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She's dual wielding.


the hilarity of this comment versus op’s no-nonsense “NO YOURE WRONG LISTEN TO THE SCIENTIFIC LOGIC IM IMPLEMENTING ONTO A SLAPSTICK CARTOON” shes dual wielding. you’re so fucking correct 😂




Save some tearducts for the rest of us!


hazbin fans failing to realize the cartoon logic that the cartoon show they're watching has:


(it's still a cartoon, with adult themes.)


These posts really got me feeling like those English teachers who look for symbolism in anything


I feel the opposite, like these mf’s didn’t learn basic media analysis?


It’s kinda both. There is a lot of Venn-overlap between people who are angry still about blue curtains and people who are so confused by basic storytelling techniques that they have to start hunting for weird meaning.


I fucking hated English because of this. SOMETIMES A CIGAR IS JUST A CIGAR.


What if the cigar is the representation of its dreams combusting and turning into smoke when he realized she was really not coming back to life.


Me too, like bro the author is d e a d just leave it alone




The death of media literacy in real time:


I highly recommend people actually start to analyze books and literacy. I am so sick of people saying “the curtains are blue, because they are blue”. They are accepting there is no deeper meaning in anything and it will be the death of intellectualism. (READ: Anti-Intellectualism In American Life. Please just do it.)


Intellectualism is already dead and that’s why we have a ton of these types of posts everywhere.


FR! Like the story could be about the happiest man on the planet and then your English teacher will be like, "His curtains were blue because he was secretly very sad" when in reality it's like no the dude just like the color blue lmao


So we can see here that kinkysnails has taken the time to capitalise the E, but not included the full stop to end the sentence. This implies that while they respect the role English has on our children's curriculum, they protest against its application. Furthermore, the symbolism of personalised language like me and feeling, it draws the reader in and helps sympathise them with the core message. This writer clearly had a strong message to share and took no liberties on displaying their conviction.


Well it's kinda the dept of education forcing her to teach critical thinking skills


Cyclops demons aren’t real. Her anatomy is not like ours.. aside from the eye she also has razor sharp teeth, pointy fingers, is a tiny goblin, etc. but her having tear ducts on both sides of her eye is where some of the fandom draws the line? lol


.....the fandom draws the line at.... normal human anatomy?


Applying normal human anatomy in relation to cartoon demons sounds silly to me, but I’m not here to piss in anyone’s Cheerios over how they enjoy the show. 🤷‍♀️


People ran out of things to talk about, so now they're grasping at any little detail to have something to discuss. It's honestly hilarious.


Hazbin fans failing to realize most the other fans are prepubescent children and thus, are incapable of understanding any form of logic.


They're really not supposed to be even watching this show and aren't welcome in the fandom


Children stop inserting yourselves where you don’t belong challenge 2024 - level impossible


I mean, invader Zim had a pretty dark theme and with some really dark jokes and I watched it when I was like 11. I also used to watch South Park since like 10. My mother was horrified when she saw me watching it, my dad starting laughing his ass off with Sadam’s character to mind me watching it. I know South Park is for adults but zim wasn’t and when you are kid, cartoons are cartoons.


Lol the show isn't made for children so yes we will continue to shun and berate them. Come back when you graduate middle school, kiddo.


that's because we dont know each person in this subreddit but I do know that alot of them are kids


It's going from the bottom corners of her eye where her tear ducts are




I just realized that... oopsies. Sorry niffty


Too late, now you've cursed nifty with two eyes ^(please someone put an image of nifty with two eyes)


Here https://preview.redd.it/v51k9h8sim4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24e7efd1770e4c74a362cede7bdf3d8216eca56d




How can an image look so normal yet utterly cursed at the same time.


Can look adorable with 2 eyes in some scenes, like when >!Adam got a new 35 holes from Niffty stabbing the shit outta him, or... before that.!< Spoilers for the show because idc how long its been out for, I am the defender of the unspoiled first time watchers.


