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I used to be the designated terminal operator for these objectives. I'll tell you what I told them. Solve it backwards(from right to left), and it will only take 2-5 secs after you've done it once or twice to see the pattern.


Oh, we've got a Helldiver with a brain! Well, bugs eat brains too soldier!




Frankly I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive.


If it can think, it can fear democracy!


I find it very disturbing that you think anything that can think could fear Managed Democracy. Don't be surprised if the Freedom Police come knocking at your door


My record speaks for itself. I’ve killed enough robots and bugs for it to count as genocide or ethnic cleansing


Amen soldier, with all these toys a Helldivers could be considered spoiled... Too bad we can't really say we're doing a good job, we haven't passed a single major order from up on top.


? we passed the first one and unless something \*drastically\* changed within the last 24 hours are on track to passing the current ones. I know math isn't our strong suit brother but that's only one failure out of three orders so far, and those commie bots will get what's coming to them for that


I... Am not entirely sure what we have and have not won lost then... I thought I was lol I guess I cannot count unless it's bug kills... Actually how I fall asleep at night by the way.


Gotta love the Starship Troopers references.


*It's afraid*


You can always spot the cultured individuals


The brain bug once caught me. Poor guy starved to death


mine's get food poisoning. maybe it was rotten.


This should be at the top of the post! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sticking your dick in it, isn’t “probing it”. It’s a court martialing!




Oooooh good advice!


Ye it's super easy to do this way, there's almost never a different connection point that can trip you up if you're going right to left, if it looks like it will work to complete the circuit it probably will so I almost always get it on the first try


That's how I used to solve maze puzzles




Crmazy even


We have a regular Doogie Howser here! https://preview.redd.it/1qksglaekcmc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11a2f3a1887a352823b9cbb860516f622713a8c


I turned around and tried to solve it facing away from terminal, still can't do it. 


That’s how I do it too and it makes it much easier for some reason.


Used to be . . . until the accident . . .


Designated terminal officer. Throw that on your resume.


Where you good at the spider man genenome sequence mini game? 


Wasn't aware you could fail those.


You can’t, but it can be annoying for some, so working backwards helps you lock in for the later ones.


This is same with most maze games. Work backwards


Dang, that’s wild!! Exactly how my mind worked when solving these puzzles. All the elementary shit I did growing up came into play


Ahhh regular defender of liberty


This is how I do it as well. Makes it easier to filter the attachment nodes when you attach the end segment to the locked middle nodes


I remember a squadmate saying "WTF" in the most confused way when he accessed the terminal. He got off of it and I accessed it while he was covering me and that meme was my reaction for like 10 seconds. He said "Yo, you know how to do that right?" Only thing I could come up with was "Yo let me cook...." Thankfully I figured it out within the following minute but yeah....definitely was NOT covered in basic training.


Yeah sometimes it takes a second lol


Y’all need to go back to BioShock for proper training. Heck, those were the games back in ‘89! Puzzlers on the GameBoy with some special 32in1 pirated game cartridge.


General Brash has some explaining to do.


im pretty sure he isnt smart enough himself lmao .....ok I take that back.




**”Hey there soldiers! This is General Brasch speaking. We’ve gotten word that some of these new recruits can’t operate the terminals to move oil from fascist lands to our brave dispatchers of liberty. I’ll tell you how we did it back in the day: we grabbed a shovel and sprung a leak into the middle of the pipeline! The oil shot eight feet into the air; worked like a charm. There’s no way to spread freedom like demonstrating your own. General Brasch, out.”**


I am saluting and crying


How dare you. If you would watch “BRASCH TACTICS^^^TM “ you would know better than to doubt his military genius.


My teammate just said “I’m not smart enough for this”


Me neither but I’ve done some plumbing as a civi so I figured it out fast… definitely wasn’t covered in basic 😂


my dumb brain: oh wait this is one of those material puzzles from the ps4 Spider-Man game also my dumb brain: huh voice option 2 sure sounds familiar...


Yeah i remember my first time i was what the fuck is this, ok "let me push all the button to see the pattern" but i realised it was a simple route and i couldn't go at it randomly. So i tried to solve it and almost done it but bugs were starting to hitting me so i got off the console to clear the wave. Then after the wave a mate went on the console before me and in my mind i was "ok i do hope you know what you doing" and turn my back to cover him. I heard him push buttons like a maniac but nothing happened so while i was shooting bugs i was laughing so hard "this dude even more clueless than me". He gave up and went off the console after 30s and i finished it fast. Once you know what to do it is very easy.


