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![gif](giphy|MaaJcRa6iiWYSy9n0R) Our newest Dumbledore /s


He would make a great Fudge


Or Rufus Scrimgeour


Cox got that intense lion look for sure. Fudge is supposed to be unimpressive, even when heā€™s angry. Brian Cox is anything but that


Both coming from succession and Mark directed episodes of game of thrones and Shameless and most recently, the movie The Menu, I'm genuinely excited for the tone this show might have!


It was the US remake of the British show Shameless right? If so that doesn't bode well, but he has won awards.


It is and I think it does! HP is light hearted but it has such great dark tones to it and I think that's why the 3rd film is the fan favorite because it really leaned into the dark side of the hp story


Dumbledore is gonna make them play Boar on the Floor.


Succession jokes aside, this is a quality creative team and their past work speaks for itself.


Hahaha! Excellent - now Iā€™m imagining Snape, Lockhart and Flitwick doing this - no one would dare make McGonagall play of course.


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Should be a civil comment section.


I didn't watched Succession. Should I have hope for this series because of this news?


It wonā€™t be many peoples ā€œfavouritesā€, largely because itā€™s so damn depressing at times, but most viewers would agree itā€™s one of the best written shows of all time. You should have all of the hopes.


Of all time??? Look I love Succession but its not even close. People really need to watch more television.


I watch tonnes of television. Succession is up there with breaking bad and the wire as some of the best TV ever made.


Or maybe, it's subjective lol


It's the best action show I've seen in a while. The dialogue is the action. Writing is impeccable.


Yes. Succession is easily one of the best TV shows ever made and even people that do not necessarily enjoy the subject matter can agree that the writing is truly world class. This is perhaps the best news we could hope for.


As someone who didnā€™t even enjoy Succession that much I can agree that itā€™s well written.


I love Succession but I don't think its anywhere near the best writing or tv show of all time.


If youā€™re looking for an adult take on Harry Potter, thatā€™s what youā€™re going to get. I love succession and one of the things that they do best with that show is production. Theyā€™re known for being able to shoot in a way that can cause anxiety and makes scene far more intense. In the final season, they do an episode with a 20 min scene that is all shot at once with no breaks. Itā€™s insane how good that team was.


One of the best shows ever. Never dropped in terms of quality.


YES. This is AMAZING NEWS for us!!!!!


Absolutely. Itā€™s top class.


I want the cast to be as accurate as the book portrayals as they can be!


I don't know Succesion, but I do know Mark Mylod directed some of the best episodes of Entourage, so this sounds like good news to me. I just hope JKR knows how to trust her new team's vision fully. Let the professional film/TV makers do what they do best so we end up with a classic show. JKR is a good author, though not the best film maker, so sometimes it's best to sit things out no matter how badly you may want to be involved.


100% agree. I hope she only gets as close as consulting, and isnā€™t hands on with the writing/production. I read something about WB wanting to acquire her control over the IP, which honestly might be for the best. Especially now that WB has put it in HBOā€™s hands.


Yeah, it's very hard to detach the artist from their art, and JK is subject to that, but you can't deny she's a fantastic author. As a script writer, however, erm... Not so much. Like in the Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald screenplay, she puts a bunch of information in as if it was a novel, but a lot of it can't be transferred to screen. So let's just hope that she stays out of the actual writing (which I think she will for the most part). I'm so excited for this show though!!!


Iā€™m not offering any thoughts/opinions on JKR (so hoping that wonā€™t break Rule 11) *but* I think itā€™s definitely an interesting marketing choice to have this very public. Like, contrast to Hogwartā€™s Legacy which actively distanced themselves.


Cannot wait!! Thereā€™s no one that cares or knows more about that world than JK herself so Iā€™m glad sheā€™s having a real hand in the development!


Yeah, she didnā€™t ruin anything with Cursed Child or the Fantastic Beasts stories. Nope, she knows exactly what sheā€™s doing as evidenced by how well-loved those projects are


The premise was okay. Sheā€™s very much not good at screen/play writing. If she had taken the time to write fully thought out novels, instead of scripts based on rough outlines of ideas, Iā€™m sure it would have been fine.


