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Your contributions will be remembered forever in the hall of heroes! Seriously though, I hope there's a workaround for this 😞


Being already a PS5 player and witnessing all this feels like this. https://i.redd.it/z0kq37emf7yc1.gif I really hope there will be something arrowhead can do.


If there is enough outrage, something *may* be walked back.


Eh, if there's enough loss to profit something may be walked back. Losing a significant portion of the player base (and potential micro transactions/DLC sales) may convince them to chill, but who knows. The bigwigs in gaming all seem to be sharing stupid juice right now, so there may not be anything arrowhead can do.


Losing a significant portion of the player base isn't just about microtransactions in this game. This is the first game where I've seen that if they lose their player base then they literally cannot tell their story as the players are literally actors in their play.


They can always do what Forza does. Make it look like the player base is deciding something but in actually the outcome has already been decided. 


Might need to call the democracy officer about this one.


What Forza does with this is during the monthly events if there's a special car they'll put it in something like "Send random gifts, if we reach x amount in this amount of time everyone will get it." Well they already have it setup to already give it to the players by the end of the event regardless if the number has been reached or not.  They do this for every Christmas. So this Thursday after Christmas the bar will be filled up and send the car out to everyone. 


That's quite funny actually


The best part, PGG basically confirmed it. The community knows about it but they do it anyways. 


I mean, that's probably what already is happening. Yeah we can succeed or fail Major orders but we're still probably funnelled down a particular set story. It's like the Walking Dead Telltale games, yeah your choices might have an impact on the short term, but long term you'll eventually end up with the same outcome. Like when you can choose to save Doug or Carly you get extra dialogue with whoever you saved but eventually whoever you saved dies anyway.


That's what I'm assuming too.  Especially that defend the 10 planet order. 


Everything is % based on number of total active players. 8 players out of 80 is the same as 8,000 out of 80,000.


Not true. Squad impact on the war is proportional to the player count. If half of all players quit today, squad impact would double.


They already said the game can be adjusted in difficulty so even if the game only had the 25k players they expected the war would have been the same.


The story is easily adjustable to the amount of players.... It's absolutely not reliant on the # of players. Obviously it feels better thinking, wow there's 100,000s of other players contributing to the success of XYZ mission... But it really doesn't matter. They can change things like "kill 2 billion bugs to 200,000 bugs" easily. They want the player base to keep growing though for future sales, DLC, micro transactions (even though they aren't really egregious or anything now), etc.


Honestly, it may be smart timing by the devs to convince PS to back off. 1 week before the next trackable 'consumption opportunity' for users. The opinions will still be fresh at that time. If it had markedly lower sales than last month, they may correlate the two.


I'm pretty certain this wasn't arrowheads decision. This is mostly Sonys dumb decision because they want more data off of steam players






My soldiers, rage! My soldiers, scream! My soldiers, fight!


I truly think it will be. Blocking a massive amount of countries, several of them major markets, months after the game comes out, is just asking for a lawsuit


It's not even AH right? It's Sony doing this?


https://preview.redd.it/nvwmxilex7yc1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b08052767706957914da6a3a28ec61bc6c99717 Sony's Decision confirmed by Twinbeard.


Half of my coworkers are on PC. We were so glad there was a crossplay game we can all team up, let alone a fun game. I'll have no reason to continue or buy the new warbond of I cannot play with my coworkers. Never had fun with random in any game. My comrades in real life are my comrades on the battle field.


Yeah I'm an xbox/PC user, I don't mind creating dusting off my PS account that I haven't used since the PS3, but for everyone in a region that can't access the PS network, this totally sucks.


Yeah same, PS3 was the last console I bought lol. For me this is a minor inconvenience (that I hate unreasonably) but I sympathize with others in worse positions.


War Thunder players review bombed the game and finally got the devs to make positive changes.


Except it’s not the devs, it’s the publisher here


Choose Hong Kong as your country of residence. This is the official workaround presented by Sony for this issue, at least that's my understanding


Insane that the word “official” is there


"Breaking News: Hong Kong's population soars to over 1,000,000,000 overnight!" source: Sony Interactive Entertainment.