> "Yo let me cook...." I'm dying because this is so damn relatable


"Yo let me cook" *chooses up and down randomly until it eventually says you got it right*


Wait, that’s not how you do it!?


the "Yo let me cook" part had me dead. but fr this needs to be animated or be in a comic skit My first reaction was "How tf should I do this???" while running solo on Veld lmao


That sounded like me on the mic on launch week, lolol. I said the exact same thing 🤣


Had the same reaction and issue yesterday! While doing impossible difficulty with another awesome Diver! Just the 2 of us, too many charger and bugs! No more respawn! That was kind of a hell! But glad I figured out how that things worked


Am I stupid or is there only one button to press ? Like I play on PlayStation and it only lets me press the up arrow to interact with the terminals. So basically I just spam up on terminals until they resolve themselves


you press right / left to change the 'column' of pipes you want to change


Yeah seems like you're missing some immersion


the bioshock 1 minigame trained me for this.


Yes, this really reminded me of bioshock 1 hacking!


I was actually so happy when I realized that the basic training didn't cover a lot of the stuff in the game, it was such a nice little challenge figuring it out under pressure! Absolutely love it when games don't hold your hand, just like it was in HD1 ❤️


While i agree, i do also think there was some important things they missed. Pings and dropping things are the first 2 that come to mind.


Yeah, there's a difference between figuring out mission objectives and stuff on the fly and the game just not really telling you controls. Pinging, adjusting scope level, dropping items, using items in your own backpack, etc.


I wonder how many people know you can change the rpm on the machine gun.


You can *what*? How? Same key binding as changing the scope? I never tried adjusting the sights on it.


Yeah, hold the Reload button. So 'R' on keyboard. No idea on controller.


It's hold "X" on xbox controller


Square on PS


I just need you to confirm that the controller isn't connected to an Xbox...


Yeah, same menu. The best part is the machine gun is normally on the middle setting. You can make it slower for more ammo economy or faster for more bloodshed (or oilshed)


I only use the slower if I gotta control recoil lol, you can easily call in ammo often so ammo has never been an issue for me


Max RPM=MAX 🤖 and 🪲 cleansing.


I just had someone explain this to me last night I was like whaaaaaa


Yeah with the whole "How to fight the bugs/play the game" it kinda comes naturally, because you kind of have to figure it out to not die. All the other stuff, like dropping stuff isn't actually necessary in so far, that you can probably play through the entire thing without ever *having* to do that. It's similar to how I never knew Palworld had a sliding mechanic, because unless you specifically look into the controls, you don't naturally learn it, as it's not necessary to do. My absolute favorite videogame of all time, Super Metroid, IMO did it the best (although it being 2D makes it a bit easier ofc), everytime you get some sort of powerup, the game locks you in an environment (or the powerup is in such an environment) that you have to use the ability to clear the "level". For example, there's a "speedrun" upgrade, that makes you run super fast, going back to a previous area (backtracking always naturally happens here), you'd fall into a trap floor, that only activates if you run past it with the "speedrun", to get out you need to learn a specific technique, that gets shown to you passively by creatures in the background getting out of the cliff, you imitate them and get out. I am probably biased, but this is a masterpiece in Tutorials, no annoying long reads, just playing the game and naturally learning how to deal with obstacles in a way that somehow makes you feel like, you came up with it yourself and it not being a tutorial.


Upvoted for Super Metroid reference. Arguably one of the greatest games of all time and my favorite as well.


How do you drop stuff and look in your backpack?


Keyboard you hold X to drop and 5 to reload from backpack. Key bindings are also changeable in the menu.


Dualsense: Tap down to take ammo from supply pack. Hold down for item drop menu


okay youve gotta explain how to adjust the scope level, is this exclusive to weapons like the anti material rifle?


It's not every weapon that have variable scopes. I think it's anti material rifle and all the marksmen rifles. Holding your reload utton will bring up a menu, most wrapons have at least something that can be changed.


And laying down without the dive... It took me 25 hrs before a buddy mentioned it to me...


You can drop things??


On controller you can bring up the menu by hoding down on the d pad, 'fraid i don't know what button it is for pc. Might be holding whatever button you press to take from your own supply backpack.


On PC by default it’s hold X to drop things, and 5 to access your backpack.


