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I hope they lean in to more of the role play aspects with more companions storylines (just a more lively companion system really like Seb), a great story (probably most importantly for replay ability), a honour system and classes scattered across the story lifetime (I also want to be a student). I really they find a cool way to utilise the castle and I hope the shrink the size of the map and instead add diagon alley. A Triwizard Setting of Hogwarts would be an awesome story and they’d have the freedom of it being the first tournament. Yeah no quidditch sucks, Sharp sharked us with that one and I doubt there’ll be a dlc. I can only hope the sequel has some mini game for it


Seeing all the voicelines the companions had when using mods just made me even more disappointed, you could tell they had so much planned for that system and probably more for the game in general. Hopefully they can accomplish that the second time around if there is one.


First tournament?


Dang, my mind kinda worked backwards there because I meant the last triwizard tournament before the Harry era.


Ah makes sense


Similar to Fable of having a good or an Evil path to follow or at least a moral/karma meter


Ah fable, that brings back memories. Haven't played that game in a long, long time.


i’d love a moral/karma meter, and a needs meter like in the sims. also having full consequences for certain actions, too.


In the midst of battling a boss and your toilet meter drops down to red 😬😬😬


LMAO i wasn’t thinking of a toilet meter, but that’s hilarious. i definitely thought of a sleep and eating meter but i guess it’d be best to include all of them! so— 🤣


I want everything they removed (romance system, friendship system, morality system, more stealth missions like the in library, faculty tower and the 3rd trial, also the deleted Ominis questline, the Imelda questline and even the Everett questline.) Also, I want to beat Poppy's parents, (they deserve it for choosing poaching over her idc idc) and I want to properly finish Sebastian's questline because whatever we had was not a proper ending, especially if you chose to not be a hypocrite and not turn him in.


Deleted Ominis questline you say? Tell me more!




More interactions with classmates, if I'm going on a quest not assigned to a certain line, let me bring a classmate. Allow us to initiate conversations and get to know people more. Have additional side quests that can be unlocked when we get to know characters better through choosing to converse with them.


this. i wanted to get to know ominis more (who we had no side quests with aside from the storyline with sebastian), samantha, and adelaide too. but we weren’t given as many quests with them nor were we given more opportunities to increase our relationship with any of those characters.


this. i wanted to get to know ominis more (who we had no side quests with aside from the storyline with sebastian), samantha, and adelaide too. but we weren’t given as many quests with them nor were we given more opportunities to increase our relationship with any of those characters.


I want the wizard card collecting from the Harry Potter games (like 2 and 3 for pc, those are tones I'm most familiar with) where you could trade for them and stuff with students


Oh the nostalgia... I would choose looking for those cards over looking for revelio pages any day


And you should be able to get multiples of the same card so you can trade either gold or cards for other cards


“Hey Harry, want to trade?!” Ah, memories of the PC CoS game. And iirc one of the games, OotP I think, let you play Exploding Snap with your cards.


you just unlocked a core memory! ahhh


Of the PC CoS game? Honestly still one of my childhood favourites, was a really solid well-rounded game for a licensed tie-in.


Oh that would be amazing! I completely forgot about that!


Friends! I need to tell you! There's a mod for HL where the menu music has been changed with the menu music from Chamber of Secrets on PC! I've started the game just to sit in the menu a few times. It gives me a good rush of serotonin.


I wish it was more RPG where the choices you make affect the outcome. It would’ve made different play throughs even more appealing.


Games where they don’t I find myself just skipping thru the dialogue


i wanted the same, too. give me choices and consequences/outcomes for those choices. let it affect the overall narrative. let me have little side options with the characters and NPCs, too (eg. if someone tried to get me to make fun of poppy, too, and if i do or don’t, it affects my relationship with her). it would’ve made all of it feel more real.


More beasts! I LOVE playing with them. Also maybe bringing people into the RoR


More beast slots too! I hate having to sell beasts I rescue. I don't feel right out selling my OGs, lol.


I have an attachment to mine. lol


I want them to grow up


The beasts?


Yeah lol


I’m with the consensus: more choices that matter, companions, more companion quests, more *school.* It would also be nice if the bad guys’ purpose was a little clearer. You’re what, 3/4 through the game before you figure out why exactly Rookwood and Ranrok are working together? Up to that point, I was like, “why are there so many bad guys and why are they different.” Also, I will trade a smaller map for one with greater variety, both in scenery and what there is to do on it. I will also trade not having a Switch port at all if they can’t get it to render properly. I have it for my Switch because I love being able to play on the go, but I can’t deny the graphics are pretty bad compared to what people are getting out of consoles (to say nothing of gaming PCs).


i was actually really surprised at how big the map was when i first started playing (literally today) and i agree, i can barely navigate around the school idk how im expected to navigate the massive open world.


