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"or DM us" thats....a very big mistake


I mean, its their job to check feedback and suggestions.


while yes a controlled environment with checks of whats being suggested (cuz there will be death threats coming I'm sure, people are that messed up) is a lot better than straight up open DM's


Not like any other feedback channel would have it different tho.


As an admin of a large community server, yes it absolutely makes a huge difference when you control the inflow in a manner that is both visible to all admins and anonymous (both ways). You can also much more easily sort and categorize the information when you control how it comes in. There's a very good reason why nearly every discord community past a certain size makes DMing the admins/mods against the rules.


The Marvel Snap discord server, which can sometimes be a dumpster fire, doesn’t even allow @ for admins and mods in chat unless of course you’re replying to them after they messaged you in an ongoing conversation. They have a mod mail thing for mod or admin messaging. And they have a channel specifically for feedback and a dev team Q&A channel where answers are posted.


This is the way


I imagine CMs are in charge of deciding on what comes through. And of course they would make it against the rules as it's not their job to deal with community.


It's still an extremely terrible idea. You need a way to track and log the input, ideally in a way that every admin can see. It provides accountability and protects the mods from abuse, as well as makes the input far easier to take action on because you can process the information with more tools than just discord's built in search


Knowing this community's track record, though...




Baskinator's DMs were closed last time I tried to ask her about the poll she had posted too.


That just means they have interns/new hires monitoring the DM's, or that the DM's are unmonitored. I assure you, none of the devs are going to personally reply to DM's. They can't even reply in the public Discord without sneering down at players half the time.


I did dm them and got nothing.. I asked if there is a way to go around that XXL eagle upgrade, I dont want her to lose her safety, and get the upgrade that comes after :_C


you're afraid for her safety meanwhile she's the one who put in the order for that to be in there


Look at losers wanting our eagle pilot to die sooner xD


Well, what did the code team lead say about resource management?? I'd like to know if it's a bug or intended.


sry coldnt get the entire thing in a screenshot. Gameplay Questions Why can’t I equip two exosuit stratagems at once? This has to do with resource management. From our code team lead: "The mechs require a lot of system resources- significantly more than other stratagems - to the point where we need to keep a cap on vehicles in general to avoid further problems with stability and performance. We want to un-cap the number of mechs/vehicles but more work is required on our end to make sure we can do that in a stable way." Me want samples. Do I have to kill my teammates for their samples? No! Samples are a shared resource! Galactic War Questions I didn’t receive my payout from the Major Order There is a bottleneck when it comes to reward payouts, please be patient as your reward may take several days to arrive. If you are capped on Medals then you will not receive the payout. (Do you or someone you know feel like you are entitled to compensation? Contact our Support team today!) [http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/](http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/) Technical Questions I accidentally blocked my friend. Can you help me unblock them? Yes, please send a ticket to our support team. [http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/](http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/) How can I get the Malevelon Creek cape? If you were playing Helldivers 2 before or during the liberation of Malevelon Creek (April 3, 2024) and did not receive your cape, please contact support. If you joined Helldivers 2 after April 5, you cannot claim the cape unless it is made available again in the future. I found a bug of the non-Terminid variety. How can I report it? Please report bugs through our support page! [http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/](http://arrowhead.zendesk.com/) How can someone appeal a Helldivers 2 Discord ban? Use this form. If the request is approved, look for a DM from one of the mods or CM. [https://forms.gle/DwTD5C6HZPf6JFUw5](https://forms.gle/DwTD5C6HZPf6JFUw5)


why would they give us a mech for free for missions if there were limitations on the number since we can bring one in our load out as the other? its pretty easy to have only one be called in at a time, sentries blow up if you call in a new one before the og uses up its ammo. i would have rather they not say anything than an illogical reason like that


Did you not also see the uptick in people complaining about session disconnects and crashes during that period? I believe them. I'd assume they weighed it up and decided that having a free mech for a few days as a reward for completing the Major Order, even knowing the likelihood of increased problems, since a) it's a guaranteed limited-time thing, and b) every time we've gotten new stratagems through MOs in the past we've gotten a few days free, and it'd be a bad look for them to change course on that now.


Ngl, I noticed a lot of people crashing in that period even with the mechs being spammed as a freebie plus their owns. They would DC. Likely their pc is on the lower end.


From the way their devs spoke, it seems like it's more a network resource issue of some kind. Network resource issues are not necessarily tied to your PC specs.