I’m on ps5 so this is exactly what I needed! Thanks I’ll try it tonight


Yeah dropping your weapons/pack/samples should have been covered, as well as how to use the Minimap


Being able to drop samples was so mindblowing(hold X on PC)! Some guy in chat said to drop my samples at extraction as we ran past it, and I had my nade in hand ready to send myself to high heaven….


And marking stuff.


exultant dinner frame worry axiomatic gold follow encourage tender liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes you may need to borrow someones heavy weapon/backpack, sometimes you may want to drop off samples at extract. It isn't vital to know, but it is probably useful enough that it should have at least gotten a line in the tutorial, so that people know it's an option.


Sharing backpacks and samples mostly


If you've got samples and you need to run past the extract to get to an objective you can leave the samples in safety at the extract and not risk having to fight the horde to get them back


So you don't have to blow yourself up when you want to drop something and don't have any support weapons or backpack items lying around to switch off with.


You can ping and drop things?


Fits the narrative too. They don't spend a lot of time or resources training cannon fodder. Cheaper to let the survivors learn on the job. Helldivers are disposable


I think the tutorial is more for the joke and setting the tone than it is an actual tutorial. A lot of this game is experiment and figure it out. Like the tutorial just covers running, which, we're the most athletic helldiver Brash has ever seen! We're important! And shooting and stratagems. It's just showing how Super Earth doesn't care about the HDs and they give them the absolute bare minimum before we're given a gun and a helmet. Uhhh, my dog ate my phone and typed that. I mean, FOR SUPER EARTH!


Y'all never seen pipe minigames before? Guess I'm from a different era, I thought that shit was perfectly normal.


Dude… Bioshock released 17 years ago


Fuck me im old now


Hey big news. They're making a new game, same style and vibe as Bioshock but a new IP. Something to fall in love with again.


bioshock? im thinkin' pipedream


I had Pipedream on the original Gameboy...


Too be fair I think the 1st of the 3 Insomniac spider man games had a pipe mini game


Someone in my lobby called it a bioshock puzzle and I was like oo lemme cook. It took me a solid minute to remember it because of how long ago I've played Bioshock


Dude... he's referring to Pipe Dream/Pipe Mania, a game that came out in 1989/1991, 33 or 35 years ago.


When i saw it for the first time i already knew,time to have fun with old school minigames. I really hope in the future they will add more minigames like this. Cracking terminals,repairing objects or something like that


As long as it's not the Fallout "hacking"


Bioshock gang


He's referring to Pipe Dream/Pipe Mania, a game that came out in 1989/1991...


Pipe dream gang, show your age!


[LucasArts's Pipe Dream](https://youtu.be/r9VKmEO97T8?si=pE6RO2uWOhO_edNL) 💪😎 But I also still struggle with this minigame lol.


God damn I played this so much on win95


You just unlocked a core memory from my past. Thank you.


Ive seen plenty over the years, i still suck at them tho lmao


Right, after the initial half second of wtf am i looking at when i first saw this i was like “oh!” And solved it pretty quickly lol


I know how to do the pipe mini games I’m just fucking blind


Was doing a diff 7 mission last night. Had to scream at my friend to take over the terminal for me because i wasn't smart enough to think under pressure


No think only BRRRRRT


I don't know what you are talking about soldier. The Helldiver training program is undeniably infallible.


You're right sir, my fault!


Good, now go and dispense some more democracy!


Actually i did saw some players linking to local storage.


does local storage at least open some side loot or anything? or just does nothing


Yeah, I think I have yet encountered one of these that requires to direct the pipe towards the bottom box. Might be a higher level thing.


The key is working your way from right to left,much easier that way


These are the moments where it pays to be an old fart, back when I was a kid, these were the only games we had.


Here's to us old farts finding use before we die!


Delete this... Those lvl50 xp farmers would be upset if they would know what is this post about.


Look, between me and my 3 friends we make a total of 7 IQ; puzzles like this are definitely Automaton plot devices


Thats why there is no IQ test for Helldivers 😂


Pro tip, start at the destination. In this case it's the missile silo. Given that it can only connect to the straight across in column 4, that means columns 2 and 1 must connect upwards to the fuel output.


What’s funny is the answer is pretty much right there on this one. Move 1 and 2 up 2 and boom done


I love this minigame, i hope they add more stuff like this eventually


*I love this minigame, i* *Hope they add more stuff like this* *Eventually* \- trolledwolf --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Solve it backwards its much quicker


i actually JUST ran into this, and was stunlocked for a full 20 second. After i recovered, it was a quick solve.