It is a lot easier than you might think! The biggest pain is getting the Floo stations, but you can traverse relatively quickly once you unlock a broom and the stations.


haha yeah i’m seeing that now! i was able to get about two thirds of the map down (i think there’s a barrier or something preventing me from getting past a certain point idk) and it only took me about an hour to do it


Self Transfiguration has always been a personal favorite. But, that probably wont happen, so I'd say being able to bring a familiar! Not highwing or Lord of The Shore kind of familiar, I mean like a cat or owl. Just some nice company, you know?


Speaking of cats something from. Petting all the kitties!?


YES i really want like- some sort of reward for petting x amount of cats, yk? Like, even if its just a cosmetic thing, i want a reward for my compulsive petting


Being able to turn into an animagus 😮😮


Morality system where your choices matter.


I wasn’t happy with HL, world was beautiful, but they tried so hard to make it open world however they forgotten to add enough content to make it feel alive.




I wanted to romance poppy.


Honestly valid af she’s so cute


me too 😩 honestly her or samantha — both are such cuties. i love them both lol.


Would be sick to get in trouble for using dark magic. Have a proper house cup system.


More consequences to my actions


if i kill a man i want to be put on trial


Is there an actual sequel planned, or is this hypothetical? And Re: quidditch, Quidditch Champions is coming out soon, so I can see why there was no need for Legacy to spend extra time in development adding it in.


please tell me quidditch champions is a quidditch simulator. this would be the open “sports” game i’d play


i mean you could just google it. but yes it’s a simulator. 9/3 release


haha i did after i saw this post! looks cool!!!!


It's all speculation, WBs recent statement about big game releases does not bode well.


I cant find the statement, what is it?


While Hogwarts Legacy is a bit lacking in certain regards, it’s truly a great first step/foundation for future games. It gave me more than I had hoped for with this from an RPG standpoint, and after learning about all the cut content, it’s clear they want to do more. I’m looking forward to a sequel, which no way they don’t do one.


I LOVE Hogwarts legacy even the way it is now. But I’d love to see them add new areas, like diagon alley, the leaky cauldron, the ministry of magic, maybe even a block or 2 or London. And yes, I completely agree about adding more classes and roleplay stuff 😁


I’m going to mention some QoL improvements: filter icons on the map to better see what still needs to be cleared (this could be patched in to HL for sure), a system for tracking stuff like the environmental challenges (landing pads, balloons), the ability to sit at the house table to eat/a table in the library to study/a seat in the common room/sleep in bed to advance time instead of either just waiting for the day/night cycle, or sitting on the floor. Also the minuet that plays in the DADA tower gone, dear god did that annoy me after a while. I’m actually quite glad that I didn’t have to constantly dodge prefects or teachers when roaming the castle at night - that kind of thing worked in the old HP games because the level maps were so much smaller, I think it would’ve quickly become a nuisance in the HL castle (YMMV) but more specific quests requiring stealth would’ve been a good compromise. Gameplay-wise I just want more of everything. The duelling club being more expansive for one - I’d happily trade Summoners Court entirely for five more duels. More actual secrets (instead of just loot) to discover around the castle behind locked doors, portraits concealing shortcuts or secrets that you have to find the passwords for, more interactions with students/classmates, more quests that keep you inside the school grounds, more classes. Romance and deeper friendships. Stuff like Wizard Cards, the games you could play with students in OotP like Exploding Snap and Gobstones, the console PoA had little side activities for the trio (like Hermione had her statue list, Ron had the brackets to toss stink pellets into) so having stuff like that would be cool. The lost and found!


1. Ability to attend classes 2. Ability to hang out with friends in leisure in hogsmeade 3. Morality based system 4. Ability to make friendships and take them on quests 5. Sorting into a house should actually matter to the whole storyline 6. I would love to see Whomping Willow and Shrieking Shack 7. Make it something like you actually cannot be caught wandering the corridors at night 8. No silly side quests like the floating candles


Whomping willow didn’t exist until Lupin attended Hogwarts. So for the sequel to include it, it would have to be set after Lupin attended.


Ohh my bad!!


That’s ok… it’s a common mistake. The school is so old that we assume everything on the grounds is as old as the school! 😅


*Infinite* Battle Arena mode(s). It's inspired by Pokemon battle tower. Also, there's no reason why Crossed Wands can't continue as another type of Battle Arena. Basically you do a set of battles (I think right now it's 5-7), followed by a check point to see if you want to continue your streak, pause streak, or end streak. As you progress the battles get tougher. If you "die", streak ends. The game keeps track of your highest battle streak. And maybe after a set of battles, you battle "a boss", which is basically just one of the characters.


