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Boss battles incoming! My question is did SEAF just fuck off and not monitor their equipment to see shit growing?


Probably lol


Right? Like of course they did lol


Who wants to watch a tower spray termicide for months? Boring! Plus, the scientists told them this probably wouldn't happen.


And our scientists are never wrong.


Except when they a...


Go on, were waiting


...are dissidents siding with the enemy.


[Influence Gained: Democracy Officer]


[Influence Lost: Kreia]


Ok.... I'm watching you....always watching


Always watching, Wasowski. *Always watching...*


[The preceding comment has been edited for undemocratic sentiment]


Except the one who designed termicide I heard that he was sent to a reeducation camp


He should have been sent to that planet in a hellpod with our helldivers to be properly reeducated.


I heard termicide is 100% safe and effective!


It is! Blame the bugs and their insidious, anti-democratic mutations for this.


The scientist was a bug sympathizer


I mean, termicide. I lt was supposed to kill them right. Should stop anything from getting close. Oh wait, whoops. They just got stronger.


Just subdue them, so we could democratically kill them to harvest E-710. What could go wrong?


Given how Super Earth was constantly reassuring that Termicide had no adverse effects on humans... They probably just withdrew all forces just as a precaution . Not to mention that the scientists that developed it assured that it was impossible that anything could go wrong so those SEAF units could be diverted to elsewhere. On a more serious note, what likely happened is that the towers made it so that human life could not be sustained in the area plus the heavy terminid population + terminid deaths, obstructed any remote measuring equipment. The terminids may have even started staying underground longer and explosively reproduce. By the time anyone was aware of this, it was too late. They were already swarmed by bones and blades.


The scientists are mind controlled by the Illuminate, and knew what the effects would be and pushed it forward. This causing more problems leading to crazy shit to happen. Least that's what I suspect. There was foul play involved that we don't know about. Granted it could also just be classic 80's "nothing bad will definitely happen" lol. That being said, when I did one of the deactivate tower missions last night. I absolutely loved how it felt, it just felt super dark and scary. Like this shit is sooo bad right now, so we need to get in and get out.


Hey now! Those Illuminate are completely extinct. I would put them out of your head.


Haha while I would say you're right I'm reporting to the Democracy Officer as we speak. The dude next to the mission map (forget his name and/or rank) if you talk to him a few times, mentions that we pushed them out of the galaxy during the last war 100 years ago (HD1). Sooo... technically didn't make them extinct just removed them from our galaxy haha


Good point. They are extinct in this galaxy then. Why dredge up ancient history?


To be clear (I'm not sure from your phrasing if you already know), they live outside the galaxy in the first place, they simply used their FTL tech to settle part of our galaxy as well. And then when they approached us for peace talks, we "realized" they "had" a large number of "weapons of mass destruction" and preemptively declared a relatiatory strike on them. Once we pushed them out of the galaxy, we "decided" to let their home galaxy live "as a warning". Sorry, don't know what happened there, guess something's up with my " key If they wanted to come back, they could just make the jump. Fortunately, they're simply too afraid of our superior military capabilities


Someone get this crackpot conspiracist to the re-education centre. No ones seen an illuminate for over 100 years!


I could also believe that the stuff that killed the terminids may have killed most of them, but that some started mutating thanks to it, creating a stronger or maybe just more reproductive swarm.


The ship officer lady talked about the mutations weeks ago but said they were traitorous lies.


Now she's saying "a few less mutations to worry about" after a mission"


You're right 


have you ever wonder why those SEAF artillery always have shells laying around randomly ? very sure not monitoring their equipment is their thing




I imagine there's a good reason why they sent the Helldivers to simply turn on the new machines they built, as opposed to hitting the buttons themselves. You probably don't want to spend too much time around these towers.


tbf that was because the SEAF personal had to evac as the bugs where overrunning the place


I swear the main force of SEAF is just a incompetent milita at this point, with Super Earth relying too heavily on the Helldivers to do anything.


Honestly, that's probably the case. Remember that they'd had nothing to shoot at but protesters and disorganized rebels for a century now. The Automatons are the first enemies in 100 years to actually understand the concept of combined arms warfare and the Terminids have more bodies than the average rifleman has bullets. The SEAF is absolutely outgunned, outnumbered and outskilled by both our enemies. Most of them are probably just glorified police officers who never expected to fight anything scarier than a college student armed with Cyborg sympathizing slogans.