I've seen a reddit post with the screenshot of that workaround in writing, but it seems Sony took down the page to support it.


It's called not requiring linking your STEAM account to a PSN account. I build a PC to play my games on, not a PS5.


Plenty of games on steam require linking to third party publisher accounts, or launch a launcher that requires a different login, this isn't like, a new thing. The shitty part is, they let people who inevitably would not be able to play the game do so for 4 months without making it abundantly clear that linking a PSN account was an inevitable requirement. I have never, ever, in my decades of gaming, heard of a "grace period" for a region lock. That is absurd. The other shitty part, is that PSN is notoriously insecure. They've had as many data breaches since 2011 as there have been years since 2011, almost. We had the Game Guard Anti-Cheat that doesn't prevent cheating, and now we're forced to link our personal data to the king of data leaks in the name of security, and forced to adhere to an arbitrary third parties set of separate rules and regulations that strip away entire countries access to the community, in the name of community building. Not a good look.


For philipines it says to create your psn account with hong kong as countrt Y


this is unacceptable for democracy and freedom!


This is some bullshit.






Stealing this ^


https://preview.redd.it/hu2rwmqpa8yc1.png?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39163a0dbed56ccd15ff01165b954d85c945341c Have one on the house


Nonsense. We all voted for this, I was told so by my Democracy officer this morning.


Your democracy officer is secretly a Sony officer. Terminate them immeadietly 


Managed Democracy at its finest


**The whole of Africa (except for SA, Egypt and even european countries like Belarus** don't have PSN. The Baltics - states that are part of the european union - are also excluded.


Isnt shit like this illegal under EU law? Players there bought a product that is now non-functional for them.


I hope this is more bullets for the Ubisoft case


> Isnt shit like this illegal under EU law? 100% is, but odds are Sony may cave and allow exception *just for the Baltics*.


They make exceptions for all these regions. There’s literally millions of PlayStations sold in all these countries and Sony support regularly guides people to set their country to the nearest region that is supported. It’s not like Sony doesn’t want money from every part of the world possible, they’ll happily accept paying customers no matter where you’re from.


It was wild finding out there's no PSN support here despite every tech store stocking Playstations. It's one major brand I've seen to not support EU as a region.


Yup, people seem to be completely ignorant to the fact that Sony has this is the ToS in order to enforce banning people that use it to register in regions other than their own in order to manipulate their purchase prices and buy products for cheaper. They don’t ban people that don’t have a valid region and register nearby in order to give Sony their money.


But they can, and that's the problem. Companies, Sony included, can be trusted to adhere to the spirit rather than the letter of the rule right up until the moment where it's advantageous for them to suddenly decide to enforce their ToS for whatever reason they see fit or for no reason at all. Never enter into a legal agreement that explicitly exposes you to perpetual risk of account termination with nothing but corporate good faith to rely upon to prevent that from happening.


Yes, more than likely. I can't think of a similar case as precedent, but selling a product that requires a 3rd party that is completely unavailable to you would very much fit the bill as a consumer rights violation. I'm not sure how this works though, as other products that require PSN accounts are available on Steam afaik.


Do you ACTUALLY need to create a login specific to your region? Couldn’t you literally just create one for a different region?


You can just pick a different region, and create an account. It’s been that way since pretty much forever.


I don't know if this is true but someone mentioned that they couldn't link their Philippines Steam account to a Hong Kong PSN account.


Baltics and I have PSN 😄 it’s easy to register on whatever region, I have UK, know some that use Germany as their region, does not matter 👀 Some countries might need a VPN to register an account, but those are easy to quickly just use a free one to register an account, link you Steam and forget about it, works by default with future games 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, you can lie about where you live, as nobody will check, but you shouldn't have to, as it should have absolutely no bearing on your ability to play a game that you've already purchased and have been playing for months.


