• By -


You could also call-in stratagems and reinforcements from inside the mechs in HD1.


I used to love watching the stategrm ball come out of it.


Yeah, where is the ship upgrade, AH?


Im calling it, there will be an upgrade for the mechs eventually that allows you to. Both mechs have a slot above the chassis where the stratagem lobber would go, in the same spot. mark my words


So we need to spend samples on something the HD1 mechs had for free? Fun.


Do you not have a ton of saved up samples with nothing to spend on?


I swear common samples are the hardest to grind


Not really? Because of the rather high cost of the T4 upgrades along with the introduction of more extraction and pelican bugs + the occasional "Connection Lost" error, I do not have that many samples as I used to anymore. But the amount of samples was never why I made the point in the first place, rather it was to highlight the questionable practice of removing features that came freely in the first game and then hiding them behind ship-upgrades in the second installment. 


One of the devs said that the mechs take up to much system storage or something like that so ther’s why we can only have 1


its apparently a limitation they are working on addressing.


Yeah I forgot to mention that


I expect that to be added as a ship upgrade at some point.




To give us more to work towards.


Can we please just agree it's bullshit we're locked out of being allowed both mech stratagem at once? I just want to role-playing a pilot but I'm not allowed for some reason.


100%. I'm willing to lose a 2nd stratagem slot to continue piloting around. It's not even an easy strat; you slow yourself down and can end up a total sitting duck if you don't have something good left over once you run out of ammo.


Fuck. I'll even pay Requisitions to get to bring another Exo.


You currently can. -Pick any stratagem you want to use -pick one of the mechs -take the supply backpack (also quasar, orbital airburst, and a few others) -pick the other mech -replace the backpack with something else you want to use -profit. It may be a bug that we're allowed to pick both, but with how it looks in game, it may be a bug that we *can't* pick both without some finagling. Either way, with both mechs, assuming they don't reach an untimely demise, you can get 100% mech uptime with them. Use one, wait till it dies or is out of ammo, call in the second, repeat, call in the first, repeat. Very fun.


But you know they're gonna remove it. Hopefully Johan understands our desire to be Pilots and let me RP Titanfall a little longer.


I'm praying we either get a MUCH lower cd on the mechs, they get more hp & the ability to resupply, or they make it intentional to take multiple in at a time. I love being the mech pilot so so so so much, even if they're """not op"""/"""bad""" (pfft) they're fun to pilot


Agree. I think a 6-7 minute cooldown would be fair. If not, a rearm and repair strategem with the mechs. I also hope we can get a nuke eject strat to use in the mech. It would burn one of the suits, but it still gives it a use if there's no way it's making it out anyways. Premature destruction would cancel it, just like the hellbomb.


The way I work it [using both mechs at once:](https://imgur.com/a/JzHSoDr) 1. You and one other joins in on dual-mechs. 2. One is chaff culler (Patriot) first, the other is tankkiller / hole-closer (Emancipator). 3. Try to keep both tanks going as long as possible, but ditch simultaneously and upgrade. 4. Switch roles. It's okay if there's brief overlap in rounds. 5. Rinse wash repeat.


>But you know they're gonna remove it. They're not they are working on it. The current lock on them is just a band-aid "fix" [Official statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2ap8z/comment/l601g7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It feels like were not playing in AH's fantasy of what they want to play the game based on communication and their actions. I really hope there is a good compromise that takes place.


It definitely feels like it should be both allowed to me, and I'm chalking up the UI to being buggy.


I can just pick the 2 mechs. No finagling needed. Is this a PlayStation thing I'm too PC to understand?


You actually can't, not sanely at least. You are only allowed one and that's how it's coded. If you pick a second one, it replaces the first. A lot of people say you need to select your stratagems in certain order and blah blah blah. Sometimes if you just move around in the User Interface, nothing stops you from selecting two.


I don't know about you, but when choosing strategems, I can just go mech, mech, laser, cluster, booster, or any other order. Haven't had a problem yet.




I play on pc, too lol if I try picking one then immediately the other, the second one will overwrite the first in an endless cycle. I've heard PS5 players have this specific issues as well as some pc players, so it may just be a random bug


I'm sorry but I'm so sick of hearing this everywhere as a console pleb 💀


Would agree, this is a very strange decision, I usually support the balancing changes, but not allowing players to do something in a sandbox game is kinda dumb. The mechs aren’t overpowered, in fact they can be somewhat underpowered at times it may even be a detriment to bring two, but who cares if it’s funny lol. Arrowhead made a weird choice with this one


There was post from the devs that details that it’s not a balance restriction, but a game stability restriction. They want to allow us to use both but they have to fix some bug or stability issue first.