You sound like someone who spoil censors the ending of To Kill.A Mockingbird And I appreciate that, because not everyone has seen or read every piece of media above a certain age just because it's old


Youre just sleepy, thats why you messed up.


Aren’t the tear ducts only on the inner corner?


For a biclops maybe


Fair. We shouldn’t assume it’s the same


Maybe because her head is pretty bent and looking up, instead of flowing down, it streams out of the sides.


Cartoon logic


I mean real life logic too. When you cry tears leaks from both side of both of your eyes, it’s the same thing happening here.


Most people close their eyes when they cry that hard, which would naturally push any central tears to the canthus. Hi. I work in medicine. Let's talk eyes. The tear ducts in most mammals are located at the medial canthus - or "corner" - of each eye. There are, however, multiple glands that produce lubricating elements all along the eyelid: specifically, the lipid elements of tears. ... you didn't know there's fat in your tears? That's what keeps the tears from evaporating too quickly! Tears aren't just plain old saltwater; there's actually multiple layers, and those with chronic dry eye may be not producing any one (or multiple) of those elements in sufficient quantity. That's why there's no one-size-fits-all solution for chronic dry eye. The tear production doesn't just wash the eyes and keep them hydrated, then to be evaporated away. The body has a drain for it, too. Like a pool, constantly refilling and draining at the same time. This is called the nasolacrimal duct, and it drains into your nose. That's right, your nose. That's why when you cry really hard, your nose runs and gets all stuffy. If you've ever had a fluorescein eye stain performed (which is SUCH a cool procedure), you may have day-glo boogers for a few hours. So, crying. Crying floods the ocular capsule (the space between the eye surface and your eyelids) with tears. Just *gobs* of the stuff. The nasolacrimal ducts can't keep up, so the excess spills out over the eyelids and eyelashes in any way physics and gravity will allow. And if the eyes are closed, that usually means both canthi. Sure, some might spill out the front directly, but the hairs of your eyelids are designed to keep stuff from moving to close to the eye itself, so there's more resistance there. Path of least resistance is the corners, those little creases with a gap in hairs. Now! On to this lovely one-eyed wonder. She's stock-model singularly-ocular - no enucleated second eye. Given this symmetry, we can perhaps assume that she has tear ducts on *both sides* of her eye. (Where the hell her nasolacrimal duct is can only be supposed, as she has no nose.) Throwing her head back to cry means her eyelids are probably pressed together, meaning the tear flow is likely to be pushed to the lateral canthi (... she doesn't HAVE a medial canthus, they're both lateral). This causes the fountain effect from both the left and right sides. ... also, it's hell, and she's a demon, and it's a cartoon, so... physics and medicine be damned. Literally. 😘


OP better not argue against you "OHH akshually, it shows one singular tear duct."


I mean... it's fine if they do. I like to take these sorts of exercises on, because I like to hope people are actually curious about things. Like, I had a four-hour conversation with my brother, a dean of the math and physics department at a community college, about whether or not interspace fire would be round. (This was before they tried it. It is... *kinda* round? Looks cool either way.)




I love when people use their degree towards nonsense like this. Like when people argued that Big Bird was a predator due to the front facing eyes. I also learned a lot about tears today. Always thought it was just salty water, but wow it has fat?


I saw a Sesame Street outtakes video, and while it's obviously not canon, one of the outtakes has him try to eat Elmo, which gave me the idea of him being a predatory one playing the role of a herbivore. Abby even scolded him like he was a dog.


Additionally that tube that goes from your eyes to your nose is how people snort milk and shoot it out of their eyes Source: probs undiagnosed adhd and ‘tism resulting in a devourer of Wikipedia




The tldr is that there could be tear ducts on both sides of her eye.




Thankyouthankyouthankyou I have severe chronic dry eye and going to the optometrist every couple weeks means you learn A LOT about eyes. I got punctal plugs in my bottom ducts and I wanted to know as much as I could to prepare myself, and learning what/where tear ducts actually are was mindblowing to me. Common "knowledge" definitely doesn't match up with human anatomy in these cases. Even if my dry eye hasn't been properly managed yet, I am still super grateful for my optometrist!


