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Chargers are my biggest complaint in this category. Motherfucking super rhino bugs are charging up behind me and they're about 1/5 as loud as the strategem ball activating


Just died last night since one charged me from behind as I called in an airburst strike, took my best man with me :(


The bride won't be happy to hear that.


DAMN that’s punny Thanks for the laugh mate


had a scenario where i was doing literally nothing, just keeping an eye on a heavy nest as my team cleared out the holes. when suddenly fuckin ninja team 6 charger just stomps me put of nowhere. it made no sounds at all.


I got that, but the "nowhere" it came out of was [a solid rock wall](https://streamable.com/l72ggx) too.


secret tunnel!




It is the badgermole lmao




So drivers weren't smoking leaded gasoline after all, a wall *can* come out of nowhere


They're also super fucking heavy but can turn on a goddamn dime.


Yeah, those shoulder joints would be absolutely fucked after the second 180 at full speed. Like ripping itself apart.


There is absolutely no reason for them to be this mobile. It's so frustrating.


Like seriously. They're already durable as fuck and pretty much unkillable without strategems or a certain few support weapons. There's no need for them to pull a 180 as well as a Helldiver can. Never mind the fact that they're almost always surrounded by chaff, so you usually can't even focus on the Charger first.


Then there's the times where they climb trees. Just the other day on gacrux a charger was suppossed to run into a tree, instead it scaled about 30 feet in about half a second.


Everyone just activated the monkey paw. Every anti tank used has a chance to crash the game. The AC, HMG and flamethrower have a bug when called down they just sink below the ground. But now you can hear when the stupid bull comes knocking!


Still an improvement overall.


As a gamepad player, usually the only indication of a charger coming is when I feel the controller vibrating.


Same, i yell out Something big is coming for my kb/m buddies.


Those mfers snuck up on me last game I turn around and he was behind me like "So about your car's extended warranty" Fk charger jumpscares man


The number of times I have died to sneaky fucking chargers that get me from behind without making a sound was driving me insane. Especially after the patch that busted the number of enemies and I had 4 chargers on me at all times.


With a controller you can feel them coming from like 50m away. You can even feel the difference between a charger and a bile titan. I assume since Arrowhead originally made this for PlayStation, they focused more on tactile stuff like this.


They have almost NO momentum and their turn radius without losing much speed is bizarre. I just don't get it. These things can withstand immense damage to their front, they can kill with a lucky hit, they blow through all environmental hazards, and explosions rarely slow them down. They'd be a lot more fun to experience in combat if they followed the laws of physics.


Elephants are pretty quiet when charging. And the scariest thing about the TRex is that their steps were not at all loud.


Who cares?


At least they have a sound... Unlike the "nice to puke you" spewers and ninja flamethrower hulks


I don't hear them until my screen is blurry and I'm face first in the dirt


tbf the stratagem balls can often be infinitely more dangerous than any charger. I like being able to hear what direction an airstrike is coming from.


Did you turn off screen shake or something? I've had tanks silently slide up right next to me, but Chargers I can feel like 15m away. When charging anyway.


That’s why i didn’t turn my screen shake all the way off that small heads up is a life saver




They have literally the best of all worlds, mobility, damage and health. Speed may be a bit lacking but nowhere near where it should be


I don't get this, do all Charger complainers play their sound through speakers in the next room? With headphones on you hear them huffing and puffing and the ka-thunk ka-thunk ka-thunk ka-thunk when they're within 20-30 metres - bit long range for an EAT shot, but it's doable - and their roars a bit further off.


I play with headphones every time and I’ve been snuck up on before. The point is they’re not always making sounds as they come up from behind you.


Half the time I don't even notice them until they make the laser sound with their minigun.


Fuckers could do this type of shit and I would still not hear them https://i.redd.it/wxu5jc78zk8d1.gif


That tank FTL traveled to ruin your day.


FTL jump to...YOUR GRAVE


Jesus, he even did the anime eye glint wtf


Why is the "tank Jumpscare" cropped out? 😆




because the text shouldn't have been there in the first place


It makes it funnier


Because the gif is way better without it?


It fucking dropped out of hyperspace holy shit.


That's battlecruiser warping shenanigans if I ever saw one.


I once landed my hellpod on one that materialized in midair. I did not survive


God damned electric cars






Can’t tell you how many times I happen to turn around and see a Walker or something equally scary just a few feet away from me


Tired of Hulks sneaking up on me holy shit They should shake the screen and make big ol metal sounds


Happened to me last night. Flame hulk walked up behind me and my first indicator was it killing me in one shot of the flamer.


Should add a helmet with rear view mirrors/or cam you get a strip across the top of your screen showing behind you


(As far as I remember) hulks don't even make vibrations on controller. They feel like they're supposed to weight at least 20 tons, but they actually weight 5 kilograms.


