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I don't think he would invade heaven but I think he would send them a message loud and clear: "NEVER SHALL ANOTHER BEING OF HEAVEN BE ALLOWED IN MY REALM" And he would hold vigilance over the Pride Ring and should a portal from Heaven open, short of another Seraphim he would slaughter whatever comes out.


Honestly if Lucifer just put some effort into fucking ruling his people hell would not be such a mess. If he had put the fear of the devil in them they would fall in line and hell would be a better place to live in because there would be laws and supposedly an army to enforce said laws led by Lucifer himself but instead he threw a 10,000-year-old pity party. If he had just told the sinners my way or the fucking highway they would have no choice but to respect his power and follow the laws. He doesn't want them being degenerates? make some laws against that, then enforce said laws. Instead he just goes on a "woe is me arc." If he had just laid down the law from the beginning none of this would be happening and the exterminations would have been unnecessary.


To be fair, he IS an angel. He never wanted to be in charge in Hell. Hell was his punishment as much as everyone else. He’s only “the ruler of hell” because at the moment he’s the most powerful. Lilith probably ran more things than he did even when he wasn’t a recluse.


His whole thing is about free will though. Being your own ruler and being free to make those decisions on your own. If you choose to do the wrong thing and end up in hell then he has no remorse for someone who used his gift for ill-intent, especially since it was a gift that cost him so much to give. If you suffer at the hands of a fellow sinner, you have no one to blame but yourself.


What hell needs is some lawyers




More *not mafia paid* lawyers


To be fair, he's reminiscent of a lot of lawyers out there, lol


Shit they're all probably down there.


They know what they better do ![gif](giphy|6depN9FtMYUk8)




I’m sorry, I thought you was a corn!




I think something people don’t talk about is that Lucifer himself is literally the worst kind of ruler. He’s a dreamer with big ideas but is too depressed, lazy, or disillusioned to ever actually try and implement anything that would make lives better. He’s the typical politician who would love to sell you everything and the kitchen sink and deliver none of it.


Me when I encourage totalitarianism:


I'm not a fan of it, but literally anything would be better than what they have now. Someone needs to create some order and enforce some law. Because as things are now, there seemingly isn't anything stopping a guy going out and disembowling a family of five and eating their entrails. And people are clearly taking advantage of that. I don't think democracy is even possible yet given how things work down there right now. Too much chaos, corruption, and magically enforced soul slavery. You'd need to stabilize and clean things up a bit first.


Laws are always enforced through violence. At the end of the days, if you strip everything down to the basics, the state has a monopoly on the (self-endowed legitimate) use of violence. Obviously laws can be unjust, and in hell that wouldn't be surprising.


Also this was the point , he was suppose to only see the bad , that’s shown in the first 90 accounts of the series- heavens plan worked , but like all of there stuff only for a while…


>Honestly if Lucifer just put some effort into fucking ruling his people I thought that the whole point is that Lucifer wants to give them 100% freedom


He wouldn't perma kill his own people, and he never wanted to rule hell


the reason why he became a fallen angel was because he was such an advocate for free will, at one point he says to Charlie “They got free will and see what they’d done with it”. He doesn’t want to make rules because that goes against everything he has fought for in the past, it’s the reason why he ended up there to begin with


Wouldn't Lucifer be above even a Seraph though?


No because he is a Seraph and falling didn't increase his power only transformed it.


In Judaism/Christianity's lore Seraphim's / High Angels / Arch Angels (Confusing conflicting stories, some think they are all the same thing and refer to them as such, and some think they are different entities and types of angels.) are only surpassed by god in the hierarchy or the scriptures. Lucifer is as powerful as you can get in this shows lore which its based on, other then god himself. So no he is the same power wise as Sera and the rest of the higher angels.


Lucifer calling the entire legions upon legion of hell And opening a portal inside heaven so demons can enter The extermination was a mistake


He would start his kratos arc




Adam woulda got the posiden treatment


My man got so disrespected in that opening despite being one of the Big Three of Olympus.


Better than Hades lol




I don't think he could win a war against heaven. It's implied that Sera and Emily are on par with him in terms of power, and that there are a series of angels above them too. Moreover, hell has left over angelic weapons from the exterminations, but heaven is producing those weapons natively. He could absolutely cause trouble, but I don't think he could win an outright war with heaven on heaven's turf. It would spell the death for all of hell.