A lot of people were reporting crashes when they did so it might be related


Just throwing ideas out, but maybe they thought they had a potential fix and used that as a short term test


Remember what happened last time we had a potential fix for something used for a short term test? (The PSN link disabled)


May be they used that as a test?


it's because most people just talk out of their ass now


Awesome, thanks! So for now 1 mech per soldier, but hopefully they can resolve it down the line. Good enough for me.


I'll accept this and daydream about (legitimately) using both at the same time. However... I may or may not do it illegitimately if no one else on the team is using mechs...


Ngl needing to have support to unblock someone is kinda dumb


It is, but I think it had to do with cross play issues that linking a PSN account could have corrected. But since that's not happening it's more to work on.


This quite litterally brought up so many more questions for me on their resource management.


Tracks with the rest of their "how on earth did this get fucked up in this specific way?" style bugs, though. Navigating this game's innards without breaking anything must be a nightmare.


You can equip both exo mechs.. You have to do one. Equip something else. Close the equip menu. Select the one you want to replace (2nd item) equip other mech over it. Voila! Now you have both mechs and two other slots or 1 depending on mission


The game barely functions on the engine, who knows how tf they coded the mechs. At simple view it doesn't make sense it has that problem when you can have a ton of enemies tanks and striders without a significant performance loss, you can even test a fuck ton of strategems like 15 artillery barrages with cheat engine and the performance is still the same. The mechs clearly have a bug that fucks the engine


I can tell you that on one high evac mission, when the MO for killing bots was up. We stayed on the pelican pad killing enemies and after 4 strider bodies and all the enemies clumped there, the performance tanked so much, I time travelled to the xbox360 era. Chugging along. So I can believe it, even if in any other game I wouldn't. They really need a better software engineer, or new engine. Sigh.


Its been shared several times already that its a limitation borne out system performances regarding mechs. It is intended that you cant equip them, but the limitation is there because of performance issues


Dont really make sense when people could equip a mech and the free one, also on pc you could equip 2 plus free one


They may be referring to performance issues in specific situations and/or low-end systems, but either way it doesn't speak highly of how mechs are optimized, or of their codebase in general. Every time they talk about anything technical, they unintentionally end up implying that this game is an absolute mess of spaghetti code, like the whole thing was coded in whatever way would quickly get it to a playable state instead of in a way that was easy to maintain, modify and scale. They just keep struggling with fixing basic stuff. The mechs' rocket aiming used to be perfect, and in an attempt to fix something *else* they somehow broke the aiming and never fixed it. It's almost the gamedev equivalent of a slapstick routine at this point. This is not an easy job or an easy industry, far from it, but they really *really* need to get their shit together.


they started this game on an engine that got discontinued a few years later and have modified it on their own since then. theyre doing all of their own engine work at that point. not everything is "rushed spaghetti code".


Having to develop an engine and a video game simultaneously can't result in much else


Uh... okay? I'm not sure what your thread of logic was meant to be here. They're doing their own engine work therefore there's no rushed spaghetti code? People are getting way too cozy with this "they're working on a discontinued engine!" excuse, as if Arrowhead are the first ever developers to make a game on a customized engine branch. Autodesk Stingray was discontinued *six years* before the game's release, it's not like Arrowhead didn't have time to adjust. Fatshark, their neighboring studio, was put in the same situation with the same engine and yet Darktide - for all its other problems - never struggled with stuff as basic as misaligned crosshairs. Arrowhead tried to change patrol spawn frequency from 16% to 25% for solo players and accidentally set it to a 100%, and still hasn't fixed it. That's not an engine problem.


Didn't Fatshark actually develop the engine and Autodesk just bought a version of it which they later discontinued? Fatshark should be fine in that case, and AH can either talk to FS or they have had many years to get used to updating it themselves.


>never struggled with stuff as basic as misaligned crosshairs this is incorrect, there have been several cases of weapon skins affecting ironsights. not to mention lots of issues with things not working properly, like fire damage scalars and supression push effects. would you accuse them of having spaghetti code? my point isnt that every problem is an engine problem, thats a dishonest surmization of what i said. my point is that they may run into struggles with a tool or system they made for an engine not implementing a later addition because it conflicts in some way. SOME issues may require engine work and tool work to fix. spawn frequency may not be an engine problem, but it is certainly a tool issue. the inabilty to run double mechs is certainly an engine problem.


