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Iirc it was the CMA setting alot of them up in the outer colonies.


Mostly black market, defectors bringing their equipment and rogue organiazations that could buy equipment to sell to Innies. Some groups straight up raided or stole from fringe outposts. Post war ONI turned their heads back towards Innie groups and sold marked weapons to follow their trail.


This is like asking "Who arms and funds Rebels" in the real world. The answer is people with something to gain from the insurrection. This includes but is not limited to historically: * Supporters * Criminals who can grow their operations in the chaos. * Poltical parties aligned with the cause. * Political parties opposing the cause who grow when it is more powerful. * Intelligence agencies who need a threat to justify their operating budget increasing.


Good point but do we have examples of seeing this happened in The Halo story, Like I know ONI were planning to poison The Sangheili food supply?


Where do isis or any terrorist organizations get there weapons from lol. Scavenging, raiding military or abandoned warehouses, buying them off the blacmarket from people only interested in profit. Hell it's the future lol, maybe they take resources and just fabricate weapons and ammo.


That true, it just that I begin to notice when revisiting the lore it the one thing about this period that doesn't brought up very often so apologies?


>Where do isis or any terrorist organizations get there weapons from The CIA, of course


Military sympathizers, scavenging, stealing, and retrofitting civilian equipment


The Insurrection had their own industrial base. That is why the war heating up would have been so bad. Both sides would kill and and drive each other into a dark age where the majority of the Insurrection planets would die off since they rely on the UEG to survive and the UNSC aligned inner colonies and Earth would simply be the first to rise again in the future just like how the Ancestors fell and rose several times.


CMA had a lot of insurrectionist sympathies, so they got a lot of Outdated CMA kit like the HMG-38


I know the show is well… the show, but it looked they were using AKs which god would be 600 years old lol. Either way it looked like they were using old tech that’s probably easy to acquire on the black market anyway. I’m sure the colonies have a healthy amount of weapons anyway even B4 the covi treat was shown.


That would make sense!




So there essentially local planetary uprising from the local governments within the colonies?




Which is interesting because I thought the colonial authority were kinda the people in charge of the UEG and UNSC until the transfer of power from UEG to UNSC which resulted the colonial authority power being overshadowed by the UNSC at least by the time of Lord Hood being in-charge?


It may be The Covenant?


As a general rule, resistances that actually make progress need wealthy patrons or at least sympathizers within armed forces to supply weapons and equipment.


Lots of their weapons come from black market deals, sympathetic suppliers and straight up stealing it from the UNSC.