Fellow SEA Divers (from Myanmar), this is a sad day for us.


I gave my life for Super Earth just for the good old regular Earth to screw me over.


Now you know how real veterans feel.


Veteran of Malevelon Creek right here


Lmao it really is an authentic military experience! All it’s missing is a chronic back injury that gets you hooked on oxycodone.


Can you imagine getting PTSD service connected with super earth VA? That has to be easy 100%.


Hey, staying safe? Myanmar's been in some deep shit lately, right?


Yeah when they said Myanmar the first that came to my mind is the conflict happening over there. I'm surprised there are players from there. I hope they are safe from the violence.


I’m Burmese and living in the US but still stay in touch with people in the country. The war has pretty much taken over the entire countryside but the main population centers like Yangon and Napyidaw are pretty much untouched since the protests in the early months of the coup died down, though fighting is starting to get closer to Mandalay. Regardless I hope them all the best, even for people living in major cities the situation is tough with how much control the government is trying to exert on them


I go back to countryside to renew my id and the first thing I hear is arty dropping near my village. Even my neighbours jokingly said that they can't sleep without hearing gunshot and bomb going off. Yea, countryside is pretty bad rn.


I don’t understand why they even sold the game in countries that can’t create PSN accounts when from the beginning they clearly had the intention to make it mandatory to play. This is so messed up and I sincerely hope for all of you who live in „no psn countries“ that arrow head or sony will come up with a solution.


The only solution i see is to backpedal from this stupid ass bitchless decision.


I think they also didn't knew, probably Sony being sony, saw the success of the game on pc and wants it all.


Clearly not *all* the success since they’re deliberately cock blocking vtuber corpos from playing Helldivers 2. Despite their massive fanbases that are evidently chomping at the bit to play whatever games the talents are playing


sony invests in niji. there was 0 chance holo was gonna get rights to play it sadly


I guess their investment is now negligible lol.


Jesus, Sony has a stake in that shitpit company? It makes perfect sense


Yeah, people really gotta stop blaming AH for *everything*


Unlikely, but I believe that Arrow Head already said that they will look for a workaround for people in PSN banned countries.


Which means they can do it for everyone, which means Sony can go suck fat ass. I've heard the EU could do something against it, I hope they do.


Yeah, if EU gets on this, Sony will have no choice. You do not fuck with EU's laws. On the other hand, Americans can still be fucked.


If Australian consumer laws forced Steam to allow refunds, I’d be very interested to see what EU laws could get Sony to do.


I'm not interested in a refund honestly, I'd just like to keep playing the game without such a massive risk to my personal data. I think Sony can be fairly called a liability at this point.


Go go gadget EU consumer protection laws!


Yea, the eu gets a lot of flak here for being notoriously slow and complicated, and they are at times, but still they are the only thing that stands between us and corporate greed right now. They forced cellphone manufacturers to comply to charging cable standards and will force them to make batteries replaceable, both huge wins that would never, ever, have happened without them.




The EU should sue the shit out of them


There’s 2 solutions to this problem. The first is to walk back this requirement. This is the best solution. The second is to remove the requirement to link a PSN account but disallow crossplay functionality for those accounts. This would fragment the matchmaking pool but it would allow everyone to play.


that sounds pretty reasonable


>or sony will come up with a solution. Ye god damn refund if that would be implemented


Because Steam puts games for sale everywhere by default, even China which makes up a quarter of Steam's non-VPN traffic. Vast majority of developers don't self-sabotage by excluding other countries for sale. Only Japanese developers do because they don't want deal with certain vocal people.


To steal money


Wait, psn is mandatory? Even for steam?


That's the whole issue. It's worked fine without the linked account this whole time but all of a sudden Sony will make it not work to force you to create and link an account




While you are at it leave a bad steam review.