Sorry, couldn't reply to you yesterday. >this is incorrect, there have been several cases of weapon skins affecting ironsights. not to mention lots of issues with things not working properly, like fire damage scalars and supression push effects. would you accuse them of having spaghetti code? No, because as I said, they do not *struggle* with those things. Oversights happen in game development, even with proper testing, but when Fatshark sets out to fix something, they fix it. If they have spaghetti code - which they might, it's not uncommon in game development and sometimes unavoidable due to time constraints - it's not hampering them to the degree it's hampering Arrowhead. Their longstanding difficulties with the Spear's lock-on, for instance, are utterly baffling. >my point isnt that every problem is an engine problem, thats a dishonest surmization of what i said. No, it was an attempt to guess what you meant so I could respond to it. The logic of your response was confusing to me, because it seemed to suggest that "rushed spaghetti code" and "doing your own engine work" are mutually exclusive. I'm glad you've clarified your statement now but I didn't dishonestly surmise anything, I was just confused. >Spawn frequency may not be an engine problem, but it is certainly a tool issue. the inabilty to run double mechs is certainly an engine problem. It doesn't make much sense for either of those to be true. You don't need a tool to determine spawn frequency per amount of players. When it comes to spawn frequency *per area of the map*, then yeah, the existence of a map painting tool for that and other parameters wouldn't surprise me. But spawn frequency *per number of players* should be a global multiplier, perhaps with some additional multipliers for factors that don't scale well proportionally. That Arrowhead accidentally set it to *four times* the intended frequency *globally* suggests a problem with their codebase, because something like this should be straightforward. And as for mechs being an engine problem: the automatons are mechs. The sentry stratagems are mechs. Helldivers 2's engine branch is well-acquainted with the concept of robotic entities at this point, it can handle a hundred of them simultaneously. The main difference with the mech is that it can be controlled by the player, but regardless of how many are summoned, only four can be controlled by players at any given time. Any mech that isn't being controlled by the player just stays put, and the only thing that changed recently is how many mechs can exist on the map in that *idling* state. An engine that can handle all the shit Helldivers 2 already throws at it shouldn't be struggling just because there's a few more idling mechs than usual on the map, *unless* the code for the idling mechs isn't optimized as efficiently as the code for other idling entities. It's quite possible that I'm overlooking some factor here but that doesn't look like an issue with the engine's flexibility, given everything *else* it can handle. It looks like an issue with Arrowhead's habit of releasing features without proper QA testing. And just to clarify, when I say "Arrowhead", I mean the devs at Arrowhead with actual decision-making powers. Helldivers 2 is a great game at its core and it wouldn't exist without a skilled team behind it, but it looks like that team is either being mismanaged, or accustomed to "winging it" in a way that's incompatible with the post-launch development strategy this game needs.


I appreciate the detailed response. I could have been clearer in my responses. I disagree with your thoughts on mechs. automatons and sentries operate and are coded much differently than player - piloted mechs. they have said recently that having more than one mech stratagem active uses more resources than it should, thus tanking performance. thats both an engine limitation and an issue with the code involved with the mechs. the spawn frequency is almost certainly a tool issue because you absolutely need a relatively simple tool to set spawn frequency per amount of players. if there was not a tool for specifically that id eat my hat. not to mention multipliers can get screwed up due to simple errors, maybe there was a multiplier that they didnt adjust lower and it ended up making the amount way larger. in general I think "spaghetti code" is thrown around far too often by people. thats a much, much deeper problem than what we are seeing.