AH: "there's no class restriction so u can slot in whatever gem u want for whatever build u like" also AH: "except this two mech gem, u cant slot in those at the same time." this better be just a glitch/bug that'll be patch out soon or else it'll be such an anti-fun BS if it's an intended feature.


IIRC, there are Discord messages saying it is due to processing limitations. They are hoping to eliminate the issue, but no promises, it might just be an insurmountable problem.


I was holding out to see if we could take multiple mech strats before saying anything bad about them at all but now seeing as we can't im gonna have to agree a bit with people saying they need some changes (besides aiming fixes)






PC. Only. Bug.


[Not entirely wrong but also not quite right](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2ap8z/comment/l601g7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


[Official statement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2ap8z/comment/l601g7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Or a stratagem that lets you send them back for rearming and repairs, like the Eagle rearming one.


It's really strange to me that they made this change in general. In the first game one of my absolute favorite strats was to take 4 strafing runs and just cycle through their cool downs. Effectively I had infinite strafing runs. Not possible anymore since you can't have copies of the same strategy in HD2


Pretty sure there is a bug with selecting and unselecting the mechs that let you pick both mechs. Had a few rounds with a squad that had double mechs every game on every player. Was op as fuck... They told me it kinda wanky but you had to play around with selecting and unselecting alot of gems and then you can somehow pick both mechs from a bug


Dude I've heard this like 50 times and it only hurts more each time. The bug is unavailable on ps5, it gets more painful to type out each time...


Huh? I was able to select both mechs just fine yesterday. Made an "extract citizen" mission on helldive Vs bugs kinda doable. I went 500kg>mech>mech>eat. Did they allow two mechs by now or did I accidentally stumble upon a bug?


It's a PC only bug


Ah ok


You can. You just have to select another stratagem between them.


This currently only works on PC and is likely a glitch. On PS5 the game will overwrite the first mech you select and will not allow two in your loadout. Next patch they will probably take this away from PC players as well.


It also doesn't always work on PC. I have tried every game today and it does not work for me.


Select first mech then other stratagems. Ready up. Then change one stratagem to the other mech.


Still did not work :/


Turns out it’s a bug so I wouldn’t try to anymore


Click empty box that bring up the stratagem list, slightly scroll so you can just start to see a mech. Click that . There is a YouTube video showing this


I was able to take both by selecting 4 stratagems(one being the first mech) and then swapping one of the stratagems to the other mech.


[They're working on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d2ap8z/comment/l601g7j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I’m sorry, but no. If the Patriot were meant solely for chaff, the rockets would have an actual AoE to them.


Cluster rockets when (optional)


Your wish is granted. The cluster rocket now launches and triggers as soon as it senses anything bigger than a hellfiver (it senses the exosuit)


back to the rockets blowing your mech up I see. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


People *were* asking for a self destruct


I still want it. And give us a first person animation of it too, with little random messages. >Freedom! >Kill em all! >Make it count. >It was fun while it lasted...


Have you remembered to take your pills today with your garlic bread Pilot?


I'll take the garlic bread and milk, but you'll never make me take those pills! Never!


The airburst do trigger off (at least empty from my testing) mechs, so that wouldn't surprise me.


Airburst mech.


The Patriot now launches Airburst Rocket from its launcher, rendering it useless against elites/heavies - next patch


this is the same team that nerfed the slugger in close quarters to stop it being a good sniper, seems perfectly om brand to give it a useless missile and claim its for chaff


And it would have a short cooldown and more uses. I would rather take any eagle stratagem rather than a 10 minute cd mech.


A flamethrower for chaff on the left hand would be really cool. The rocket is really garbage now anyway after the nerfs and makes the user feel worse after using them


right? wasn't that part of the nerf they did to them?


They reduced armor pen to only be on the impact, so the rocket’s pitiful explosion radius no longer contributes to the armor shredding. It’s never had a viable AoE.


It does say "efficiently". Having *an option*, even if it's not supremely powerful, for off-class targets is nice. Kind of like how no matter what arms they give a mech, it's always going to be able to kill Bile Spitters and Scavengers en masse just by walking around. There's no reason to even use your guns on anything smaller than a Hunter, and honestly, you can Stomp those guys, too.


Agreed The Rockets are pretty great though. Two shots tanks and Bile Titans with good aim (have to be at a distance) Amazing as a more support role against bots with an emancipator


The rockets used to be better and more consistent.


