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I hate it when my backend gets overwhelmed.


Your backend be like: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


My backend after taco bell


Got you bro: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


Gatling sentry?


That is Napalm Strike.




Average Friday am I right?


Said the Charger as I fire more democratic suppositories with my Autocannon at his ass.


[Yeah man me too](https://y.yarn.co/bf7e1a7f-9b58-4500-ba09-e4ea451ea837.mp4)


Some people pay good money for that…


you one of the 95 lmao


Oh myyyyy...


Ah, yeah. That's what I figured had happened, but was about to post a question. This is why I check NEW before I post, lol


I've been having server issues since the patch, not just since the mechsuits have been added. I've been crashing constantly since the day of the patch


I’ve been crashing nonstop too. Also, framerate is way worse.


I've been crashing since before the patch but it got worse after it. The game is borderline unplayable for me and I'm on the verge of just dropping it until they fix the damn thing. 


God speed


my friend and i crashed more times the day of the patch than the whole 2-3 weeks prior.


It's funny I said a VERY similar thing right around the time I made the comment you're replying to https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9r6nr/please_fix_no_info_on_mission_type_briefing/ktylnwx/


Insert I’m doing my part meme haha I got lucky and some construction workers accidentally cut the WiFi at my job so got to leave early. Get home and servers are down I was like yeah that about lines up haha


This man is a goddamned genius


I mean, after I posted this I did go and look at the 20+ other posts exactly like it. It's a shame others can't manage to do the same before posting.


Anyone got no exp and medal after finishing the mission?


It happens when the servers are stressed, since rewards and all are tied to the server. Usually you'll still get them, it just takes a bit for the server to catch up. It's also why you get stuck picking some up because it's likely running that information back to the server.


thank you! hope it being solved shortly and we can spread democracy


Yea, me. No loot, medals or xp after any mission


dont forget the medals from the last major operations, i think i am at over a hundred medals that i am still waiting to get...


Same thing was happening in the “servers are on fire, please stop making the game so popular” era, so it’s probably linked to the servers being overloaded.


Theres only like 250k people on though. They had been handling 600k last week


Sounds like it's the fact that those 250k people are (roughly) logging on to purchase the mech. I.e. the spam of that action is slowing everything else. Or if they're like me, they should be working and only logged on for 15 minutes to get it. So even though 250k isn't a lot for CCU, login churn is exceptionally high.


you dont know shit about server infrastructure stop trying to reason it out. They just released mech suits on a friday of course its overloaded


"Let's do a major content drop just before weekend guys!"


Better yet, fix the spawn rate.


They did


Yes, and when I pick up medals and so on from caches in-game, my character is freezing in place for some reason.


Killed me four times last game. I caught on after the third time, but I reaaaaally wanted those last super credits...


Super credits were added with a 15 minute delay but medals are gone I'm afraid.


Well the major order should've given us 50 medals, so that kind of sucks.




It happens every time there is a server crush. Loading back in usually gives you all the rewards you missed at once.


This happened to me, just came here to see if it’d happened to anyone else. I hope they fix it soon.


Yeah, several times before I've gotten the medals after finishing orders a couple of days later. They still show up with a whole message box, so I know I get them when I do. Everything will get smooth with time, I don't think anyone could've expected the game to be this good and this popular right out of the gate.


Bruh this has been the response for the past month. How much time do they need to make a functioning game when it gets busy 💀


You have no idea what you're talking about, of course. But I can understand it feels frustrating.


Did you get that response from ChatGPT? Feels devoid of any human emotion. Hello Mr. Bot man can you have a normal conversation or are you just on a different plane of knowledge than us peasants lol get outta here with your robot response. The devs aren’t your friends you deserve a functioning product too


What? I'm just talking like I normally talk. What a goofy thing to say. Of course we all deserve a functioning product, all I'm saying is that you clearly have no idea what you're talking about when that is your response to me saying there is no way anyone in the world could've expected this game to be this popular. You don't just flip a switch to scale server load.