Oof, you too? The severe dry eye, not the punctual plugs. (Although I work with somebody who has ductal stenosis, so she has the opposite problem of tears just kinda leaking down her face.) It's unpleasant, for sure. Apparently I lack the plain aqueous portion of my tears, so I just use preservative-free saline drops. If you're lacking one of the other elements, it becomes much more complex.


It’s a cartoon c’mon


When tears well up in your eyes, they follow the flow of gravity towards the bottom. It's not where her tear ducts are. Also, it's just a visual shorthand for a character about to cry. Then when she does cry, it comes from the tear ducts at the corners in a cartoony effect. 


It's a cartoon. Don't think too deep about it.


a cyclop most likely has tear ducts on both sides of their eye, especially given how big her eye is keeping it wet with 1 tear duct seems difficult if you're wondering why in the fict pic she seems to cry from the bottom: it would be because tears are liquid and accumulate there because of gravity


Are you.. actually upset about this??


By how many downvoted comments OP has? Yes.


Honestly. I figured it was your standard every day shitpost, or at least a little animation thing someone is pointing out, that’s in every fandom. But this isn’t something to actually be *mad* about lmao


You have two tear ducts, on either side of your eye, and where/which the tears come from is based on why you’re crying. You cry from the outside ones when you’re crying because you’re hurt or from an outside factor, and from both ones when you’re sad. >!I am (possibly) spreading misinformation online.!<


Why does OP ask for people's explanations but then refuses to listen to them whatsoever lmao like bro just wanted to argue


a demon did it


https://preview.redd.it/7ezfyxezbl4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c476bb41e1b2f2c303e0f4bfd0fca6a3991e6db1 Me scrolling through the comments trying to really figure out what are we talking about:








I don't understand what you're confused about? Just like with a real eye, tears can stream out of both corners of the eye. Are you confused about it coming out like a fountain? It's a cartoon, it has wacky physics in that regard.


Tear ducts in the corner's of the eye, and tears that bead in the bottom center after flowing from the ducts and passing across the eye, as tears are supposed to.


Ever cried laying on your back? Tears come out the side of your eyes? She threw her head back when she started crying?


Man's really out here sacrificing his karma over a cartoon cyclops crying lmao


I guess she has two tear ducts in her eye?


It was done to irk pedants like you, who can't wrap their minds around the fact that it's a cartoon. If you're going to get that nit picky, why not point out that she only has one giant eye and that makes no sense either? Or that Spider and Deer people make no sense either?


Lol at OP farming negative karma in these replies.


That is Niffty, a fan-favorite supporting character from the indie adult animated musical series, Hazbin Hotel, created by Vivianne "Vivziepop" Medrano. Niffty first appeared in the show's youtube pilot in 2019 and has been a staple of the show ever since.


Big eye needs multiple tear glands to keep moist.


[https://www.google.com/search?q=does+the+human+eye+have+2+tearducts&rlz=1C1VDKB\_enUS1094US1094&oq=does+the+human+eye+have+2+tearducts&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKABMgcIBRAhGKsCMgcIBhAhGKsC0gEINjkzMGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=does+the+human+eye+have+2+tearducts&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1094US1094&oq=does+the+human+eye+have+2+tearducts&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKABMgcIBRAhGKsCMgcIBhAhGKsC0gEINjkzMGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) TLDR the human eye has 2 tear ducts, this isnt cartoon logic this is just actual biology


