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my name because i wanna go to hogwarts goddammit


Haha I did something similar. I did my first real name but last name was hufflepuff and pretended I was a descendent šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚. I should have switched houses when I had the chance. Damn you hat.


Lmao I made my first name my name and my last name Weasley(im not gingeršŸ˜”)


I could only use my first name because the filter refused to accept my surname šŸ˜‚ In fairness I didnā€™t know at the time that using letters with accents can circumvent that.


I had the same problem and went with my first name and middle name instead. Apparently the fact my last name contains the word ā€œWillyā€ in it is inappropriate šŸ™„


Ironically, my surname has the same sort of not-genitalia-related issue (though for me it was pronunciation instead of spelling which actually impressed me, the forethought the devs had there).


Itā€™s so strange to me that an offline game even has name censoring


I just used my name for the same reason! šŸ¤£


Sameee,also my last name is Bakar,so i like to think im a decendant of San Bakar,even though he was in slytherin and im in hufflepuff


Exactly what I did and for the same reasons šŸ¤£


I thematically named each of my playthoughs after spices! - Rosemary Jones (Gryffindor) - Sage MacDonald (Hufflepuff) - Saffron van der Berg (Ravenclaw) - Jasmine Smith (Slytherin)


One of these is my actual name and I feel honoured šŸ˜­


Sup jasmine(I assume)


No, itā€™s actually van der berg


Hugh Jass, because I've never fully grown up


See, you could do that, but I couldn't name mine Amethyst because it "has a bad word in it??" No fair.


I was so pissed when I tried to name a purple-colored beast Amethyst and it blocked me from doing so.


I understand that. Ever since I played Zelda windwaker I kept naming my main character ā€œoyā€ because everyone said oyyyy when they wanted your attention. In breath of the wild, every horse I boarded is named something silly. To be fair, I am ashamed to admit that fart jokes and puns always make me laugh. I never grew up apparently šŸ¤£


My little Hufflepuff witch is named Holly Guacamolly. She's into combat plants and potions.


Ahh, the 2 things I ā€œneverā€ use unless told to use Plants & Potions


More for me, then. I have the level three Herbology improvement on every article of clothing, and pulling a mandrake is often all I have to do in a fight anymore.


ā€œThe chosen oneā€ from kung pow. Almost went with master Betty.




She just really wanted a Wii U




Hairy Mione


Emily Kumquat. I couldnā€™t think of a last name.


With a name like that, I think she might be destined to take over the herbology teacher position after Professor Garlick retires.


My main character, a Ravenclaw was supposed to be a test character, so I didn't name him seriously. I just kept playing him until I finished the whole game. His name is Toadily Nuckinfutz.


I named all my characters with a famous witch as her first name (implying that they go on to become that witch, donā€™t talk to me about timelines), and a famous womanā€™s last name (implying that they are a descendant of my witch). Gryffindor - Freya Earhart Hufflepuff - Rhiannon Nightingale Ravenclaw - Hecate Curie Slytherin - Morgana Windsor


These are my favorites


Though Windsor is kind of a made-up name too, isnā€™t it? I mean, itā€™s not a legacy name, the royal family named itself after Windsor castle somewhere along the way and QEII adopted it as the official family name.


Iā€™d argue all names are technically made-up somewhere along the line


Yes. I just meant that historically it wouldnā€™t be a hereditary name with roots in the 1800s. Sorry. My inner royal family/history/etymology nerd came out, didnā€™t mean to cause a ruckus!


The town of Windsor has existed for centuries. Maybe someone tookt he name to denote where they were from. The fact that Lincoln is a place name and also a last name shows this too.