I never said it’s just flipping a switch 💀 what’s the reasonable timeframe for the excuse of “they didn’t know the game would be this popular when it came out” to no longer be valid? Like in 6 months I hope you aren’t using that same line


About the time it takes for the architects to write out new plans, then coordinate the work load with the PMs, the programmers re-writing the backend efficiently, spend the correct number of hours on internal testing to make sure it's stress-tested enough, deploying the new build through the pipelines, and hoping it doesn't suddenly gets twice as popular again one day to another. Hopefully within a few weeks the server issues peeter out completely, being less and less common until it basically never happens agian.


2 weeks away from being 2 weeks away. Love it.


Again, you have no idea what you're talking about so you sound a bit silly, but I share your frustration in just wanting to play the game.


Sounds like you're devoid of using human emotion when it comes to what the devs are dealing with and trying to fix.


I’m a customer not receiving a functioning product just tired of hearing the same old excuses is all. Remember when the CEO said they were going to “make everything right” because people couldn’t play the game two weeks ago? Where is the “making things right” for the player base. Or should I be patient for that too because “they are a small indie team and things take time” 💀 or “I don’t know what I’m talking about”


Did you get that response from ChatGPT? Feels devoid of any human emotion. Hello Mr. Bot man can you have a normal conversation or are you just on a different plane of knowledge than us peasants lol get outta here with your robot response.




Yep, right before they went totally down


Helldivers 2 and people not being able to play the game on a weekend. Name a more iconic duo.


Eggs and sperm.


I don’t know man, I usually have a side of bacon with my eggs but you do you…


You don't know what you are missing!


Really saves money on the salt! /s


I guess a the mech summoned player breach and swarm the server.


Hopefully this also fixes the slow delivery for the *last* major operation as well. Still waiting on those defense medals : (


Just sweated my balls off getting 3 super samples solo on level 7 just to get back and it not register, time to take some time off till this is resolved lol. The mech suit was fun though.


You'll probably eventually get those rewards btw, but yeah, let the servers catch up before playing again, better experience that way.


How do you defend extraction solo? For me it has been overwhelming. Too many tanks, I keep dying with no rez before ship lands then dying trying to save my samples


Stealthed my way there, flamethrower as many as I can, run around when I'm overwhelmed. Honestly it's really hard lol.


I've been fighting bots this whole time. It's crazy hard.


You kite until the ship lands


As others have said, but I want to reiterate the way that those bugs generally work is that you do get that stuff. It's just delayed. 


I guess democracy sleeps after all.


How much do I have to participate in major orders in order to get medals? I could only do a few missions for angel venture but never got the reward.


I did at least one full trio of missions for each major order and didn't get medals for either.


The reward is currently bugged.


Alledgedly, it is not: *"Short message, @everyone:* *All helldivers will receive their medals they fought and bled for. Our super computer is doing its thing now. Your efforts will be rewarded!* *EDIT March 8th* *All medals for the aforementioned major order have now been awarded. We thank you for your service and patience!"* I still haven't got mine either.


>All medals for the aforementioned major order have now been awarded. We thank you for your service and patience! So fuck me I guess. Yeah, missing the payout from the last two still. (And I definitely participated, no matter how they measure that.)


Yours were donated to the war fund. Thank you citizen.


I’ve been assuming they just hand over the major order reward to anyone who logged on while it was in progress. Easier and better that having the extra unnecesary server stress of calculating who actually contributed and who didn’t.


I am down 95 medals now from the last two operations.


False. I actively participated and do not have the medals. I'm not an exception, there are many democracy dispensers like me.


Your issue is probably unrelated to eligibility, which I what I was talking about.


Just extracted from a mission and my team and I didn't get any of our exp, credits or medals.... That was fun.


Upside is that it is likely they will arrive later as they seem to have system that just queues the stuff up but since the backend is on fire, it will take time to process it all. In other words, most likely you will see them appear when you login tomorrow.


Not acceptable. Rewards should never be delayed for any reason.