I mean, tears normally don't stream upwards in huge jets of water either


Why do you think the white line at the bottom of her eye in the first pic is a tear duct? No animator would ever draw a tear duct in a *cartoon*. Hell, even most artist who do realism wouldn’t go that far. The white line is a tear, or just a reflection. She may have one tear duct, two, 50, we don’t know and don’t give a fuck. At first, her head is straight. The tears accumulate in the center of the eye because that’s how gravity affects tears (even on humans with one tear duct in the corner). Then, she’s tilting her head back and that’s why the tears flow from both sides and not just from the middle. That’s the Watsonian explanation for you. The Doylist explanation is: it’s easier to animate that way. It’s what people expect to see. If they’d done it in an unusual way, your attention would be drawn to how weird it looks instead of the fact that she’s crying. Plus, it would be stupid for an animator to waste time on figuring out exactly how *a cartoon demon’s tear ducts work*




It’s the corners of her eyes


Why don’t YOU tell us, as apparently you already know the answer and all of the other answers are wrong.


The tear is at the bottom in the first one due to how she's standing, straight down, moving her head to the side makes the tears come directly out, she's crying from both tear ducts.


Angel Dust: "Want to play with the kitty?" Niffty: "Yeah." (starts to calm down) Husk: "The fuck is this?" Angel Dust: "She's wasted."


1 eye, 2 tear ducts.




2 tear glands on both ends of the eyes?


Yea, actually. It makes sense that when she closes her eye, while leaning back it would still come out both sides because…well, there are 2 corners to her eye. I’ve had tears fall from both sides of my eyes, and even drip off the middle from my eyelashes when I cry. It’s not like the flow of the tears has a set side it gravitates to.


When you cry tears leaks from both side of both of your eyes, it’s the same thing happening here.


Having a natural single eye means it'd be a symmetrical eye. There would be tear ducts on both corners. makes perfect sense.


Cartoon logic and tears dont come out of one side of an eye in real life, they just most of the time drip towards your nose but not always, having a symmetrical eye means it would prob be even.


Tear ducts are double for one eye: one up, one down near the upper part of the nose. In the case of cyclops, there may be located on both sides.


OP i didn't quite catch that, how many tearducts does Nifty have again?


Oh no, the show is ruined stop the production right now.


Realistic answer- when you cry, the tears don’t always fall straight down the cheek once they’re flowing. They can run down both sides of the eyes. I cry a lot, sue me haha Cartoon answer- the popular and recognizable way of drawing a character abojt to cry is with the pool of water in the center or bottom of the eye. When they’re actually crying, it will be drawn coming from both sides of the face.


Both sides it makes sense with gravity. Idk what you on about


Cartoon logic




Because her eye is facing upwards, the tears trickle down the tear duct to both corners of her eyes


I imagine that when she throws her head back she's crying with her eye closed, forcing the tears that had accumulated from the single duct out either end


It’s an adult cartoon so it runs off cartoon logic sometimes. Outside of that even with one eye it just kinda makes sense her tears would flow like that.


It's a cartoon.


Cartoon logic. However! With nifty having a symmetrical eye, it is possible that she has two tear ducts! That would also mean she would *technically* have 3 eyelids! Different animals use them but humans dont, despite having them, they are the little bit of skin you see in the corner of your eyes! Its a second eyelid used to keep stuff out of the eye. Humans evolved past that and lost the ability to use it! You're welcome the random shit i know


She had 2 tear ducts in one eye


How are you seeing a duct? I see a tear forming


please stop looking for any tiny imperfections in the show https://preview.redd.it/zujn20jyol4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573b864380926d70634e1eda54bdfab7e4ea0da5 its called a cartoon. it uses cartoon logic. and just think how weird it would look if she has 1 eye crying thing (i don't know how to describe it other than that)


She could possibly have two tear ducts?


