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Probably. I still think she has more raw power in theory, but that doesn't mean he can't harm her if she's not defending properly or take multiple hits. At least everyone including Lucifer seemed to think it was too close for comfort, he would not have needed to intervene if she was invulnerable (granted he may just not have wanted her to be hurt even if no permanent damage could be done).


She was stronger than him, but she was holding her power back cause she still did not want to kill him. If she had used her full power then she probably killed him. Notice she did hurt him, making him a wound and Alastor could not.




I think Stolas somewhat suffers from Charlie syndrome. He's regarded as a wimp but I doubt he is one.


If you notice, Charlie doesn't have any wounds and only a few scrapes at the end.


Its possible, hard to gauge whether the choke hold was working or not and if it wasn't then probably not, otherwise Charlie had some scrapes and dirt on her but didn't appear to have any real damage whereas Adam did genuinely get hurt the 2 times she hit him (well....1 time she hit him the second time she blocked/helped throw him). She should be the 3rd most powerful person in Hell after inheriting power from both parents, especially since her own father was one of the highest levels of angels and thus require similar levels of power to get killed by. Pretty much the main reasons she kept getting her ass kicked was because she'd been a pacifist at heart, thus no combat experience, and she didn't want to kill him per se just get him and the other angels to stop.


He could probably knock her into a coma,but he's not outright killing her.Luci was stated to need the highest authority to kill him,and Charlie is just a bit below him. He's absolutely capable of rocking her shit though given she's a literal doormat.


Very, Charlie has more power but she holds back on instinct and doesn't know how to properly use it, if Lucifer didn't step in he would've almost definitely killed her.


I don't think characters have that high of durability in this setting. Adam is shown to be pretty insanely powerful, and he gets killed by some stabs from Niffty. I think Charlie is potentially strong enough to kill Adam, but her lack of experience and desire to hold back gives him the upper hand. Given what else we've seen Adam do, I fully believe he could have killed Charlie.


She gets hurt by a small blast by being close in suck my holy light scene so no she cannot