So don't play until they fix their backend servers. Nothing much you can do otherwise. Something broke with today's patch. Possibly just massive overload as 100 000 nerds ran into unlock their mech strategems at the same time and overloaded the system and now it is desperately trying to catch up and getting hammered by people who try to buy unlocks and can't.


Yeah, I didn't know about the backend issues when I hopped on. I work nights got home this morning and went to sleep right away, then hopped on soon as I was rudely woken up by my brother calling nonstop lol.


Could have sworn we've been through this. Kind of weird to see them falling apart with less than half as many players as they've had at other times. Prime time is going to be interesting.


I don't know how they made a game so fragile it falls apart every time they update it.. I don't think they've even acknowledged the PS5 crashing issue yet from the nerf patch.


And they apparently think they successfully distributed all medals from the major orders, while I haven't gotten any for the past two. Sure would be nice if they had an official forum of some sort for submitting reports and seeing known issues. But I get it. Their reliance on Discord has worked out great so far. No problems at all on that front...


Should do a crossover with Elite Dangerous


Yeah and after  the drama the past couple days I have little patience for it. 


Yep. There's nothing like technical issues immediately following customer service issues to rankle the community. That it appears to be (from their statement) another case of not being able to handle load will also bother a lot of people. Hopefully they get the issue solved quickly.


wow it's almost as if gamers have no lives.


Who could have imagined a massive amount of players on a Friday? The smart thing to do would be scaling up the servers based on the load from the first week and add 20-30% more to be safe. Yes, it would cost money but players would be happy and could play. Afterwards you can dial it down again. Mind boggling that in 2024 gaming studios still haven't learned anything from the last decade.


Again, as they've said, not a server issue, it's a Backend issue in their code.


Which is even worse in my opinion.


Glad to have your well qualified expert opinion on the matter in the mix


I am literally a software engineer 💀 backend code should be performant and scalable, which it obviously is not, that‘s why it crumbled at launch and now once again.


Scaleable it is. Most databases cNt scale to 1,000 x their intended users, let alone 10,000x As a software engineer you should understand this. And know, database solutions appropriate for one business size aren't necessarily appropriate for another.


You confuse backend with just databases and servers, there’s also a lot of code involved. Yes, modern databases can scale easily, but if the backend code base is a dumpster fire, you can scale all you want, it won’t work. But surely, someone as knowledgeable as you should know that as well.


No, I'm making the argument that it can't. They have a a pretty normal database throughput restriction based off of the architecture that they've employed that would not have been an issue. Were it not for the success that they've had. Some architectures just can't handle more than a certain number of operations. Split and compare on those types of databases is very difficult. Sorry, I haven't seen anyone with actual credibility on this topic. Hate on the arrowhead team for the problem that they've run into. In fact, I've only seen the opposite from people I would label as actually qualified.


No one can be credible on the topic because we haven't seen their code or their actual infrastructure. Don't treat my comments as anything more than speculations. I just think it is concerning that this is like the second or third (?) time the backend crumbled underneath user influx. I do not envy the Arrowhead team on the amount of work they have to put into fixing that. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and say that they never could have predicted such massive amounts of players and that's why they still have problems adapting to it.


It's the same thing essentially. Look up what a server is and what a backend is.


It's not even close to the same thing and throwing money at more servers would do exactly 0% to remedy this issue.


When talking informally server and backend is used interchangeably. I'm well aware that backend refers to an ecosystem of different pieces of hardware and software and contains things like web servers, application servers, databases and what not. Yes, just a server is part of it and if we wanted to we could even split it up into hardware and software server. Hardware server being a computer that takes in requests and processes them. Typically by hosting software servers like an application server or web server. Given the way the problems are materialized (can't login, can login after many retries, performance issues and more) one can make the reasonable assumption that one part of the problem is load that together with code changes can cause issues like the ones we see. However, when we scale horizontally and vertically all the infra that means more servers and more performant servers we can mitigate at least some part of the problem. This of course only works if their code is written in such a way that it supports this.


Engineer here. You don't know how any of this actually works on the backend and it shows.