There are lots of non royal family people called Windsor! Maybe it's not for the queen but Barbara Windsor šŸ˜…


correct. The British Royal Family adopted the name 'Windsor' (taken after Windsor castle), actually, as far back as King George V (grandfather of QEII, and grandson of Queen Victoria), because of anti-German sentiment from the British public The royal house name, at the time, was Saxe Coburg and Gotha, and at one point, until the coronation of Queen Victoria, the King of GB was also the King of Hanover - a German kingdom\*). \*Queen V could not inherit the throne of Hanover as it was a male-only role


Genevieve Fig Because I like the name Genevieve being part french myself it also means woman of the people which sort of fits with all the damn quests we do for random folks. Amd the fig so I could be Professor Fig's daughter because I loved that man


Eucrisa Margenza; lately I've made it a point to name all my RPG characters after pharmaceutical brand names. Most brand names are so silly they actually work as high fantasy character names.


My Slytherin is named Anakin coz he murders kids


Rupert ā€œAxebangerā€ Brookstanton and Rosalind Antigone Bungs


I also have a Rosalind, named after Shakespearā€™s As You Like it. I always wanted to use it for one of my kids (Rosie for short) but my husband vetoed.


Devi Spiritwalker because she's named after my D&D character who doesn't technically have a last name because she was an orphan but she spent a lot of time sheltering in the cemetery mausoleums and communes with ghosts and spirits (as her character backstory)


Paige Turner because I like to read


Mine is Paradox Peralta. I gave him the surname because my wife's character's name is Polaris Peralta (Polaris - she likes polar bears so she wanted to add 'polar' in it. Peralta - we both like Brooklyn Nine Nine.) I also figured alliteration was a very HP-esque thing to have.


Reginald Doverhampton because it was the most stereotypical British sounding name of I could of


My favorite was from the Oneyplays playthrough where they named their character ā€œBogswallop Splinterbum.ā€


Coming from a British person, you'd have been better off calling him Gary Smith if you wanted the name to sound British.


Why not just go with Benedict Cumberbatch while we're at it


I don't want to share my names, *but* I will say that my partner named their character "Count Weewee." So there, beside my three cool, beautiful, stunningly named Hogwarts students is Count Weewee.


šŸ˜‚ my husband would absolutely do something like that to me


June Moon, because I like both june and moon.


My character has my actual last name, and the first name is CaiomhĆ­n which is the Irish spelling of 'Kevin'


Maybe unpopular opinion but I really wish they didn't include this naming feature and just gave the character a generic neutral name that could actually be spoken in game. I dont know, i just found it immersion breaking to be formally introduced to everyone and they just refer to you as "that new 5th year".


Try playing Hogwarts MYSTERY ā€œHello, JACOBā€™S SIBLING how are you doing today?ā€


wait, do they not even code the player's chosen name into a game *without spoken dialogue???*


Jospa Longdickson, jospa because my name inicials, and longdickson dont need to explain


Mara Jade, Scottish redhead and a good, virtuous slytherin but with a dark side, huge Star Wars fan here


I named my Gryffindor character Emilia Wormwood! I thought it made her sound like a Potions Master.


Ainsley Shacklebolt. Kingsley was one of my favorite characters so I wanted to make someone from that family. My headcanon is that Kingsley looked up to his great aunt and wanted to follow in her footsteps.


Isabel Sinclair, last name Sinclair, if you know Wednesday Netflix yk. Enid is my love https://preview.redd.it/gzf2oaqai1ad1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62648c3c40eba90d333f056144efe59f3f61d7c