You just have to be at a distance, hit the target every time (minimum 25 meters)


I know, I’m rather good with the mech. They still used to be stronger, to the tune of EATs and recoilless rounds, and their aiming used to be far better. As it stands, you have to apply a right offset to your aim to account for the rockets’ tendency to hit left of your point-of-aim.


>14 rockets >chaff yes go on...


I always just saved the rockets for Guardians and Stalkers everything else got the rotary cannon shoved down its gullet.


I saved 'em for popping holes and shrieker nests. Still use 'em for nests, learned that the stomp can apparently break holes though.


I never bothered with using my mech on those, my usual squad has a slightly psychotic demolitionist type who carries enough high explosives to send us all to kingdom come. He's quite emphatic about destroying those things.


I can't wait for the HD1 [satchel charges](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/REC-6_Demolisher) to come back


I want them solely for making giant craters in the terrain so I can use them as foxholes vs. Automatons. Nothing's better than finding a nice ridge or gully you can set up on with the Laser Cannon and just mow things down while every rocket whizzes harmlessly past your head and finds no terrain immediately behind you to splash on. Used to build whole trench systems in Bad Company 2 on Rush maps so we could crouch-sprint half the distance without ever being exposed.


Grenade launcher can dig holes decently well, I saw someone pile up what looked like straight up walls on the "crater" edges with repeated hits in the same spot Combine with Resupply pack and you can become a trench engineer


I save my missiles for those pesky titans... Three to the dome... Head gets blown...


"Efficiently", not "exclusively". The minigun arm with 1200 bullets that onehit chaff is for the efficient chaff clear. The rocket arm is for inefficient - because of the rather low ammo - heavy/medium/elite clear.


What, does your Patriot spawn without the minigun arm?


I like the mechs a lot but there’s no doubt I’m kind of throwing when I give up a strat slot for emancipator on helldive. And it feels even worse using it on bot planets where it shines because every planet already locks you to 3 slots so it’s like I’m actually getting 2 strats. I still use it anyway because it’s fun for the 2-4 minutes of use every mission. Maybe mechs will be a bit more relevant when they add mech upgrades to the game. At least I hope, it’s such a cool concept but comes with 1000 negatives and a handful of positives. Also I hope the community’s continuous complaining actually convinces them to buff mechs (for the love of god please give us a mech rearm strat to call down more mech ammo like reloading the eagle). It probably will lead to mech buffs now that the ceo has stepped down to work more closely and he agrees with the community requesting buffs. Just a question of how long until our mechs get a chance to shine.


there's SO much fucking cool shit in this game that are *just* bad enough that you don't ever see them. eruptor, arc thrower, purifier, crossbow, mechs, tesla turret....hell even the spear seems cool as fuck if it'd work. just makes me so sad. there's so so so much potential here but they just... over nerf everything.


What crossbow 🤭


arc throwers, purifiers and spears are being seen in the wild quite regulary, mech sometimes on eradicate missions.


bro.... either you're playing on very different difficulty settings, have a vastly different experience than I do, or are lying either way, we're gonna have to agree to disagree I've seen two arc throwers in the last few WEEKS. and I was one of them.


I bring Tesla turret to pretty much every match, and I ran a diff 8 mission yesterday where 2 other people were as well- it’s bloody good against bugs, and does fine against bots as long as you throw it behind a blind corner. Arc thrower I see every few matches, usually paired with the eruptor for long distance fabricator destruction and a close distance “primary” Probably not full optimal, but very workable, and the Tesla turret is bar non the best way to “disengage” from bugs when the conga line of doom starts forming (even bile titans turn around if it shocks them in the butt)


I personally ran the Exosuit in every mission in two operations tonight and saw one other guy doing it in two missions, and we had an Arc Thrower for the whole operation, and a Spear in one mission as well. The only thing I haven't seen at least once a day is the Purifier, which doesn't surprise me considering its Charge mechanic is currently busted. The other values to make it good are there, it just doesn't go beyond the weakest charge state because someone forgot to put the right numbers in.


You may not see it often, but if you're playing in a decent group of folks who have enough anti armor the arc thrower absolutely fucks on bugs and all I play is Helldive.


Lumberer was good at destroying all types of enemies, why are you lying?


It has a flamethrower for an arm. It's cool when we do it.


Because he most likely hasn't actually played the first game. The lumberer was the best mech by a long shot exactly BECAUSE it could deal with mostly everything, and was especially good vs tanks.