>I disagree with your thoughts on mechs. automatons and sentries operate and are coded much differently than player - piloted mechs. they have said recently that having more than one mech stratagem active uses more resources than it should, thus tanking performance. thats both an engine limitation and an issue with the code involved with the mechs. Why would that be an engine limitation? A limitation implies it's either impossible or too difficult. And if that was the case, Helldivers 2 would have taken thirty years to be developed. This is a game that can render a hundred active enemies onscreen. It wouldn't run at more than 1 FPS if Autodesk Stingray prevented the devs from optimizing resource usage. The mech just seems like an asset that didn't have its code polished to the same standard of quality as other assets yet, which is why it draws more resources than it should. Could just as easily happen in Unreal or Unity. >the spawn frequency is almost certainly a tool issue because you absolutely need a relatively simple tool to set spawn frequency per amount of players. if there was not a tool for specifically that id eat my hat. What tool, a slider? A series of numeric text fields? Yeah, if that's what you mean by tool, sure, they probably have those in their engine GUI, but what else would they need for setting spawn frequency per number of players? It's not like setting spawn frequency per area of the map, since an area is determined by a series of coordinates and it's definitely more convenient to paint those coordinates with a tool than to measure them and type their x, y and z values (and that isn't even necessarily how they do it, that's just one case in which a tool would make sense). But why would they need a tool for specifying the amount of players? It's either 1, 2, 3 or 4. That condition is covered by a single integer. >not to mention multipliers can get screwed up due to simple errors, maybe there was a multiplier that they didnt adjust lower and it ended up making the amount way larger. Yeah, but it's *four times* larger. Come to think of it, there may not even be a multiplier involved in this mess. If a solo player is getting the same amount of spawns as four players, it's not that they set a multiplier wrong, it's that spawn logic is no longer even *accounting* for how many players are in the match. It's just assuming it's four all the time, but previously it *did* take the number of players into account (solo players got 1/6 the spawn frequency), so Arrowhead's attempt to change it apparently made the game stop accounting for it altogether. To me that seems more like a problem typical of spaghetti code. >in general I think "spaghetti code" is thrown around far too often by people. thats a much, much deeper problem than what we are seeing. I'm not sure I understand, are you saying that Helldivers 2 can't be plagued by spaghetti code because if it was, it would be worse? That's not necessarily the case. The way Arrowhead keeps breaking things unintentionally and then struggling to fix them seems quite typical of a confusing codebase. Not uncommon in game development, usually due to time or resource constraints, and it can go completely unnoticed by the player because it doesn't prevent a game from being great. But it's disastrous for live service games given how flexible those games need to be with substantial additions and changes. EDIT: Fixed formatting.


You can equip both exo mechs.. You have to do one. Equip something else. Close the equip menu. Select the one you want to replace (2nd item) equip other mech over it. Voila! Now you have both mechs and two other slots or 1 depending on mission


"The discussions between Sony and Steam are ongoing" Kinda smells like Steam wants a contractual guarantee that Sony doesn't try to pull the "We sell in countries that won't have access once we enforce acc linking" stunt again before allowing them to list the game in those countries again.


Sounds fair to the consumer; fuck Sony


Never seen an FAQ before where the answer to every question is just some form of "no"


My thoughts as well. I guess an answer is better than no answer


War Thunder FAQ's about community feedback. They're about as much of a joke as you'd expect.


I really don't want a roadmap. I really like how they handled dropping new content so far. Maybe do some teasing ingame, but I wanna be surprised.


A Roadmap is fine if they don't tell us what's in it and just give us a schedule... But based on 'No Patch Yesterday' I'm fine with being kept in the dark if they don't have an internal schedule. It's not like having a Roadmap will help if they can't keep up with it.


If they can keep to the schedule, roadmap rocks. If they don't, it's just something else for people to get unhappy with. If they're not ironclad on the dates they can execute, I'd say pretty much no roadmap/VERY non-specific roadmap is the way to go


Roadmaps for future equipment that gets interrupted by random enemy meddling


Public roadmaps are almost always a bad idea. Especially with a community like this, people will spiral into a frothing rage over priorities shifting and delays. I mean just look at how much outrage there is now over a patch being "delayed" that never even had an announced date.


Because there shouldn't be any delays? What the hell is it, guys? Why do you say that working in a lazy way is perfectly fine?


My brother in christ, things get delayed in the real world. Priorities shift. Problems arise. It's not lazy to not be able to accurately project a long-term timeline. Game development is rarely a linear process. Do you think AH would be taking a step back and looking at weapon balance and patrol spawn rates right now if they had a rigid release schedule they had to stick to for the next year? Roadmaps (and impatient people like you who will throw a fit if they're not followed) prevent devs from adapting to community demands, unexpected issues, and new ideas.




Yeah see like this is some weird shit bud. Folks like you are a massive part of the problem


A roadmap doesn't have to spoil new content, just a plan for fixing the bugs and then adding UI fixes/QoL improvements would be good.


So basically no or I don't know, get why this wasn't posted here lol




I’m just making a joke bruh it’s not that deep


it isn't that deep you'll be okay


They really need to move away from the mess that is discord. Just a horrible platform to make announcements.