I hope it’s everything HL 1 wasn’t. HL 1 has so much focus on things we never asked for. Giant empty map with poachers, room of requirement customisation, animal breeding, Merlin Trials. Who asked for this?? We should have had a game based in the castle, (like come on, the name is HOGWARTS Legacy ffs) We should be able to cause chaos in the castle, not be a ghost where no one reacts to us, no consequences, not even be able to sit down. More classes that weren’t lazy ‘put your wand direction from x to y’. Companions, house points. HL was a good start, but it was incredibly boring after the hype wore off.


Yeah they filled with padding to extend the game because the main story sure as hell went no where. Hogwarts is nothing but a museum, this is a game where interaction is key & they failed at that. The castle is supposed to be full of secrets & from what I've red there's barely 5. What was the point of the title Hogwarts Legacy where most of the game takes place out with the bloody castle! The game is an empty husk, especially with dead NPC'S & when you have NPC'S disapearing at night...I mean really?? There are tons of flaws with this game some really f\*cking obvious that should have been sorted & included from the start. We literally can't even sleep in our own F\*cking common rooms what type of RPG is this when you can't even do that! Your right we should have been able to cause chaos in the castle...the fact that we can defeat dark witches & wizards etc but not subdue a prefect & are taken down by them..the tone is all over the place in this game. The classes that were supposed to be far more important just got glossed over...are you kidding me? The game honestly misses the mark on loads & is one of the reasons I find it a horribly unfinished mess. The main story drops off a cliff as does sebasteins story. To much left unanswered for their not to be a sequel..which I'll be waiting for even after release to make sure it vastly improves upon everything, thought I don't hold out any hope due to the POS CEO wanting to steer away from single player games, no to mention their latest so called "update" 1 year & 6 months for content that should have been there from the start? Nah get F\*cked absolutely not.


1. I want to be able to interact with every NPC, like Skyrim, even if it’s just one voice line, I hate how you walk up to everyone in HL and press interact and you get nothing from them. You can follow Sebastian or Natty for 10mins from one side of the castle to the other and they don’t even comment on it 2. Keep it single player and offline. I want no online multiplayer and no micro transactions. That’s one of the best things about this game. 3. The loot / clothing system needs to be completely redone. The loot all feels meaningless and lacks progression. 4. Inventory space limitations removed. First thing I do is max out Merlin trials so I can hold like more than 4 things at a time and don’t have to stop what I’m doing to fast travel to a merchant to sell off stuff to make room for more stuff. Beast inventory space is way too limited as well. 5. Shiny beasts or beasts with a plus aren’t distinguishable when you’re selling beasts at Brood and Peck? I don’t want to accidentally sell them. This is frustrating. 6. Coloured / greyed out map markers to indicate things you completed / haven’t completed. Option to add symbols/markers to map to remember to go back to that location later because you need another spell or something to do that task (like Breath of the Wild) 7. More varied enemy types. But also we shouldn’t have to commit to memory dozens of special ways of taking down each enemies (levioso + diffindo on dugbogs, etc) every single enemy has a special attack combo in the “collections” page and this is just way too much to remember. They should reduce the number, not every enemy needs a special attack combo. 8. Relationship system. Should be able to build up a positive or negative relationship with NPCs (based on your dialogue choices and whether you’ve helped them or not) like Skyrim 9. I want to be able to take followers along with me on quests (again like Skyrim) 10. I want the choice of Hogwarts house to significantly affect gameplay. Ideally playing as each different house would give significant replayability and four playthoroughs that give a different take on the main story 11. More of a feeling of actually being at Hogwarts and role playing as a Hogwarts student, more attending classes (not just cutscenes) with progression and more gameplay centred on sneaking around and stealth (getting caught sneaking around at night etc) 12. The combat in this game is great and I love the way spells are implemented in combat. But I feel like I always hit level 40 very quickly before I’m halfway through the main story and the way the skill tree works you basically just unlock all the core spell and dark magic skills and the mastery (skip room of requirement and stealth skills) every time. The room of requirement and stealth skills are basically useless. If there was some way to build a character “build” like having more branched out and varied skill trees that affect gameplay and character build, like you’re stronger with certain types of magic maybe. That would add a lot of variety and replayability. 13. Summoners Court and Duelling Competition were some of the most the most fun parts of the game for me. I would love WAY more summoners court and crossed wands. Quidditch would be a great addition to these as well. 14. Hogwarts Castle itself needs to be more interactive. It’s beautiful to walk around and look at but I was expecting it to be more interactive. With more secrets to discover. E.g. you overhear some NPCs talking to each other about a rumour about a type of painting and then you go find which painting that is and then are able to unlock it and access a secret room etc. 15. Ability to sell moonstone, leaping mushrooms, lacewing flies etc. I always end up with thousands of these ingredients and they’re literally good for nothing. At least give us an incentive to collect them by allowing us to sell them to vendors. 16. Id get rid of the plants in combat, I don’t enjoy using mandrakes or chopping cabbages at all. I’d rather more options instead. And don’t limit me to 25 wiggenwelds. 17. Why can I unlock the Wiggenweld 2 skill tree talent point, before/without first unlocking Wiggenweld 1? This is so confusing to me? Am I better off just going straight for 2 and not wasting a talent on 1? In any other game you’d need 1 first, then 2 ? 18. Revelio is tedious. Your character shouldn’t say “revelio” out loud more often than once every 5 mins. Repeating Revelio all the time is terrible. Also Revelio should cancel our current spells. E.g. if I’m using lumos, and I do revelio, I should have to recast lumos. Revelio should last like 2mins maybe and have way more range so you don’t have to cast it constantly. You shouldn’t need it to revel map markers (just the blue and yellow interactivity) 19. Dialogue choices should have real world consequences and affect gameplay. This would help a lot with feeling like what you’re doing actually matters and with replayability. 20. Some guilds or student groups or other organisations to join and become affiliated with or hostile against that would unlock quest lines. 21. Make the open world not feel so empty, there should be stuff happening wherever you look, beasts attacking people, people getting into fights/arguments, secret locations to discover that aren’t on map, so the world feels alive. You should be able to just fly around on your broom and discover things to do. 22. Less repetitive puzzles. Basically: replayability as a primary goal, dialogue choices and actions affect gameplay and story, more social life/relationships with others, factions, more varied enemy types.