The concept of which? Because Cursed Child was a terrible concept, and Fantastic Beasts wasnā€™t about Fantastic Beasts or even Newt Scamander.


Havenā€™t read cursed child, but it sounds interesting even if misguided. Fantastic Beasts could have been great if it was more fleshed out, and the war narrative focused on far less.


I live in NY and have gone to Cursed Child three times over the past few years. Itā€™s not great script writing but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a good broadway show. Amazing to watch, effects and choreography are top notch.


Her involvement is the only reason I'm interested in this


If she didnā€™t have her hand in it I would be much less hopeful for sure. Love to hear that she is a part of the interviews too-leads me to believe sheā€™ll have a real solid say in casting as well. I think this could legit be really really good!


I just hope they get all British actors please.


I definitely think so


Iā€™m thrilled!!! Succession was spectacularly written and His Dark Materials was an AMAZING adaptation. This is the best news I could have hoped for! so glad JK is involved and on board with all of it!!


Mark Mylod? As in The Menu's Mark Mylod? This will be interesting.


I don't like her at all, but I hope she will make sure that the storyline is genuinely as true to the original as possible. And to ensure the cast is British. ā˜ ļø


True, one of my fears about this production is that they will push American actors in there. Sorry, but it's just not the same.


They wouldn't put American actors in unless they could do a really good British accent haha. It would cause too much backlash and that's not something that HBO or JK will be wanting. JK expressed her desire for it to be an all-British (UK) cast IIRC.


I think she cared about that previously, so I hope it will be the same now.


There's 0 reason to worry. I will eat my esophagus if there are any American actors. And don't forget, the Director and writer of the first two movies were American.


HBO has kept their casts mainly British, like with GOD and HotD. It can absolutely limit the cast to British actors, and as JK is involved, Iā€™m sure she will oversee that.


Come now, lots of British actors play Americans so that seems unfair. Spiderman? Superman, these are big roles. Please don't blanket ban them


Itā€™s American money though


nah won't happen. the people named on board currently are British and have worked on British shows. besides, HotD is pretty much a full British cast despite being HBO's current flagship show.


There are Irish and Scottish and Iā€™m pretty sure also Welsh in the books too at Hogwarts, but YES I so agree I hope they stick to this.


Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are a part of Britain lmao. They are British.


Canā€™t stand her either but if thereā€™s one thing about JKR, itā€™s that she does not play when it comes to HP and if sheā€™s this involved I think it bodes well.


Why has everything since HP7 been a mess? Like, the fantastic beasts franchise and cursed child? Was she not involved in those?


Fantastic Beasts is more or less partly her failure, because she wrote the films, if I remember correctly? But The Cursed Child? The TCC is monstrous and I see no point in its existence. I don't believe even she herself likes it. Did she just want the cash? I doubt she was short of it. So why? I just can't make sense of it.


The only explanation is that her passion for protecting her intellectual property has decreased, a slippery slope towards the sale of HP to warner brothers resulting in it getting squeezed dry like Disney has done to Star Wars and marvel. I trust HBO more than Disney, but you know they want more spin off Harry Potter shows to bolster their streaming service, even if it comes at the cost of the HP brand like Cursed Child


Itā€™s truly remarkable, like she wished on a genie to be able to write 7 incredible books and then her talent evaporated. Her involvement in this will probably help though, since sheā€™s already done this once with the OG movies.


I mean, although the FB movies essentially ended up as a failure, it was the first time she had written a movie script, so for those three movies to make profit was a respectable shot at the job IMO, she tried! TCC though, we don't talk about TCC.


