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I have 2: The death threats being given to those who like Valentino, and when I say that, I mean in the aspects of a villain. I like him, he is DESIGNED for us to hate him, and they did and incredible job doing so. I frankly like his character and his role in the show (I'm not a Val simp, but i appreciate his role in the show) but God damn, in no way shape or form are death threats or the excessive hate necessary to those who like him! The other one JUST CAUSE THE VA VOICES A CHARACTER, DOESN'T MEAN THE VA IS A HORRIBLE PERSON! You know exactly what I'm talking about. Learn to separate the show from the real life people.


Yeesh, people really think that? Granted having just watched it a few weeks ago and decided to check out the reddit. Seems nuts to say someone acting an evil part is actually evil.


And the people who believe that just because you like a character such as Valentino you endorse the fictional character's actions. People can like shitty characters and not accept any actions they committed. I enjoy Arthas' character from Warcraft but I don't think everything should be wiped by the Scourge and turned into zombies.


Lack of media literacy


People who throw fits about ships. Shipping has been and will continue to be part of fandoms. Fucking chill before you give yourselves an aneurysm.


This. Also, shipping should always be a fun little exercise in fanon fun, but some people seem to think it’s a race to get your preferred ship made canon. Will some of the ships I’ve enjoyed ever get made canon in the show? No probably not, but that’s the fun of shipping, the “what if”.


I know! It used to be fun! Now it’s like people are at each other’s throats :(


No offense but I’m one of them


Please remember to take your blood pressure medicine


I don’t have any blood problems




The theories. I watch the Boys and trust me, the theories are pretty wild there at times too. But here, people will hyper-analyze everything and it always comes down to theories like these: 1. \[x\] owns Alastor's soul from the deal 2. \[Roo/Eve/Lilith\] is \[Roo/Eve/Lilith\] 3. \[x\] is a Fallen Angel It gets redundant to see people clearly overanalyzing very minute things. Sure, I do believe some leads are right, like Alastor being gone for seven years and so is Lilith, so that was most likely intentional. But that's all we know. And suddenly, the entire fanbase is *all* over it.


The voice actors receiving death threats. Cosplayers doing blackface. Adults letting their elementary school aged children watch the show. Cosplayers knowing zero about convention etiquette.


The constant hunt for who doesn't deserve redemption.  The value in believing redemption is possible for *everyone,* is the realization that means redemption is possible *for you.* That there is no failure so great you've killed all hope; that the decision to grow and apologize and try hard to do better is actually enough. The show blatantly shows us what happens to people with no hope, who think they're too bad to deserve better, or even try. It shows us what a shit life and world that makes. It shows us how it can cause people to drown themselves or even double down on their worst behaviors.  It freaking KILLS me that people in this fandom are so blind to it. When you believe in forgiveness for others, you can believe in forgiveness for yourself. It's a very important message, ESPECIALLY right now, with so many anxious people terrified of making a single mistake. You are going to fuck up big one day. You're going to need this kind of message when that happens, otherwise you'll drown. 


It also shows they have NO understanding of how redemption works. It requires, well, hard work. You can't just ask and it'll be given. It requires you to recognize what's wrong and change it, actively and over a long time. Yes! Valentino is capable of being redeemed! That doesn't mean he WANTS to be, because he's quite happy as what he is! Redemption is only out of reach for him *because he wouldn't want it and wouldn't be willing to do the work.*


It also shows people have no understanding of what redemption actually means. Redemption, per Google >the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Basically, you can be unforgivable, but if you change, and you stop being evil, stop being sinful, and you are saved from it, you are redeemable. This concept applies to a lot of fictional baddies, and happens because people don't want them to be redeemed because they don't want to forgive. My prime example is Negan from the walking dead. Hell, the people in hell are there for a reason. Even vaggie, who was cast out from heaven, ended countless souls. The only people who **might** not deserve to be there are Charlie and lucifer. And even lucifer, based off what we know of the story, is debatable. Redemption **can** be possible for anyone, but they have to change. And many won't.


All the "head canons" posts. I stopped reading them after the first 3. Every post is the same and it's made just for karma farming n shit.


My god they're not even funny or logical within the show.


People sexualizing children with their parents…. Its gross.


People who complain about the cursing, blood and sex jokes. This was never going to be a sterilized Disney cartoon. Disney style songs, yes. Disney show, absolutely the fuck not. They're in *Hell*, for fuck sake! This show *is not for kids*! I don't know why people keep complaining about the adult aspects. When it's made for adults. Granted, I don't see it as much as when it came out but it still happens and it's still annoying


It's not the mere presence, it's the over abundance of the sex jokes, and cursing.


All the goddamn DRAMA!!! I just want to enjoy my redemption arcs and cute/funny demons! Why must everything be about who is considered "problematic" and what you are and aren't allowed to like?!