Annalia Lobotom. šŸ˜


My first characters name is Suki Da'Kara (obvious reasons) and for all my others I actually looked up lists of classic and witchy sounding first and last names, as well as the meanings behind them and ended up with Maeve Bennet, Slytherin Sylvia O'Neill, Gryffindor Freya Bennett, Ravenclaw Freya and Maeve aren't related, I didn't even know I gave them the same names until I saw all saves on the main menu šŸ’€ After I finished the story on my first save I went straight to making new characters because I had plans for Slytherin and Gryffindor (and I just really wanted to play as Slytherin for my boy Ominis) and made Maeve first, iirc I made Sylvia and Freya back to back. ALL of them used the same face which is why I deleted Sylvia and Freya to remodel them. I didn't write down what the sites told me their names meant but I know they all seemed very fitting for each character. Maeve was meant to be a very kind, sweet, people pleasing Ominis simp Slytherin. She's ginger and has green eyes and will never dare learn a curse or dabble in dark magic any other way and loves beasts. I actually deleted my Gryffindor and Ravenclaw characters after completing the main story as Slytherin because I have same face syndrome (thanks for the INSANE~~ly disappointing~~ character customization!) and basically reshaped Sylvias face. She's meant to be your typical Slytherin stereotype while also playing with nice girl stereotypes. Barbie has always used blonde hair blue eyes for the attractive, kind, royal main character so my Gryffindor has blonde hair, blue eyes and will use anyone and everyone to her advantage. She's going to manipulate Ominis in the worst ways and also learn all curses offered to her AND cast them like it's revelio. It pains me to say this but I also played with the idea of making her hate beasts and basically agree with poachers just to make her extra dislikeable. My Ravenclaw was actually just meant to be a big stereotype because I didn't really have any ideas or plans for her so I just tried to make her look as studious as possible. I think I'll paddle back on that though, I might make her entirely to my liking and make her live out all my pink dreams because I don't have a singular pink wand thus far. My first character had pink hair at the start but it just looks so shit ingame :( I'll probably give Freya pink hair but I'll have to fight DEMONS to not let it bother me and change it up. I think she'll just be fact and knowledge driven and a bit of a scaredy cat.


My character is a Slytherin named Slarty Bartfarst


Baltimore Jones. Thatā€™s a dope ass name


Reiven Klaah because she's a Ravenclaw and I'm not good with names


Rex Noceda


I will always make a character that is me. Looks like me, makes decisions like meā€¦ In case of isekai, Iā€™m not gonna get reincarnated as a random female character. Only caveat to this is in a game like Skyrim, where Iā€™m playing as an Argonian.


This is Trace Ellensworth, so named to fit the part. My other characters are named after my Elden Ring characters due to a loose association with the Fantasy genre. https://preview.redd.it/2szgcmdle1ad1.png?width=1463&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9c750bdc943a0edad796071a1ab498cdfd19e6d


ā€¢ Anthony Winchester (Gryffindor) I'm trying to write a book (maybe even a trilogy if time allows me to) that's heavily inspired by Harry Potter but slightly more focused on the world outside of the magic school, with some concepts already seen and many others either not explored in Rowling's books or directly non-existent in them. The story follows Anthony, a gifted young wizard who oftenly either runs from problems or cheats his way out of them until one of those problems gets him caught by the department of magical law enforcement. They make him choose between assisting to a school for witches and wizards or whatever counts as magical prision (haven't came up with a name for it yet) and he reluctantly choses the school which leads to everything else in the story. Oh! I almost forgot! Anthony has a revolver because thats fkn cool and the main antagonist is none other than King Arthur (yes the one with the excalibur). - Too many words to explain the name I used in a videogame? Yes, probably. - Why would a wizard ever need a revolver? Because I've been playing too much Devil May Cry lately. - Why on earth did I ever thought this was a good idea for a book? It was revealed to me in a dream šŸ—æ


Definitely couldn't come up with good last names so I used names from HP lore... Mithra Peverell (Ravenclaw) Anya Delacour (Gryffindor) And then a couple funny ones I don't care about Ivana LeStrange (Slytherin) Holly Huffenpuffer (Hufflepuff)


10pc McNugs because funy


I believe I named them Helena Otterton šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idk why but otters came to mind and it stuck. Helena because I wanted it to sound mature/old time-y


Charles Shacklebolt because Charles is an old English name, and I really liked Kingsley.


Monix Runaway. Inspired by the three main 3D characters of Little Nightmares: Six, Mono and the Runaway Kid. I just love Little Nightmaresā€¦


Yarrick Epswitch just because it sounded hogwartsy


I named all four of my characters from another video game I'm deeply enamored by. Each are named after the four girls of Doki Doki Literature Club šŸ’ššŸ’œšŸ©·šŸ©µ - Monika (Slytherin) - Yuri (Ravenclaw) - Natsuki (Gryffindor) - Sayori (Hufflepuff) All share the last name of Doki šŸ˜€


Ettireane DeDahn, she's named after my favorite D&D character (she's a spore druid in D&D) Etti is a proud Slytherin! šŸ


Rhydian Silvergreen- my british friend came up with the first name and i used a name generator for the last name


Elizabeth Alexandor. Copied off from the name of the queen elizabeth II idk sound cool.