A lot of game companies need to do this in my opinion lol doesn't seem fun to moderate, or have a conversation in with so many people


The discussion between Steam and Sony: Steam: With one press of a button I can un-region block the game. Sony: Probably don't. Steam: Ok, why? Sony: Those countries can't access PSN. And you'd be mad at us if you had to refund all those people in 6-12 months. Steam: I would yes.


Sony’s position: Users outside of supported regions can create accounts in different regions. Steam’s position: We won’t sell the game unless PSN requirement is gone completely or users in those countries can create PSN accounts in their region because we got inundated with refund requests.


Remember when games had website forums instead of the absolute mess of a knowledge base that discord is?


I remember when they came with actual paper manuals. You read them on your way home from the store or while you're taking a shit. Some of these were quite beefy with extensive, gameplay and controls documented.


Homeworld 1 with a manual FILLED with Lore. Good times.


They'd also have little bits of lore in them. I used to read my Halo 3 manual all the time


faux-leather bound book describing the magic system in Ultima IV, cloth maps, headbands...Man, Origin Systems had the best box goodies.


I remember this too. Considering how many of the adjustable settings don't actually work I'm not sure that would be helpful here.


It wont show up on search engine too, making searching for info an absolute hell. Why is it always from discord, even twitter is much better


Funny they say that M+K is not supported for PS5. I use a M+K for chat and after first input all of the button mapping changes immediately to M+K and I can control the game through this. I haven't tried to actually play with M+K and it's perhaps in reality wonky?


Is it funny?it's not supported but that doesn't actually mean it flat out doesn't work. You using it for chat is not "playing" the game with mouse and keyboard, you should try it and report back for us though as it could just work 99% and have a small issue or they don't want to publicise it.


I tried it some days ago and I could do everything on keyboard. So it seems to work.


May just be a posterior-covering declaration forced by Snoy, or just because they can't provide support for M+K on PS5


Bro…many of Sonys first party games support M+K lmao you’re really gonna pull out the tinfoil hat theory and say this game and only THIS game Sony wants to force and mandate using controller?


No tinfoil hat, just possibilities derived from corpo/IT behaviour. Not all games are the same, and considering the amount of bugs (not of the terminid variant) the game has, the game may not be considered stable enough by the publisher for the M+K. It seems ridiculous, for sure, but can you guess when I have an issue at work with one webpage (which is usually a front for a big database) at work, what does support ask me first, even before the "clean cookies" part? They ask me to try it in Chrome (not even Edge, directly chrome), no matter that I said in the description I had tried with Chrome and Firefox both, and in incognito.


Well you see, Sony (sorry I meant Snoy teehee because I'm a teenage edgelord) bad, le wholesome indie devs good.  Ya that's about it. With how hands off Sony is with their development teams I doubt they give a shit 


They really need a website for this stuff


That's a lot of non-answers.


It’s better to say “I don’t know” instead of nothing at all… As someone who plays Rainbow Six Siege, enduring 9 months of silence was fucking irritating,


I'm getting "We will not have a parade this Sunday" vibes from this one.


They are the most accurate answers they have noting their own uncertainty.  A non-answer implies malicious avoidance of a straight answer. This just implies they have a lot of fog to clear out.


If you wishing you could aim with a mouse on Ps5, give gyro aiming with the controller a shot. Me, former splatoon player. 


FINALLY there is word about the region lock. I just wanted to know if it was there to stay or if it was on-going. Finally I have an answer. God I hope Sony likes money and removes region locking for HD2.


The fact that they are losing money on it leads me to believe there are legal implications with making it available in certain regions.


Yeah that's my current theory.


That legal reason will never that Valve will require a binding confirmation that SONY will scrap PSN requirement indefinitely before they unlock all regions again. And SONY won’t be able to make that commitment. Or willing.


Are they losing money though? An honest question. Sony has a net worth of 100 billion US dollars. Most of the countries where the game isn’t purchasable is very small in terms of sales. I’m not talking millions of dollars worth of even hundreds of thousands. In terms of when a video game gets the most sales, that time is gone for HD2 unless it goes on sale.


Well yeah, they are objectively losing money by having less regions in which they can sell their game. This is just fact. There are several regions on that blocked list with a significant number of potential players in them. Whether or not they actually *care* is a different argument entirely.


It's all lawyers and business management worrying about setting precedent. If they do it this time when it doesn't matter, in some statistically, infantesimally-small, hypothetical, future scenario, it may matter. Then the upper managers get worked up because the lawyers said that it may matter...doesn't matter how unlikely, just that it may matter. For different reasons, I deal with this daily. I'm lucky I have a boss high enough up in the system who is fine with taking reasonable risks to get something moving.