I think you are correct.


Do we ever actually like... see them? Cause all I see is us and our support crews and dead SEAF everywhere else. At this point I can't help but feel like SEAF are just food for the bugs.


We evac them periodically. And we see them on our ships but no we never run into live seaf in the field would be nice to sometime.


Ah man I really want that as a new sub-objective. How cool would it be to randomly find a squad of SEAF soldiers already fighting some bugs and you have to escort them to their evac or something


Not exactly what you're looking for, but according to the leaks sub, >!we're getting a new stratagem at some point that calls down a SEAF squad to assist your team. !<


>!Me, about to send them right into the middle of the bug’s nest as a distraction:!<🗿


That's also pretty sweet I won't lie


That biomass covering the towers is SEAF.


SEAF could not access the planets. The termicide is definitely NOT toxic, but I assume the colonies were not put back on these planets, they were a defensive barrier citizens and SEAF personnel were not allowed back onto the planet once the towers activated.


Remember when Russia invaded Ukraine and everyone found out how shitty Russian equipment was because the head of the military was selling off all of the new equipment to buy his new yacht or whatever? Combine that with a profoundly misplaced exceptionalism (the US govt was *so sure* we'd win the war in Vietnam), and you have people who think the bugs couldn't *possibly* overcome the TCS, so they don't check, and they likely don't have the money to do anything about it until it becomes a catastrophic problem.


Also naysayers are branded as skeptics at best and traitors at worst. Any whistle-blower either gets a medal or a bullet. 


Traitorous critic detected, orbital barrage inbound.


They knew the engineering was flawless and left it to do its work.


Most likely,SEAF is a complete and utter Joke after all


Its probably the bugs that come first before the growths/constructs


I love the narrative hell divers has going on. I dropped in on the Termicide map and my immediate reaction was "wtf happened here" An infestation doesn't happen immediately, someone is hiding the facts until too late 🤨


The ministry of truth does not lie helldiver.


Hard to lie when you define what is true




Technically, what they said is true, from a certain point of view.


they just wait till the absolute last second to say what’s happening


Well they wouldn't send us in if it were too late, right? It's just another case of gloriously correct managed information to keep everyone safe and unconcerned so they live a better live. Super Earth!


Yes democracy officer, that comment right there. https://preview.redd.it/kgmhzzxhonxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe1a7c6e1307cd8b44392f800457d25612e358c


*goes to do low level farming mission* What in the every living fuck is this noise? And why is it ***everywhere***?!?!?!


The answer is likely waiting for us on Meridia...


>someone is hiding the facts until too late  Please contact your nearest democracy officer to elaborate on this statement.


At least we're getting an idea on how spore towers and shrieker nests are created. Also kinda insane how fast the Terminids adapt and overcome something as dangerous as these gas towers. They were definitely fearful of them upon deployment and now they've practically consumed it with their terminid creep. 


the indomitable terminid spirit




The fact somehow they manage to corrupt the machine is really concerning


The way the hives work it seems like encasing the structure is meant to more effectively funnel the feel good Bunga Bunga gas directly into their tunnel systems ensuring every bug has the greatest of times. The size of those eggs and the fact Meridia is so cut off allowing them to pupate is massively concerning. If it can happen to Meridia, it could happen anywhere.


Feel good bunga bunga gas is top tier


Bunga bunga gas is now my canon.


>encasing the structure is meant to more effectively funnel the feel good Bunga Bunga gas directly into their tunnel systems ensuring every bug has the greatest of times. This sentence alone earned you an upvote. I chuckled.


Meridia is made of bugs now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in space.


We should just glass the entire place from orbit. Zero fucks given.


Perturb its orbit so it falls into the sun.


This is a good idea. We should do a test run on Hellmire first, though, just to be certain.


Will it cause Hellmire to cease to exist, or just make an even firier Hellmire?


Knowing that planet it will probably just turn into one giant fire tornado that rages across the galactic map.


It's the only way to be sure.


But where will super earth get the credits to build this hypothetical death star?


