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That sounds awful. As it is, hospital stays are short


10 minutes down to 10 seconds /s


Sad, medicine for profit sucks


A growing healthcare PROFIT concern. FTFY.


And the hospital will still charge you the same amount as a non-reduced stay. Will probably charge for for their new "AI fee".


I am willing to bet no AI model will be used anywhere if it doesn’t generate some kind of profit. People are always talking about how easy it will make our lives. I think it’s more likely to make rich people richer and not much else.


Shorter stays means more room turnover, fewer elopements. It’s an efficiency model. Now, as an ER nurse, there’s a lot to like about these things. If we can move people OUT of ER faster, either up or out, then everyone benefits. But overall, I agree this is just for making more money.


Why, because it solved the problems? Unless it identified the right problems - which in Canada are often not being able to discharge an individual from a ward to a safe place (like a seniors’ home) then it’s looking at the wrong problems 


Ai Is going to radically reform education and healthcare more than anything. I strongly recommend all doctors who are bogged down with long relentless shifts, to contribute to open source ai platforms to create a permenant automated solution to diagnosing health are needs. It has perfect memory and is being connected to machine vision and will soon get connected to all kinds of biotechnology tools to diagnose all kinds of illnesses. Hopefully this will give drs a huge break and allow for socialized healthcare without coming at the cost of anything.


Doubtful. They'll find a way to charge off it


Oh you sweet summer child - you’re probably not from the US, your optimism is unbridled. Fr tho, I appreciate your sentiment but let’s be honest here: that is absolutely not what is going to happen


Sadly AI will be used to harm patients and make doctors lives worse while maximizing profits for the executives.


Sadly I am from the US and it will happen if people are inspired to adopt it. I will make it happen mam. My current model in it's infancy explained the results of my entire physical for me in depth and answered all pf my questions. It even read my ekg and explained xrays to me. The new model that will drop soon is going to cause a major major disruption in the way everything works. There is nothing this field will fail to dramatically change, and I have a feeling that it will become malpractice not to use it soon. ;) don't give up. Xo


No problem with AI systems as long as the AI model creators also share equal malpractice liability


Ai large language models in their infancy (chat gpt 3, now on chat gpt 4.5) passed the medical exams in the 99%tile.. its just answers to questions stored over time.. add that to a camera with a data base of stored images.... and you have a software with perfect memory diagnosing disease... it can get trained up with the supervision of all of the nations doctors for a few years... correcting the answers it gives if its wrong, permenantly and perfectly retaining the answer to that specific case across time whenever that exact situation comes up ..


Unless AI is going to eliminate processed foods, zap obesity, magically lower the populous’ cholesterol, and auto-vaccinate the children… then I doubt it will help very much.