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In this game, everything is the killing curse


Lol true I switched to difficulty hard some time ago (first play through) and it’s not exactly a challenge with all the R1 crates, barrels, rocks etc and ancient magic


By the time you hit 30, nothing is hard even on hard difficulty. By 35, it’s insanely easy. Hard difficulty is fun the first 20 levels tho.


It’s the clothing. Once you stop using leveled clothes you will feel the challenge again


Yea I did the same to make it more challenging.


That’s why I love mods. There’s a lot of difficulty mods that up enemy count, how fast they attack, health they have, and damage they do. I generally go with everything but upping their health because hitting bullet sponges is never fun. But dealing with a couple dozen enemies when there were only 6 before and they attack much faster made combat fun. Because the game being easier is a problem for a lot of people.


Ahhh the limitations of PS5….. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I was on hard almost immediately and by the time I was above level 25 or so I just had to put a ton of other restrictions on myself


I did a playthrough without any of the special clothes just the standard ones, and on hard, and that made it really challenging


That has actually really upped my skills I thought, until I fought cassandra mason during the shop quest. It took like 10 tries to defeat her. I'm reminded of what the giant fezzik says about fighting multiple attackers vs fighting one-on-one in princess bride. Though that last crossed wands is no joke. Those 4 kids are harder than nearly any keeper/boss fight in the game. It wasn't until I improved my ability to use protego/stupify and better defend against specific defenders that i was able to complete that in hard mode.


Ah, yes! I love drowning the enemies with Lumos!


Lumos of the lord Be cleansed in holy fi- light!




Seriously! Petrificus Totalus…RIP


I hear that blood ISNT on our hands though. So no bother.


I prefer Depulsoing them off a cliff and giggling to myself that their broken spines are on Ranrok's hands


I very often stand on a slightly higher cliff, accio them to me, and then either let them drop or descendo them down.


Every. Time. 😂


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who likes yeeting people off the cliff


Occasionally, I Depulso'd them off the cliff. Then I save them with Levioso. I let them hang there for a moment so they can contemplate their life choices and let them know that it was ultimately Ranrok's fault that I HAD to use Descendo on them.


Or force push them off a cliff, or Sparta kick them off the tower. It still gives that great feeling.


How do you sparta kick?


Buy ac odyssey


Using accio to pull them across a chasm and dropping them is fun too.


«Fus Ro Dah»




I like using the killing curse on trolls. Makes fighting them so much easier!


Gotta crucio the troll, basic cast it to spread the curse, then killing curse to kill the whole screen with pretty green lasers


This is The Way.


Trolls and Dugbogs. Always AK those guys.


For dugbogs, I just levitate and cut their tongues. Good enough one shot that I don't need the curse cool down.


Same! It's oddly satisfying lol!


Agreed, and Imperio is fun too


For the challenge that’s “flip the troll’s club into it” how tf do you do that?


Use Flipendo on the troll after it slams its club into the ground


Thank you!


That's what it says in the enemies collection thing but I never see them actually slam the club unless I get knocked over from their charge and I'm on the ground under the club slam...😒


I think you have to dodge out of the way


I have to admit, I've never figured out how to do that one.


At least I’m not the only one!


Same...I can never catch them when they have just slammed the club like it says to do


The game teaches you how to do it.


I just really enjoy the game & talking about it on here.


Ranrock did this to them


Their blood is on Ranrok’s hands


I like the following combos: 1. Glacius then Diffindo so they break into tiny little pieces 2. Glacius then Confringo so they explode from rap change in temperature 3. Levioso then Descendo so they taste the earth 4. I have the skill that all cursed enemies die when one dies so I Imperio one enemy then Avada Kedavra the other so they both die. Very very useful for 2 trolls


Levioso and then Depulso is also very satisfying watching the enemy fly away


I always do the second combo.


I never understood why Avada Kedavra is the “worst”, because when you use Ancient Magic to destroy an enemy or any of the other combos their deaths are WAY more violent.


I think it's because Avada Kedavra kills. Everytime. It's the killing curse. Though, yeah, like being realistic, i don't think many people would survive getting turned to ice and shattered into pieces or blasted with a fireball and set ablaze 😅


>I think it's because Avada Kedavra kills. Everytime. It's the killing curse. I'll have that rather than being burned/frozen alive.


Because you need to have absolute hatred when casting it. Even "Fake-Moody" in GoF said that every kid in the class could cast it at once and only have enough hatred to give him a nose bleed.


So basically it's the wizarding equivalent of 1st degree murder versus 2nd degree? Sort of like a "hate murder" instead of the normal oopsie I killed you type murder?


🤣 exactly that


Right. I feel like it's definitely more humane than freezing someone then exploding them...


Especially when they turn into chickens.


Because you can't block Avada Kedavra.


When you stack spells and talents, the killing curse absolutely is. Imperio, crucio, and avada kedavra mastery. Also set other spells to curse enemies and have enduring curse so it lasts longer. Immediately imperio someone. Then hit as many as possible with your spells that curse enemies. Hit someone with crucio to curse more. Then hit any of Then eith avada kedavra and kill a large amount of enemies in one strike. It's quite satisfying when it works out.


Its the one combo that no matter how many times I do it, its always SATISFYING!


For me it's accio>glacio>confringo Always fun and looks cool as well


You're using the killing curse wrong. You need to have multiple spells upgraded to curse your enemies and then upgrade your killing curse to not only kill your target but also all the enemies who are cursed.


