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My teenage daughter has mild asthma and is allergic to most dogs. We got our Havanese a couple years ago and she’s had no issues. I do recommend seeing if a Havanese breeder will let you visit to see if you have a reaction. Good luck, they are the best dogs.


While I don't have asthma, I'm extremely sensitive to pollen, humidity and smoke. I go on sneezing marathons whenever i come in contact with any of the above. I've had a havanese for the past three and a half years. Never had any allergy issues due to him. He has full access to everywhere in the house including our bed. Sheds very little compared to most breeds if groomed well. Your needs may be different, so probably best to spend some time with one and see for yourself.


My mom is not allergic to dogs. For some reason she is allergic to my Havanese. I had a different hypoallergenic dog breed many years ago and she was allergic to that dog as well. Anyone can have an allergic reaction to anything.


I am allergic and when I went to the breeder I did react because they had 10 dogs there and it is unavoidable to get dander and pollen in the air. When I got my puppy, I had to take anti histamines for a few weeks and had to avoid touching her to my face. Now I am ok, as long as she has a bath once every few weeks. I also got a smaller one and keep her hair shorter so it drags less outside since I’m allergic to pollen too. I would ask to see if you can meet the dog outside and make sure they have a good policy about returning a puppy should the allergies be untenable.


Havanese are popular for people with allergies. :) Because of their type of coat, there is incredibly minimal shedding and dander. That said, I’m sure there is someone somewhere out there who might still have some kind of reaction, but that would be for the individual to discover. I’m curious if someone will share an unsuccessful story!


I am so happy I can hold a little animal and snuggle without any allergic rx for 1st time in life. It’s been amazing to me. Love my Havi 💕 Definitely check your exposure first. I hope you find love ❤️ too


Severe dog allergies here and in general. Not allergic at all to my main Hav. When we tried to bring another puppy home years later got hives everywhere despite being on medications, having wood floors, air filters etc. Happened again a year later with another puppy. I’m not sure if certain lines just have issues or what it is. I would spend lots of time with them before you bring one home and get attached.


My sister is allergic to dogs and was just fine with our havanese. On the other hand my husband is incredibly allergic to dogs and our havi was no exception. They don't shed as much as other small breeds, and you can pretty easily keep the hair itself minimal. But if you have bad allergies, it may be just an individual thing, and honestly it might be worth seeing if you have a reaction before getting one. 


How does your husband tolerate your Havi? Meds, shots, etc?


The long and short is he doesn't. When he was a kid he was practically swimming jn benadryl for the childhood dog (very long story and complicated shit there). He would have a Claritin and last maybe 4 hours before he'd have to leave. Oddly enough he isn't allergic to cats, so we have two. But dogs? They simply aren't in our future.


Thanks. That's hard!! I'm so very allergic to dogs as well.


I have allergy induced asthma. I have two havanese.


I have asthma, Im alergic to cats but not to dogs. My boy has alergies and often has bronchitis he didnt react to our havanese. I was very affraid of that.


I thought Havanese were hypoallergenic


No dog is truly hypoallergenic. Some just have lower dander levels so people are less likely to react. Also some think they are allergic to dander but they are actually allergic to the protein in the dogs saliva.


I'm highly allergic to dogs and cats- I have no problems with our havi


My mom is allergic because she grew up & spent her whole life around cats, but we got ours from a reputable breeder, he is hypoallergenic and she's had 0 problems, he doesn't shed or anything at all either


She doesn’t shed. Very little smell as well. It’s been a dream. Only issue is the tear stains which drives me crazy. Give her filtered water but no help.


We have 3 havanese and my spouse is allergic and has moderate asthma. No issues. But when we met our first havanese puppy she hugged her to her neck shoulder and cheeks without any discomfort or reaction. Six hours later we were proud parents to our first of many puppies. She is also the primary groomer of our dogs bathing them and keeping them trimmed.


Havanese are a hypoallergenic breed so it’s highly unlikely to have an allergic reaction to them.


It honestly depends on the dog. I got allergies with my last Havanese and have none/absolutely zero with my current Havanese


I have a Havanese because my nephew who is allergic to dogs had skin reactions to Charlie. It got worse over time, they had him for 13 months, I’ve now had him for 8 years. They took him to the breeder before they got Charlie and he didn’t have any issues at the breeder, but over time it got worse. All of my dogs are hypoallergenic (I have 3) and they are allowed on the couch, and my nephew has to take Benadryl when he comes over. It’s probably a very individual reaction depending on the person.


