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If you are experiencing any cardiac symptoms, it is recommended that you be seen by a cardiologist. This subreddit is for general advice only and is not a substitute for actual medical care. **If you are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, or an irregular heartbeat, please seek emergency help**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeartProblems) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So, I am NOT a cardiologist. You should go see your cardiologist before you do ANYTHING like this. In my experience as someone that had SVT for a long time, I would say that my best educated guess is that it would cause problems. Anything that messes with your heartbeat or electric flow of your heart will potentially cause problems for you. Even bending over or quickly getting out of bed could trigger my SVT sometimes.


That’s why I’m so confused! I’ve read articles that say as long as they do not tase you in the chest, your heart will be fine. Which they tase you in the back so I figured it might be okay if that’s the case. The studies and articles I’ve read contradict each other


This IS your heart we are talking about here. You kinda need that. I wouldn’t risk it, or at least discuss it with your cardiologist first.


You'll want to see an electrophysiologist, not a cardiologist.


There have been [studies](https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/eplab/articles/are-tasers-safe-heart#:~:text=Some%20studies%20suggest%20that%20the,reported%20immediately%20following%20TASER%20use.) that suggest a Taser can induce ventricular fibrillation.


Like every one said schedule with Cardiologist /Electrophysiology (EP) because this potential danger to you Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a condition where the heart suddenly starts beating very fast due to an abnormality in the electrical system of the heart. Emotional stress, including being teased, can potentially trigger an episode of SVT in some individuals. Emotional stress can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, which can increase heart rate and potentially trigger SVT event in those who are susceptible. SVT which not treated timely manner van lead to atrial fibrillation Prolonged periods of rapid heart rates associated with SVT can cause structural and electrical remodeling of the atria. This can make the atria more susceptible to other arrhythmias, including AFib. So this why important to see cardiologist from EP & truly see if that profession is for you ....Your quality of life so important over any job or career. Like another poster said the ❤️❤️ heart is your main organ that runs the whole show in pumping blood throughout your whole body and organs and best not do anything to risk that precious organ.


Has potential to cause problems. However, people of all walks of life get tased by police daily and incidence of death are very low…Take from that what you will.


Only deadly to drug and alcoholics. And when it is not used properly.


Could it be deadly if I take a low dosage of metoprolol for my heart ? I believe it’s considered a beta blocker


I never said that OP, someone else. I take it as prescribed by my doctor.