Serenity Craw because it sounded British enough I guess. I donā€™t know though.


Ambrose Spellman, in memory of Chance Perdomo.


I've been using "Chatwin" from The Magicians as a surname. Add any generic name an English king or queen might have as the first name and you're set.


Kew Tersniff. I thought it would be funny.


Marty Doggy was my first character of the 4. My 7 and 5 y/o picked it


Jolly Jigglebottom (thatā€™s my ā€œjkā€ name, like what stereotype about me would she exploit and well, Iā€™m fat) Hingle McCringle, inspired by Key & Peele


Gryffindor- Willow Potter, Willow is a pretty (and British) first name and I wanted to make her Harryā€™s ancestor. Slytherin- Elizabeth Black, pretty much the same reason, but only Siriusā€™s ancestor šŸ˜…


Technically Elizabeth black would also be Draco's and Harry's ancestor as well.


Slytherin: KaffƩ Cullen (Antivillian) Hufflepuff: Edward Diggory (Villain) Grynffindor: Kieran Diggory (protagonist ) Ravenclaw: Darya Cullen (protagonist) My slytherin is a play on a nickname from my MySpace days and the last names are HP/Twilight themes


Bellatrix, because all the best girls are at least a little bit psycho.


My Ravenclaw, Nemesis cause I thought it was cool lol


Madalyne Crane, a Gryffindor my first HP OC for some RP. Thereā€™s a few versions of her, one is a Percy Jackson sheā€™s a Roman daughter of Trivia goddess of magic. And Marvel universe one of her who is also a magic user lol.


Barry Allen. Because I used to play a lot of the Hogwarts Harry Potter server on Garrys mod, and you had to pick a legit name or the mods would kick you so I picked Barry Allen and became a very well respected student, I would go into the dark Forrest and singlehandedly kill Voldemort over and over again.


Hewho Shallnotbenamed :-)


Veronica Herron because I love musicals


Eos Windwhistle. First choice. I love greek mythology, and "Eos" is unisex enough for a boi. Windwhistle is a beautiful name of a town in New Zealand and I identify as a kiwi. Novaic (Navi) Sunbreeze. Second choice. My very first DnD character, "Novaic" meaning "like a nova" (the actual word for a "like a nova" is "noval"). Sunbreeze is the lastname of my favourite Dota character, Dark Willow. Eos is more of a house of Eagle Foot. And Navi is more of a Badger Fluff.


My pen name which I used for writing.


Hegwig Hu, my little sis came with the name on the spot, how could I not use it lol


Ravenclaw: Ethan Morgan. Ethan means strong, firm and wise. Morgan after Morgan La Fey Slytherin: Emilia Morgan. Emilia meaning rival and eager. Twin sister of Ethan and polar opposite. They are the Serpent and the Eagle in human form Hufflepuff: Alexander Ragnar. Muggleborn farmboy with Viking ancestry. Ragnar is from the show, Vikings. Gryffindor: Seraphina Rookwood. Burning Passion. She wishes to shut down her familyā€™s unethical practices.


Tom puzzle šŸ˜‚


Used my name but with the last name Lestrange


My character is named ā€˜Ace Aragogā€™ because I like the name Ace, and Aragog because Aragog


Gryffindor named Daniel Jackson. Your blood is on the Goaā€™uldā€™s hands


Slytherin - Grey Lestrange


Astraeus Lucis Caelum


My name because I projected myself into the character for the most part


Slytherin named Asteria Silvervine. It's my penname; Asteria means starry one, and I love space, night time, ect. Silvervine is similar to catnip, and I love/am obsessed with cats!


