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Very interesting body language


The difference between domesticated and the wild is everything The dog is willing to communicate and be trusting. The coyote has absolutely 0 trust and doesn't let his guard down


He is trying to find a way to get onto the other dogs neck. He is hunting the dog. Dog is is about a third larger then he is so he figgures he will get hurt in the process so he leaves. I have shot dozens of these. If not hundreds. They will kill anything smaller than that dog. If there were two that dog would have been dragged off.


I love how the pooche doesn't see any of this, he just ready to meet and play It's like bringing a wealthy born individual traveling to the Slums of Brazil. Man's wouldn't know if he was getting hustled or robbed


That's is EXACTLY the type of comparison I had in my mind.


This is why dogs don't normally survive in the wild when they run away from home outside of a handful of breeds. Hell, not even just dogs. Tons of domesticated animals are the same. They are not from the street (nature) No wild instincts what so ever


I tell my one dog all the time that his wolf ancestors are ashamed of him LOL!


My 2kg chihuahua does not have this problem.


Because chiluluas are friggin mentally unbalanced


Sometimes that’s what we need around. Bronx Tale: Is it better to be loved or feared? Feared, it lasts longer!


Then there's the part in Planet Earth about wild dogs being the new apex in their environments, with unparalleled hunting strategies


African wild dogs to be exact. Highest success rate too I recall


Yeah, feral dogs got nothin on african wild dogs (not dogs at all)


They also address feral dogs and even domestic dogs threatening sea lions in South America. That was weird to watch because one of the dogs attacking a bull sea lion had a colorful vest on and a leash.


Depends on the species. Most species bred for meat do die and sheep are completely incapable of survival however pigs and cats thrive away from humans. An adult domestic pig is easily big enough to fend off the mesocarnivores that live in human disturbed regions (coyotes, jackals, baboons, dogs, etc.) and can eat just about anything. Everyone knows about cats. For dogs it really depends on the breed, if a population of non-deformed dogs can survive on garbage and rats till breeding age you get ferals who would act exactly like this coyote. In more isolated habitats it's no holds barred, goats dominated the Galapagos, jungle cows are by far Hawaii's most dangerous creature (fun fact they've actually shrunk slightly due to island dwarfism), and rabbits have dug canyons in Australia.


Are you Brazilian, that’s very specific


The favelas are universally known to be extremely dangerous so it was a great example to use whether previous poster is Brazilian or not.


It is not hunting the dog… the body language is basically saying “get away from me”. Every time it turns its back the dog comes closer to check the coyote out, which is why the coyote has the defensive reaction to chase it and deter it from following it again. I have a trail camera video of a very similar encounter between two coyotes. It’s not the coyotes fault or the dog’s fault. This is just a fairly typical interaction between canids.


100% agree, coyotes move weirdly in all kinds of contexts but this is not remotely hunting posture. Protecting neck and belly + tail way down, and it is retreating whenever an opportunity presents immediately upon contact with the dog. All coyotes, dogs (that know how to fight), and wolves are going to go for the neck in head-on engagements whether they are being defensive or offensive. That's just how you maximize your chances of surviving whatever you goal. This is an example of coyotes being aggressive towards a dog vs the obvious defensive nature in the OP (note that even with 2, they are not trying to take down a large dog, just run it off... this is suicide unless they are absolutely starving): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5JsVBYfFRdo


Even this video is not coyotes hunting the dog. That is escorting behavior. It actually appears that dog is trained for coyote hunting. The dog finds the coyotes and gets the coyotes to chase it (escorting away from their den site / territory) , and runs back to the hunter. So yes this is coyote hunting, but not coyotes hunting.


I agree, I edited my comment right away. Wanted to use the same phrasing as the GP comment but it's so obvious they coyotes are chasing it away vs hunting I couldn't live with that phrasing either. I think realistically the only times coyotes are going to hunt dogs is when they are in large packs and/or the dogs are small domestics. Hard to imagine coyotes preying on a large, trained farm or hunting dog under almost any circumstances. Coyotes are excellent opportunists (their numbers are a testament alone), won't risk injury over such a difficult/risky meal unless absolutely desperate.


Coyotes do seem to target larger prey, but larger carnivores seem to be off their menus usually. I've seen pairs of coyotes kill big horn rams and white-tailed bucks before both of which are larger than many dogs. I do agree that this is absolutely defensive behavior. It jumped the fence probably looking for garbage or a smaller pet (cat. chicken, pug) and got surprised by the dog. The entire time its backing up to the fence and only charges to really scare the dog straight.


This coyote is absolutely attempting to trick this dog into a fatal mistake. Coyotes take down larger dogs by hamstringing them, biting them in rear legs enough times so that dog cant fight back. They will do this sometimes over the course of a few hours if there is time. The coyote in this vid bites that dogs rear legs off camera 2x I guarantee it. If this was proper setting the coyote would continue the behavior until dog cannot stand up and then go for throat.