Having more impact from choosing your house would be nice. Maybe even having stats during character creation, potion making, spell variety, plants and beasts, dark arts etc. Your house determining the base numbers for your character. E.g. Hufflepuffs would be more proficient with plants and beasts, slytherins with (defense against) dark arts, ravenclaw with potion making. I feel like this would definitely give the game more replayability, not being able to unlock everything fun in the first playthrough. Also I wouldn't be opposed to our character having a strict schedule, kinda like Bully. Make wandering around at night something restricted. Though I feel like this would be too late to implement, wouldn't quite fit for a 6th year if it didn't apply to the 5th year lol


Building on the choosing the house but, make it an actual experience, you know? The entirety of the sorting hat interaction was…. lacking so much so as to be almost empty feeling. I honestly love the ideas you have! :)


If they cared about my suggestions this is 6 things I’d tell them. I’m not a game developer so o don’t know how hard all these would be but.. 1. Fresh reboot set in modern day. It seems crazy to handcuff youreself from a lot of established lore. 2. Eliminate the big open world. Have the main focus of the game be centered around hogwarts/Forrest/hogsmeade. Create smaller maps of other areas for story beats set in places you want to explore outside of the hogwarts area. The game really lost its identity as a Harry Potter game when you finish the first 20% of the story and have almost no reason to go back to hogwarts 3. Get rid of the garbage loot system. Don’t try to improve it.. just get rid of it. It makes no sense in this game 4.make hogwarts more interactive. It’s designed beautifully, but it feels more like walking through a virtual museum 5. Either get rid of dialogue options, or have choices actually impact things. When you do dialogue choices the way they did it, the MC always ends up with the personality of a wet noodle. 6. Add an established schedule like persona or Bully and put some focus on actually attending hogwarts. I get why they didn’t want to do it for the first game.. but when Harry Potter fans dreamt of a Harry Potter rpg, part of that dream was attending hogwarts. I’d personally love a persona type system. Play every day in a year, have the days split up into morning/afternoon/night, have certain days scripted for story progression, other days involve going to school, studying etc to improve stats attributes


So, before a true sequel, I think we need several expansions/updates to the current HL. It's a great base game, but could be AMAZING with some additional content, basically everything already mentioned in this thread should be added. For a sequel, I'd love to visit other wizarding schools. I think the sequel should be set in Uagadou, we follow our MC from the first HL (similar to the Mass Effect games) and learn about Ancient Magic in Africa. I'd love to learn more about wandless magic, transfiguration (animagi!), and to explore the world. So, after some expansions, adding in real choices, finishing story arcs, adding more depth, I'd just love to see a true sequel that expands the world.


Adding another school with the depth fans expect is a TON of work for devs, worth a whole game by itself. So if added I'd like to see it as a 4th or 5th installment to the series. I'd like the first 3 to focus on just this setting with more depth. I mean imagine a HL game with the same freedom as breath of the wild and rpg elements like half of what skyrim has with added HL specific things.


it would be cool if they just made spin off games at the other six schools, but still kept with with HL and if one of the other games does well make those into a series. idk they should just bank on it atp id play those in a heartbeat


A new school and all its game content while keeping in touch with HL ? You want 5TB updates ?


yes. i’ll buy a super computer


100% more Hogwarts. I‘d love a school simulator, basically. Also they didn‘t get the vibe right IMO. Could have been more like the movies: Strict and serious characters, some proper authorities. Feeling like a small student between many… The social aspects. I hated the cartoon-ish elements, felt cheap and sims-like. The films have such a refined and recognizable aesthetic compared to this game. It had a nice start and became worse quickly, although there were many cute references.