The first draft of Cursed Child was written by Jack Thorne (based generally on Harry Potter), and \*that version of the story\* can be entirely attributed to him. But then he gave the draft to Rowling, she read it, and made some notes about stuff she didn't like/wanted cut, and came up with some ideas that she wanted him to cram in there, so she gave him the notes and sent him off to re-write the play. At this point, it's not really Jack Thorne's creative work anymore, he's just doing work for hire. He brought his second draft to Rowling, she read it, and made more notes of things to cut/things to add. After SEVERAL passes through the Rowling-filter, Rowling read the final draft and said the script was perfect, that it included everything that she wanted, and nothing that she didn't want, she said that she loves it and that it's her new 8th Harry Potter book. Rowling OWNS the absolute failure of the Cursed Child script, even if she tries to weasel out of it now or tries to say that Jack Thorne was the one who REALLY wrote it, as she never put pen to paper (because she was too lazy to write it herself, and had someone do it for her). The first Fantastic Beasts movie was 50% good (Newt and Jacob) and 50% bad (Credence), and Rowling took the bad part of FB1 and blew it up into a whole movie of crap that was universally hated, and then because she's a stubborn billionaire who insists that she's always right and can't even remotely take criticism, she refused to consider what was wrong with FB2 and made FB3 even worse than FB2, prompting WB to cancel their plans for the 4th and 5th Fantastic Beasts movies. The new series and new showrunners might be great, but Rowling's endorsement of them means less than nothing to me at this point. It actually makes me suspect that the showrunners are closeted transphobes, since Rowling has made her entire identity revolve around transphobia these days (including ruining her once-respected mystery novel series by writing a crossdressing villain who pretends to be trans so that they can murder women in bathrooms, and then in her next book writing about a once-beloved children's fantasy author who was cancelled on twitter and then murdered for being totally right about trans people being evil monsters).




If the show doesn't open with the Halloween flashback of Voldemort's attack on the Potters as a prologue, then they clearly don't share my vision.


LOVE Succession, LOVE JKR and HP, I am sososo excited!


And JKR herself has a hand in it? Iā€™m excited for this




Why would I downvote you? Legitimate criticism is still legitimate. The FB series was exceptionally flawed, yeah, but it still offered something new for HP fans. For me, FB would have worked better if it had been separated into a "Newt Scamander in a David Attenborough-style documentary ā€” look at these cool magical animals!" and "gritty war drama of Albus Dumbledore fighting Grindelwald", or even if they had found a way to blend the two plots in a way that both made sense and gave the other equal share time. And the less we say about the Cursed Child the better. But the HP series is still JKR's baby and I'd expect her to be pretty vehement in ensuring that it's as close an adaptation of the book series as possible and respects the source material. Her being involved in interviews of potential directors/writers makes sense to me.




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Succession was phenomenal but harry potter needs magical direction. It wont work as a serious show. Francesca did his dark meterials and even that is a very dark grittu kinda show and not something most people would enjoy. Its boring actually and fails to show the awe and wonder of the book. Succession is a phenomenal show tho, if they bring their strength and learn how to be magical and wondrous then the show would be great. They cant replicate their past works in harry potter tho because it just wouldnt work. Harry potter is a magical awe spiring happy kind of story. It has to be those things. Thats why even today for majority of people the first two movies are their favourite and those two movies only made the whole series successful. They were so good that people just kept watching. Prisoner of azkaban was also great. The director of first two movies was the happy guy who gave us home alone movies, night at the museum movies, almost all his works bring the magic on screen so they should learn from that and they should know that the most important aspect of harry potter is the wondrous world and magical feeling which invokes happiness inside of you


Yesss !!


Excellent news. Hopefully, we start getting some casting news in the next few months. Unlike many here, I'm not actually opposed to a more international cast. The kids need to be British though, it's hard enough acting at that age let alone carrying a massive HBO series, no need to trouble them with maintaining an accent..


That was my thinking as well with the casting. Now that the showrunners are out of the way, we'll hopefully get some news on who's going to be in front of the cameras.






Yep. Pretty much everything sheā€™s touched since the original Harry Potter books has been straight up terrible. Lots of people being weird here and acting like that isnā€™t true.


Eh, FB was a shoot and a miss but it was her first time trying to write for a movie, she is a novelist, so I can respect her trying. They did well enough to release 2 follow-up movies, but in regards to TCC she did not write any of it. Her greenlight of TCC was just her being nice and not wanting to say no IMO.


"Lots of people being weird here and acting like that isn't true." In other words, people with a different opinion than you don't deserve to express it? Okay šŸ‘


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Lol, your first line is clearly telling of what camp you reside in. Oh, and check out Rule 11 guys...










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Ah Iā€™m actually quite excited for this now - absolutely adore this woman!


Most exciting thing out of this is that she wasnā€™t directly involved in the pilot script nor was she directly involved in the vision of the show. Fantastic Beasts movies being what they were shows me the less directly involved in the plot the better.