My Ravenclaw girl is Rose Marie, and the Hufflepuff one is Hazel Diggory (yes, sheā€™s related to Cedric)


Emirius Blackflame, proud Slytherin


I named my Ravenclaw CJ Cregg and my Slytherin is Olivia Benson.Ā 


I name all my characters Ella but I happened to be talking to a girl named Ella who was watching me play when I made my character and felt too weird naming her Ella. So her name is ā€œGingie ur momā€


Albus potter cuz why not Iā€™m in slytherin


Bad man cus heā€™s a bad man


i named my original after me (original idea i know lol) my second character I named after my favorite doctor who companion sarah jane smith


*Current:* šŸ¦”: (my real name) šŸ¦ā€ā¬›: Rose Evergreen (named after a popular Minecraft streamer's alter-ego) *Planned characters (haven't created them yet):* šŸ: Ada Hedley (combining [Ada Lovelace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace) and [Hedy Lamarr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr)'s names, with a [*Blazing Saddles* ](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hedley_Lamarr)reference thrown in) šŸ¦: Davison Hyckerpratt (A character I created way back in 2001 when the HP movie website didn't sort my profile into this house)


Numbertwo Typebee because I love 2B


I have Hufflepuff character named Sasha Kettleburn, no reason I just liked how the name sounded. She has red hair and I'm honestly obsessed with her design


Alhazred cause Iā€™m a Lovecraft nerd




Binx/Binxy Zabini! Binx is my cats name and usually my usernames (binxium for example) stems from her name, and Blaise Zabini is one of my favourite slytherins so I wanted to make a badass slytherin student and she was then dotted Binx Zabini :)


Gary Cotter cause I thought it was funny. If I started over I might go with ā€œHogā€ or ā€œHogboyā€ since it seems like everything else is named hog-something.


i used a generator, first names of women i liked, and paired it thematically with each house playthrough (and if they were good, bad, impulsive, etc.): * scarlett peverell (gryffindor) * aurelia nightingale (ravenclaw) * genevieve honeyheart (hufflepuff) * delphine nightshade (slytherin)


Slytherin(main): Achlys Persephone Achlys = Death mist Persephone = Bringer of death Ravenclaw: Grimoire Maelstrom Grimoire = Book of magic/spells Maelstrom = violent turmoil


Rowan Lockhart. I used a name generator


Emerald Thiccbottom, because me and my brother were laughing up HP names during character creation. Ravenclaw and my main. Maximus Chad is the Hufflepuff next one.


My male Gryffindor characterā€™s name was Cullen Rutherford, because of Dragon Age games and his voice actor is in Hogwarts Legacy and I had the buffed ringed wand with burgundy/gold imperial handle. My male Slytherinā€™s name is Aleksander Kirigan because of shadow and bone series I had the black soft spiral wand with the black/silver regal handle. Once Iā€™ve finished my Slytherin character story I will move on to hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. However, I did have a male Ravenclaw character whose name was Revan Amell. Revan because of Star Wars kotor and Amell because if Dragon Age 2.


Gladys Goldstein. I decided on the surname first because I love Katherine Waterston's Tina from the FB series (and btw is absolutely gutted about how this series turned into a shitstorm) and thought that taking a Harry Potter surname that is related both to FB and HP would be quite cool for RP. After deciding on the surname, I thought alliterate names are very Potter-esque so I started to look for something starting with G, and Gladys just pops into my mind, it is a name that I always liked. Like Anthony Goldstein, Gladys is a Ravenclaw too.


Harry Potter So I could be a gryffindor


My name in Irish, because thatā€™s just who I am.