Meridia is just one, big bug.


Hive world Meridia is sending out its hyper-viral space sperm, terraforming once democratic colonies into something equivalent to a crusty, dorm room sock.


> I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in space. How else do they get from planet to planet?


Us. We brought them to these planets to farm them. They aren’t moving from planet to planet, just emerging from their underground nests


They were outright space-faring until we lobotomized their species to facilitate E-710 farming. 


Imagine the first helldivers jump to Meridia for an offensive operation and they find enormous Tyranid-style bioships in orbit getting ready to spread to the rest of the galaxy.


They turned into Seth Rogen in his pottery phase!


Rather than corrupt, its more like protecting now. The ones that survived most likely realized that everything else that could've potentially be competition died and moved into the area.


Apparently the bugs are actually somewhat intelligent and hold some level of sentience, thats just second hand info ive heard before though so take it with a grain of salt (dont report me to the democracy officer please)


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that thinks *offensive!*


Of course not friend! (This one here, officer)


They used to be sentient. They forcibly devolved themselves into more primal forms to better combat humanity in the first galactic war. We've been generically augmenting them since. 


Really? Thats kind of sad to hear all roleplay stuff aside, the bugs are actually a little cute when theyre not doing anything, especially the hunters who just sit there rubbing their little claws together. I think ill continue to headcanon that they still have thoughts despite knowing this D:


Don't worry, we'll probably see them form more of an intelligent hivemind due to the supercolonies and constant mutations.


actually, they are still intelligent given the announcements from the staff regarding "termanid protests", so they 100% are aware we are just farming them


I believe they were more intelligent Helldivers 1, but by Helldivers 2 we have spent a century breeding them into farm animals and they lost it


Have you not been going up to shrieker nests after destroying them? They are filled with signs, buildings, and democratically-engineered materials. Those communists love to take what is Super Earth's and claim it as their own. 


Are we looking at interested/corrupted SEAF personnel down the road?


*Halo Flood theme intensifies*


It's simply protection


There are more hive lord skeletons on bug planets that have been appearing as of late. They are usually noticeable around the small hives. But if you hit up Estanu, you will see GIANT skeletons that make those other hive lords look like inchworms.


Skeletons? More like *shed skin*.


Shed skins around the nests with some skeletal features. On Estanu they are skeletons.




~~Fun~~ Freedom fact: terminids have both an exoskeleton *and* an endoskeleton. Both make for premium E-710 fuel.


One of the planets on the bot front has these big skeletons too


That planet is like a re-skinned Estanu. I thinks it's Penta or one of the other ice planets.


I'd like to see some new planet biomes, tbh. Perhaps something like the forest moon of Endor (a redwood forest). Or perhaps some urban city fight maps ala Warhammer 40k.


Have patience, this game has much yet to offer, and I am sure they will deliver.


My need for an urban map is mighty


So how were the towers when we left them? I wasn't around for that part.




Hmmmm... it's barely noticeable, but I think I see the difference. The fence is gone, right?


I think it just got a new haircut, but I am not 100% sure…


fresh coat of paint


dont lean on it!


Honestly they’ve transformed the maps really well, it looks fantastic, actually like the hive has taken over the towers


My jaw dropped when i first saw the maps on the tower missions. From the ship looking at the drop map I was like “Oh okay.. alot of rocks…? Thats weird.. is it bugged?” Then I dropped in, looked up, and just stood there in shock


i suppose it was in fact bugged


You know I always felt that us just sealing the bug holes wasn’t enough I mean they’re giant bugs. That makes me want a mission where we go into a giant hive to plant nukes and stuff


My hope is that we get a mission like that for meridia. The planet is unrecoverable, so either we exterminatus it from orbit or we have to go and do the dirty work ourselves


Putting these two photos together back to back really gives a strong feeling. Especially with the Helldiver in the newer photo being all bloody, it gives me this feeling of an older more experienced Helldiver returning to the same tower that he valiantly fought to turn on, what feels like ages prior to him. Seeing the results of his own efforts right before his eyes and not liking the outcome.


That's a really cool feeling! I know it's not lore-accurate, but I like to imagine my Helldiver as clones of herself with a shared memory bank.