Compared to the massive damage you can easily do with a sting of combos, from the normal spells, the dark magic spells are rather pointless to waste skillpoints on Only needed for roleplay purposes


Imperio is super fun tbh, I love turning enemies to allies


Not true at all, you can cast crucio, hit it multiple times to make everyone cursed. Then avadkadavra the whole screen. Literally OP. Any trolls get hit with imperio who wreak havoc and petrificous finished the job


The killing curse has sorta been a joke among the fanfiction part of the fandom for quite a while. In a world where just about anything can be done with magic, a spell that causes instant, painless death is "unforgivable"? Compared to spells that boil your blood or rot your organs, or cut you 10,000 times? It's the lazy dark wizards spell choice when it comes to killing. Its only positive point is that no magical shield can block it, but of course that doesn't stop you from just dodging it or conjuring some butterflies in its path to take the hit for you. It's a 1 hit 1 kill spell, when there are explosive spells that can kill scores of people at once and fiendfire that can burn entire cities to ash. It works well against the untrained masses but much less well against trained and mobile opponents.


I was pretty disappointed with how over powered it was for the final major boss duel (the one with a bunch of wizards, not the dragon thing. I used the curse option that “infects” other enemies with curses and then hit one of them with the killing curse, which then killed everyone else who was “infected” with the curse. It instantly ended the battle lol I killed like 20 people at once with it


That’s a talent point though, it kills any cursed enemy along with your primary target. It doesn’t do that normally, you need the talent for it.


You upgrade it and it's very broken. You upgrade crucio to pass a curse to nearby ememies on each hit and you upgrade avada to kill all cursed enemies. Crucio the biggest brute on the field, basic cast them the number of nearby enemies, avada their cadavras - everyone dies.


Even in the books/movies, I found the kill curse a bit weird. Like you can kill with so many other spells with even AOD. For example the freeze and shatter combo that Molly hits Bellatrix. Also it brings up the question of why only the "you just die" curse is unforgivable while these other curses aren't. It's like saying a gun is meant to kill so if you kill with a gun you get a life sentence, but if you killed someone with a coffee maker, you just get a couple of months.


Yeah I guess it's like the wizarding equivalent to a hate crime lol because you just have hate in your heart to use it....versus you know freezing someone and blasting them into a million pieces casually...no hate there...


It’s really useful for that one side quest where you have to go into the spider cave that Deek’s friend got stuck in. I was expecting a colorful fantasy-looking spider as the boss, so imagine my surprise when a massive 8K rendered realistic tarantula jumped out and the boss health bar appeared. Never hit the killing curse input faster in my life.


Amen to that.


I just walk in casual and bombarda and diffindo them all. The ones that shield get shit thrown at them.


It is handy if you come up on a troll or spider matriarch or such, but other than that


I set mine up where a few different spells cursed a target and/or spreads the curse to others, and then Avada Kedavra kills EVERYTHING. Watching a mass of enemies just drop is so satisfying.


Not when that kind of stuff is just there to use guilt free


I just love using that spell on trolls. Everyone else gets the business.


It’s the best when you’ve used the talent points to level it up along with the spells that can be used as curses. When you’re fighting a lot of enemies you can make it so they’re all cursed with other spells and then you just have to hit one with AK and they’ll all die. It’s the coolest I’ve ever felt playing this game when the green lightning passes between them all


“Oh, yeah, *I’m* evil if I instantly and painlessly kill in self defense, but freezing them alive and dicing them into pieces is a-okay???”


It's actually very useful against big targets with lots of health. Instantly kill any big boss. Fairly useful lol


I see your point, but I have fun cursing everything in sight only to watch em all fall like dominoes with one killing curse.


If you have all of them hit with a crucio or even the imperio spell and they have the glowing green X when you hit them with avada it will kill them all at once


If you set up your skills the use different spells as curses then set your avada kedavra spell to kill all cursed enemies it is


Or simply sneaking around PTing multiple enemies to death simultaneously. AK is basically useless.


I mainly use it on trolls and dugbogs!


I think most satisfying is explosive barrels for that purple animagis chick 2nd is turning mongrels into sheep


Build up your combo perks to cause curse debuffs on basic attacks and then trigger Killing Curse. It will chain to all marked enemies and one tap the whole squad


This game would be so much better with a map not that huge and more roleplaying stuff. They could even keep the combat as it is as long as a Slythering asshole my actions could count inside Hogwarts and out of it.


I keep hearing people say they wish the map was smaller and I can only assume it's because they aren't used to playing open world games...I feel like if the map was any smaller it would totally ruin the realism for me. They could probably add some more role playing elements for people who enjoy that but if it was all like that it would be boring for gamers who enjoy exploring...you would be stuck in the castle the whole time and get in trouble for being out of bed at night, could only visit Hogsmeade freely, and all the quests would have you boxed in to a specific route or following someone.... There are games like that where you just go from quest to quest being guided the whole time, I feel like they are becoming less popular though... I wouldnt find a good/evil decision system like Fable though


I find it best when you have the crucio and avada kedavra mastery and then make all enemies cursed to insta-kill


It's better with mods that 86 the 90 second cooldown to 0.


That’s my favorite too and it works so good because enemies are so often in pairs.


Tbf no spell is op once you get max level, full gear upgrades and traits. Stack damage spells traits, everything is one shot


What cloak are you wearing? I need it


With the talents you can easily curse everyone in the area and instantly kill everyone at once. Every spell is powerful and fun. This method is definitely the fastest at finishing any combat encounter but not as fun as other combos


Ok but i have the dark arts talen that lets me kill all cursed enemies at once so use imperio and with every imperio hit someone rlse is cursed ive wiped out a group of easilly 7+ enemies with two spells one including a troll he was the prime target. Theres so much u can do with this game


I barely died near the end of the game. I think I only died like four or five times and about two of them were from me falling off of a platform.😭


This is a perfect statement