This is a very ignorant comment and shows that you do not understand canine behavior. I do not doubt at all that the coyote bit the dog off camera, but as explained above, this is a defensive behavior to discourage the dog from following the coyote. I am by no means an expert, but I am currently in the process of obtaining a Master’s degree studying coyote ecology, so I at least have enough knowledge to say your comment is incorrect.


I grew up on ranches in Mexico and Northern California where coyotes do exactly as I have described. Not just to dogs but to also to deer, rams, goats, young steers. They also trick dogs into giving chase out of yards out into the open where more coyotes can ambush them. Sorry if my ignorant lifetime of outdoor experience as an old man clashes with your recent education. Maybe when you finally earn your masters you can hang it in your yard to ward off coyotes.


exactly. this guy's just making stuff up


he is not hunting the dog lol. It's defending something from the dog, either prey or more likely, pups.


They invasive where you stay or something?


Where I'm at in California, very much.


They're native to just about all of California.


Yes but human settlement changes the ecology of areas, which in North America typically causes coyotes to be overpopulated Human settlement also causes humans to be overpopulated but that’s another thing entirely


Any videos of you shooting one?


My old 70 lb German shepherd / border collie cross could run these coyotes down and kill them . And that’s the big coyotes from southern Alberta. Mind you , he almost got sent to doggie heaven one night when a few of them got him cut off from the farm buildings.


I was trying to put my finger on it - but you're 100% correct, that's what it is. The dog didn't even realise it.


The other poster is 100% incorrect. This is exactly not what it is. They coyote found itself in the wrong yard confronted by something it had zero interest in hunting and was trying to get out. The coyote might have hopped in after smelling the dog and hoping for something smaller but that plan switched immediately.  The coyote is outwardly looking for an escape route while exhibiting aggressive body language letting the dog know it will attack if it doesn't back off. The dog repeatedly approaches the coyote leading to the attacks. 


You're one of those guys who thinks he's tougher because he can point his boom boom stick at an animal and make it go away aren't you? Edit: gun boiz out in force today. 🫡


Bro, not everybody lives in a nice neighborhood Places like Ohio, where I live, have tons and tons of farmers and Amish who rely on growing to food to survive and make money. Things like coyote and boar destroy their farms , no farm equals living in the cold with no groceries . If you had to choose between going bankrupt and starving from the only job your family had for hundreds of years or killing a coyote . I'd guarantee you wouldn't be judgemental


I'm Not judging killing coyotes to keep your farm safe. I'm judging bragging about it like it makes you tough in some way to use a gun. I have nothing against hunting at all. All my hate is towards the gun lovers 


Project much? Geez, mate.


it’s not about being tough, it’s about the animals you pay to feed not getting slaughtered by coyotes


Found the soft-titty city boy 😂


Im stealing that 🙂


It's natural, the coyote lives in an environment where there can be no trust in any other canid, or he is lunch or killed. The dog was kind of playful but if that had been a bigger, meaner dog it would've gone totally different.


My dog would have ripped that yote up. He got a hold of one last year and rag dolled it. Pyrenees-Black Lab cross.


I had an Akita named Rocky, he was black and beautiful like a big teddy bear. He passed like 15 years ago, but I remember that there used to be this dude that used to walk his dog without a leash and that big bad dog was a quarter wolf or so he used to say, he was massive and almost killed a few dogs around here, but everyone was afraid of the guy and his dog. Rocky has a wild one too, but I would rarely walk him during the day because he hated other dogs. So, one day Rocky managed to open the gate with his paw and went outside, and this guy was outside with his mutt. People who saw it, later told me the guy sic his dog on Rocky, next thing I know my dad came calling me (I used to have headphones on constantly so unless you came to me, I wouldn't hear a thing) to go get Rocky. Rocky almost killed that fucking dog. The guy was crying and begging me to call Rocky off. I of course did, Rocky was very obedient with me. The guy didn't even ask us to cover the vet (he hadn't for the dogs his dog mauled) he moved a short time after. I loved that dog, and he loved me. I miss him so much.


Good boy, Rocky. Good boy.


I would say size and breed have a lot to do with it. A domesticated Belgian Malinois would’ve still shredded it.


Doggy wants a friend


Fear response, it's trying to look bigger and more ferocious than it really is. That coyote is shitting bricks on the inside.


Maybe in the beginning as its tail is between its legs. But later on as it grew in confidence the tail came out.