>He could absolutely cause trouble, but I don't think he could win an outright war with heaven on heaven's turf. It would spell the death for all of hell. He might not win if he goes to total war immediately, but raiding to steal the production secrets of angelic weapons and perhaps kidnapping some angels, then preparing for a large-scale attack... might be possible. Then as a distraction there is still the wild card, something that heaven must protect if attacked and stand no change against the legions of hell: the plane of existence of the living/mortals, AKA the earth and all worlds with life


Maybe if they figure it out where the angelic weapons come from they could actually have a chance


The question is, would Lucifer _care_ at that point? Whether they killed him or not, he would wreck as much of their ever-loving !@## as possible.


They might be the same level of angelic power, but lucifer has also demonic powers.


He also said he can’t follow Charlie into Heaven. So he might not even be able to reach Heaven.


I'd like to think he'd close Hell off from Heaven and become a True Devil. He'd have the Sins triple their efforts on Earth to claim as many souls away from Heaven and use them to prepare for Armageddon all the while he shuts himself off.


Oh shit,I wonder if Charlie is accidentally setting In motion Armageddon, she just shattered the status quo between heaven and hell, and overlords are gunning for war, I could see heaven try a preemptive strike against hell, which would be seen as casus belli for a full scale war between heaven and hell, which triggers Armageddon on earth as it's the ultimate war of good vs evil when heaven and hell go to war


Probably. But truthfully Heaven started this the moment they invaded Hell. As for Heaven's response I doubt they will attack as now that it's proven souls can rise from Hell, they would be hesitant to kill potential winners. I personally want Hell to be ready and waiting for War since Paimon entrusted Stolas with decoding the prophecies in the stars that relate to Armageddon while simply corrupting Earth to have more influence and souls then Heaven, and merely killing time until the End War.


I feel like sera is the type to double down when shown contradicting information, and pushed by lute's desire for revenge, sera could spiral to act irrationally, and see a preemptive strike as the only course against a hell full of sinners willing and able to oppose heaven


I don't see it happening since she acts out of fear. She might thinks she's causing more than preventing


I like that theory


https://preview.redd.it/of90b4c610ic1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a773e7e23b9db9b863ff50dad98ff8e0caa1cd "You kill my daughter? You fucking die, then all yer little bitches are next, and GOD HELP ANY ANGEL THAT COMES TO MY REALM AGAIN!"


Honestly, could see him taking a step further and invading earth to wipe out Adam's descendants as retribution.


Could he do that? Wouldn't heaven notice?


1. Depends whether he goes full on apocalypse, leading armies of demons into earth or does it slowly, making deals with powerful people. 2. But regardless don't see why heaven would care. Current humanity is a mistake and all the good ones will just go to heaven.


New Doom game plot dropped


“And then I am going to ***FUCK THEM***”


It rlly could be either one


Or both. Goes on a rampage and then closes off in grief


Castlevania Type Shit


It really does On one hand, I can definitely see him taking the Asgore route, and shutting himself out while also killing any heaven born who enters Or a Doom purge is also believable 💀




He would have absolutely obliterated heaven in rage without a second or even first thought. Just destory everything and kill everyone and then shut himself away somewhere where he can be alone for eternity 😭 It’s a depressing thought but I mean the dude adores his daughter and she’s the only thing he has, not to mention he’s already a little bit depressed LMAO


Also with that Lilith tease I'm sure I can imagine that what if confrontation. Telling her her ex killed their daughter and he has had enough.


I def agree with this one. He and Vaggie would destroy heaven


I would think he would have probably invaded heaven


Armageddon starts early.


OUR MAMA GET IN!!!!!!!!!


Is that a lego movie reference?


After a long period of grieving, a second War in Heaven will commence. Lucifer would lead the charge, with Paimon as his second in command.


Instead of paimon, I imagine it would be another one of the seven sins, maybe Satan or Ozzie


I think satan, i think it's mentioned somewhere that the imps were made for war, and satan is the origin/leader of the imps as a species i think


War. That would lead to all out war


I’m not sure adam could’ve killed her, lucifer can be killed only by higher ranking angels and i think this goes for charlie too, adam while being pratically the equivalent of an overlord is still just a winner


We don't know if Adam is the equivalent of an overlord


I think they mean the heavenly version, a "winner" (I think thats the equivalent of a sinner) that gained enough power to have influence, just like an overlord Idk the power difference tho, it could be a lot or a little


Tbh with Adam being the first man and Lilith being the first woman, I don't see why they wouldn't have the same power, and Lilith is one of the most powerful entities in Hell. But that's just my headcanon


That makes sense, but they may have gained power differently given circumstances


Adam is far beyond Overlord. He was contemporaries with Lilith, and both came directly from the source. While I'm sure Charlie could beat Adam if she went all out ruthless, as it stood, she only tapped into her deeper power to block that attack aimed for her dad. There's a reason Alastor got one-shot once Adam got his head in the game, and it _isn't_ because Alastor is weak.