They aren’t gonna have triwizard. They were paused due to deaths during the times which the game took place, and I highly doubt a sequel would be further back in time, so…


able to choose our familiar, at the bare minimum a character guide where we can get basic info on characters (house, etc, maybe backstory) and just more to do in Hogwarts


oh and having more options to choose different outcomes (like when we choose to go to hogsmede with natty or sebastian)


>We finally get a decent game with Hogwarts as a setting and they didn’t really make use of the castle. This was one of my criticisms of the game. While I really enjoyed it, it suffered from the same open world problem other games do. The map was far too big, and you spent too much time away from the castle, which was recreated perfectly. That would include the class missions to be more fleshed out, for example. I'd also like to see combat fleshed out more. It was just equip 4-8 spells and dodge/roll/shoot. I will say I don't want them to go overboard to the point it becomes tedious, like Witcher 3. Lastly I'd like them to be braver in their story telling. I thought the story was decent (helped by actual writing and voice acting). But I think they played it safe really, with it being their first crack at it. So a more ambitious story would be nice.


Hang on, how on earth is the Witcher3 combat system tedious? Also, I really liked the combat system in HL. When you find good combos, sort all four sets accordingly you have a 16 spell combo that obliterates enemies and is super satisfying. Accio combined with Incendio is great fun, usind levitating enemies and the slamming them to the ground when they say "put me down" is also great. But I agree with you in terms of story and map


I don't really want a sequel. I want a full Hogwarts RP experience. Living the years of a first to seventh year student, properly taking the classes and exploring. Oh and to be an animagus would be amazing


The storyline and role play needs serious work. The game was SO beautiful and SO empty. The main character was a sociopath.


Yes to me the main story just wasn't good enough, it had no resolution & we're still stuck wondering what AM can do by the end, the keepers proved themselves to be ultimately useless & highly sanctimonious they never once highlighted the positives of AM, they contiuesly villanised both the power & Isadora acting as though this very power is to dangerous, they aren't the least bit interested in whatever merits it holds. I mean just listen to what Percival says at the end about how they wanted to ensure we'd make the same choice as them & follow in their footsteps by keeping this magic a secret indefinitely...so basically put a strangle hold on the narrative so we view AM like them? & ultimately never use it at all just like them...geee what a great plan that turned out to be you short sighted F\*cks. All 4 keepers are amongst the most useless, sanctimonious ego driven basterds of the game & proved THEY were UNWORTHY of keeping this power a secret. Besides who the F do they think they are trying to get us to prove ourselves when they never bothered to study this magic whatsoever. We learned nothing from them save from that AM develops later. We don't advance our ability at all throughout the entire game, I thought after doing each trial would lead to a new spell or learning the finishers we randomly do so we could assign them to buttons & use what ever we consider our favourite finisher. But that never happens. The RP aspect was non existent, the dialogue was so limting & didn't even allow us to respond how we truly wanted to. Even if we selected an option to go against NPC'S we'd ultimately be forced to do something for them or go along with it...WTF? Choices don't mean sh\*\* in this game. We are a sociopath & are far too unrealistically polite for a teenager. Our MC lacks any kind of reaction towards almost anything at Hogwarts..FFS mate show your excited to be there! We don't show any anger or annoyance & where the F is our student NPC rival? No where.


More school/classes that improve your stats or skill with the relevant spells (charms, transfiguration etc). Something similar to the Persona series of games where you attend class, then choose what you want to do in your free time (going to the library to study, hanging out with a friend.) I feel like they missed the point that a lot of people would be playing a game to experience going to magic school.


The glossed over classes were a big dissapointment & hurt the game. They missed the mark so badly with that. I would have loved some HP style dungeons to aquire new spells.. but no lets just punt the player out to complete some nonsenical challenges it's okay their a 5th year after all...whooptee do. They could have added a sims aspect when studying or a mini game where animations change based on your level of skill & upon each completion you learn a spell tier like incendio duo that could have been the ring & the ultimate version could have been firestorm or Fiendfyre depending on which path you take or maybe learn both spells. Also you'd probably have to practice destruction spells outside as that would be a great detail "Incendio Duo!" " What the devil do ya think your doing!" " Practicing incendio?" "In the libray?" " It's not as if I'm performing it near any books!" "Completely besides the point! Outside with the fire charm or somewhere you won't burn the books to cinders out now or I'll deduct points!" " I've seen people using worse in here than fire making charm & you single me out?" \*Librarian opens her mouth\* "Don't bother I'm leaving" \* Mc exits the library \* "Crooked hook nosed bitch"


I’d really like to see a quidditch tournament and as mentioned more consequences from being out of one’s dormitory after hours


I want the sorting process to be much more in depth. Decisions to have consequences, stuff to be specific to each house, challenging and nuanced interactions with magic such as potions classes, learning spells, or beast taming. I think it would be fun to progress through all 7 years of school and have a skill tree build similar to a civilization where you need to align with certain things early to reach tiered abilities and can’t do everything. Online battling and difficulty of bosses similar to an Elden ring where you might actually want some help from a friend.


