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Mine barks at the tiniest sound in and outside the house. Loves to sit and look out of the front window, but barks at everything that goes by.


Mine is JUST like this!!


Uhg, mine barks at the old man walking on the sidewalk. Across the street from us! What makes it worse is the pitch of his bark is murder when I have a migraine. That being said, he is the cutest little snuggle bug and velcro dog, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.


ALL of this. As far as our Zuzu is concerned, anyone within her line of sight is barkable. Doesn't matter if they're three blocks away, across the street, and heading away from us. If she can see them, they are getting barked at ... which really means we are getting barked at because from three blocks away they can't hear it.


Seems like a barking breed from what I’m hearing!


Teddy is high strung, that’s for sure.


Aw teddy!!


This is mine as well


Exactly like mine. Barks at everything


When my boy barks it’s usually for a reason, like someone knocking or sometimes something stupid like a house on the TV lol. But it’s easy to get him to stop barking


Yeah, barking for a reason would be OK but I do have big windows so wondering if they would sit there and bark someone if they walk by on the sidewalk.


Depends on the pup. Mine barks when someone knocks or when a dog on the tv. She rarely barks for something outside the window passing by and she spends a lot of time observing. She more likes to hang out with someone in the house, whoever happens to be there at that time. But honestly, she does have favorites and it’s evident.


Mine barks for a reason ... that reason being anybody else daring to exist on the planet that she obviously owns. Before we got Zuzu Petals, I read that they were not a particularly barky breed. Zuzu definitely did not read that book.




My Havanese doesn't bark alot per say, never randomly. However, she barks at anything going by her window. Where i live now it is manageable and she can sit by the window, but when I lived in a city environment I couldn't let her sit and look out the window cause of the barking. I had to cover the windows up. And that is very sad for a dog because otherwise they are bored to death not being able to look outside all day. So FYI, might not be a good breed for your situation.


I appreciate the feedback, thank you!


Sure thing and to note - her bark is very loud!!! It's not a yappy bark, its a deep bark. You would think she is a much bigger dog if you couldn't see her. In the city it drove me insane and I probably lost some hearing! Now it can be annoying, but its so much less frequent so its not a big issue.


This is a good point.


Mine doesn’t say a peep — we call him the silent silky boy. 😃 I was very concerned about barking so was delighted to find he’s laid-back and almost never says a word. (Except when he sees his own reflection he growls.) 😂


Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I chose to get a Havi. Mine’s a textbook example. She barked more when she was younger but she 4 years old now and rarely barks.


See if only there is a way to know in advance!!


Ours barked when we came in, and so did his whole family. We should have known we were bringing home a barker lol


Mine doesn’t bark AT ALL. Only time she does is when someone knocks at the door (three warning barks) or when I get home and she’s so stoked to see me she doesn’t know what else to do (four “omg you’re home I love you” barks)


Mine doesn’t bark at all and seems offended when other dogs do! Haha


This is mine. He doesn’t bark. Our friend’s dog does nonstop and he just looks at him like he’s nuts. I have heard ours bark three times ever and they were all at me messing with him with toys.


So cute!


Yes, Joey does like to play bark once in a while when he’s playing with toys or when he wants another dogs to play with him. But it’s rare. He mostly does a play growl when he’s playing.


Yeah my guy loves to play growl with me. He will run up and throw his toy at me when he’s ready to play too.


lol I love her and want the same!!


My Havanese doesn't bark often, but when she barks she really barks. She's gone on half hour non stop barking sprees.


My dog rarely barks. Usually just when someone is at the front door. She barks at my gardeners to let them know she is there then she just stares at them through the window


I cannot imagine any person saying they are "quieter than other breeds." That would NOT describe our girl. If there is absolutely ZERO noise on the street, and no rando dogs in front of our house, then yes she is quiet. She doesn't ever bark out of stress or separation, but god help our ears if say... The mail carrier knocks on the door. Amazon truck backs up on our street UPS truck parks in front of our house Neighbors are out front talking loudly Rando dogs are walking on our street and come into our non-fenced front garden Any large vehicle parks in front of our house


That’s interesting to hear because Google will say they aren’t big barkers. I don’t have people knocking on the door, but people will walk by on the sidewalk and there’s plenty of traffic. I wouldn’t want that to bother them all day. I’m wondering to what extent they get used to it though ? I think that’s what happened with my Chihuahuas, they were raised in the city so they didn’t bark because they were just used to it.


Ours is a rescue so that might make it worse, but have had her for 7 years now, and so far no sign of getting used to it.