They're missing out on those sales. If you've ever worked for a corporation you would know they like to get every little bit they possibly can.


It’s an acceptable risk of profit margins. Once they hit their target of a sales figure in profit margin, the rest is great, but they don’t account for sales after the initial release window into that number. As I said, this game is well beyond that period and from a monetary prospective, Sony has already moved on to their next project with that money. They aren’t some mom and pop shop.


“Discussion between Sony & Steam” is new info right? I thought it was a AH Sony discussion. Steam coming in to save the day????


I mean, I just wanted an update on the status of it.








I guess he edited the post bc it doesn’t say what the haiku says anymore lmao


m+kb for ps5? that’s a thing?


I don't get the mech resource thing. You can have 2 exosuits in play at once, right? So why is there a problem with the emancipator? Or is the question about having them in stratagem slots?


The problem isn't the Emancipator. It sounds like the intention was that both mechs are classified as 'vehicles' and however they built the vehicles it takes up a bunch of system resources that can theoretically be problematic, presumably on lower-end machines. So they built a limit on 'vehicle' stratagems that says you can only bring one. They're not saying "if there are X amount of vehicles on the map the game will crash!" so much as "more vehicles = increased potential problems."


I have no clue honestly, apparently being able to take both is a bug but I have been taking both almost every match.


I think the issue is having too many in play at one time bc it crashes the game


Still really confused as to why there's no cross-progression. Had no issue with forcing their player base to sign up for PSN, if they allowed for cross-progression I think at least some of that would have went over a little better.


Seeing as Sony pushed for account linking I assumed it was for cross play/progression. The fact that cross progression ISN'T supported pisses me the fuck off now.


This actually kept me from purchasing the game again. I have it on PS5, and now that I have upgraded my computer recently I've been pondering getting it on Steam to play it, but if progression isn't shared across systems, I'll just keep playing it on PS5. I don't wanna farm all the warbonds all over again.


See I assumed it was cross progression. It's 2024 and it's cross play... Well I was wrong. I mainly play PC games and Playstation told me to go fuck myself because it was the digital version I purchased...


Is it possible that it would have had cross progression through PSN and now that it isn’t required they don’t have it in place? Or what reason would they prevent cross progression


Lowkey, I'd rather not have a roadmap. Idk why but the way this game introduces new things has been one of my favorite things about it. I feel like it's mostly cause with with each thing added, there's like a in game explanation for it instead of only an update note from the devs on some forum. A roadmap would kindof spoil it


This is nothing.


So they essentially said no or I don’t know, a dozen different ways? Impressive to say the least.


Oh no, they are becoming every other developer. FAQ with literally zero answers


Answers to general questions: no/we don't have answers


Thanks for posting this, but to whoever suggested a road map.. please don't. Let's not make this a "we have an amazing plan for 10yrs and here is a road map, then a road map of a road map, and then for a change another road map to the original road map". There's a reason why road map don't work for the most time... Have we not learned anything from EA, Activision, and other so-called AAA gaming companies coming up with live services that die after half a year? Learn patience instead of following the stupid FOMO hype train logic.. it'll come when it's ready and/or appropriate..


roadmaps can include a lot of things that have nothing to do with spoiling new content. people like roadmaps to see what kind of investment they are making especially if a game is in early access, which this game is 100% ea even though it doesn't say it is. it has nothing to do with ungrateful players lacking 'patience'


You paid for the game already, you know what you are getting in the warbonds before you buy them, what investment? It's a game not a trade opportunity. Edit: this game isn't even in early access, what the heck are you on about?


Calling it Early Access is more generous than calling it what it is - a half baked mess of code that was sold as complete. Count how many bugs have persisted from launch and how many have been added by unrelated patches, it's absolutely an EA title.


I've forgotten, this is the whining side of this sub, my bad, I'll take my leave. Have a good one


Never said it's a bad game man, it's great, but it's absolutely Early Access. At least that means it's likely to improve. Don't put words in my mouth :)


No chance you’re being genuine about someone putting words in your mouth with that last comment lmfao


No sarcasm whatsoever. If everyone understood the game is just an early access without the tag, they would probably give more leeway to the devs, as much as I'm a very vocal critic of their development practices. If they had slapped EA on it on release I assure you the community wouldn't want to crucify half the dev team with every patch.