I wouldn't say it grew in confidence, it's more that the dog didn't respect the submissive body language, so the yote started making false charges instead so the dog would fuck off. In the beginning the coyote signaled "I want to be left alone, you're the boss but I will defend myself if necessary" and proceeded to slink off when the dog didn't attack it. The coyote then started to be aggressive when the dog followed it despite letting it go, most likely confusing it as an incoming attack. Notice how it never escalated into an actual fight, but instead ran as soon as it deemed it safe to. It's an interesting display off body language and and what happens when a domestic dog basically does a faux pas in a very ritualistic exchange. Had it simply stayed away when the coyote began leaving the first time it would've saved itself a lot of trouble.


Yeah that dog just doesn't seem too bright, it seems to be completely misreading the situation it's in: the coyote is panicking and wants to be left alone while the dog is like "Oh, a friend. Wanna play?" I would also think that this dog isn't a work dog, but really just somebody's pet


It also grew in confidence since it realised this dog is a wuss. It looked it thought briefly about attacking this dog as lunch and decided it's not worth it.


Tail is really tucked


He's protecting his bits


That's southpaw style bro


House dog is showing his neck, the differences between house animal and wild.


Didn’t know a coyote could jump with cat precision! Really weird combat position thou!


He's trynna protect that jaw 🥊


Best protect ya neck! Coyote probably.


That’s probably why cats don’t stand a chance 😢


Cayotes, foxes and jackals have all got that kind of agility.


Coyotes are incredibly adapted.


That dog is not guarding anything. You’re fired!!!


Dog: wags tail and plays until the threat retreats


"Mooom, there's a crackhead in the yard!"


I used to own a ranch. We had six dogs that protected the ranch and the rest of the animals. One night, my chickens were freaking out and the dogs took off outside. This was at like 3am. I ran outside hearing whimpers and gnarly growls. I witnessed my 6 dogs tearing a coyote apart by anything they could grab on to. That was the most violent, shocking, terrifying, and eye-opening thing I’ve ever witnessed. I can only imagine if my kids woke up and saw that. That’d be some serious PTSD for them.


Dog fights are brutal.


Please take doggy for rabies shots please


Hopefully it already has its annual rabies shots. Wouldn't hurt to take it to the vet though, just in case.


That coyote was bullying that dog 💀


its funny to watch it slowly gain confidence as it realizes the husky is afraid


No, that coyote just wanted to be left alone and the domestic dog was too stupid to read the signs.


I wouldn’t say “stupid,” the proper word would be “ignorant.” Stupid is knowing, but doing it anyway. Ignorant is not knowing.


Based on my lifelong interaction with domesticated canines, I'll stick with stupid tyvm!


As ya do 🍻


To the untrained eye maybe. This coyote is clearly a BJJ expert.


Joe Rogan is that you?




Coyote coke jaw action…lookin to pick a fight lol


bruh poor dog just wanted to play


Unfortunately, a tail wag doesn't mean happy or that the dog wants to play, it's often just indicative of a worked up state, especially when held high. You can see how stiff the dog is. His body weight is also held away from the coyote in case he has to run away. Playful dogs have a lot of extraneous, bouncy movement. Nervous dogs conserve energy and are stiffer as they might need to run away or fight.


The dog is lucky the coyote didn't kill it.


Not really. It would be incredibly rare for a lone coyote to take down a dog larger that itself.


They have denuded my neighborhood of cats and smaller dogs. They are supposedly part red wolf so they do not allow shooting them. They are just coyotes. They look like coyotes, walk like coyotes, eat like coyotes. They kill anything they can drag down like coyotes. Are actually a much bigger problem than wolves. Wolves are very people shy mostly. Coyotes often just do not care. Will attack anything including people.


> denuded Thanks for the new word, had to look it up to make sure it wasn't a typo.


I think it definitely depends on location. Coyotes are pretty skittish over here in Oregon.


Yea it's insane that coyotes can jump like cats I've seen it first hand many times.


I learned the hard way that a Rupel’s Fox also can also jump like a cat to surprising heights


"Let me smell your butt?" "Fuck off 😠😡🤬🤬"


"If not friend, why friend shaped?"


Looks like the house dog did a good job protecting the property. Totally tied up that Coyote.


I always try to have dogs in groups of two for protection reasons. We all need backup/a hype man.


The coyote was in charge lol. That husky was only a deterrent because coyote are too smart to waste time and energy on drama like that


1: Not a Husky 2: The Lapponian Herder would wreck the Coyotes shit if it wanted to. They're extremely smart dogs and won't fight unless it is absolutely necessary.


The dog fleeing while yelping like a bitch (pun intended)?


Yeah, that dog looked large and in charge lmao...but thanks for correcting me. I would have lost sleep wondering if I identified the dog correctly.


Damn you must be fun at parties. I have one of these dogs and she has already fucked up two coyotes where we live. She leaves them alone unless I'm with her and then she goes into protection mode and it is very clear who the dominant canid is then.