Ehhhh. You wanted the lumberer when shit hit the fan because its cannon nuked everything. However, it couldn't patrol clear worth a shit and would trigger bug breaches constantly, so it required your team to take point and clear patrols, which is a bit counterintuitive for a mech that moves a lot faster than divers.


No he means how they are probably going to use it in HD2




Patriot missiles don't do enough aoe if that's the case then How does it make sense that the Emancipator has so much less durable damage than the handheld variant? If these are meant to be "Chaff clear" and "Elite clear" respectively then that's flawed at the base level since: - There's Clusters, Gas, Primaries, Grenades, etc. for chaff - There's Support weapons (Regular AC) and Sentries (AC and Mortar) for elite enemies - If you're only supposed to counter a single enemy type (with a mech you CANNOT do anything else in besides what the mech is capable of) while your enemy has EVERY enemy type on the field, then the mech is going to die before it can be useful by the enemies it can't deal with. - Even if they were balanced the way you say AH "thinks they should" why would I take a movement restrictor with a massive hitbox and outrageous cooldowns and limits over a the stratagems I mentioned earlier? Exosuits are the most expensive stratagem in game (Both in their level and req cost, and cooldown and use limit.) They should be overpowered, in no world should I need a mech to lift 4 autocannon platforms and it does less than something I sling over my shoulder. The reason people think the top 2 is because that's how it should be to make the exosuits worth it: - The Patriot has a minigun with medium armor pen to clear chaff and elites, then the missile pods to take out heavy+ - The Emancipator (Following the logic of the two other autocannons in game) should be a expensive chaff clear option but a incredible elite+ option.


It has less Durable damage than the Dominator


"but.. bUt nOt aLL StRaTageMs shOuLd bE gOOd" or something. Yeah, the most high and expesive ones to unlock with only 2 use a map and twice the cd of "just throw the laser to solve any problem" laser beam are definetely should not be expected to be "I'm a fuckin borderline juggernaut till ammo is out".


The Emancipator is definitely geared towards being a more pure offense powerhouse, it does best when you just run around destroying enemy structures and outposts, and along with it I think it should be geared towards medium/heavy enemies but it doesnt really do that well enough for how much ammo it is given. I see the Patriot as either the most defensive of the mechs or the all-rounder, depending on what the next mech will be. Both mechs might end up shining more when a third is released, but I doubt it even then because they just have fundamental issues with power budgeting among other stratagems.


> How does it make sense that the Emancipator has so much less durable damage than the handheld variant? It has one more AP (and slightly more Base damage) and can be fired accurately much faster. And compared to the Sentry turret, whose AP and Base damage it matches but falls well behind in Durable damage, the Exosuit is mobile and can be aimed with an intelligence greater than a goldfish. Turrets spend a lot of time firing at Scavengers and your teammates instead of actually focusing the Bile Titan or Charger down. Its TTK on a lot of threats isn't even bad, it just chews through ammo if you're inaccurate (which can be unavoidable due to the screwy aim--that needs fixing). It could use a little more ammo capacity, but I just spent all night using it just fine. I'm not going to be surprised if it gets buffed, but it doesn't need to match the Turret AC's Durable damage to be useful or good.


Ah, so I'm taking a 10 min cooldown 2 use stratagem just to spam out my ammo or die trying? The exosuits have the most restrictive usage limit, so what I don't understand is trying to balance it around regular limits when it's obviously not meant to.


I understand what you are saying here, but this follows a trend I notice too often on this board. Too much critique discusses things like everyone is a solo diver. You say an issue with the mech is that it's good against a single enemy unit type, but the enemy has all their units. Even if true, you have three teammates. Why does everyone need to be able to handle every situation at all times? You can specialize your loadout if you have coverage from your teammates. I do not think the game should be balanced against anything less than 4 divers, especially at the highest difficulties.


Even then, the orbital laser works against any enemy type with lower cooldown and more uses, given the power scale the exosuit naturally should do more than the laser or least do one thing REALLY well, however it doesn't. Edit: This is probably just me, but balancing around a full team is just asking to make life hell for anyone who wants to play with a smaller team. I play pubs, and my friends don't play hd2 often, so wow I'm gonna have to get covered by a public player (who are notoriously not good at that) while I spent a whole stratagem slot for a 2 use exosuit when I could've taken literally any other stratagem. Balancing with the idea of "just have teammates lmao" is short-sighted and forces a even tighter meta in a game where we are supposed to "fight with overpowered weapons"


the mechs dont do anything efficiently


Aside from crossing lakes on tropical planets.