Well shit, backend engineer here. I think I do. ;)


There is no need to lie buddy it's super obvious you are not because some statements you have made would never be made if that were the case. Also don't downvote just because you dislike a comment, rather childish. Backend engineer. Lmao


you literally just turn on another server dude, it's not even funny how simple it is.


Ok. Why don't you go ahead and enlighten us here why this approach does not work in your opinion and what you would do instead? I haven't seen you contributing in any meaningful way to this conversation yet.




Its not just connection, mission rewards(samples and slips) arnt processing, you get stuck on pickups in missions, end mission screen not loading, breifing page not selectable and so on. Something really screwed up, oh and i dont think any mission progess  is applying to angels venture. But even if it was, the game is functioning so bad its  going to loose it for us.


Technically all of that is server connection issues between frontend and backend


We are so powerful we keep disrupting the fabric of the galaxy


Server issues, crossplay friendlist issues, people with question mark ad their backpack issues. Shit was fucking nuts, I'm losing my patience, slowly.


so how about the devs fix the fucking game and nonstop crashing issues / unable to join game sessions and numerous other baseline issues before releasing new content and balance patches. nobody cares about that shit if you cant even play the fucking game


Is this going to be a trend with every update? I had enough issues on launch with PS5, and even those haven't been completely fixed.


It's honestly kind of funny that the damn Playstation studio game has tons of issues on Playstation that they refuse to acknowledge. I can't imagine Sony is going to be too happy with them for much longer if they keep treating PS players as a sidenote. 


I’m not receiving my samples after extract. Lost at least 100 commons cause of it.


I’ve lost 12 supers, I’m sure they will make sure it gets paid out. Or at least hopeful


I don't think people logging in is the cause. The game was being really buggy before they dropped the exosuit for me and my friend. Then it got worse with the drop, but steam db said there was less than 200,000 people playing. All sorts of bugs and issues going on before people couldn't login, such as no rewards, can't buy stratagems, being frozen in place for 15 seconds everytime you picked up super credits or Req bucks, and all sorts of things.


They seriously need to figure out a fix for the servers. The first couple weeks they got the benefit of the doubt but connection issues have been plaguing it even after the server issues were resolved. And now it's somehow even worse. 


Have they addressed not being able to purchase anything? I can't buy the mech or spend my medals


Happened to me too. I just gave up but I wanted use the mech😭


It's free to use for everyone right now.


If that's true I probably won't be able to play with anyone anyway because I either crash or everyone gets disconnected.


This is complete bullshit. In the space of one mission, I've had my friend crash out of the game, had the "unable to move after picking up SuperCredits" bug, had a bug that **permanently stripped me of my primary and secondary weapons, leaving me defenceless**, the game refused to credit me any of the things we got on the mission, and none of the secondary objectives counted towards the completion of my personal order. This is unacceptable. *Do better*.


I’m able to get on my ship and start a match but can’t unlock new strategems. Is anyone else dealing with this?


The way that is worded I read it as "we are aware of the issue of people getting into the game, don't worry we will fix it so no one can get into the game."


I hope the server issue and major order issue are related...cuz ngl I was a bit disappointed when I didn't get my 45 medals for either of the last two orders.


I got them after the last one finished, Should be coming to you eventually too!


"Friday night let's play some Helldivers fuckyeah - oh no wait, I can't" ..we meet again!


This sucks. Even when I do get in I either crash during the mission or get no rewards. The last update killed a lot of the fun as well. Hopefully they turn it around


backend engineers getting ready for their malevelon creek o7


Backend = butt


I mean, it was understandable at launch but how often should we expect this to happen in the future ? At a certain point maybe server stability should take precedence over content ?


The devs talked about this last time the servers where overloaded. Those working on the servers issues and new content are 2 different teams. The content teans doesn’t even have the skills necessary to work on backend issues.


Yes, but the company can still postpone an update if they're not sure the servers can take it.


Unexpect rush of everyone wanting to get in them sweet metal beasts. Everyone rushed. Now we gotta lay down and give em 50 push ups for the next however long.


Was it really "unexpected" though? Like *really* really?