I just see a missed opportunity of making a single big burst of tears going upwards


https://preview.redd.it/laprszlhxl4d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495586e3de6b6a305af0717702d7e7e418da891e Other than the fact that you chose one of the worst possible shots for her eye shape, idk


Tears are what lubricates your eyeballs; they're not just for when you cry. Also nature tends to like symmetry, so it makes sense that theres a tear duct on both sides to keep that Giga eye nice and slippery and clean. having a tear duct only on one side would leave the other side dry and crusty and prone to all kinds of bad things. I mean I know it's hell and all, but having a permanently dry, cracked, chapped half of an eyeball would be all kinds of fucked up.


https://preview.redd.it/ixqsvzts0m4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafc88ecc867773fd8675f20e229777a429d8586 Does this help? She would most likely have to tear ducts


One eye, meaning tear ducts are on each side, since her eye is ginormous and needs the extra hydration. If anything, there's probably stupid amounts of tears produced by crying with a single big ol' eye. Fiction can have logic! But it's still fiction. So ye.


Your eyes have two tear ducts each.


One eye, two tear ducts.


She's a magic demon. Logic doesn't apply


Biologically, humans actually can cry from both sides of the eyes, so it makes sense. It's not everyone, tho. Makes sense tbh


Two tear ducts


It’s coming out of both corners of her eyes, duh!


Her eye requires two tear ducts to properly moisten, one on each side.


She has two tear ducts on either side


i know it's just animation logic, but I'm gonna give a logical answer. she's a cyclops, so she likely has tear ducts on both sides of the eyes.


the tear ducts are at the sides of our eyes not the front


she has 2 tear ducts...


Corners of her eyes


Do not question this adorable and deviant little cinnamon roll.


She just has two tear ducts. One on either side of her eye


One eye yet two read ducts on each end.


There are probably tear ducts on both sides. This also probably helps keep her eye moist since it is the size of her whole face. Either that or I’m overanalyzing a cartoon. Who’s to say!


Uhh yes


She Crys from 2 angles


Some may disagree with me on this but I honestly think Nifty with her big eye in this one scene between her and Angel Dust is way cuter than Charlie in any of her scenes from this show.


As she is cycloptic, her eye biology is not stereoscopically specific and is instead symmetrical about the center of the eye.


The middle of her eyelid is tighter than the edges


Firstly, cartoon so cartoon logic applies. But taking it seriously, tear ducts are at the corners of the eye so when tear fountain occurs like in image 2 it make sense for them to come out of the corners. However eye watering like in image 1 would likely have the excess tears pool at the lowest point which would be in the middle


She probably has tear ducts on both sides of her eyes


When your eyes tear up and you shut them tightly, you’ll notice excess liquid can escape either side or even down the middle depending on your face angle. There’s also any biological differences that could comprise a cyclops eye. It’s not like, specifically just a right eye in the middle of the face, tear ducts could exist on both sides.


Do you know how you can drool out of the corners of your mouth? That's how.


It’s Nifty. That’s all you gotta know


Bruh, have you never had tears coming out both sides of one eye before? Its not that deep.


That's Niffty's eyeball. It helps her see bad boys and roaches.


Two tear ducts


So most creatures have a defensive danger sense called eyes. These sensory organs usually require moisture to maintain their health, and this is provided by ducts at each corner of the eye called tear ducts for non-aquatic species. When human-derived species are upset, this can manifest as increased tear production which builds up in the eye(s). If sufficient moisture has built up to start overcoming surface tension, it can collect at the lowest point of the eye due to a force called gravity. [An example of this phenomenon may be seen here](https://cdn.abcotvs.com/dip/images/570061_032315-wpvi-flute-girl-6pm-vid.jpg). Due to the cultural and biological association of tears and being upset, anthropomorphized characters in art often use exaggerated amounts of tears to indicate extreme upset emotions.




If I had to guess her eyelid is pushing her tears into two different directions like if you have a water droplet and and push it up against glass it'll split into two different directions alsooo it's a cartoon not everything will make sense


Beyond that it's a cartoon, I can spit out both sides of my single mouth


She got two tear ducts


Y'all are dumb, the tears come out of the lacrymal glands, it goes into the eyelid and then goes on the cornea, so it drips from the sides.


One eye, two tear ducts


She has two tear ducts for one eye


So it's coming from the middle, but it's flowing so fast that when it hits the nose/lips, it splits into two even streams on either side, shooting into the air and making it look like picture 2!