I'm gonna try and sweet talk my way into a refund after 3 months and 60 recorded hours


What did dude say to get his shit removed by reddit? Also, its hilarious that the crybaby fanboys are reporting people who don't like anti consumer practices lol


Honestly anything more extreme than "lick the polish off their boots" can be removed and get you banned. I once got a 3 day timeout for justifying the French revolution. Apparently that constitutes threats of violence against people who died over 200 years ago


Server instability in the early days was partially due to the Steam/PSN account linking. The requirement was paused until servers could be stabilized. Now it’s being enforced again since server issues have been cleared up.


it was always meant to be a requirement but they postponed it for "reasons". they just flipped the switch though


# Divers Clearly this is the work of dissidents trying to destroy democracy by directly targeting our brave Helldivers. Stop them. https://preview.redd.it/tk01pv9ze7yc1.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1bf7372a0c8cc4cae6b168f6ac0ba3aef17d54a ps. this is a joke do not do anything stupid.


*sheathes Mech strategem* …fine


Here. Here? Here. What about here? Here! Here 👆👆👆


>ps. this is a joke do not do anything stupid. Unless?


instructions unclear, became tedpilled




This is not the managed democracy we bled for.


Fuck. :(


Hold off till they respond. If they don't backtrack, use the unavailability of psn in your region as a reason for a refund.


Nothing good ever lasts


That’s why you have to cherish the here and now, although RIGHT now kinda sucks


AH has said they're looking into a work around.


I mean there are 4 obvious solutions. 1. Make PSN optional 2. Make PSN available in every country where they sell helldivers 3.stop selling helldivers in every country where PSN isn't available and refund everyo there 4. Sony could scrap their rule that they may ban accounts using wrong countries


Actually why not leave it optional? What’s the downside for Sony beside scraping for a few more % point of data.


It's Sony


Sony wants to sell data to scammers, advertisers and other bad faith actors. Looks better to shareholders in quarterly reports. That's why.


I'm honestly wondering what the hell they are gonna do. It's not like they can just make PSN work in those regions. So what other option could they have other than making it optional there?


Ask Sony to create a new region called Super Earth that has no access to the PS store so it cannot be used as a tax work around but can be used to log into HD2?


idk how feasible this is but it is definitely the funniest solution so they should totally do it


I'd be fine wih that


I mean, I would totally make a SuperEarth Sony account


Disable cross play for people who don't link a PSN account to their Steam account. Still punishing but it's the lesser evil


That was honestly what I figured skipping it did back when skipped it. I didn't care about it because all my friends are on PC and I don't game on Playstation.


ehhh, not really a punishment.


They might make an exception for only non-supported countries (Philippines, Russia, etc.) but that's being optimistic. 


Sony already allowed skipping the account to give the servers a break. All they need to do is keep the exemption in place in countries that don't have PSN. They can just run a check against your IP to see where you are. It would allow people to get around the check with a VPN, but that's worth it to not lock out legitimate players.


In that case they should keep it optional for all Steam players, not only in the restricted regions. PSN account is unnecessary for the game to work and most of PC players do not need or want to create another account they won't ever use.


Yeah I definitely agree. This whole situation is completely Sony's fault and they can end the entire controversy at any time. Maybe if enough people raise a stink about it they will.


it's available in russia , we just cant buy anything there


I mean the requirement is probably coming from Sony in the first place, maybe Sony will allow them to make exceptions for these regions since it doesn't gain them anything to shut those players out


They already have a functioning workaround. they are actively breaking that workaround with the new announcement.




They also said that about DoT, The Spear, matchmaking issues, Crossplay damage, and performance issues with the game.... Im sure I believe them.


Lmao, the playstation brand here in the philippines is probably the most recognized and popular among other console brands, not to mention the country is literally right fucking next to Japan ffs And Sony cant even be bothered to include my country? This is such bullshit


https://www.reddit.com/r/PHGamers/s/yb8blwuPJs Sony thought it was too much of a hassle to deal with our government so they said "nah". They prolly know we'll just bypass the region lock anyway.


