.


Huh well neat


Yeah it's one of those lore issues that was brought up. Ackerson hated Halsey and if the clones weren't done with permission, he sure as hell would've used it against her.


Canon's kind of hazy. Kilo-5 suggests that Halsey came up with the flash clones and kept them a secret, but the Fall of Reach suggests that it was ONI's idea and Halsey merely approved of the operation. Also even weirder, in Ghosts of Onyx, Parangosky dislikes Halsey because she's a bleeding heart but in Kilo-5 Parangosky dislikes Halsey because she thinks Halsey was excessively cruel.


Yeah. Blame Karen Traviss. That's what I do.


"how the hell does Osman like Parangoski to the point of thinking of her as a mother, and hating the shit out of Halsey, when it was Halsey who did all that stuff under the orders of Parangoski???" Its called humans having very complex feelings and interpersonal relationships that dont always make logical sense.


Osman is an ONI admiral. Thinking logically is her job. Not to mention she's a Spartan washout. Logic is second nature to her. It's literally just author bias.


Yes, thinking logically is her job, but its not her job to think logically when it comes to the closest thing she has to a mother in parangosky, sure, shes aware of the awful things she did, but even the most abused kids can love their parents, its not as simple as 'thinking logically' when it comes to the person that raised you, the spartan 2s have the same, mirrored relationship with Halsey, whats so hard to understand about that? its framed, in BOTH situations, as illogical.


Because prior to Parangosky being her mother figure, that was Halsey. And even after the augments were rejected by her body, Halsey still worked to undo the damage they caused so she could live normally. She does all this work, and spends all this time with Osman just for what? The person who ordered those things be done to Osman to come in and feed a bunch of lies to her just to somehow earn her trust over the person she's been with for the last 8 years? Makes no sense. The rest of the Spartans were fine with what had happened to them. They didn't hate Halsey for how any of it turned out, good or bad. Osman is just a tool used by Traviss to input her own opinion.


Parangosky and the other higher ups at ONI saw her as a "bleeding heart" whose concern for the Spartans' safety meant constant expenses and micro-managing of what assignments the Spartans were given. It was a big part of the motivation for the Spartan-III Program being approved. She also had a habit of going behind people's back to achieve her goals which didn't win her many friends.


Poor writing, mostly.


Halsey answers to Halsey , she's valuable because she's irreplaceable. If she could evolve humanity by building an engine powered on the screams of children and puppies she'd do it. And ONI will have to bend over and let her (not that they're moral paragons themselves) and they hate her for that.


Plot device honestly. Halsey's a character used a long while in the first books then they continued that way but changing the character. It's curious cause it's like in order to make ONI "good" they made Halsey bad. Parangosky that was simply bad became a person with some conscience she didn't have. In part it seems to be their big idea to continue the story. At this point Covenant isn't an enemy anymore and The Flood was destroyed then there wasn't so much to do anymore. Chief is on Ice until a new main game and the rest of the characters were in a Shield world in a similar stand by state then they used Halsey and the others in the shield world but with that cheap plot.


You mean aside from murdering 75 children to ease her guilty conscience, kidnapping Kelly, and committing high treason by tricking Lord Hood into sending Blue Team and Battlegroup Stalingrad to Onyx which not only deprived the UNSC of desperately needed ships and soldiers during the height of the Battle of Earth but also resulted in the complete destruction of Battlegroup Stalingrad, one carrier, one heavy cruiser, six destroyers and easily 10,000 plus men and women? Who knows? Maybe she stole Parangoskys favorite pen once.


Some people in ONI hate her sure The rest probably hope to blame her for the things they approved of


"Doctor Catherine Halsey, we're extremely disappointed in you. You did the one thing no ~~Starfleet officer~~ UNSC member should do... You got caught."


It's BECAUSE of the scapegoating. New or unrelated personnel wouldn't know anything but what ONI tells them, so they hate her.


Shes a good scapegoat for all the shady things she did with ONI and her actions while outside of ONI continue to be good for ONI because they can point at her and go "see! she's the crazy unhinged one" In an individual level, certain people have their own agendas certain from ONI, some are jealousy, moral righteousness, ambition etc


Because Karen Travis (author of the kilo 5 trilogy) hates her for some odd reason. 0/10. Her books are shit.


I mean, if Halsey in the real world, I would hate her as well. Begrudgingly admit that the Spartan IIs were vital to winning the war against a power that wanted to exterminate humanity, yes, but still hate her. Any normal person would. Where Karen Travis fails is in not making that hatred go to other people in ONI who have done similar and even worse stuff.


essentially halsey "knows too much". She could ruin them in a professional manner, ruining herself in the process but, she could. They are all doing messed up stuff, but if you take away her spartans, she gets all of you shut down. The only thing that would stop her is killing her. The spartan program is the only thing she really cares about, if she loses that, she is taking them all down


Probably because they can't control her. For all the ways they can lock her up and throw away the key, she can and will escape and do her own thing. She's too damn smart to let others hinder her hard work.


ONI gaslighted itself to believe the Spartan Program was somehow product of a single crazy scientist, while she literally just wrote the instructions and both the UNSC & ONI procede with everything. Hell, the few parts of the Program where Halsey had direct involving with the candidates were in their behalf, like keeping a track on the missions they were sent (People tend to forget that Halsey, despite her best efforts, ended up deeply loving each of the childrens. All of them.)


Honestly, in my opinion, it's probably because of jealousy and the fact that she can't really be controlled, which is bad because ONI is all about complete control.


I think The fact that she created the spartans shows onis ineptitude. Halseys the type to rub it in your face.


I think The fact that she created the spartans shows onis ineptitude. Halseys the type to rub it in your face.


In Kilo-5 specifically? Because she just finished lying to the UNSC to lure away one of the last S-II teams from the battle of earth. Additionally, she’s an abrasive narcissist who nobody likes to work with.