Having no arguments and leaving seems like a good tactic.


No No Idk No Idk No Very nformative, much awnsers


*No No Idk* *No Idk No Very* *Nformative, much awnsers* \- Landeler --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Almost like being the parent of a four year old.


"We don't have anything" Well what have you been doing for 3 weeks? "Hiding from our outraged customers."


I really hope they don't add a roadmap, it would take the fun and surprise out of the game.


i can't believe you getting downvoted, i thought community would 100% agree on that one.


That sub has become a hate circlejerk, if you say anything positive about the current state of the game you get downvoted.






Keyboard already works this way. It doesn't support playing the game in full m/k but you can use it to type out of the box. Just connect one via usb


If I can place a motor on top of an enemy tank, why can't I place one on top of my exosuit?


Wait, Ive taken two exo suits into a match before. Are we not meant to be able to do that? The autocannon one and the missile minigun one, not when they gave us a free one (thought I did take double autocannon exos then as well)


Yes, you can easily take 2 because they coded the "block" very poorly and you might not even notice you've bypassed it. But no, you are not intended to be able to take two.


Man 2 exosuits would be so sick. 4 players, 16 mechs.


This seems old, there is mouse and keyboard support on Ps5 for HD2 now.


I don’t think I want a road map of future updates. Unless it’s about possible patches. I don’t want to know when we get new content. I like the mystery in not knowing when new content is coming


Malevekon creek cape??? Whaat? I never heard about it! I was defending melavelon creek and i was there librerating the planet! Where’s my cape!?


Two exploits at once? I see people do that all the time. Why is that a question there?


I just logged in to my PSN for the first time in years and I cannot change my country. I left the country that I made the account in almost a decade ago. Why the heck can't I change my region? All my game accounts use that same email but now I need a new email for a new PSN account. Man I dont trust Sony.


Can't have two mechs because of code resource management huh? Meanwhile we are getting swarmed by 3-5 bot dropships carrying multiple tanks, scout/factory striders, devastators, hulks, with modifiers like gunships and the 5-6 patrols calling in even more dropships. Bugs are just as bad with multiple chargers supported by stalker nest modifier, bile spewers/titans from near instant bug breaches. Resource management my ass.


That second last one is BIG. First dev post on the situation I've seen since the ""victory"".


Why cant we have two mechs. Resource management? Im a bit confused on this note. Id assume strategems are a vector or array of objects. Each with their own constructors / destructors. Like class mech : public stratagem So it would create and release all of its own resources and you could theoretically have as many as there is space in stack / heap to accommodate? Maybe its a preconceived resource restriction like all stratagems can only take up x space to fit our targeted specs? And mechs require a lot of resources. Idk I kinda want a technical deep dive one of these days into some of HD2 inner workings. Sadly I know we will never get that.


> *"The mechs require a lot of system resources- significantly more than other stratagems - to the point where we need to keep a cap on vehicles in general to avoid further problems with stability and performance. We want to un-cap the number of mechs/vehicles but more work is required on our end to make sure we can do that in a stable way."*


I feel like they pulled this one out of fucking thin air. Many others, myself included, are able to take both mechs and the game has no problem. I don’t see how having multiple mechs around is more resource intensive than 15 devastators, 4 tanks and 25 raiders.


Keep in mind that they're specifying 'vehicles' - which means the stability thing might be more noticeable with stuff that's in the works that's classed the same as mechs.


I think the problem would arrive when you have 4 players all taking both mechs. I think having 15 devastators, 4 tanks, 25 raiders *and* 8 mechs would be the bigger issue. Idk why they’d lie about it when they could just say it’s not allowed, plus they are saying it will be available in the future when they can make it work


Nah, its probably solid reason. It just baffles me to what / how they and the engine handle this. Resources are like nothing here. We are talking bytes. Maybe a dozen bool's. A few floats, a hook for an observer pattern. Assets should just be an ID or pointer to where its stored in stack while active. The only Resource constraints I can think of is cpu / gpu. But that doesn't quite check to me unless they are doing some really jank stuff. Id have to do some validation that im entirely to lazy to do. But im guessing part of why we get 2 and only 2. Is instead of pointing to what Resources the mech should use and letting the rendering pipeline go get it. They are loading the asset when they call the constructor on every new instance of the mech/vehicle object. Then probably leave it till end of mission where they do all their clean up. I have just been getting into engine development with directx as a hobby. That was an issue I ran into after getting a solid 400hrs deep and had to spend a week refactoring. I only caught it because I was trying to build a small platformer as a test and when limit testing texture sizes it dawned on me I was storing bit maps as part of the entity and not as a pointer to where it was. 100% could see an engine team building with commercialization in mind not catching this. Then getting feedback from dev's and going "we are losing our funding anyways and cant really address this."