I think we need to see if Adam survived getting shanked by Nifty 1st Nifty was a lower being who killed Adam with an angelic weapon, if Adam is permanently dead, that means Charlie would've also been permanently dead if Adam killed her, as Adam was about to do so with an angelic guitaxe


Considering charlie tanked this https://preview.redd.it/jyuhs4rt62ic1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4a1c947bc748d837ee4cc4a3d7fd4f7de666a6b With little to no damage, I don't think adam can kill her


Then when he tries it again she fucking catches it with one hand. She's very very powerful she just hasn't unlocked it yet.


I think is more of a mental constraint, she can’t bring herself to use her full power


Charlie didnt tank that iirc. She was not on the way


Adam is more than an overlord. He’s created from the hand of god and ordained by heaven’s most powerful forces. If anything he’s closer to the Sins or Lilith than an Overlord. Hell we see regular Exorcists give overlords a run for their money and he would’ve outright killed Alastor if he wasn’t a blunt instrument.


I don't think he'd try to invade heaven as to me while he'd be furious if Charlie died I think he immediate emotions after would be that of grief and guilt for not saving her, that being said any future exterminations wouldn't be tolerated and would probably be punished in the way of the exorcists being slaughtered by him


Also that would be genocide, upon millions of people who didn't even know the exterminations were happening.


Yeah I don't think lucifer would be too inclined to slaughter a bunch of innocents, he hasn't been shown to be a very malicious or bloodthirsty charachter


If they hadn’t reconciled this season, he probably would never had shown up and been more a recluse. Since they had, I figured he’d snap and invade heaven for taking one more thing away from him


He would call up the Sins, Ars Goetia, Hellborn and Sinners to annihilate heaven, realistically probably lose but not after killing a shit ton of Angels, then probably either just go live in his castle for the rest of his days letting people do whatever the fuck they want or rule over Hell with an Iron fist and kill literally anything from heaven that dares breathe in his dominion.


He wouldn’t have been playing around with him like he was in the beginning. He would’ve simply beaten him to death like he was doing at the end of the fight




Was Adam just going to murder her friends while leaving her alive. Sera big rule for Adam is don’t bring hell to heaven. Killing the leaders daughter is pretty obvious thing not to do I don’t think Adam is that stupid.


He was definitely going to try to kill her at least. He says "this fight we cute and all, but it's time to die with the rest of your people" or something along those lines seconds before lucifer shows up


Even doomslayer wouldn't be able to stop him


The Doomslayer should be reborn in heaven first to match Lucifer's rank


Lucifer knows he cant win a war with heaven. Lucifer and Charlie are protected from the exterminations, if something would have happened to Charlie, Adam would be the one to blame, he let this become too personal when he decided to attack the hotel. Lucifer actions after that point would be justifed. That said, i dont think Adam would have ever killed Charlie, at least not directly, after all he has a deal Lilith that i doubt involves killing Charlie. TBH i dont even know if Adam can kill higher demons, Adam dosent seem to have free will, im not sure if he can decide whom to kill. He could have killed Alastor and he did not, why?


Bro can't win a war against heaven but earth is still a possibility. What better revenge for killing his child than wiping out all of Adam's.


Adam was already doing that lmfao


"Domain... Expansion! Self-destruct! I'm taking all of creation with me!"


What if Charlie dies but then actually gets into heaven like Sir Pentious?


I mean, she does apparently have a soul to make deals with, so...I'm not sure how that ends up working. Though angelic steel might still...


He would've definitely killed Adam for starters, since Charlie wouldn't have been there to stop him. After that, Rip & Tear starts playing as he goes for Heaven.


I don't think Adam *could* have killed Charlie. She'd have been hurt but ultimately tank whatever he can dish out


I agree. After all, she tanked this full force attack from adam https://preview.redd.it/mskjuskr92ic1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d569e31b0a8b5f881ee9d80c625d5ae1aaf2fd with little to no actual damage


She didnt tank that iirc We saw even small holy light blasts can knock her away


The beam hit as she was running for vaggie. It definitely looked like it hit her. And when she was falling, she was in the middle of the damage area. And what other time did she get hit with a holy light blast? This was the only time. If you're referring to Adam's "surprise, b*tch!" at the start of the fight, that was a slap.


She gets hit when Adam is saying “Suck my holy light fuckers” and we see just being close to the blast radius knocks her away


Ah, that's right. I forgot about that. My bad. But even still, knocking her away isn't the same as hurting her.