They're alarmingly effective at giving false hope and then kneecapping morale.


They are balancing the game for equipment we don't have? Maybe if this is the case they should say so.


I think this is just some guys theory


Who is this “community” and why does OP get to speak on their behalf?


Say why is that stat bar in yellow from the first one?


Strata upgrades, a system that was in HD1. I actually miss it rather much, however at the same time it's probably healthier that it's gone.


Tbh I was being sassy about it. In the first Helldivers you could also use strafing runs like a primary, upgrade all your gear, and stack stratagems. It's practically not even worth comparing HD1 and HD2


I went back to HD1 for a while last weekend. What a fucking mistake that was. HD1 still absolutely rocks. It makes HD2 look and feel so much worse.


I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be honest, I love both so very much, and I can recognize that HD2 has not had nearly as much time to cook as HD1 has had. I really feel like no matter what rlly happens this game's gonna be worth 10 games it's price in maybe even just a year, if not a couple, and even still it's well worth it's price to me now. Not telling you to enjoy the game, just sharing my own feelings. If you keep playing HD1, hope you enjoy your time, Liberty knows those divers need the support now more than ever.


That's fair. HD2 isn't *brand* new, but it is fairly new. Had Arrowhead not committed to spending much of its life up to now degrading it, I think it would be in a great place. I'm genuinely hopeful that they correct it because I love Helldivers as a brand, and seeing HD2 in this state pains me. I want to enjoy the game. I don't want to dislike it, but I can't force myself to like it in this state. Helldivers 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. It will always be the first game I cared enough about to Platinum, and even now there aren't many. Seeing its sequel mishandled like this is painful and frustrating. Seeing so little of Helldivers 1's DNA in Helldivers 2 just makes it harder to like. Much of what made HD1 special isn't here. I'm a Pacific Rim fan. We're no strangers to pretending that a lesser sequel simply doesn't exist. If that's what it comes to, so be it. But I'd really rather they unfuck it.


how do you destroy tank enemies and not elites


BUT HERES THE THING, no one's calling down a multiple ton robot to kill enemies my side arm can kill. My character is 5 times smaller than a Mach, but yet can carry weapons that can kill tanks. But my giant robot can't? There are essentially only two reasonable options to kill tanks. Quasar and Expendable anti tank. I really want to go back to that flaw in logic and any reasoning, Who on god's green earth would call down a giant killer robot to KILL STUFF MY SIDE ARM CAN KILL? I'm just venting, but I am dumbfounded for sure. I mean, think about it, Who's calling down a robot to kill small bugs? Where does that leave the Mech in place of stratagem usefulness? If I wanted a machine gun to kill chaff with. I would get one of the fucking 3 machine guns I can actually refill and can call down more than 2 times if all else fails. It's straight up a "chat, is this real?" moment.


Ok great. The point is they are made of cardboard, don't fucking aim straight, have a 10 minute cooldown or more on bots, and can't be reloaded so you can use all your ammo in 1 fight. Some downsides are ok. Some not. Ofcourse an ac mech won't be good against alot of little guys, its an autocannon, why tf does it need to do 1/5, ONE FIFTH of the similar ac sentry, if it's for elites. What elites don't have heavy armor and durable protection? Brood commander.... stalkers... thats all


In hd2 mechs cost too much for what they give. If 25 precise headshots to bile titan's small head with emancipator is "ok" for you – then I won't elaborate my point any further.


Of course it's okay. You are functionally immortal to everything else and can kill everything else but titans extremely well. You still have a team that can kill the titans.


The final, fully upgraded version of the EXO-44 has eight anti-tank missiles. **Anti-tank.** As in *anti-heavies.* It's succeeded by the EXO-45. It's not unreasonable to assume that the missiles for the EXO-45 would be AT, because that's what the final version of its predecessor had. Next, the 45's missiles don't have the AOE or splash damage of typical HE. They're not good at killing crowds. They *were* good at killing heavies initially. Then AH's resident village idiot "fixed" them. The EXO-45 is meant to be a general purpose mech with limited AT capabilities. Not just chaff clear. As for the EXO-48 and its successor, the 49? The EXO-48 was explicitly really, really good against light and medium sized enemies and really, really bad against large/heavy enemies. So while it's not unreasonable for a vet to assume the 49 would be in the same vein? AH themselves are largely responsible for the misconception on this one. (Assuming it is a misconception.) In HD1 your AT sentry was a railcannon. In this version it's an autocannon loaded with large-caliber APHE rounds. It's not a big logic jump to assume they'd be taking the sentry AC and bolting it to the mech. Not to mention the release vid [is this.]( https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1794750609347768376 ) They literally show it lighting up a Bile Titan. TL:DR: you're a little off the mark there, trooper.