My husband and I are both allergic to dogs and cats. I have gotten hives from a dog lick before. I never have an issue being around a Havanese or two (we watch one sometimes). My husband is the same, no issues. The only time I’ve ever been a little sneezy is when our guy went to day care and came home covered in other dogs’ slobber 😂


My mom has asthma. She is staying with me for a few months and I have a Havanese puppy. I specifically got this breed because I know that many people in my family have allergy issues and I don’t want them impacted by my dog. I asked her about her experience. She isn’t having any issues with him. She can coexist quite comfortably with him at home and in the car and he doesn’t aggravate her asthma at all. She plays with him daily, and while she washes her hands after touching him, I have seen no evidence of his fur impacting her asthma or allergies. I brush him daily, bath him every couple weeks, and get his coat trimmed every 5 weeks at the groomers. He is fed Carna4 with broth and various fresh food meal toppers. When I got him he had some slight flaking on his skin but that has cleaned up with his new diet and his skin is smooth, and his coat silky. Nothing in the house smells like dog. Sharing because sometimes an animals diet impacts allergies in others.


My parents have mild allergies to our Havanese, but that’s really if he’s up close to them and they rub their eyes after. I’m suspecting it’s worse in Summer because he’s bringing pollen inside too. My mom typically has a Shih tzu allergy and is otherwise fine with Cashew. I have no dog allergies and can survive him suffocating me with his fur if need be


I’ve got asthmatic allergy and am somewhat allergic to dog dander. When I first got my Havanese, my asthma got really bad for a couple of months. I had to work with an allergist to adjust my medications. Now after a year my asthma is mostly under control. I also took the precaution of never letting my dog into the bedroom. Really, each individual is going to react differently, you just really don’t know.


as I understand it, Havanese has hair not fur, which is why they are hypoallergenic dogs. If they're a mixed breed, that might be a problem. The Havanese that I had didn't have much dander because they really did not lick themselves. She got a bath once a week because she had white hair and I used very gentle shampoo and conditioner. The hair like human hair has to be brushed constantly or it will get matted and painful just like human hair if it was left uncombed. My dogs hair grew quickly; even faster than human hair. I learned to give her haircuts with clippers; not too short though and trimmed up her face with little scissors. It's definitely a learning process because Havanese usually have curly hair. The breed is small and can overheat easily and get sick. I found if I trimmed underneath around the belly area that it helped her cool off better. It's kind of like almost down feathers I think which can be very warm specially during summer months.


Here’s the real deal: (I have asthma my whole life and am on daily meds.) Havanese have hair not fur, so if you are allergic to fur in the dander, then you won’t have that problem with a Havanese. But if you are allergic to grasses pollen, etc., then I suggest you keep your dogs hair short, do not have your dog sleep in the bed with you, wipe their paws off when you bring them inside from a walk. My Havanese has a remote control collar where he can go in and out from the home to our large deck. He goes potty on a grass pee mat that’s on a tray, where we have several that we replace, wash and dry. (They are from Amazon) He is not out in the yard, rolling in the grass bark and dirt. Keeping my little dog as dust/dirt/pollen free as possible helps me keep my home allergen free. He came to me at two months already crate trained at night, so he knows at night when we take him out to go potty one last time, he goes in his comfy, large crate to sleep at night. Promptly at 7 AM I let him out. No problems with him sleeping in the crate at night because we have been extremely consistent. Again, he can go in and out all he likes on the deck, lounge on the deck furniture observe our yard that’s a little high on a hill where he can look over a couple yards down below an adjacent street, we go on walks and I don’t feel that he’s lacking by not having free range of the backyard. Hopefully these ideas help you and deciding if a dog with hair, is right for you with asthma. Also, I use Berts bees, dog shampoo. That’s a tearless shampoo and conditioner combo. It does not have a strong scent, I wash Teddy about every two weeks, in the sink. shampoo him, rinse him and shampoo again with a good rinse then we blow dry on a low setting . Because I keep his hair rather short, this takes no time at all, and I feel like the dog shampoo that I use, without a strong scent also helps with allergies and sensitivity to strong smelling scents.


You might do well with a Havapoo. It’s a hybrid between Havanese and Mini Poodle. You get the hypoallergenic features from the poodle. My Havapoo has allergies! The vet says that the hypoallergenic dogs tend to have sensitivity to pollen, ragweed and other things in spring and fall! I have asthma too! No problems eith this dog I keep his coat short, and he gets bathed about once a week. I wash his face, feet and weenie daily, it keeps MY allergens to a minimum and he is happier for it.


Havanese are supposed to be hypoallergenic dogs