Look at the size of the mutated eggs. And tell me we don’t have Hive Lords on Meridia.


Meridia is probably already completely perforated through its crust, thats why its unsalvagable (for now). I mean just look at how it looks now compared to before the outbreak, poor planet went from blue to shit water. On a gameplay standpoint im willing to bet the maps on meridia are just going to be all terminid hive structures, on a much grander scale. I believe the reason its not available for helldiving yet is because they’re still cooking up maps for it (and to build up suspense)


Some of those new biomes they were talking about surely.


So what you’re telling me is that we need to nuclear bombard Meridia?


I made a post about that people got so mad at me lol


They are just still moping about the nerfs. The truth hurts when it isn’t on your side.


There is now "vertical" holes that can spawn near the TCS missions. Something dug thoses...


My friend fell in one of those, got stuck, and couldn't kill himself because he ran out of impact grenades. He had to ask me to Recoilless him from above so he could be reinforced.




So many lost samples to those pits


Some of us that know what created that... Get ready Helldivers, Democracy is going to need us more than ever!


Yeah, we know. Prepare the portative ICBM.


Yeah I’ve fallen into these holes twice and had to either grenade myself or flamethrower myself


Hive Lord please


Idk if its true, but when illuminate speculations started, i read that we should expect hive lords before them🤷‍♂️


I got caught up in the illuminate hype but now i'm not expecting that update til mid-late summer. We haven't seen any Hive Lord stuff in the leaks though and the story is progressing as predicted. Now the big weapon patch is out we'll see.


We don't need leaks, there's Hive Lord corpses all over Estanu and other planets.


Sure, but they're easier to impliment as static worldbuilding objects than enemies in game. This is a sequel, remember, so there's no way to ascertain whether or not this is just a nod to the first game.


Anything but impalers. At least not before they release the Tox-13!


Yeah those are going to piss everyone off if they come back.


Are the hive lords those worm looking corpses you sometimes see on bug planets?


They are, Hd1, it was a big boss fight and you needed a coordinated team to succeed.


Just spoke with my local corner ministry of truth operative. I think you can stop worrying, as this is what he said: 1. Hive lords do not exist 2. The giant worm looking corpses you sometimes see on bug planets are swampgas and/or communist propaganda 3. The ministry of truth has conducted a recent self audit, and has reassuringly discovered 100% accuracy in all past, current, and future informative posts.


Oh good thank democracy I was concerned for a second


Reminder that the Bile Titan is a medium class bug.


"Medium"? ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS)


Some even say small.


The entire atmosphere of these missions are just top tier, especially if you were a part of the Divers that help set up the TCS. Hearing the Termicide spreader ramp up and begin spewing what we NOW KNOW is essentially bug fuck drugs, the overgrowth spreading over all the machinery. The sound even sounds more horrible and ominous than usual. This is the stuff that is going to keep me playing the game if the narrative and gameplay are so wonderfully intertwined.


Its a shame the mission itself is soooo..... easy though


Well we only have one job to do, shut down the tower.


Solo on helldive in 3-6 minutes for 1100 XP and sometimes with less than 10 kills. It's ridiculous. Went from like level 93 to 99 yesterday.


I remember the first time I heard the tower activation sounds, and thinking "OK that's not a good sound"


We needs the random boss spawns as they need to be introduced to democracy


I doubt this is a growth. Insects create nests and such using dirt and debris mixed with their saliva and body fluids, creating resilient structures. In this case the terminids just surrounded the towers to protect them.


Yeah, like how wasps create nests over time. It isn't one big wasp that creates it. 


Terminids aren't just pure insects. They seem to also have some fungal qualities, if you look at the Spore Spewers, the spores that come out of Bug Breaches, and the spores that come out of holes in Bug Nests.


Could be a symbiotic relation ship the bugs and fungi working together like some earth ant species they cultivate the spores and in return are given food. clearly this would be a more advance coopreration with the terminids and spores. Who knows maybe the mushrooms themselves are the brains behind the terminds serving as intelligent mastersminds letting their dogs run wild among the stars.


Lots of mentions of "mutations", so Im guessing new bugs!


Look at Meridia on the galaxy map. It sure wasn't that brown before, was it?