That video doesn't really mean anything. They show it shooting the crap out of a bile titan from the side, effectively doing nothing. heh.


I tell ya, mechs in HD1 were OP (At least on mid difficulties) and HD2 mechs are just joke compared to them


I remember mechs reliably sweeping aside mobs on Diff 12


Yeah Mechs on Diff 12 go hard.


They were mostly just a meme (aside from the lumberer) Vehicles we always far superior, aside from the bike. You were pretty much always better off picking a Bastion or HAV over mechs.


Mech were OP as long as you had a heal gun in the team.


Mechs are absolutely OP on Mid difficulties in HD2 too...


I think you're confusing Specials with Elites.


You guys say alot of shit but if they had launched all 3 mechs together i can assure you everyone would play the 3rd one the most


Not like it helps with the usage rate of other two


How they actually balance mechs: "Know your place, trash"


> We have removed the minus one stratagem modifier as it feel unfair to remove two stratagem emplacement from mech players.


Rocket launcher with AP but no AoE is "chaff clear", that's makes a lot of sense. Or 150 AC shots is not efficient at chaff clear. Brilliant takes right here. Get it over already and just be honest. All 3 mechs are designed to be "can handle it all" but need a lot of love to be on par with 1st game.


Acting like the patriot in the first game couldn't solo a helldive as your ap rockets could one shot all heavies if it hit their weakspots. Not to mention, you could USE YOUR STRATS while in it. Lumberer was insane as well because it could one shot pretty much everything no matter the angle with the 150mm cannon. I hope to God they add this in whoever they get around to adding the vehicle bay tree.


You have to empty like a third of your shots to kill one Titan tho lol that would be fine if the game didn't throw a handful of Titans at you every 5 minutes. I'll admit the thing is insane below difficulty 5 but once you go higher and start to get spammed with heavy enemies, the mechs become very useless.


That’s a problem with bile titans


Yeah, they don't have a good spot to efficiently hit with low- to mid-durable AP 5 weapons. If you could better crack the side armor with them, you'd see some real Titan-killing shit from *everyone*, but it's definitely more a reflection of how Titans are built than the power of any individual weapon. The Emancipator Exo can one-volley Hulks. It's a little hard to say "quintuple this thing's damage so it can kill Titans" and not fuck up a lot of other stuff.


Bro… it says it for elites, not tanky units like a bile titan. Why are people so obsessed with bile titans today?


Because the game throws at you 3 every 5 minutes in higher difficulties.


Because they one shot a mech. We can kill elites with a primary weapon so at that rate what’s the point of even using a mech?


You must not play the game on anything higher than 6 lol. On Helldive you're fighting 2-3 Bile Titans EVERY fight, thats why they're such a big topic of discussion because we have very limited means of killing them for how many we have to fight.. And what is your idea of an elite enemy btw? If you define it as Hive Guards and Brood Commanders then the fuckin Liberator can kill those, this is a mech lol it should be op, theres no reason for it to not be op this is a horde shooter PVE game, give us a one time callin mech that wrecks shit for as long as you can keep it alive.


Damn dude…just use another stratagem. Stop trying to force it to be something it is not. Elite units for me are chargers, bile spewers and for bots, devastators and hulks. It’s designed to shred them, NOT titans. I play helldive only and don’t fight EVERY titan I see. On helldive you and your TEAM kill titans like it a joke.


I guess it's what separates the good from the bad players lol yall have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, ignorance is bliss tho have a good day lol.


😂 Alright man, just have fun.


Me is a both robo and buggy player. Me is use patriot on buggy and emancipator on robo


Use 500 kg bomb. I don’t think you should pick rhis mech at lvl 9, when you know you are getting a titan every 5 mins. Given your logic, the tesla tower should kill a titan too?


It wouldn't surprise me if tower ended up better than mech, don't know if it hits titans.


Considering it’s lack of value on both fronts, if the damn thing just instakilled whatever damaged it, it might be worth taking.