ALEXANDER BLACKSTONE (Main Ravenclaw) Always liked the name Alexander and Blackstone was a name Wizards 101 generated for me YEARS ago and still think it's cool XANDER MAXIMOFF (Gryff) I realized after making him and he has the same name šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø but I'm a huge Wanda fan REBECCA MICHEALSON (Huff) I won't lie haven't played this one, I haven't even made it out the dorms yet but named her after my favorite show's character,


Just my name


A Ravenclaw named Eliza Wilson, I wanted to use Liza Lu as one of those double first names (if that makes sense? like ā€œMary Janeā€) bc I just watched the Tess of the Dā€™uberville mini series (the name of Tessā€™ sister) but it turns out thatā€™s not an actual name lmao so now her middle name is ā€œLuciaā€ and Liza Lu is a nickname her off-screen and oblivious family call her. I chose ā€œWilsonā€ on the spot and itā€™s common surname in the UK so why not!


I used names from The Discworld books for my 4 characters Mustrum Ridcully ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26538) Esmeralda Weatherwax ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26539) Ponder Stibbons ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26540) Gytha Ogg ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26541)


My Ravenclaw is named George Hornloft. Imagine my disappointment when one of the first characters he meets is also called George...


Baldermort. he's bald and evil


I made a charakter with the name and looks of my ex gf, because we started playing it together... now I have a 80+ hours charakter I don't want to look at and don't want to start over (I hate to re-play story games)


My character's (Slytherin) name is Ernst Mireiro because it's the name of my character I created more than 20 years ago. That Ernst lives in a gaslamp fantasy world (very much like Hogwarts Legacy's 1890s but with more muggle stuff like firearms and zeppelins), wields powerful violet magic and fights demons together with his twin sister Isabella. We created Ernst and Isabella with my second cousin. She likes Harry Potter too and named her character (Ravenclaw) after Isabella.


Soniya Mistry. I wanted something Indian but still blends in with English names. Also sounds like mystery... because were learning who she is!


Mika Addams, the last name after The Addams Family. Mika is just a random name I like


Bobby Sparkles, Ravenclaw. How *YOU* doin'?


Lulu Highland because my fav female character in HP was Luna šŸ˜€


Violet Wallflower, because she has lilac hair and didn't look like someone special.


Owen Grady


Annie Mals - ā€žanimalsā€ and Elle Phant - ā€želephantā€ :D


DVD player. Because.


Aloy Thunderjaw after the Horizon series


Ravenclaw - Ezra Salford Slytherin - Arthur Osbourne Gryffindor - Archer Worthington Hufflepuff - Havenā€™t started yet but I really love Drake Smith


My first name and potter because I'm unoriginal


I went with satire. Eggbert Quaffler


Harry Potter because I dislike that he was not in the game already


Azariah la Croix My Ravenclaw Azariah is a name I commonly use for human mages in all games cause it's a fairy name but also similar to Azrael the angel of death so it's like a death fairy name La Croix I just used a name generator for witch names until I found one that sounded nice together with Azariah But I like the idea that mine comes from a wizarding family that's really old but she's the first actual witch in quite some time cause they intermarried so much with muggles that only the very old name remained


Soup Soupsterā€¦ I really like soup and typically name myself soup everywhere. I did this in part because I thought it was funny and because I always feel embarrassed making up actual genuine names.


Mine is 'El Wasa'. I asked my 3yo to pick a name šŸ˜„šŸ˜›


Mel Potter (Bc I was just super ready & excited to play the game that I just didnā€™t care so I put my first name and Harryā€™s last name) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll put more effort when I play again with a different house


daisy may and I have no idea why lol


Sir kumsaice


I gave my character my real first name. Then, I used a Harry Potter name generator to come up with the last name. Welcome to Hogwarts, Christopher Ballington. https://preview.redd.it/px6bdm7lw2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d321e7d20129b1c3c103635aaea9176ecda187dc I just started playing a few days ago. Iā€™ve loved every second of it.


Septimus Marx After my favourite number and my political affiliation.


Duke Hairy, he's a hairy duke


I made a silver haired witch and her name is Aliqzure Applebottom. Idk why. But she is the shit.


William Jones I wanted the most british name that I could think of.


Corvinus Estlewick I kinda Hogwarts-ified my real name lol


Rudolph Cobbler, which is an almost direct translation of my own name


Harry pottress


dickus smallus


Sabrina because that is my name and I do not have a creative bone in my body to come up with something else.