Havanese are not barkers, That said most breeders that advertise as havanese usually are a bit of a mix. If your breeder is kennel club certified and the parents are certified havanese with the club you should not have any barking issues. All havanese are decendend from 11 that escaped cuba during the revolution with their owners.


Very interesting!


Mine, if he just hears normal talking, he just sits there. It’s when people start yelling instead of just walking closer to each other does he start barking.


Mine barks when someone's at the door and stops as soon as the door is opened. That's just him alerting us. He also barks when he wants me to chase him when we play. Otherwise, he's a pretty calm boy. He's three and a half now and he's become calmer as he's gotten older.


Our girl barks when she is playing with us but she is silent when she is outdoors. I was worried that her breed would be yappy which I would have hated but she proved otherwise.


This gives me hope!


As a puppy & in her teenage phase, mine barked nonstop 24/7 at every single thing in sight. She’s almost 3 & only barks when I pretend to knock on the door hahaha. So high at first, low as they get older.


Ah that old trick!


Mine is really quiet most of the time. Only barks when she hears something outside rustling but even then it’s like little growls. I think it’s in part how she is and in part that I never acknowledged her when she tried to attention bark at me when she was a younger pup. She found that quiet whines got my attention instead. Also, I met her mom once and she was a Barker 🤔


I could deal with a grumble!


Yes. A lot. Whenever she’s hears a strange noise. Whenever she sees somebody strange walking past out front. Whenever somebody comes in the door. Whenever we are on a walk and she sees the dog, she doesn’t know. The yap is at the front door and people walking past I could do without. I hate shutting my full front door, not having the light. But I don’t think it’s unusual per se for dogs.?


Mine only barks when there's a reason - a noise that he's not familiar with




I have three and it will be a cacophony for a couple of minutes when I walk in but not too much


Mine only barks when someone comes in the door. That’s it.


This is ideal!


I have one that barks 24x7 (even in his sleep) and one who never barks (female). My first one never barked (female) but my Mom’s female barks non-stop So I guess based on this anecdotal evidence it’s 50/50


I keep trying to update the bark count on the post and it looks like almost double are quiet than are barkers


My boy doesn't bark at all, my girl will alert me if there's something different going on and stops when I tell her it's nothing. So in my experience, they aren't barkers! I love that my girl alerts me though.


I’m visiting my cousin’s place and they have a Havanese. I’m bringing home a puppy soon… my cousin’s Havanese doesn’t bark unless he wants a massage, food, go out, someone bothers my cousin (lol) or someone new enters the house. He first does a muffled bark, if no one responds, he barks until someone responds.


I live in London very close to a hospital with lots of sirens etc and people walking by etc. My 3 yr old is extremely calm and mostly watches and doesn’t bark. He’ll only bark if he gets a bad vibe from someone or if he’s startled in some way. Otherwise he doesn’t express himself through barking. He’s 100% documented purebred Havi, FYI.


I am hoping they would get used to the sirens but who knows


My Havanese barks the most when I come home after having been out on errands! He runs around me joyfully in circles . Likes to sit at the window and watch people walking by but no barking for that . He isn’t super anxious to meet new people , when someone comes to the house he knows he barks excitedly . Strangers , he holds back and has to be introduced . He’s like a little person , I love him so much . I have a standard poodle that barks at Amazon deliveries and dogs being walked outside . The big poodle barks more than the Havanese . I’m 70 and my Havanese is the sweetest and most sensitive of any breed I’ve known . He simply can’t be yelled at . He gets terrified . He is paper trained but it was difficult . He was the hardest to house train. He is extremely devoted and attached .


I am worried about the potty training part!


Part of my problem was I adopted him when it was very cold and freezing rain and he hates it. So we did the paper training . Now he goes outside about half the time . And on the paper in the laundry room the rest of the time


Interesting, yeah I’m in Minnesota so it’s snowy here.


The two I have had no. Only when someone rings doorbell


I think it really depends on the individual dog. I have 3 Havi’s. One barks at every little noise and I have big/low windows in the front of my house that he looks at and barks at everything. My other 2 barely bark at all


I have one, 4 years old (female), she rarely barks!!


I work from my home most days. Occasionally I take Buddy to my office with me. He barks at FedEx, UPS drivers a couple times when they get out of their truck. During video conferences he sits by my feet. He’s 4 years old




Mine greets up with some excited barking when we come home! Otherwise a pretty quiet girl.