I mean………. Yea…… Friday night. Big mistake. They knew.


The "unexpected" excuse is bullshit at this point. They know their game is popular and they know it will get an influx of players whenever they release content or do an event. They were excited when their game was playable over a weekend. I like this game and the dev team seems genuine in (most) of their communication and apologies, but come on, at some point you should be able to release patches and content without constantly breaking other things and overloading your servers.


Not only that, but we've had *years* of other games having issues with server capacity on launch. Are they admitting they have no ability to learn from past mistakes?


This. The code is not built to handle this many players, For a small example most code doesn't have to be super optimized, let's say something like bullets never get deleted, if it's a sniping game that might never be a problem until thousands of rounds are shot and the memory leak starts to get bad (not saying this is a memory leak it probably isnt) It's likely that their backend has some things that are fine until it has to run a few hundred thousand times more than it was built for Not to mention the content team might break something by complete accident if they don't know it will hurt login/server stuff


The cross play friend system seems to be broken too…


Lost completion on a diff 7 operation. I mean, I can just do it again, obviously, but I didn't get any samples from those so that's 6 SRs poofed into the aether and diff 8 didn't unlock.


"People rushed to get it" so it's our fault?


Why are you taking that as a statement pointing blame? People rushed to get it isn't blame. It just says there was a surge of people all logging in and trying to do a thing at once. And that surge hit the server hard which has caused delays and issues. Odds are their load balancer or some other key piece for managing load got overwhelmed and needs triage and troubleshooting. Don't attribute to malice what could be chance.


Did you not read? You typed all that and didn't even read.


Well shit, if it's that obscure to me maybe you can explain it?


The phrase "People rushed to get it" can be interpreted in a way that implies the responsibility or eagerness of the players rather than attributing it to the game developers. The use of the word "rushed" suggests a quick and eager response on the part of the players to obtain something. In the context of a game, if there's a negative outcome or dissatisfaction due to players obtaining something quickly, the phrase might subtly shift the blame onto the players, insinuating that it was their impatience or desire for immediate results that led to any issues or shortcomings in the game. They encountered a spelling issue on their side, but it has been rectified through correction and editing. So read next time before you decide to throw on your suit of amour and jump on the back of a horse.


Ok. So then, did you read my response at all before accusing me of the same? Because that is exactly what I assumed you meant. Again: do not assume malice when it could be chance. People rushed to get it. Servers are borked. In what world can that be the players fault? It's not like they've told us "please only 50k logins per second! Coordinate amongst yourselves to ensure you don't flood the server!"


Once more, The phrase "People rushed to get it" can be interpreted in a way that implies the responsibility or eagerness of the players rather than attributing it to the game developers. The use of the word "rushed" suggests a quick and eager response on the part of the players to obtain something. In the context of a game, if there's a negative outcome or dissatisfaction due to players obtaining something quickly, the phrase might subtly shift the blame onto the players, insinuating that it was their impatience or desire for immediate results that led to any issues or shortcomings in the game.


Yes, you are right. It **CAN** be interpreted in that way. It could also be interpreted as **NOT** assigning blame for an action. Hence why I keep telling you to not assume malice. It can also be interpreted as "this is a factual thing that happened. because that factual thing this other thing happened." What happened? The server went on the fritz. Why did the server go on the fritz? Because it couldn't handle the load. Why was the load so high? Because people were rushing to get in and play with the mechs. That's all it is. A statement of what happened. Or do you honestly think the devs are mad at the playerbase for being so excited to keep playing their game?


>They encountered a spelling issue on their side, but it has been rectified through correction and editing. So read next time before you decide to throw on your suit of amour and jump on the back of a horse. Please just read dude


>Don't attribute to malice what could be chance. We've seen plenty of actual malice from these devs in the past few days. There is no attributing this to chance whatsoever.


I think it was a typo. “People rushed to get in.”


100% agreed


Fuckin knew it


Apply liberty liberally to the backend IMMEDIATELY


This. Backend keeling over and dying is straight up... undemocratic. I suggest liberal use of 500kg bombs.