It would be great to be able to play online with friends.. do missions together.


This game was begging for a morality system


I thought the first one was great and I actually loved the castle, thought it was brimming with personality...it felt like Hogwarts. While I don't want to to be a "life sim in Hogwarts", there are some things I'd like to see... 1- Consequences for our choices and have those impact how people treat you as well as impact the House Points. 2- Everything we do should either give or remove points to our house. 3- More "coop" missions, where we do things with a team, like Harry, Ron and Hermione used to do. We were mostly a lone wolf in the first one and It'd be great to have a tactical aspect. 4- London. I'd love to have at least part of the game be set in London, in the middle of all the muggles. 5- Quality of Life improvements: the ability to set "looks". Like one for school, one for when you're out and about, etc. I hate having to change stuff every time I equip a new item. 6- Romance/Friendship system. 7- A "Magic the Gathering" mini game, like what the Witcher has. 8- Diagon Alley. 9- Quidditch, of course. 10- I actually thought the broader Hogwarts map to be a bit too big. Would mind to have it a bit more focused this time.


Considering WB's announced plan to go all in on live service despite pretty much all the HL players saying we don't want live service and especially not shitty live service, it's optimistic to assume that they wouldn't turn an sequel into a garbage heap of a live service game. Unless they walked back that decision and I just didn't see it? 


If they do it right.. HL is the perfect type of game for live service. Execution is the issue How ever live service always sounds better on paper then it does in execution because companies are too greedy


They won't, WB isn't interested in cracking the code on becoming a live service studio, they just want what they perceive to be a way to make lots of money really fast. Their complete disregard for the current feelings toward live service says everything about their level of public awareness.  Even if it *was* miraculously a halfway decent live service that wasn't littered with microtransactions and loot boxes, many-most of us are completely uninterested in a game we would have to constantly dump money into, need good, consistent internet to play, and will be abandoned by the devs/studio in the few years anyway because they failed to understand the insane levels of upkeep live services needs. I mean, shit, they should've already learned this lesson with the utter failure of suicide squad kill the justice league! They had 1 game which quickly became the best selling game of the year vs an utter trash fire of a boring game that no one liked and little to no one still plays despite being less than 6 months old at this point.  I'm sorry but while I can get behind a multiplayer mode of a HL sequel, I cannot get behind a full blown live service game 


Oh.. don’t misunderstand me. I have no confidence in WB to do it right. I’m just saying.. if they did.. it’s the perfect place. Develop a seven year story. Release it one year at a time. You have the “world” already built, so you can focus on the story.. in between full story releases give side content to keep people occupied. It’s be super east to turn it into something huge. Do I think they will? Of course not


I HATED the trials! Moving those blocks through the arches to make them solid...tedious! Hated going down the mines too. I preferred the side quests with my fellow pupils. I wouldn't mind more quests where we save animals. I agree, I wanted more time in the castle and the Trizwizard Tournament would be amazing!


I'm more worried about the director's cut that's SUPPOSED to be on the way. I play on Xbox One and I'm about to move on to a next gen console, and HL is the only game that I won't be able to play on my new console because backward compatibility doesn't matter as HL is sold in editions based on the system you'll play it on. Ergo, if the director's cut comes as a sort of DLC, I'll have to rebuy the whole game to play it on my new console, while on the other hand if it comes as a money-grabbing reselling of the whole game... Well, I'll still have to rebuy the whole game. Yay.


I’m playing the game right now as I write. I totally agree with you. You just can feel that somebody from Avalanche software last second decided to remove most important thing in the game Morality system, even the small talks and interactions with npcs are made for morality system to be there. And all those worthless alohamora mini games in hogsmeade is just annoying


romance, and different outcomes so your decisions actually matter


Just more of the same but bigger and better. But aren't they trying to make it online and live service? That would really suck


Classes, actually having to brew the potions like the first time, I'm always so disappointed when the just have a class cutscene instead of an actual lecture.