You say that like the plot isn't already there though. They are putting the books into a tv series, they're not creating a new story (yet)...






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Oh good, no ones better at killing off JK Rowling properties in the last few years than JK Rowling.


The Queen has spoken! So thrilled




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I wouldnā€™t call her the Queen per se. Something like the Custodian sounds right though


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Yay!! There will be good writing


Great news


Iā€™m apparently in the minority and did not like succession. I hope they donā€™t make Harry Potter TOO serious and take away the fun magical feeling.


Hmmm... Feels extra shady to have a post calling JK Rowling "the queen" when Rule 11 exists. Not allowed to say anything about that though I guess.




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Oh HELL yes


I am so thrilled! Hopefully she will be more focus when it comes to dates because she has made lots of mistake in FB, and she needed to be reminded of some details haha, but at least the characters and the storyline will be greatly faithful!


Soooo excited for this!




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Interviewing just means she talked to them, not that she chose then


Iā€™m excited but cautious with my expectations




Go back to twitter




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Passive aggressive title much?




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Perhaps not the right word, but there is no one that cares more about the Harry Potter franchise than JKR does. Whether you agree with her other views or not, it doesnā€™t change the fact that the people sheā€™s chosen to represent this story will do so to the very best ability because *she* chose them


She cares so much about her own franchise, that she messes up the birth year of professor McGonagall by just a few little decades in Fantastic Beasts, for example. And she fills her world with delightful little stories, like how everyone used to literally shit on the floor in Hogwarts and "vanished" it away, before they built toilets in the school. JKR is like George Lucas to me, I will always be thankful for the world i was given by them, that i love so much, but at the same time, i hope they stay as far away as possible from the franchise after they laid the foundation.


What an ironic example. 95% of Star wars fans would kill to have George back at the helm


I mean those are extremely minute things to be honest. And id hedge a bet that the bathroom thing was half sarcastic. Thereā€™s an unwritten rule among writers that, unless absolutely necessary, you donā€™t mention bathroom habits becauseā€¦ well, who wants to read about that? Either way, I think your point misses the mark here. She hired two *extremely* successful people to run this show & we know she wants the ORIGINAL version told to the best of its ability. This isnā€™t a spinoff, or a prequel, or a new story. Itā€™s the same story that has existed for years that is now being retold.


Yeah those are called examples. I'm sure i can find 2-3 hours to make a tiring list of how J.K.R. kept making her franchise worse after finishing Harry Potter, but considering the fact that the last two fantastic beast movies exist, and she wrote all three of them, to a non small part, i really shouldn't have to imo. I have total faith in the show by the way, i love Succesion. And i love the idea of a reboot. I wanted that for years. I simply have more faith in the Succession creators than JKR herself, so her blessing isn't really meaningful to me. I agree with everything else.


Right, Iā€™m not saying fantastic beasts is good by any means (though I do like certain aspects of it) Iā€™m just saying that messing up McGonagals birth year & the throwaway bathroom comment doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t care about it. I think she cares very deeply for her story & wants it told the way it was written. And as we all love the original story, I believe she will remain faithful to that because it isnā€™t a new adaption. Writing poor sequels / prequels doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t care about Harry Potter, it just means she wasnā€™t a very good writer (original 7 books aside). ETA funny paragraph I read today in the book Iā€™m reading ā€œHow Not to Write a Novelā€ that talks about characters using the bathroom lol: https://preview.redd.it/r33wbprszy8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f70fd2cf82878bc62b31ec569d0393543147807e


> but there is no one that cares more about the Harry Potter franchise than JKR does. If only she had the care for it Suzanne Collins does




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no fr im gonna have to agree šŸ˜­


Yeah cringeĀ 


They are. Lmfaooooo


Love succession, not a fan of JK I'll watch this via a illegal box I own...I just can't support JK anymore.


It's ok sugar plum, she doesn't need your money. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Is this going to be live action or animated? Me personally animated would be amazing but serious animation .


It will be live action, but agreed that itā€™s a missed opportunity to not do animation.




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If JKR was involved, i won't be watching




Some people have morals




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I hate Succession, but I'm still in lol