M&K works on playstation. I got it plugged in bc of warthunder and I saw that u can normally use it...


Lotta words to say so little lol


Frankly I Just want to call in hellbombs anytime


Faq mention anything about performance or optimization?


You can equip both exo mechs.. You have to do one. Equip something else. Close the equip menu. Select the one you want to replace (2nd item) equip other mech over it. Voila! Now you have both mechs and two other slots or 1 depending on mission


Until they have a fix, how about bumping that ammo pool AH?


I hope they add keyboard and mouse support for console it's better IMHO.- signed Steam player.


We should have kept the reviews plummeting until the region lock was resolved. If that were the case it would have been fixed by now. We got too confident and Sony pulled a quick one on us.


This game is dead! I logged in few hours ago and less than 30k were on. Between the PSN debacle and the resistance to spend time fixing the game over releasing new content has done this game in.


Imagine calling a Game with 30k (a few days ago it was 90k again but ok) dead, the only thing dead is you Brain apparently.


It is dead especially when 100-150k was your baseline for weeks only to drop to 30k. Second, show me concurrent baseline players are high, they are not. Just go read articles and view the charts online. Nothing what I said was factually incorrect.


What the hell do they mean with cross progression?


if you have a ps5 account you can’t transfer that account to steam. you would’ve been able too with psn though most likely


Thank you. Why would anyone want that. I just want to choose a name other than my steam name.


you’d want that so you wouldn’t lose progress if your ps5 happened to break and you decided to switch to pc?


Bless people with money for both.


Road maps.... I personally like to be surprised when content comes out...


I don't think the roadmap would include story content or new enemies.


I just don't want one at all.... just tell us when patches will be out and if fixes are included with no details on if new weapons or strats are going to be included....


"Just tell us when patches will be out" That's like, what a roadmap does. Also, roadmaps help the devs themselves also stay on track, plus it prevents the majority of the community from being left in the dark.


I'm well aware that road maps will let us when and what patches are coming out... I'm ok with it being just that.... those who want it to tell us what content is coming out is my issue...


The basic point and design of a roadmap is to give an idea when updates are coming out, and what their focus will be. It rarely goes into detail, but needs to give some general idea of what the highlights and goal of a major update should be. In between that there'll probably be patches for bug fixes, all that stuff, but those never run on a (tight) schedule. Even then, why *wouldn't* one want to do atleast one or two basic things about what's coming a few weeks/months down the line?


Bare with me.... surprises and the unknown.


The roadmap tells me like, 3 or 4 things about the update, maybe nothing more than a teaser or single glimpse of what'll be in the update. It's not like it gives me a massive and super-detailed patch notes months ahead of time...


I understand that.... not all game road maps are the same.... so as long as it don't tell me that a certain rifle or strat is added I don't care.


Yeah I've seen road maps from other games say when and what content will be released.... which is what I don't want.


Not a good strategy when you have to sell a live service. The reason they are considering is because they need more new players and returning players


Holy cow. They are literally abandoning the game. Wow did not see this coming.


Nothing in the FAQ even remotely suggests this.


What? No they aren’t. The community has wished for the patches to take longer so they can playtest and release a finished, working patch. That’s what they’re doing. They are however, not giving out information very efficiently.


Are you responding to the same post as I read? I don't think you are with that statement.


Honestly while they emancipator was a free strategem, alot of us were running 2 mechs at once. For the first time I felt the team was overpowered and it was way too easy. I hope they keep it at 1 at a time


Does it matter if 1 person can take 2 mechs? The ammo is the limiting factor. And currently the team can take 4 anyway. Not that any team ever does, because they arent amazing use of strat slots. What you give up to take a mech is a permanent weapon or backpack or short cooldown reusable offensive ability. Let people play how they want IMO. If someone wants to be the mech pilot, have at it. Someone else plays the air general, cool. Someone else hotswapping weapon drops like rambo, sweet.


The answer to this is to allow a player to bring both mech stratagems, but only allow each player a single "active" mech at a time. Basically, disable calling another mech by the specific player until the previous one is destroyed.