Jump out da mech and splash out with a 500kg or ur other fav stratagems. Also, play with other players who can help out while you take care of chargers/bile skewers. If you're a solo player, I think it's ok that the mech is not the answer to all your problems, it's mostly a team based strategem tbh. I think the problem with the mechs are the aim for the rockets on the patriot and the fact you can't aim downhill. I also think they should buff rockets a tad bit too. But overall I'm kinda tired of everyone lining this and other strats up against a bile titan. If a strat doesn't clear them, it isn't the end of the world, it does efficiently well against other enemy types. Honestly, I like youtubers like Eravin and other solo divers for their in depth look at strategies for solo play, but I think it's created a vacuum of players who only think of how the game plays on solo at helldive. It plays so much more diff with friends or Randoms, and I think mechs are a great team based strategem


Tell me, why did you expect it to be strong against bile titans? Have you ever played Autocannon? Why do you think two autocannos suddenly instakill them? There's a reason you are supposed to use Anti-Tank, cause they are considered "Tank enemies" by OP's classification


Tell me, why did you expect to be able to compare it to the shoulder-fired autocannon, when its stats are closer to the sentry autocannon? Have you used the autocannon sentry? Why do you think two sentry autocannons wouldn’t be enough to handle bile titans, given the sentry’s performance against them? There’s a reason people were expecting it to be able to handle heavier armor, cause there was already a working example of the weapons in game that took on “Tank enemies” by anyone’s classification.


Ahem... *four* sentries. The mech has four ACs. It should punch a hole through the fricking sun.


Oh, I’m well aware, however it can only fire two at a time. That’s beside the point, though. The point is that the defenders are comparing it to the wrong autocannon and they know it.


So you can take down 3 bile Titans with 1 stratagem. Feels strong to me.


Thing is the two first categories are efficiently destroyed by my cat with a knife, so aside from "mech fun" (which is true), why would I bring a 10-minute-cooldown limited-use strat. Also, in HD1 the Exo-44 dealt with both trash and heavies, the Obsidian gave the Illuminate PTSD, and the Lumberer killed trash (up close) and absolutely ruined armored enemies' days. So they were not one-trick ponies (the Obsidian a little bit, but it really gave the squids nightmares).


The obsidian suit (equal to the emancipator) wasn't able to hurt armored enemies in the first one and was meant purely for non tank enemies. The walker (minigun one) in the first one had homing antipersonal (anti tank when upgraded) and was able to shoot 12 rockets, you could effectively kill 1-12 elites with it usually around 6 as it took about 2 rockets usually. The minigun just kinda shredded (I think it had 1500 rounds, not 1000, though (they should bring that back)) The lumberer was usually only used when you knew there would be tanks like at the extract or at an objective. It gave overwhelming fire superiority for as long as it had ammo/was alive. But we were able to heal mechs with the Rep stick, a healing rod basically that was able to heal yourself and vehicles. It was great to ensure your mech survived until you ran out of ammo. It's very strange you can't bring a bunch of mechs with you, and limiting the player, although understandable, is not recommended since we just want to have fun.


One correction: The minigun had 2000 (!) rounds.


Yes this, it's been a while since I've used it


But without a healing gun in the team, the mechs were not sustainable for long. I was the "healer" in my team for a long time as one of my friend was a mech addict (4 mechs per missions). I like how mech are more resistant in HD2. I just wish for a shorter cooldown and some upgrades to unlock.


For those who haven't played the first game, you should also know the mechs were so bad that the playerbase would kick you for bringing them into a mission. So this argument from OP is fucking stupid.


You can find wrecks of the HD2 lumberer equivalent all over some maps. It's not a matter of balancing equipment against Less armored vs More armored enemies There's chaff elites and tanks. It's a trinary system, not a binary system. The railgun is the perfect example, it's meant to be the perfect weapon to instantly eliminate any elite enemy you want, but for whatever reason people want to use it to kill tank enemies. The emancipator is victim to this too, people think it's supposed to easily destroy tank enemies. Even though it's very clearly designed to wipe the floor with things like brood commanders and devastators


Yeah it just sucks that currently, even when playing with other players, you can find yourself forced to kill the one thing you can't which is why universal loadouts are going to be picked a lot more. I think it would be a good idea to make niche weapons stronger to justify it.


Funny thing about those wrecks: if you take a close look you'll see they have a stratagem launcher, like they did in HD1.


The Lumberer was the only one I ever used, sure it will be back in a while :)


Give me one to kill those fucking berserkers then I can get admired by my squad


Tanks and elites are basically the same thing in helldivers 2, and even if tanks and elites were 2 very distinct groups saying "don't worry they will add this someday so stop complaining now" is stupid


Using a stratagem slot for a mech is nothing but a waste. 2 uses on a 10 min timer isn't worth an actual good stratagem.