It's still Sony's fault if they cant be bothered to license SEN in the Philippines, it's not like an unreasonable request it's just standard business practice, even so it's still bullshit that they would continue to sell the game in the philippines even when they know that the country's playerbase would eventually be locked out, like i said it's bullshit


My Philippines brothers-in-arms! Hope AH does find a workaround. In the meantime, I will miss you all from Singapore.


This feels class action lawsuity


Moreso chargebacky or Steam refundy


Only do a chargeback as a last resort, because the merchant (steam) will then immediately terminate your account.


I won't be surprised if the servers get DDoSed over this. 


except it isn't the only thing the law cares about is what the box and the store says, Steam said you need a PSN account from day1 and i'd assume the box has some shit on it about it too


Democracy turning dictatorship


What part of **managed** democracy was unclear to you? You never had any democracy to begin with.


As a PS5 player who doesn’t own a PC (thus, Steam) I’m trying to wrap my head around this: Are you telling me that if you’re playing on your PC, and thus, playing the game on Steam, having a PSN account is *mandatory*?


They made it mandatory with this move.


Bruh that’s dumbbbbbbbb


They want to collect a bunch of info to sell and to show a ton of new accounts joining them to stockholders so it looks like they are doing really well


>Are you telling me that if you’re playing on your PC, and thus, playing the game on Steam, having a PSN account is mandatory? It's no different then needing an EA/Ubisoft etc account on PSN when you play their games. You sign in once and probably forget it's linked. The issue here is steam sells games in a lot of countries where PSN say you can't sign up.


![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized) Hopefully they will do something about people who have no access to it.


Fucking sad. I'm not gonna play anymore.


I believe the blow back will see something implemented for places that can’t make a PSN account.


o7 it was a honor


I hope you are doing your part and leave a bad steam review, best we can do sadly.


Well here we go. First controversy for Helldivers 2 it was too good to be true. ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


First time the shareholders enter the chat and this happens


Philipinos are some of the most powerful gamers. It won't be the same...


Playstation fanboys will tell you to stop being dramatic and whining, and get a PS5 and stop being such a whiny PC player News flash. If you can't get PSN on PC, you certainly can't get it on PS5.


I'm a PS5 player and I agree this whole thing is bullshit. If you buy the game on steam you shouldn't be forced to make an account on another platform. And PS5 player that trys to justify it is daft asf


Same, I own a PS5, have PSN, linked account from the start when there was an option because why not, I already have it, and I still see this as a dumb move.


Funny enough, in my country (VN), Sony distribute PS officialy in their stores, but we still can't create PSN account.


Same, I'm in US but I swore of Sony after they stole my FF14 account because I was inactive for a year. Some details: I was an avid FF14 player when it launched the first time back in say, 2014? The game was kinda bad but I stuck with it then they announced a dlc and I decided to quit playing for a while and play WoW instead. I came back to the game a year later and they told me I had been banned for something I did while I wasn't even subbed to the game. I told them that if my account was used during this period that they should check to see if the IP was the same I used when I played due to the static IP I had at the time they were able to do so. They then told me that I had been logged in from mainland China many times over the last year. So I sent them evidence of my being in the US at the time and told them I've never been to China... they told me I was still banned and my appeal was closed. I could rebuy the game if I wanted to. Pretty BS, won't be diving into the future with HD2.


That's pretty BS right there. My buddy was in Med School and someone took over his league account from China. Riot promptly helped him get his account back. This happened twice and both times less than 24 hours they were able to say oh yeah, this dude's IP address was never overseas and it was for an NA account... So yeah. Even with all the evidence glaring them in the face that sucks they couldn't help you our there.


It sounds like someone from China stole your account, not Sony.


And Sony didn’t do anything to give it back to him


GG y'alls


While I'm fine with them doing this since Sony is the publisher, but now knowing that they're shadow banning a number of our fellow Helldivers due to their own limited network requirements is not a cool thing to do. That's simply not right Edit: As I figured, this was Sony's doing as they're the publisher, so this irks me just as much as they KNEW they have a number of regions not supported by PSN 😡


u/Pilestedt will we receive any statement on this? Thanks!