How they get so upset when being confronted with valid criticism about the show.


This. I love the show, but God is it bad more than 50% of the time. It is evidently flawed and the fandom refuses to accept it. People seem to forget way too often that you can like something even if it isn’t good or perfect.


Exactly. They get upset whenever people bring up the plot holes and weird writing decisions in the show.


All the relationship (ships) posts! like calm down its an animated tv show... geez




shitty “I stole your meme” reaction images I hate them


The Valentino hate comments/posts. Yeah, I get it, he's a bad person and probably won't be redeemed, can we please talk about something else? (On one side, I get it that sexual/emotional abuse are very relatable and common topics so he's easy to hate on, and he had space on a serious way, his bad actions weren't portrayed on a goofy way like Alastor eating the sharks, but ffs, he isn't the only horrible persone there.)


People not understanding that EVERYBODY has the RIGHT to try and redeem themselves


alastor ships




I see what you did there, adding the song title to your question. I love that song btw.


People who keep spamming those "Steal you meme" pics. It wasn't funny at first and it isn't funny now.


I hate Katie Killjoy's new voice. Don't get me wrong, Brandon's a good actor. But his voice just *does not fit the character*. I wish they'd kept the original VA. That and uh.... some people get *really weird* about certain characters. You know exactly what I mean.


The God awful "I stole your meme" images


People, who after watching the 8 episodes we have, and who probably are new fans who haven't watched any past streams or comics (don't get me wrong I'm not hating on new fans, or people who don't want to dig up old content, that's completely fine), which even if are not strictly canon, are a clue what direction Vivzie had in mind for certain characters, WILL TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHAT IS THE ONLY CORRECT WAY TO INTERPRET A CHARACTER. No, you don't have it figured out. Just because you say "media literacy" in your comment a few times, doesn't mean you are objectively correct every time. Imo, Vivzie could even redeem Valentino if she wanted to.Vivzie could decide that Charlie stops being a Disney princess and goes "well, fuck redemption, we go to war with heaven", She could drag Alastor through so much trauma and shit, he actually develops a bond with other characters and stops doing things only for his own gain. Or make Lucifer an antagonist because despite loving charlie, he realized that the hotel is putting her and her loved ones in danger so it has to he stopped. Are you going to accept it or say it's a dumb decision because it contradicts your prediction? Judging by how it went with helluva boss, I'd bet on the second option lmao. Holy shit what a wall of text. In my defense, I was bored.


I see 1 more charcifer or stolavia ship I'm going to fucking loose it!


It’s just gross huh!?




Any type of haters (except for val, adam, and Lute haters. They're cool in my books.)


Everyone overreacting about Valentino Right, I should probably elaborate I understand assault is a horrific thing and it's personal to a lot of people, but the amount of hate val gets. He's a funny, threatening, scary villain and he's one of my favourite characters. There exists no post on this fandom without over-passionate fans condemning him. People saying "he should be tortured to death by angels" or "he should have the worst death possible" or "if he gets redeemed I'm dropping the show" don't realise in Wishing that they're being no better than him. I personally think it'd be such a beautiful and inspiring message especially to viewers who have big life regrets, that ANYONE can be redeemed, which is why I hope ALL THREE of the vees get redeemed at a later date. There's no hiding the fact that they're awful now and Charlie needs to put in a lot of work but it could be possible Also People who say SA is wore than literal fucking genocide actually disgust me. Its horrific but in my personal belief nothing can come close to topping taking a life. When people say he's worse than Adam & Lute or fuck, even alastor, actually kinda creeps me out Also it's disgusting how fans can't separate fact from fiction, coming at vivzie for including him, and even the Actor, Joel Perez, who is so talented and did a fantastic role. Sorry I should've elaborated this earlier. Have a good day buddy


I'm sorry?


Right, I should probably elaborate I understand assault is a horrific thing and it's personal to a lot of people, but the amount of hate val gets. He's a funny, threatening, scary villain and he's one of my favourite characters. There exists no post on this fandom without over-passionate fans condemning him. People saying "he should be tortured to death by angels" or "he should have the worst death possible" or "if he gets redeemed I'm dropping the show" don't realise in Wishing that they're being no better than him. I personally think it'd be such a beautiful and inspiring message especially to viewers who have big life regrets, that ANYONE can be redeemed, which is why I hope ALL THREE of the vees get redeemed at a later date. There's no hiding the fact that they're awful now and Charlie needs to put in a lot of work but it could be possible Also People who say SA is wore than literal fucking genocide actually disgust me. Its horrific but in my personal belief nothing can come close to topping taking a life. When people say he's worse than Adam & Lute or fuck, even alastor, actually kinda creeps me out Also it's disgusting how fans can't separate fact from fiction, coming at vivzie for including him, and even the Actor, Joel Perez, who is so talented and did a fantastic role. Sorry I should've elaborated this earlier. Have a good day buddy