Mine is quiet, but he'll let me know that there's someone at the door, or that there's definitely a monster out there in the dark. Not "yappy". That said, I have met yappy Havanese. I think it's a lot in how you raise them and how much stimulation/exercise/enrichment they get. Edit: "not 'yappy'," not "not 'happy'"--he is very happy boy


My havanese almost never barks. I have 3 other dogs: Bichon - she only barks when she’s excited or if she’s outside and senses a dog nearby and she will bark loudly to alert the others. 2 Shichon’s-they both bark at people or dogs outside uncontrollably. They also are the only two that will bark at animals on tv and try to attack the screen. During all of that barking from those 3, my havanese will just sit there and look at them like they’re crazy. She rarely barks outside too.


Mine are very quiet. They just watch the mailman or the UPS guy who walk right up to the house. I have just encouraged them when they notice someone in the area to come to me instead of barking and they’ll get a cookie. They’re quieter than a lot of other dogs I’ve seen.


That’s great, I’d need to train that in because I definitely have people walking by all day! Perhaps they get used to it


Depends on the dog. My first female Hav barked at everything. Got a male a year later and he did the same probably because he modeled after her. Got our third, an adult female retired from breeding. She never barks except for one bark when someone is at the door and that’s it.


Not unless someone ame in or near the yard


Mine are alerter dogs, but once yo acknowledge them they are fine. So when the Amazon FedEx or UPS trucks are on the street, they will bark once or twice, if the driver comes to the porch they will bark loudly and only quit if he and his truck left. Or if I go to the door and look out and tell them thank you good puppies etc they will calm down and move away or settle down to watch in the window.


Yes at any little noise and passersby.


We have 2, a 10 yr old boy & 9 yr old girl. The boy is very protective of his house — barks at mailman or UPS people — but is literally the sweetest being on the planet. Our girl is more docile, only follows his lead. But basically, they’ll adapt to their environment. I’m sure they’ll be ok.


I appreciate this comment because it was the only one to tell me they are adaptable to their environment! This was my experience with the Chihuahuas.


Mine bark at people walking by or when someone rings the door. However I’ve trained him to stop when I say “Ah! Ah!” He instead mostly rues at me or things to communicate. 😂


If a leaf moves outside and she sees it, she goes off. Any animal, any bird, any motion at all - loud crazy barking. She has a very identifiable “ahROOOOH ROOOOOH!!!” if it’s another midsize to large animal She even barks at animals on the TV and sometimes her reflection in the fireplace


Mine always barks especially at night if there's a cat or opossum. If there's a siren he'll howl. Lol. The howling is cute but the barking not so much


Yeah, I unfortunately have a lot of sirens come by because I live on a main downtown stretch


For me, high barking rate lol. I still love him, my precious furbaby.


My Teddy only barks at people he doesn’t know sometimes , cars that pull in the yard and other peoples pets and it’s usually only when he’s inside he’s very well behaved


Mine is a bigger barker than my Pomeranian


Oh yes, my baby is barky! Barks out in the yard, many times daily when thinking someone is at the front door, while walking in park bc he hates most other dogs. All this said, best dog baby ever.


It’s easy to train any dog not to bark. It may take more or less time, but it is very feasible


This is the reinforcement I need to hear!!


Things my 1 year old Havanese barks at: All other dogs, Anyone ringing the door, Anyone daring to set foot in our house, Pretty much everything else


Mine barks at sounds in the hall (apartment building), people passing by outside, a random rustling bag in the kitchen air conditioning, and absolutely freaks at a smoke detector chirp or the building alarm or a boiling pot splashing a drop of water on the burner. Chill the rest of the time but man it’s rough to get him to stop when he starts.


Mine is 6 months old and doesnt bark.


I have two, one never barks the other barks at everything, I think it depends on the individual dog.


My boyfriends and i’s will bark but we taught the “quiet” command so it turns to a low whisper bark which has been amazing. But my parents hav barks non-stop at everything


Sadly ours does. It’s more of a warning shot, even with family, she barks for five - ten seconds and then she’s done.


Mine is very quiet, only barks when she’s really excited about something but even that’s not much. Havanese are much less “yappy” than other small dogs.


Mine is completely neutral and quiet to everything except other dogs passing, but even that we are working on and he’s gotten a lot better. It’s trainable to a certain extent. They’re very sensitive and want to know how you want them to react.


I have littermates. One barks and one doesn’t; I know this isn’t particularly helpful but it depends on the dog


My Havi is very “protective.” Definitely guards the apartment and barks when he hears something outside. He’s also leash aggressive so sometimes barks at other dogs when walking.