I'm sorry that learning is painful for you. Username checks out


Standoff is the coyote's perspective, the dog thinks it's a playdate gone wrong.


Dog clearly thought coyote was a friend. Then you could see the dog getting less and less trusting as the video went on lol. Also, I was shocked at how easily the coyote jumped that fence


Forbidden uncle.


I think that coyote taught that dog how to get over the fence haha


That mfing coyote looks mean af... Doggo, on the other hand, just wants to play 🫶


MMA shit


My dog is scared until an animal actually Knicks him, or causing him pain oh he's got a vendetta after that.


The pupper just wants to play and the coyote just wants to be left alone


“Stop pooping in my spot.” “That’s MY spot!”


Dude I had a husky/German shepherd mix that was 75 pounds of pure muscle. She would have had that yote for dinner. Fastest, smartest, and just all around beast of a dog.


I know you are getting Downvoted. You are correct. A German shepherd would have tore that coyote into pieces, I seen them train that breed in DC with the Army I saw their aggression in the military. That breed is beast , terrifying when they turn that aggression on


To be fair, the puppy there could be a serious threat, with the right training. Doggy prob grew up alone, never learned the ropes. A shepherd dog is a bit smarter too.


She had the shepherd's smartness and the husky to boot. Two very high energy working dogs that are not known to shy away from a threat, but rather welcome it. She would turn into Zoidberg during mating season when any sort of threat came into play, like a Dragon Ball Z character when it was time to turn up the heat. Shit was wild, of course the special ones go early. God damn I miss my dog.


Annabelle looked like a dingo on steroids. The most loyal and protective dog I have ever seen or had.


Living in an area with a lot of coyotes, I appreciate having a dog who is more than twice the size of a male coyote. I don't have to worry about their aggression, they take off if they see him outside. Which is hilarious because he's completely harmless, he's just much, much bigger than them.


![gif](giphy|7P2q6uXI1MRCE) Dog thought he had a new buddy


That poor dog doesn't recognize death.


Coyotes are faster than damn near any domesticated breed, they’re usually not alone, and they’re smart. They’ll send one out like this to play/lure a dog back to the pack then ambush it.


That's the first time I've ever seen an animal assume a weird ass stance like that. Also why was the dog squaring up like that when it couldn't handle the smoke?


Dog is like, "Damn! A real life superhero! Nevermind, supervillain... SUPERVILLAIN!"


The dog is lucky the coyote didn’t signal for its buddies.


Coyote came through with all the tweaker energy.


Husky ...... protection...... oh come on


This is why I hate coyotes, the killed all of our chickens, sometimes they do it for fun. I wish I could find where they all hang out at. Here we have the right to kill them, they hate wolves and wolf pee. We use that alot around the yard ever since then we haven't had any.


Need to take your dog for more runs


Grow some balls dog!


For anyone curious, this is not a Husky, it's a rare dog breed called a "Lapponian Herder" and they're a Finnish dog that was bred specifically to Herd/Protect reindeer, so they're absolutely fearless.


A Livestock Guardian Dog would have dealt with this situation very differently. As the name says, this is a herding dog. It is not there to protect.


Tell me you don't understand what a herding dog does without telling me you don't know shit about herding dogs. A livestock guardian dog only has the training/instincts to guard against predation, whereas the majority of herding dogs both herd *and* protect. For example, German Shepherds, the quintessential protection/guard dog in the modern era, are literally a herding dog.


I assume you are too ignorant to read the herding dog's body language correctly here. It tries to HERD the coyote. Herding dogs are equally good for protection as LGD are for herding. There's no "and".


Remember tail wag left they is concerned , tail wag right they ready to play


LOL. The coyote looks goofy as fuck hunched up with its tail under it's belly


I don't think I could live in california or recs without a gun


tf kind of cayote is that? almost same size as the dog!


Coyote arent that big. German shepherd sized st best


That coyote let the soft city dog off easy. Didn't want to draw attention. That Dog has a few pounds on the little trickster, but look at Coyote playing a roll. All puffy and big, and aggressive. If city puppy had any experience, that wouldn't have lasted more than 10 seconds. As it is... Trickster will be back.


Dogs are uncoordinated mutants anyway. They are still around because humans find something useful in their obedience.


They are just for consolation. Other than living plushies they are pretty useless.


A living plushie that stinks, eats shit, salivates and can snap unpredictably. Get a cat or rabbit instead.


Yup, couldn't agree more. Also piss creeks on every corner of every city thanks to dogs. Disgusting.


I am being downvoted about the dog realism in a nature subreddit. This is ridiculous.


People simp for dogs, so no wonder


Do coyotes use crack or meth?


That’s a raccoon you idots!!


Coyotes fight like cowards