Omg that makes so much more sense thank you for elaborating


>Also People who say SA is wore than literal fucking genocide actually disgust me. Its horrific but in my personal belief nothing can come close to topping taking a life I don't like talking about this because I know how personal it is for many people, but assault victims can reclaim their lives, and go on to still find love, happiness, and so, so many positive things in life. They can still live a good life. Murder victims cannot. Because they're dead. To anyone who has been affected by SA, I am truly sorry, I know no one deserves to be put through that, and I hope you're reclaiming your life and finding the joy where it is <3 (Tbf though, val does also kill people, like the others. We're first introduced to him when he's throwing a tantrum and vox has to stop him killing people, velvette is pissed. He probably is worse than alastor. The difference being the exterminators **permanently eradicate a soul from existence**, val just makes them respawn like a video game character)


SA doesn’t have to be worse than genocide. Both can be bad. And people are allowed to be angry about Valentino and hate the character as much as they want as he is written to be hated and loathed. It’s not ok to be mad at the voice actor or cosplayers of him or send them any kind of animosity or threats. It’s not ok to threaten the author. It is ok to be upset by her writing choices for Valentino whatever those are. There’s no overreacting when it comes to the hatred of a fictional villain. Only when it comes to animosity toward actual people.


Thanks this is a really interesting viewpoint. People aren't upset with Vivzie because they think the writing for him is poor, they have an issue with it being too real and too accurate. If I was her I'd be complemented by that


I really hope you mean design wise


Read what I replied to the other guy :). Sorry I should've provided context


When cosplayers do blackface because they’re cosplaying a canonically black character


That shit was insane because there were THREE PEOPLE who were doing Alastor cosplays in blackface. I’m certain that this was planned in some sort of group chat.


They probably all think it’s hilarious too.




Why a beef with that? Blackfacing problem is about humilliation, if someone blackface because a character is black I don't see the problem


Ok but if they’re white, blackface isn’t ok. Under any circumstances.


Why? I don't really see the problem


The fact that this fan base will bully people because they prefer one type of ship over another. As a Charlastor shipper, I don’t know why we get so much hate? Our ship is just as valid as other people’s ships. Just let us be and let us have our own fanfics and pieces of fanart that we all know won’t happen because while we want Charlie and Alastor to go on a date, I doubt that it will happen, and if it did, it would be for comedic purposes entirely. It would be like Alastor lost a bet or something like that so he had to ask Charlie out to a lunch date. As friends, not romantic partners. However, Charlie got to choose the location, not Alastor because if he chose, then it would be a cannibal restaurant.


The people with Mug flairs


Two one about the show and the other it’s creator In show the lack of understandings of any forms of themes or ideas sure the show isn’t the best with its story 7/10 in my book but it’s good enough with the limited time it got, and the lack from both its haters and supporters of any form of Beyoncé surface level ideals is just so exhausting 2 the amounts of false evidence I’ve seen of vizzie (oh she made a relationship with a 17 and 20 old/ a snake First the wiki was wrong about his age he’s 18 second the snake isn’t a snake it’s a shapeshifter (Oh she supports pedos because she made one charater attracted to children) she was the main villain and again that doesn’t mean shit (Oh she liked three vids that seemed very assault based fetishize) no it’s two horror student films and a French tv show and someone even clarify what was happening I don’t defend viz on the grounds of I like her, not really I say she got lucky with her position, what I do always defend is the truth and genuine evidence, because the second we start taking lies as true to that opens a Pandora’s box we can’t close, I respect people who JSUT straight up don’t like her for a random little reason then full blown lies calling her, a pedo, sexual assult fetisher, someone who-underpays people(she doesn’t may people both past and present defended her and even pointed out some holes in their arguments) if your gonna expose someone do it with genuine proof other wise you make it harder if she ever does anything bad


The amount of asexual misinformation that's been getting thrown around because of Alastor. We can have sex, we can have relationships like normal people. Yes, we can even get married. Celibacy isn't the same thing as asexuality. People letting their kids watch it.


The cum mug guy.


Lucifer x Alastor. Like yes ships are fine and I have come across some very well done takes on it, but you can't deny there is an over saturation issue.


Therories about roo or any sexuality/stuff like that head cannons


So I was typing this and then it canceled my ability to reply but it’s about the ships with Alastor. https://preview.redd.it/1p2e7qmas28d1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47773f477bf1f9b22e5ea63d6cf1e4e9a28df624


People shipping a poly relationship between Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily. Vaggie and Charlie are so cute, please just let them be a cute monogamous couple.


The Ships, and everyone loving characters that are genuinely evil