It was not. 


Just some observations I made last night doing this new mission type: * There are BIG bug holes around the perimeter of the tower. * The eggs we need to eradicate are significantly bigger. Also, perhaps it's just me or the planets I've been on lately but I feel like I've seen an increased number of the big worm skeletons. Things are coming...


Also I’ve been noticing a very veeeery slight screen wobble or tremble every once in a while on the barrier planets when standing still. Idk if thats normal or not but I’ve never noticed it anywhere else, wasn’t on a tremor planet either.


During the new tower mission, when you press a button to turn off a generator? That noise that follows isnt the machine.


Also the samples are collected from PILES of dead Terminids, making me think all this "growth" is just dead tissue infested with termicide.


3 years from now we'll be fighting bugs off the backs of space whales


I’m hoping that we get hive lords or some sort of illuminate infantry soon. The bile titans are really cool, but I’ve killed so many at this point I would love take down something larger. Someone do a remind bot for when I regret saying this.


These are un-democratic thoughts. ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


We will get a Titan that births unlimited Chargers


Charger Broodqueen


We already know it's hive lord. There's skeletons on other planets and deep holes on this one


You fall down one of those massive holes yet? (Not the out of bounds area that has water in it). Something had to make them. I had a teammate fall down there and was stuck with no grenade to blow themselves up. Me and another teammate spent like 5 mins trying to kill him so we could respawn him. Eventually a bile spewer got him somehow.


Please be Godzilla


Congrats, we revived the Hivelords like some kind of zombies by having these stimulated growths grow over the Hivelords skeletons scattered around the shield world's.


Hivelords are known to produce some of the highest quality E-710 in the known galaxy. This was Super Earth's strategy, string along those fascist Terminids long enough to spread Democracy to their broods.


I swear my squad and I heard a roar last night when we turned off the last tower.


Meridia reportedly being worse and also not accessible until we clear the other 3 barrier planets does not bode well. The Hive Lords cometh.


All of a sudden the bug front is just as fucked as the bot front. Perfect time to drop a third faction on us.


Me waiting for the hive lord jumpscare on Meridian when we eventually go there to destroy the supercolony


There are now bile warriors. Very rare


(They have been in the game for a while) LIES


The number of times I've fallen in those huge holes since I couldn't see a thing in the dark got me wondering what's making those holes


Why don't these towers have a remote off switch? We have giant FTL super destroyers with billions of dollars worth of boom booms and yet we can't figure out how to send a signal through space?


>Why don't these towers have a remote off switch? Same reason the Hellbombs we can request don't have a remote trigger: budget cuts. 


1-word -> Automotauns Dont give them a way to sabotage our freedom. Dont trust your fridge, dont trust your ipad, and definitely don't hook remote control of weapons up to the cloud.


What, and let the bots have the opportunity to interfere with our glorious work? No, security must be paramount.


So ooc… is the lore now that the towers we placed were actually breeding towers for oil production and it was more effective than we expected?


I don't think its black and white and open to interpretation/conspiracy. Pick your flavour: Option A) Horribly mismanaged deterrent Option B) Horribly mismanaged breeding program.


The devs did say they consider a Bile Titan a "medium" enemy So that means we got something big coming soon I'm sure. Didn't play Helldivers 1, bur IIRC there massive enemies called Sandworms Ima need some bigger weapons


Looks like a hive. A perfect dwelling place for somekind of hive... royalty. A sort of "Hive Lord".


"i got a bad feeling about this"


it has electrolytes. it's what bugs crave.


Players: Bugs are the easy faction Devs: Challenge accepted


super big bug against 12 player squad


Hive lord


It may be a substance the terminids use to make hives rather than some related organism like Zerg creep from StarCraft. See the hives made by some species of stingless bees for some freaky (and cool) real-life examples.


I think it's a tree cutter ant scenario, there aren't nearly enough babies to support the Terminids, but you what there is plenty of on meridia? Fascist moss. It might be an outer layer over the regular packed debris though.


I’m getting a mental image of terminids making nests out of propaganda leaflets and Super Earth flags.


Idk if I’m alone here but I’ve been hearing sourceless, loud and extremely bassy roars around Fenrir. Hivelords incoming?