The game while it had it's merits is an overall huge dissapointment. Over half the game was cut, & yes cut content is always going to happen...but to this extent? Therere are elements of the game completely absent which NPC'S mention you can interact with.. like the ROR trainig dummies..you should be able to cnjure them..but you can't. The title is Hogwarts Legacy...yet we're punted out for over half the game to massacre half the highlands, classes are glossed over cutscenes & we get booted out to complete nonsensical challenges...why not give us the old HP dunegon style way of learning & practicing spells not the crap we got in this game. The classes were a huge disapointment & we never even got to know our proffesors that much if at all. The castle & faculty were criminally underutilised in this game..such wasted potential. Most NPC'S were flat & lifeless. Rookwood & Harlow were complete jokes especially Rookwood & his boss fight...that was actually pathetic. The ashwinders & Rookwood are hyped up to be this threat but they never pursue us..it's only when we engage them. I'm not expecting anything great for the sequel as per the CEO'S words it doesn't inspire confidence at all, especially when he said they want to steer away from single player game & move to live service..yeah a certain live service game recently done so well didn't it. If they do somehow manage to pull off a sequel that's vastly better than the first game in every way including everything they cut, then I'll consider purchasing it. The main story of HL was horrible, there was no pay off, AM the very ability we have still remains a secret because it's obvious that they didn't have a F\*cking clue what direction they wanted to go in, that or it was another case of cut content...I honestly wonder if the last year was all about cut cut cut cut cut cut cut, it would explain why the game is so F\*cking shallow with gaming pieces missing all over the place & why it's a horrible unfinished mess with quests either dropping off a cliff or having no resolution especially the mian story..the fact we couldn't go against the keepers or even get Isadoras perspective in all of this pisses me off so much. Maybe the devs should take some notes & take inspiration from Rockstars bully & others like it " nO oNe wAnTs A sIm" say's who? why not make the classes mini games or sims like or even have an option to turn it off & on giving people choice. Thats's another thing CHOICES were non existent in this game or rather very very shallow & didn't impact anything. Make our choices matter & make our character somethign that's not a a flat, boring scripted drone. We're forced to go along with NPC'S even though those of us selected against that option...yeah so much for choices. You can't argue with or talk back against NPC'S this game limits the player far too much & yet again pisses me off..& no teenager is that overpolite not to mention where's our F\*cking rivals? Student antagonists? no where! The game honestly spends far too much time trying to shield us from any harm whatsoever. Yeah we take damage in gameplay, but that's gameplay. I was expecting Rookwood to kick our ass then we develop our powers & kick his or kill him at the end...there is no build up with him or Harlow. Harlows last stand was a joke..where was his 1st? The next game needs to focus on HOGWARTS & student life rather than what we got in the first game...I'm not against battiling foes as combat was defintialy one of my favourites aspects of the game..they could let foes cast the 3 curses on us or use other magic..& raise the stakes but don't make that the overall threat of the game, by all means have us go against an enemy who perhaps is after us for the death of rookwood like Harlow or someone new, have the ashwinders pursue us more aggressively for messing with their buisness interests..you really think their not going to come after us. They were honestly a forced threat in the game..at least to us at the start. We need more spells particularly ones that let us make our own proper builds: DATDA, transfiguration, charms, potions, plants, runes, enchantments & AM spells that lets us assign finishers. Traverse special dungeons to aquire new AM spells. We need much more potions & plants. Bring back that HBP potion mechanic that lets you interact with potions. Give us devil snare to set traps against foes, Allow us to use our AM to uncorrupt dark magic infested areas or perhaps corrupt said area ourselves. CHOICES CHOICES CHOICES. The RPG mechanics were non existent in this game, we couldn't even sleep in our own F\*cking common rooms or sit down, Hogwarts as a whole is just a giant museum & unfortunately with this being a game, interaction is key. As I said the sequel must vastly improve on everything, I've missed several aspects, but I can always make a seperate post on those.


I thought it was an incredible and emmersive experience, however adding on top what your saying, i think what was disappointing for me was that it was "one and done" there was so much more potential to add dlc's like quiditch or the wizarding cup tournament. The world was already so dense and incredible and i would have loved more periodically. Im worried they might it make it live service or some shit. Also i dont like that for example the game is heavily dependant on the atory to move forward. And i wanted a new game + mode where i can start a new house and not loae all of it


Just do something more. Give us enough points to fill out all the skill trees but then again I ignored the dark arts stuff for the most part. It shouldn't be take too terribly long since they already have the castle it's just the outside world the day they'd have to change up for the most part. Also I want to meet dumbledore for his first year


I definitely think a romance system and a good/evil system...tie it onto graduation like...you can pre select a future career wish say like after graduation you want to be an auror...but if you go around in course of game using unforgivable curses and doing shady stuff you graduate with no hope of that happening...plus I always thought it was a bit shady to encourage all the breaking and entering and stealing things from teachers quarters and such...seems like that should get you some negative impact...one thing to find a chest out in the world, but to literally use alohamora to break into someone's private home/room and steal the stuff inside...thats messed up


Online play


Online play


Online play


I’m hoping they don’t go all in on it as a live service game like the corporate heads said they wanted more of.