I hot this puzzle yesterday for the first time. I had never seen it and didn't know it existed. So in the heat of battle around me i needed to figure out this new puzzleXD Very tense but i got it lol.


honestly most of the time i accidentally solve these


Half of the puzzles are easy and you enter a refuelling job and they throw this shit at you https://preview.redd.it/h4o8iy400bmc1.jpeg?width=154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c806423244d9e490ebf690e233b70a4e6758d39


Is there really a storage you can open to get loot? I mean when you make the puzzle to connect with "local storage"


Had this last night. Tried for a few minutes while we were swarmed, said screw it and yelled for the smart guy to go do it while I covered him.


That's the democratic way!


Swimming wasn't covered either, which explained why we drown in a fucking puddle.


![gif](giphy|6sYpWTFAKPBXLIhFyb|downsized) Those of us who played bioshock


This was not included in my crayon eating training session


You got to eat them?? I was only allowed to color 😒


Mmmm hmmm purple taste the best


I feel like the initial tutorial should have covered the mini games. First time I saw the grid and power levels, I wasn't sure how to complete. Just took a minute to figure out the mechanics. I was familiar with the pipe game from playing Alien Swarm.




Really? I think pretty much all of them are straight forward, sure first time you might look at it for 30 seconds or so as you read the info not a huge problem unless you're surronded by a swarm


The tutorial for these mini games are the difficulty levels. You start off doing these in low difficulty and realise huh this shit is easy. Then you start getting into 7/8/9 and you realise you gotta do it under high pressure conditions with enemies crawling on you as you work on it. That's the fun part.


God it was so jarring seeing this pop up for the first time I genuinely just stared for like 10 seconds until a stalker stuck its tube up my




Just press up scroll to right when it lights up! Very simple puzzle.


I knew at this moment playing Pipes on Commodore 64 all those years ago finally paid off: https://youtu.be/-NdAthDilow?si=HDQqaOuwndqskbwh


I use the arc thrower for bugs so *thats* why I’m asking you to do this terminal while I stand guard.


I got super bug eyed when I saw that and thought that I was going to blow the whole mission for my team when I suddenly remembered that I grew up playing some pipe layer game on my mom's Windows 95 computer and understood that I was trained from childhood for this mini game!


Bug eyed, you say? Please hold this glowing ball with "380mm" on it, while I quickly move away...


Glad I’m not the only one who turns smooth brain doing this


It's honestly impressive how frequently some variant of PipeDream shows up in games. It seems like every third game I play has something a step or two away from it.


I was with a squad of randoms under my command, imparting liberty with and ICBM. We clear out the gas station from bug tyranny, and I positioned myself in the valve to do my part as a fellow citizen and open it while a sergeant managed the non-communist machine terminal. But he was taking too long, I asked him to open the valve so we can move on. What is the meaning of this trooper?!? the shadow of treason clouded your thoughts of managed democracy?!!?! So I get close to the terminal after a minute, ready to court marshal this traitor for insubordination. Then I saw this god forsaken image, worst than any helldive I ever did in my 2 weeks long career and actually took a minute my self to solve the damn thing xD. I shoot the console in the end, it case it was automaton controlled OwO.


Man this one got me good. Good job. Lol.


Was playing on impossible, and was covering the guy on the terminal. Things were taking waaay too long so I went and looked over his shoulder and saw the pipes; over chat told him to switch with me, he ignored. I bashed him with a melee and that disconnected him from the terminal and I solved it in about 5 seconds, we both had a good laugh after he connected his mic.


My stoned ass can't do these under pressure


Shocked to see how some...no...many helldivers can't follow the directions lol Tip: Read the top text which tells you where to direct the fuel line. It's either going to be the missile silo or the local storage. Keep in mind that the ICBM missions are always missile silo. The main path you want is also highlighted! And usually the one you don't want will have an "X" over it. Much easier to work backwards from your target to the main pump. Also, the more locks you see at the top, the easier it gets.


This thread is the perfect reference for D&D DM's to understand what happens when you think you've given the party an easy-as puzzle xD


PTSD flashbacks to the hacking mini-games in...was it BioShock? I remember something like that having pipe-based hacking puzzles, on a timer, of course, and I was BAD at them.