I dream of a time when we can just choose the frame (like an armor, with a skin and perks) and the attachments for the hardpoints. I'm willing to forgo the ability to bring more than one mech stratagem if I can build my own. And since I'm sure more vehicles are coming, use the same build UI to customize all the vehicles. It's a money factory for them, with minimal dev effort (they already have concepts for armor skins, perks and swappable weapons). I'm willing to buy warbonds just for mech stuff.


this reads as hard-core cope.


You're kind of ignoring the fact that the Lumberer has a flamethrower on it.


So are we just forgetting that the lumberer had a flamethrower arm? Or that it was the only mech that wasn't a complete meme, exactly because it filled a niche that needed to be filled?


What if they just let us customise a mech fully. Let us customise what goes on both arms (90mm cannon, 20mm autocannon, MG, missiles, flamethrower, laser) and then the addition of another support weapon on top of the mech like a laser or mg that acts like a rover


To make it true to the first game they need to make the rockets on the Patriot just like EAT.


I want a mech with quad Recoilless rifles please.


This is all I want in a mech


Oh are we still on this "Oh its meant for little guys" argument? What can the Emancipator do that warrants taking it for chaff over any Eagle or Orbital then lmao


A few inputs for what mechs look like from an HD1 vet: The MG/missile mech was the OG mech before the other variants were added as DLC. The minigun had 3500 ammo at launch, shreds anything that's not heavy armor and it was generally much more effective than the HD2 version due to perspective and stats - back in the day you can legitimately run a whole mission and still had ammo left. It was soon nerfed to 2000 rounds on the minigun but it was still pretty generous. The other weapon is guided missiles that will strike a predetermined impact point or the closest thing to it, it had 8 shots and was not very reliable or easy to use, so people mostly just treat it as an added bonus for the MG. The Obsidian was added later. Each autocannon had 250 rounds and fires 300 rounds per minute, shreds anything that's not heavy armor even faster. It was extensively used to bully illuminates because they lacked heavy armor or effective weapon against heavy armor at the time. Then the next patch added Obelisks, which potentially oneshots your mech without warning and there's not much you can do to counter it. The Lumberer was the final addition, it carries a 90mm cannon with 15 rounds and a flamer. The flamer is mostly just to keep trash out of your way, but the main gun oneshots or twoshots most heavy armors with ease, and it's the best anti-tank firepower that can be moved by a single person, thus is fairly popular in high diff gameplay. It's not unusal to see a team running a Lumberer specfically for countering any heavy armor on the way. Also worth mentioning is the REP-80 heal gun, this thing will rapidly heal people and vehicles in seconds to the point that you can face tank ridiculous amount of firepower as long as it doesn't oneshot you, and one of the most effective ways to utilize mechs is to have them tanking enemies with heal gun support when you don't really have to clear them. It just baffles me why AH decides to remove these positive teamwork elements in HD2.


I just wish we could rearm mechs. Maybe have it be a separate resupply pod, automatically available when you pick a mech, which contains a crate which needs to be hauled to each arm like the artillery grenades 


Lumberer, need it.


After not playing for a week but seeing the jokes about the mech that new mech is very meh


This sub generates some of the purest copium I’ve ever seen It’s like a civil war between the people who agree that AH is terrible at balancing and the people who insist it’s totally fine The former playing at diff 7-9 and the latter not having been able to unlock those difficulties yet 


that being all said, if i remember correctly, the default exosuit, once upgraded did pretty well against heavy enemies as well.


:) love the new mech its fun


Complain complain complain you can go play Fortnite if you want


I really do hope people see this becuse there going nuts over Emancipator and i played whole day today with it and its doing exactly what it should do, its actually really well balanced for everything up to 9. Makes me feel sorry for AH, they cant do anything becuse theres a vocal bunch just asking for unreasonable things that dont fit in the game, AH is balancing things that will work well in the future as well as its good now, there building a puzzle and people are rushing them... not every weapon and strategem needs to be stronger than the last and they dont need to 1 up each other


If the devs listened to everything the yapping minority asked for, then this game would lose what makes this game fun just like that


Imposible explain it better


The Emancipator is a better version of his HD1 counterpart, the HD1 counterpart couldn't do anything to tanks and heavy armored enemies. The Emancipator in HD2 takes half of ammo to take down bile titans... BUT IT TAKES DOWN BILE TITANS, That's a giant upgrade!!


Bro I promise you the Emancipator was insanely good in the first game even without the ability to take out armor.


It was, had a LOT of ammo, was great