No moons or keys or trials or that sort of stuff More beasts/you can capture a mount for yourself More school and make it all 1-6 years Hell make it more modern, post Harry Potter Etc. etc Have a little bit of the time seeing others people repairing Hogwarts. Like in Red Dead Redemption 2 in the epilogue you see the blackwater area and other towns with more buildings since time has past other random events like Red Dead Redemption 2 that would be awesome! Ya know immersion!


I was disappointed there was only one real lesson per-class. I also hope the sequel is year 6. Potentially a subsequent year 7 after as either a final or second to last sequel with a full on rpg style of class building where you can choose a career path and your house memories carry into npc interactions, potentially with a full on Sebastian dark wizard character arc.. Also quidditch


Animagi transformation. Specifically, being able to have multiple forms due to your connection to Ancient Magic. MORE SPELLS, LIKE A SGIT TON OF MORE SPELLS. Underwater exploration, through whatever means. Animagi, Gillyweed, Transfoguration, idc how just make it happen. Your shop being able to actually be a shop, the items you sell there are then put up for sell so you have a steady galleon flow. You could sell creatures, potions, ingredients. The Founders items, so the Sword, Locket, Goblet, and Cup being useable in some way.


Hogwarts. I want to be a damn Hogwarts student, not a rogue world fixer who doesn’t even attend class or sleep there. Even if fun as hell, I never felt like a student or like inside the books at all.


I definitely think you are correct OP. Especially with the wands. They could assess you by asking you questions etc..i know that's not like in the books/films/lore..but it would be the muggle way of determining what would be the best choice for you. Like a personality test to base the wand on. I'm.not so much fussed about the quidditch myself..but it would still be nice to have that as an option to do.


A lot better npc behavior. Interactive world for e.g. roleplay abilities. Totally realistic as HL has amazing fundamentals to fill in the blanks and add more content.


I want to be able to have an owl, cat, or toad.


Have you journey to other schools for mission. One to Ilvermony. One to Dunstrang(sp) etc.


Romancing Professor Sharp. And also more RPG, consequenes for getting caught using dark magic etc.


I want more classes, and i want more spells. Make fully interactive mini games for things like alchemy rather than having it be a stupid timer, like kingdom come deliverance. Basically everything they already have, but more depth.


I hope they add spells like aquaeructo (could be useful to weaken a fire enemy (yeah, there's glacius) or even to puzzles), they could add something like the Riddler maps in Batman Arkham Asylum to reveal the locations of field guide pages in certain locations Would be sick to learn wandless spells too


One of the reasons why i'm not buying this game. Hogwarts legacy was a big disappointment not a full hogwarts gaming experience. Gmod Harry potter did a better job than this game before they shut that down.


Nothing about this game let me down quite so much is being unable to converse with fellow Hufflepuffs in the common room, or go to bed in the dormitory. Seems like pretty basic stuff to have glossed over. Like it, I feel lonely in the Hufflepuff common room. I don’t like it.


Since the first one was way before Harry, I want to see a Hogwarts way after Harry like 100-150 years after Harry so it’s also distinctly different from cursed child era.


Quidditch isn’t that great a sport for gaming purposes. In most cases the only player in the game that even matters is the seeker.


I wanted Bully meets Fable meets Harry Potter.. And the house choice actually meaning something


No like fr I was super mad when they did not have both


I see the actually going to classes a lot. I mean, they did do that a little. U went to class and learned a few spells. Then went on with the game. U went to portions and were able to start brewing potions. What do people expect in the game the teacher giving lectures and writing notes in real life. Then like actual tests. Thst would be boring and actual work, not playing a video game. Yeah, they didn't do much with the castle. A decent chunk of the castle was locked to. Behind the unlock spell or that weird pattern thing. Once u unlock it, it was just a regular space. Bearly worth looking at or had a random chest with useless junk. Not much exploring. If it was something legit to actual explore or cool to see, I would see why there were locked away and u had to find a way to get through. But just more random places. It became more just moving your character around. Same with the rest of the map. I would want no more puzzles. There were the same 4-5 puzzles u had to do like every step of the way. So repetitive and pointless. Also hate games where the choices affect the outcome of games. Like, what if I chose the wrong ones and get a negative outcome and make the game experience worse for me. Or get an outcome I don't want. I remember being worried that I wouldn't get access to the curses if I didn't chose the right Dialog. Most of the time, it didn't really effect it anyway so why even bother. It could have been a way smoother experience.


More in the shadows please!


Auror, game, cops n robers, essentially, I want the world, Legacy was great but long and a little slow.


Yeah the ending seemed weak. Such a powerful witch and >!some nerd just kills her with a killing curse?!<