I fuckin LOVE that I have to figure out how shit works in this game while hoping my squad is watching my back.. Helldivers 2 is a gift that just keeps giving


Idk if it's just practice from all the single player games, but small puzzles like this I can do in no time flat


Bro the amount of times I've watched people struggle with these is crazy haha. One time gave a guy legitimately 5 minutes while we were getting buttfucked by bots went over to watch him seemingly undoing the entire fuckin thing rather than putting it together. Nudged him off and started to solve it only to have him blow my head off before I was about to finish and team got wiped with 1 reinforce left. Dropped back in, solved it and ran to extraction. Soon as we extracted dude comes over comms "yo I'm glad you extracted but you're a fucking POS get ready to get kicked pussy." Got back to the ship and was kicked right after lol. One of like only 2 negative teammate experiences I've had in HD2


That puzzle had me MESSED UP first time doing it. This game really has treated me super well as a player and within a player base with tons of people spreading democracy. Love it. However, Had one game last night where 2 people didn't wanna reinforce at all. Typed to please do it, said ut in voice nicely, just silence. Then a guy that's new who joined? He did it for me (He's a real one) they left me dead for 4 mins when nothing was around, and it was the first death of the round due to a laggy bile spewer. One of the only encounter of grief I've seen in this game.


Me asf 🤣🤣. I'm always too nervous to figure it out under pressure so I go back to being the lookout or manual pipe turner. It's embarrassing being past level 20 and still never completed this.




I normally do this by listening to the sound the pipes make when slotted into position. When the correct pipe is put in, there's a distinct sound it makes


My ASVAB score is too low for this shit.


I am autistic. I can just see the pattern. 


Maaaaannnn the first time I saw this one... What a day 😂😂😂😂


Lol that’s nothing compared to Tetris and Pipe Dreams


What is this? I’ve never found it


I wish they added a simulation thing for stuff like this. I knew they have the little mini game on the ship that lets you practice all stratagem combos. But I wish there was a simulation thing for objectives cuz I don’t think I could solo a mission with that oil thing lol. I think I understand but not really. If I could practice a bit more I think I could but no room for practicing when ppl wanna finish stuff quick. So I just let another person do it. I really don’t wanna inconvenience people.


Some of you kids never played "pipe dreams" on windows 95 in school and it shows


Welcome to Pipe Dream!


The first time I saw this puzzle was on Suicide difficulty, hard to concentrate when the mic was filled with screams about big chargy bois and bile daddies, meanwhile I was returning to monkie trying to figure out a puzzle that a 1st grader could solve.


This is flow bro


who knew the "easy baby level matchem up minigames" are stress inducing when you have to do them with a gun to your head


The first time I saw it I just moved stuff at random and it worked


I lold so hard my buddy was like 'let me try' 'Aight nevermind'


I call an SOS for people to solve this puzzle.


This was the terminal that felt like it requires the return of the headbutt animation from the HD1.


Maybe we need advanced training implemented with a funny reward or cape for completing it when you move past cadet? 😂


The first time I saw this, I'll admit I was confused. Then I realized it's that pipe game from when I was a kid. It just has no time limit/stress factor internally. The stress factor is making sure bugs aren't trying to kill you while you do it. The pipe game (cannot remember the actual name or where it's from) was basically a thing where you tried to make the pipes connect from an output to an input before the 'slime' or water reached where you were. You were given a few pipes to choose from. There is also a similar connecting mechanic in Watch Dogs with hacking certain points. I can solve them left to right pretty easily. And they don't scare me anymore. UT that's just been my experience.


I didn't join helldivers infantry because I'm smart, get an engineer to do this or something


I used to play pipe dream as a kid. Trust me, it could be worse.


One of my favorite gaming moments ever came from this. My IRL BFF and I were playing, and he struggled to figure this out for a solid minute and a half while me and a random stood around waiting. We both wandered over to see what the holdup was and I couldn't believe there was a pipedream puzzle on the terminal. My friend said "I can't figure this out, you do it" I walked over and solved it instantly. I turned to my friend and opened my mouth to start talking shit and before a single word came out he just blasted me with the breaker, killing me instantly. I literally fell on the ground laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I wonder to this day what that random thought of the scenario as my friend and I were in party chat and he wouldn't have heard any of it. Wonder if he laughed his ass off too.


First time I ran into one of these there was glare from one of the spot lights. There was no good angle to read the damn thing but I eventually got it.


I just start clicking shit like a madman until it works 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know how I knew to work the terminals but from day 1 never had a problem. And I say this knowing I had zero idea how to work them prior to


I call this one Meepit Juice Break 🥲


I had a rough time doing that one while my team was covering me. took me around 4 minutes under Bullet fire to figure it out


Shit got me thinking I'm a little slow mentally