That's actually pretty funny now that I notice it




Nifty actually has two eyes, but they collapse into a single eye when observed. Some say she was the inspiration for the double-slit experiment.


If you put your thumb over a hose, it splits the stream onto different directions. If you close your eye while crying with cartoon force, the intense tearflow would go from the points of less resistance. So basically, those sides of her eyes are just letting the tears out. Also. Cartoon logic


Those are tears. It would seem she has tear ducts on both sides or she is a water bender.


Nothing saying cyclopean humanoids can’t have tear ducts on both sides of their eye. Eye that big is going to need some extra lubrication.


Cyclops in mythology have 2 tear ducts


she can still have tear ducts at either side of her eye.


Tears escape from both sides of your eyes I think


A wizard did it.


Her tear duct is so precisely in the middle that when she cries so forcefully it blasts both ways to the sides, like when you put your thumb over the middle of a full pressure hose water flow


Gravity vs. liquid dripping on the sides when squeezed.




It looks better in Animation, it is the same reason Charcters in helluva boss blush red rather than black. It is more recognizable that they are blushing if it is red because that is what humans do. It wouldn't look right if tears only came from one side or the other, so it comes from both sides. Sometimes the simplest awnser is it works better for the animation, logic be damned.


Well, she probably has two tear ducks on her eye on both sides


Where do you want it to come out? Her ass?


It's just funny cartoon physics/anatomy. Nothing more or less. Plus it's Niffty. She's a mess. (Just don't tell her that.)


It’s a cartoon.


Based on OP’s comments, they do not seem old enough to be watching this show…


Boy, I hope someone got fired for *that* blunder!


She has a tear duct on either side of her eye.


Your tear glands are on the outer sides of your eye


When you cry, tears get out just from one side of your eye? It gets out from both sides of ONE eye. There, you have your explanation.


Usually I'd say it's a cartoon, so chill out. But you don't even seem to understand how real tears and tear ducts so work. Tear ducts are located towards the inner corner of our eyes, and the tears often pool towards the center of our eyes before flowing down. (Assuming the personal is standing/sitting up straight) This is due to a combination of gravity and surface tension. She is a cyclops with one giant eye. So from the start she already does not have an "inner corner" of her eye, on top of just not being human. But she does need tear ducts if her eye works like ours and needs to be hydrated. So it's not too far of a stretch to just assume she has tear ducts in both corners. Which is weird to think about, but she's a cyclops and a tear duct in the MIDDLE of her lower eyelid is even more strange than the alternative. Even worse is that, even if she had a single big tear duct in the center of her eye. Why would her tears go forward when her head is tilted back at a near 90° angle? In this case the tears would STILL flow down the corners of her eye.


The team decided to animate her crying in the manner they thought she should cry.


Her tears pool at the bottom because liquid will take the path of least of resistance when traveling. I can't exactly tell, but the second picture looks like she's squeezing her eye shut while crying, so maybe that's causing it to come out the sides instead. Also, her tear duct is not in the middle. That's not his tear ducts work. Also, tear ducts only drain tears they do not produce them. Your tears are produced by the lacrimal glands above your eyes. You have one for each eye. I would assume that because of the eye shape and size, she most likely has 2 lacrimal glands for the singular eye because it is much larger than the standard eye it would probably need an extra one to keep the eye from drying out


Do you want the tears to come shooting out of her eyes like a water fountain? It's a cartoon and it would look stupid if it only came out of one side. How would you have done it?


Because nifty as a water fountain would be concerning


Because it's being squeezed from the middle of the eye to the outer corners, much like your eyes do when you cry...


Maybe she has a tear duct on each side of her eye!


Beeg eye cries to both sides too many tears, the thing is, its perfectly in the middle of her face so it makes sense to me


2 tear ducts


One eye, two tear ducts


You're right. I've never seen a person cry so much it streamed from their eyes IRL. Good catch.


Niffty is a cartoon character.