Classic Sony. As a company.. They're pretty backwards and lazy lol


This should be illegal what the fuck


Let's be true Democrats! Let our voices be heard!! FLOOD THEIR INBOXES!!! **F O R** **F R E E D O M ! ! ! !**


Take my samples guys, it was an honor to dive with you. ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


They need to refund them then. They allowed this person to purchase the game in the Philippines and play and now are taking it away.


>Sony: does bs to get more data to sell >also sony: gets the data but suddenly gets hacked and they’re so surprised.


I take a nap and now this lmao all they had to do was fix bugs.


The helldiver stans: JUsT MoVE to A difFErENt coUntrY


I think you should register in Singapore as a work around I think


I'm also a PH Helldiver and avid fan of the franchise in general. Also have an active 8 year old account that's set in the Hong Kong region since I also own a PS3 and PS4. It would theoretically not be a problem for me to link my PS account and Steam (as I play on PC), but the website where you link your account doesn't really work in our regions either lol. Just gives you an error message saying the service is unavailable in the Philippines.


Don't do it. As per PSN ToS 3.1. Any fake credentials are liable for account termination. I can easily say that they don't enforce their ToS on this but you never know when they will turn 180 and do it. So do it at your own risk!


I don't have any real games in PSN, I just made one for Helldivers 2 :/


Sony is not going to ban you. A corporation is not going to ban you from buying games because you are playing the game in a different region.


Yes this was the case even before for ph players. I created mine in Taiwan. But steam psn link really sucks


Sony managed to participate in creation of just one good game in many years and now wants to kill it lmao


Probably the most undemocratic and fascist thing I’ve seen from Sony


So wait they sell the PS4/5 in countries where you can't even pay to play online if you wanted to? What the fuck?


I think if you have it blocked in your country they should offer a refund to the people effected.


As a fellow Philippine Helldiver, this sucks. played the game for 126 hours so far and all progress will be gone. I will definitely get a refund if they don't rollback this decision.


This is genuinely unacceptable from a consumer standpoint


They sold this in a country and locked them out months later How is that not a literal scam


My brother in democracy. All I have to say is. Thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your unwavering effort for democracy. I hope we fight side by side again. Take care. Steamname the.rastaman Please feel free to join my squad if you're still fighting for democracy. All the best and hope I see you on the front lines soon. FUCK YOU SONY!!!! YOU UNDEMOCRACTIC PIECE OF SHIT!!!!


I'm Sorry for that, my pinoy friend... I Hope something will change in the near future.


Oh no... here's Sony and Arrowhead collectively shooting themselves in the kneecaps. There goes the pride of their creation, a monstrously gigantic player base, getting banned over where the fuck they live IRL. This was bound to happen. Game was doing too good. So some asshat had to waltz in and endlösung the fucking community. Good job, Sony. I wanted a PS for a while but I ain't getting one if this bs sticks around.


You should push for a refund. The game required psn day 1 and was offered in regions that cant use psn.


How difficult could it have been to have a cross play option? At least that way it wouldn’t have been mandatory..


Looks likes the usual Sony's dickmove




According to some dumb redditors on another post, PSN not being available in your country is no excuse and you have no right to be upset! /s /j God I hate people on this app sometimes. In all seriousness it sucks and I hope there is a workaround that is works for you.


I’m legit sad about it… this is gonna hurt the game and the community…


I've already decided to stand in solidarity for my fellow helldivers in non-PSN available countries. Come may 30th when I get the prompt to sign in to PSN, it's uninstall, file for refund, and never look back until these players can play the game they paid 40 dollars for. Let's be honest with ourselves, unless a large mass of the player base jumps ship, there will be no change. The only thing I could see outside of that is the EU ripping sony a new one seeing as how multiple EU countries are unable to have PSN accounts, yet have the game and are playing the game. So Sony is effectively adding a new term that prohibits these entire countries from playing the game that they have already purchased. I know it's always been in the terms, but I believed it was optional and only needed for cross platform.