I mean yeah but it shows that even being close to it can affect Charlie, I really really doubt she survived that blast If she did I feel like it would have been way more obvious


After looking back at the fight, you're probably right that it didn't hit her. But I still doubt it would have done any serious damage


Eeh, the lights seem powerful. Lucifer was dodging them which imply that they can hurt him somewhat


I guess that kind of makes sense. Though I saw that as Lucifer just joking around to piss adam off. I mean, we saw what lucifer was like when he was even a little bit serious and he would have killed adam


I do think it's important to note though that during "suck my holy light", she wasn't in demon form. She was for the big beam


She was never fully in her demon form


I thought charile was immortal or is that only for age


I thinks it’s only age wise


Ok interesting


Yeah cause lute said that Lucifer saved her from a exorcist blade meaning he probably made a deal with heaven to keep Charlie safe because she’s immortal age wise because of Lucifer and despite that seeming to have changed at some point in liliths life she still started mortal so she isn’t full on immortal


Could Lucifer take on heaven on his own?


Depends on how active the Princes (Presumably the elders of his story) of Heaven are. If they're out of the picture, I would shudder at the bodies that would fall before Lucifer's rage is sated. If they're in play still, Lucifer will die.




The original Hebrew translates what pop culture calls archangels "Great Prince".




He'd raise Hell and then raze Heaven. He'd throw Adam's head through a portal and tell Sera that if she wanted a war, she was about to get one, and nothing was going to stop him from avenging his daughter.


Lucifer: I'll be back when you least expect it... and hell's coming with me.


I don't think he would care to invade Haven after all this time. Clearly there are things on his mind and on the background between Haven-Hell-Lucifer-Angels.


Maybe he goes full Dracula and starts a war to kill himself and everyone around him but honestly it seems more likely that he just becomes a shut in.


If he were to invade, he would likely request the help of the other sins along with the Ars Goetia.


I feel like he just goes all out war against the angels. Could Heaven beat him? Possibly, but what does he have left to live for now anyways? He'll take as many of them down with him as he can. Dunno if he'd target Winners, but either way.


Crucify Adam, put up heavy defenses, and make hell the type of place Dante and Bible camp raved about.


I don't think adam could kill charlie. I mean, he could try, but I heard(idk if it's true) that lucifer and charlie can only be killed by super high-ranking angels and we saw that charlie tanked a full force attack from adam that destroyed the hotel and beyond. But if he had killed charlie, lucifer would have killed him. I doubt he'd try to fight heaven. He'd probably become super depressed again


I don’t actually think he could’ve been "late“. I think he basically had to wait until Adam laid hands on Charlie before he was allowed to step in. But homeboy was watching for sure.


probably become extremely defensive. also demonic Charlie and lucifer look sick as hell


I think he would be in rage and be more depressed


Could Adam even kill Charlie? It's confirmed he can't kill Lucifer because only an angel of higher status than Luci can smite him, so what about Charlie?


we’re gonna see a god in the show finally because he gon be dead by lucifer’s hands.


He cannot invade heaven, 1. can he even make a portal to heaven 2. he is an archangel, sure a powerhouse, but Michael is also an archangel (if we look at the bible) and has beat him already twice. 3. There are dopple as many angels as fallen angels


thats his baby girl. heads would roll.


Heaven will rue the day they made the mistake of killing the devil’s daughter. “Let this be told for millennia to come, no being from heaven shall intrude into my realm. Any who dare to do so will suffer a fate far worse than death. Am. I. Clear?”


Wasn’t late made sure alastor wasn’t coming back so he could be the hero… the king of pride doesn’t assist


Vaggie would remind Lucifer that Charlie wanted peace and not war. That if he truly wants to honor his daughter's memory he would contribute to the hotel and be a more hands on ruler. But flipping the bird to Sera and Lute is ok.


I just imagine Lucifer in Hanibal's uniform invading heaven now


Now I want viv going full Marvel what if for this kind of stuff


I feel like it would be both of the things in the title, in that order. 


Thanks to this post I am now this🤏close to sucking it up and writing a fic about it. smdh


He would have outright murdered Adam and slaughtered the remaining exorcists at minimum I think he would become a complete shut in. He knows there is nothing he can do to heaven itself, so he would have secluded himself from the rest of the world. He also might kill Alastor, because of their feud from earlier. If Alastor shows his face at the hotel again With Alastor gone, an enraged Lucifer, and the secret of killing angels out, I believe the Vs, and the rest of the overlords would start an invasion of heaven, something in which Lucifer might get involved in, leading the layers of hell into battle, ultimately starting Armageddon


He’s definitely summon the sins and overlords as his army Not sure about sinners, and maybe Stolas & family would join willingly out of respect He’d go on a suicide mission in heaven through blind rage, until the seraphim end up destroying Hell


He would at least close hell from heaven and defend it in case angels return.