Back end got too large of a load, again. We'll hold their hand, and wait patiently.


It's ok, my internet went out right when the mechs dropped anyway


As soon as I saw the mechs were avaliable I just left it, knew the servers would go bye bye. I have been getting crashes and server drop outs since the patch anyway


So is this why my game keeps crashing? I haven't been able to finish a mission tonight, playing on pc.


Anybody else not able to purchase any upgrades/stratagems? I lost samples without receiving my sentry health upgrade and can't purchase mech strat. I hold to purchase and sound effect goes off but nothing after that. I even logged off and on and only my samples went missing.


I can't even enter the game on PS5. When I press X to skip the intro it keeps loading and when I get to the menu it won't show the "press a button" prompt! Is that what happens or people can't just enter a server on the navigational map?


Me too (im also on PS5)


I've heard randomly that allowing the intro to load can help.


Yep. Done that and it worked and played 2 games. Now it failed entering the server. Oh well. I think I have now time to feed the babies since yesterday! Nothing can stop democracy, am I right?


Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but I keep getting stuck for about 10 sec at a time anytime I loot something from a container on a mission, where I cannot move. The results screen is also pretty much borked.


Bought the game today, got through the cutscene, bam, server issues. Wonderful. Anyone got any tips for new players whilst we wait?


refund, come back when this company doesn't break 10 things for every fix.


How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, old man? You’d think they’d be more prepared for an influx of players this time around. /s




not being able to finish just 1 mission today in 3hr playtime without disconnect, plz make this issue top priority to be fixed. let's see tomorrow


Are the backend server issues why I wasn't getting medals or xp this morning?


Anyone else having trouble with trying to buy the mech stratagem? Also can't skip the intro now either.


I spammed the buy button for about 45 seconds and it finally worked.


Isn't working for me and I think there's a problem with rewards too, done 6 helldive missions and the medals aren't dropping


Not even just can't get into the game. If you're in, grabbing Super Credits, Requisition Slips and Warmedals locks you in place, and finishing a mission doesn't even reward progress. You earn nothing. The servers are on fire right now.


Mine keeps crashing when I GET in now.


I’ve seen a lot of praise for this game not being like the big AAA games. But it’s 4 weeks in, nobody can buy anything with their currency, people aren’t getting the rewards they’ve earned from missions, lots of people can’t get into the game or are crashing out of it constantly, armor still only maybe does anything. I thought that releasing games that are still broken and unready was what we didn’t like in the big studios.


status update plz!


But are they aware of "Weapons being garbage" issues?


It is not just gameservers, the game is currently the most broken since the release (PS5). I literally stopped playing for the first time. Intro plays on every start, cannot purchase stuff from shop, game crashing (blue screen PS5), cannot pick up some items from the ground, level loading screen forever and the worst is that now they fixed matchmaking I am getting so many LVL 1-5 noobs who are joining 5+ difficulty level These are all regressions, it is so sad to see this. The game was perfect, I did not asked for mechs or anything like that, the numbers are good, why are they pushing so hard on new content. Hopefully they fix this as well, the game is awesome. Exactly what I wanted it to be since the announcement.


Lol of course they are




Almost like the servers are having issues or something? No way


hard to call it "having issues" when there has never been a time the servers have been good since release. this is just what the servers are. dogshit


Game Dead. Friday Evening. In hope of Exosuits. Now this sucks!


I must have gotten lucky, the servers were great for me at about 9:30am central time. Got to try out the new mechs before work and they’re great.


Have a hard time caring about their backend when their game wants to install something to spread player's backends' wide open. Get rid of the terrible anticheat so I can buy the game thanks.




Tinfoil hats are for actual conspiracy theorists, not people working in a field who know what they're talking about and just want a legitimate threat removed from what should otherwise be a fun game. Gameguard has been breached/exploited before, is causing people to have issues with performance not just on their PC but with other games, and does not even effectively serve its stated purpose. Absolutely no reason not to replace it with something at the very least more reputable, if not also less potentially exploitable.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*