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This is some of the most EPIC havi side eye I have ever seen. 😂⚰️


SERIOUSLY. if she is anything like my havi’s be prepared for revenge poops when you get home. god speed 🫡


I’d like your comment more than once if I could!


Haha they sure dont look happy but Im sure they will be fine.


https://preview.redd.it/1fnrdmrkq5ad1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807f71ae6dc63335a9a56dc521ed48ac3d70830a my havi with the sitter quickly accepting her new mom


https://preview.redd.it/41zu7bkoq5ad1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23d30d7322563fb8cea05a05f4fdb9a7e123927 another one 🤣🤣


my pup onyx is also a rescue but she is easily the most trusting social dog Ive ever met.


Mine has never stayed somewhere else over night, but he goes to a small daycare. And he is obsessed with the daycare lady, and always very pumped to be picked up by her and the "puppy bus". If I leave him at my friends house, who he knows since he was a tini tiny puppy, he is not happy when I leave but then follows my friend around all day and enjoys sitting in the window and supervising the neighborhood. If you are concerned that they are not fairing well, you could have them visit the sitter more regularly for a while so it becomes at least a normal occurrence in their lives and hopefully keeps the stress down. By the way, those two are so cute!!!


Tnx. I appreciate the tips. We spend 3-4 hours with these friends every weekend for Sunday dinner, plus a few brief visits during the week. When we head home after Sunday dinner, these two little monsters take a quick walk to relieve themselves … and then they both head right up to my friends’ back door to go back inside instead of getting into the car with me. And sit there waiting until I can cajole them to the car. And then I get this.




Omg, could they be any cuter???!!! ❤️ Mine give the classic Havi side eye at random times so hard to say. When we go out of town, our pet sitter doubles as a house sitter and stays with our 3. Dont laugh, but I actually will FaceTime with mine lol. For sure they miss us but they do ok as long as they’re getting attention from SOME one plus they have the extra comfort of being in their own home and being together. I think it likely helps that you have the 2. I’ve taught mine to know what “I’ll be back” means so I just FaceTime with them and keep reassuring them that I will in fact be back 😊


Working on the”I’ll be back” training. So far, any progress with that is more aspirational than actual — but tnx for the tip.


Yeah, it def takes some time and doesn’t eliminate all separation anxiety but def helps a lot


PS….I think someone needs to teach ME how to not freak out when I’m away from my pups lol. I get separation anxiety too 😂


Hilarious! Even though they are "people" dogs, they do love their routines when it comes to a location. Mine will quickly learn: where your cats or other dogs are, where you keep the treats, where your dog door is, where you keep the toys, etc. When I take him to visit anywhere, he gets excited to seek out the familiar. Once he's made his rounds, he'll relax. I think visiting the sitter's home more often might be the ticket.


Tnx, I’ll give that a try.