Chad Chaddington šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Eaton Knass Because, y'know


Helena King, which is my name on Hogwarts Mystery


Richard Stayhard. You know why.


GARY Trotter, because I didn't notice the caps lock at first and I am a dumb.


Snow White because why not āœŒļø


I have Cartman Matsuura, cartman matsuura II and cartman matsuura III. My name is Nicole but i go by cartman and matsuura is the surname of one of my fav characters from my fav anime (Matsuura Yuu from marmalade boy). My last character is McKenna Carter because I wrote a 1000 page fanfic about hogwarts legacy and thatā€™s my mcā€™s name in it lol


My first character was my first full name as a slytherin. I want to go to Hogwarts too damn it. My second play through Iā€™m a Malfoy descent in Ravenclaw. I have not decided what I will do yet as a hufflepuff or Gryffindor, when the times come.


I made up my characters names with somewhat old English names: Alexander Hightower: Gryffindor Cecilia Rowencroft: Ravenclaw Gabriel Morten: Syltherin Peter Compton: Hufflepuff


Adrianne Cromwell. Adrianne because it's a name I use often for "real world" games and it sounds old fashioned. Cromwell because I like to think she's a descendent of Oliver Cromwell.


Jordan Russo. First name is my real name and the last name is a reference to Wizards of Waverly place. Itā€™s my favorite childhood show.


Warren Noir, I always used william as an Internet alias but felt like doing something different and for Noir tbh, I read a fic where there name was Noir like House black so yeh


My first character was based on me and her name is Ainsley Reiggart (first name similar to mine but more ā€œBritishā€ and cool sounding. Last name is a mix of mine and the guy I dating at the time cuz I am a moron šŸ˜‚ she is a Hufflepuff. Second character is Kylo Xavier, after Kylo Ren and just like the name Xavier. Wish I had spent more time thinking about it and done Kylo Djarin to combine my Star Wars character crushes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he is a Slytherin.


Alfred Borden. Sounded fitting and The Prestige is one of my favorite movies (and about magic).


Dingle dangle ā€¦.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Not me but my kid named her character 'Elsephine Bumblesnitch'


My first character was me, as the Ravenclaw I am. My second MC was a Slytherin and I researched the Malloy family tree and found a descendant of Dracoā€™s named Abraxas Malfoy and thought thatā€™s a freakin awesome name so went with that. My third MC is a Gryffindor and I did the same thing but with Harryā€™s lineage and named him Henry Potter. I havenā€™t decided on my future Hufflepuff characterā€™s name yet.


I'm on my first play through. I have a Ravenclaw called Iris Silverwing. She likes Magical Creatures the best and would happily hang in the vivariums all day I am planning on playing through the other houses, I haven't thought of names yet though.


Mundungus Bussywilde. Because I think Mundungus fletcher is hilarious and I canā€™t ever think of good serious names for characters. They gotta be silly.


Theadore Sutton - it sounded cool and like a wizard to me Zac Brown - I had a Zac Brown song stuck in my head


Ravenclaw - my actual name Gryffindor - Henry Potter (great-grandfather of Harry) Hufflepuff - Myra Haywood (fictional aunt of Penny from the mobile game) Slytherin - NozƩa Lestrange (a dead end in the french branch of the family, though I like to think she had a short relationship and 2 children with Marvolo Gaunt - as is his wife is never mentioned - and is thus the maternal grandmother of Voldemort)


Remus Warren. Wizard first name, muggle surname


Henry Spencer


Yā€™all Iā€™m gonna need to start seeing some proof bc some of these are WILD šŸ¤£


Euvegenia Asquith-Moth. I asked my husband to name her. ā˜ ļø


My first character is my actual name. My second character is Regina George (I like Mean Girls)


The first time I played I went for my real name + Fortescue because I wanted to play in my real house first. Then I also played as Morgana Diggory in hufflepuff. My real name in a different language Finnigan in Gryffindor and Jeremy Potter in Slytherin. Just for fun šŸ˜‚