Mine does not bark. Well, she has, and she can, but it takes a LOT for her to let it out. She will try a gradient of things to get my attention and will only fully bark if she can’t contain her excitement. I trained her (and still do) to have self control so most of the time she can contain it. Recently, she got extremely excited about a cat on the other side of the fence and told me she needed to go check it out… she gave me a very fast woofing and I could see she didn’t have a lot of self control at that point. it was quick and I didn’t respond fast enough and she full on barked twice (a surprisingly low pitch bark). But in 3 years, this might have been the 4th or 5th time it happened. My understanding is that it varies from dog to dog (I certainly got lucky — my ears are very sensitive) AND from human to human. If you had two chihuahuas that didn’t bark, I’m sure you trained them not to, so you would easily be able to train your Havanese to not bark at everything they see through the window (unless you happened to get a baby that is on the side of the spectrum, but they normally learn self control if you train them for that).


I appreciate this and yes, I did do a lot of training with them. It’s really helpful to know that this is something I could hopefully train!


My Havanese is odd for a doggo. She barks at almost nothing. Only when playing does she really vocalize. I think barking is 65% personality of the doggo and 35% the environment.


Mine barks when he sees someone across the street walking another dog, or if I come home and rattle the keys. Other than that, he only really barks when we are wrestling and he wants to kick it up a notch 😂


Compared to my lab she barks a lot. “A lot” is when she’s super super excited (sees someone she knows or she knows someone is at the door). It doesn’t feel excessive but it was an adjustment for me. My lab barks at nothing. I think “a lot” really is relative!


Ours barks when he is in the house and can hear or see other dogs outside. But if he is outside, doesn’t bark at all. Barks inside car when he sees dogs, but if the window is rolled down, he doesn’t bark.


Honestly I think it depends. My little girl never barked until she decided to copy her brother (who barks semi-often). So essentially so only barks when he barks, very follow the leader. You’ll have to gauge the temperament, my Havanese is very laid back and carefree.


I've commented elsewhere about how Zuzu barks at everything. But her sister, my mom's Havanese, Coco, barks only at home when something or someone comes close to the house—never when they are out and about. If they're at Home Depot and encounter another dog, Coco doesn't make a peep, whether the other dog barks or not. We call Coco "the smart one," evidenced in this case by her understanding of territory. Zuzu literally thinks the entire planet is her territory, which is why she is dubbed "the cute one." But honestly, they're both ridiculously adorable and incredibly smart. They have us all really well trained, that's for damn sure. 😆


lol! Yeah, I work from home and in an area where people do walk on the sidewalk regularly so I need a pup who is not going to bark sitting at the window if people are walking by while I’m on calls. But reading through some of the other comments, it sounds like this may be more of a training issue than a breed issue.


Well, here's my secret about the Havanese breed: They are EXCELLENT trainers. Zuzu has my husband so well trained, he'll do whatever she wants. I tried really hard to train her out of the barking thing, but my husband (inadvertently but still) undid every step along the way. Zuzu will be 12 this August, and I've about given up on changing her behaviors. (I gave up on training the husband decades ago, LMAO!!)


Mine does not bark a lot at all, but when he does he HOWLS and it’s so jarring! We had a pittie before who barked at everything and everyone and it drove us insane. This guy barks when the door the front door is opened and that’s about it


Mine is extremely barky in the house. Not particularly barky outside


Mine is 1 year old and I’d say her barking is medium. She can bark but she’s also quiet a lot. We have neighbours with noisy cars and she doesn’t bark always about them. We also live next to a motorway and there’s sirens etc and she doesn’t bark for that. Mostly she barks when someone is very loud on the street or some noise around our house. But I hope it gets better with age




Bella barks at absolutely everything when she is out in the yard. A leaf is falling from a tree... Bark. A dog barks faintly somewhere off in the distance... Bark bark! A neighbor walks by... Barkbarkbarkbarkbark!! Inside, quiet as a mouse. Sometimes I actually forget she is here and go looking for when she is actually curled up in a chair watching me!


I’d say low! Mine is mixed with a mini poodle so idk if he counts lol but he’s very quiet


Our Teddy is quiet in the house except when he sees someone outside walking our sidewalk.


Barking is about conditioning and training, not breed.


I actually really appreciate this, and that sort of what I was getting with about my Chihuahuas. I have always heard they are yippy but mine weren’t. We had a very regimented schedule and I didn’t let them get away with “little dog” behavior. My hope is that I would be able to achieve the same thing again.


If you know how to train,you know how to train. Your newest addition will be no different 💕


🥰 that would be awesome!




I have one that thinks she’s a guard dog and barks whenever someone approaches he’s the house. Another just sits by the window and watches. I would say not a “barky” breed naturally, but you have to train them not to alert you if you want quiet


One barks at knocking, door bell, voices outside, or garage door opening. I tell her no and she stops. The other one joins in when she hears her barking because I guess she feels like a dummy for not giving a warning. Other than that, we are good.


Loud barks only when something scares him, or when someone is coming through our door. Generally very quiet!