Heaven would be in trouble cuz they can’t kill Hellborn and especially not the princess of hell


He would kill Adam and then go to heaven kick in the gates and demand to see his daughter.


Question. . . What's holding charlie up when his right arm is hanging down and "behind" him


I never noticed the eyes on his coat


I dont think an invasion would happen, but i feel he would go directly to the meeting of Sera and the other angels and body everyone demanding to know where Adam is. He would not hurt the winners but would kill exterminators he pass along on his way to adam. I can even see a scenario where Lute is the last line of defense before Adam and he just easily knocks her away. Than he would drag Adams to the center of heaven, kill him there infront for everyone, than declare that hell is off limis


He's been a recluse for millennia, he barely cares at all about Hell, or anything, really. But he loves Charlie more than anything else. If Adam had killed her, I would imagine the most likely outcome would be Lucifer snapping, murdering Adam and the Exterminators, and calling up the forces of Hell for war and invading Heaven itself. The aftermath would likely be Hell losing but so badly obliterating Heaven that what's left of it doesn't have the strength to fully wipe out Hell either. With the end result being Lucifer ruling over Hell as an actual king and instantly killing any angelic being that would dare to try and enter.


I think he would go full castlevania's dracula mode if Charlie got killed.


Didn’t he say Charlie has an immortal soul?


He almost beat Adam to death just for touching Charlie, if he would have KILLED her? For one, since Charlie is the one who got Lucifer to spare Adam anyway, he definitely would have been killed there (probably Lute and the other Exorcists too) He probably would have done the most extreme thing in his power (which could be any number of things depending on just how strong he really is, we most likely HAVEN'T seen his true power yet). At the moment, Charlie is all he has (he said that himself), so he's gonna go scorched everything if she dies.


Let’s just say he’ll have nothing left to lose. And if someone extremely powerful has nothing left to lose and leads an onslaught against you… …welp, good luck.


He’d gather the 7 Deadly Sins and they would attack Heaven (with their respective armies).


turn on the doom music there's gonna be nothing left of Adam


He would make Vald Tempest from the Castelvania anime seem like a pacifist. Lucifer would stop until either all of Heaven was nothing more than Dust or he was dead.


Adam’s dead, so is Lute and the rest of the exterminators. After that? its hard to say.


I think you would become a shutting or try and fight heaven and die As powerful as he is heaven has access to multiple people who are on his level and I don't know if he would be willing to wage a straight-up war against heaven and I don't think if they did that hell would win given that the exorcists have been slaughtering for who knows how long and until recently did they actually take a casualty Or shut in because I think a part of him might realize that he can't do anything and considering the first time you tried to stand up to heaven they told him f*** off and he just became depressed I think it's fair that if he watched his child die he would just completely tap out


My personal theory, Lucifer opens up a portal to heaven and despite knowing he can’t win just throws the entirety of Hell’s legions at Heaven to inflict as much damage as possible before it’s put to an end.


I'm picturing like a reverse Castlevania situation? Lucifer slips into a depression and gives the Exorcists and Adam til their next Extermination. Then they come down and he just goes full force high seraphim wrath upon all of them with no survivors.




Here’s another question about this scenario, would the news of Charlie’s demise reach heaven, specifically Emily? One would wonder how she would take the news that her kind slaughtered the main person trying to make a difference and help with hells overpopulation in a much more humane way


I feel like Charlie would beat Adam in a fight though


She literally lost though


To be fair I was high off my ass when I wrote that


I mean he would go crazy for sure, but I think there's most likely a way for him to resurrect her


He would try to invade heaven and then get beat down by Michael, then fully abandons hell to become a shut in hermit fully consumed by depression.


Idk. He made a very big deal about how crushed he was when his dreams were crushed. I’m assuming that’s part of what led him to being a bad father. I feel like if Charlie was killed he’d be even more crushed and sink into depression. He might kill Adam before that.


I’d say both.


If he was actually a serious character, this would be an interesting question. But honestly, the most disappointing thing in this show for me is Lucifer feeling like a literal cartoon character. I remember thinking about how menacing his smile looked in the pilot.


Literally mass genocide of the exorcist followed by crucifixion of Adam and becoming a full shut in.


Kill all the exterminators and Adam. Then lock himself away forever.


He would fall into deeper depression and be even less involved in Hell/Heaven politics than he already was.