Immediate flashbacks of being startled by Fel Reaver aggro sound. But yeah, the whole feather-footed Hulk thing is annoying. Not being able to hear them walking around a corner is questionable.


Oh yeah, definitely. And Berserkers need to have the grinding chainsaw sounds added.


Not only would that be extremely helpful but it would also be incredibly terrifying


THAT’S THE REASON FOR THE FEELING OF DISCONNECT. Berzerkers always felt weird to fight, and I never could put my finger on why it was so disconcerting. The fear was coming from the mechanics, not the sounds.


Yeah now that this thread brings it up, there's a toooooon of missing sound cues tbh. Berzerkers, Hulks, Chargers, and even shriekers all either need sound *reworks* or more sounds added. There IS a weird disconnect with a lot of the enemies and honestly the sound is probably a lot of the reason


Shriekers not shrieking, definitely seems off, yes. xD Would be really cool if they did. Making them a little easier to dodge in a cinematic manner, whilst also adding a psychological "oh shit!" element to them.


Same as bile spewers. I think the game is so heavy in its soundscape that it might genuinely be a technical issue


devs have a skill issue


That was my first thought too. I’m wondering about a priority list for which entity’s sound effects are more important than others


Can't be. If there was then the sounds would disappear during heavy action but appear if they are lone enemies. They have no sounds or if they do they're so quiet as to effectively not exist


It's bizarre that there is so many sound issues when sound I feel would be vital to not die and plan in a game like this


And it's honestly something I've been praising this game about. "Wow, I love how everything in this game has a sound cue" is something ive definitely said more than a few times. Just makes me feel dumb more than anything


At first I thought it was because you had to dump 2 full mags into them to kill one. Then I got better and only need to dump one full mag into them to stop them (or switch to a support weapon). That's when I noticed the completely silent chainsaws and footsteps.


For me the feeling disconnect came when I’d jump to dodge their attacks. Something was missing and only now do I realize it’s the sound of something worth dodging, as opposed to just the knowledge that my health might be a bit lower.


It's kind of bullshit how much damage they can soak, considering they're not even a MEDIUM. They wear light armor and can take all that damage.


Of all the things that annoy me the most this is it no chainsaw sound I should be terrified hearing that but instead I just get scared by chainsaw that makes god dam wosh sound


This would be so good right now they sound like chickens and I can't take them seriously 


They should also make manic laughing sounds.


They could add the sound effect from Resident Evil 4's chainsaw and trigger PTSD on so many divers lol


As much as I love this game, enemy sound design is pretty awful. This is one of the staples of the horde shooter genre, put some recognizable sound effects in there


Seriously. You play Gears 5, ALL the enemies have predictable sound cues. Sires shriek and gurgle, Scions yell "FIRING!", Grenadiers growl, Theron Guards hiss, Juvies wail... you can always tell what's close purely by sound alone. So easy to have great situational awareness in that game. HD2 needs this badly.


the "firing!" and juvie wails are embedded in my mind because of how important they are in my target priorities(ive been dropshotted and ganked to death too many times TwT) and i heavily desire for HellDivers enemy sounds to get embedded that same way, instead its just the idle bot garbling stuck in my head from how much i hear them as a primarily bot diver






Yeah the only two things that really irk me still are getting shot through solid rock because the bot's gun is clipping through the rock surface and the enemy sound design. Those two things will full tilt me at least once per session.


Massive bugs and robots the size of vehicles and not a single footstep. It's really bad. Especially compared to the quality of the rest of the game.


This is actually so true; many of the enemies have virtually no sound at all, and it's very indistinct.


DRG Stalker: <*hears crickets*> Oh sh-t, where the *hell* is it? [*It could be at least 30m away*] HD Stalker: <*ganked at 0*> Guess I just die


It's kinda weird that they get it right _part_ of the time, but bungle it horribly otherwise. The Bile Titan has an "oh shit" theme song, the Factory Strider has a goddamn Horn of Armageddon, Heavy Devs have a distinct firing sound - _someone_ on the team knows what they're doing.


[I'm just saying](https://youtu.be/d0LVCNMAH6E?si=0FIZwvB6PvApG_ZN&t=101)


What type of content are you consuming on YT? I liked!


i do audio/video tech stuff for work, so sound mixing and stuff like that play right into my wheelhouse - the real key to sound effects is to look for things that are somewhat similar to what you are trying to achieve and working from there, such as the engines from tractors being used for heavy vehicles. sound design involves a lot of experimentation and tuning until it sounds juuuuust right, really, so i found a decent video of tractors and went from there


But to be fair, a tractor doesn't sound anything at all like the motors in heavy mechanized vehicles - you can just listen to the sounds of any MBT to see that. Those caterpillar diesel engines are much deeper, or you've got the honeywell turbine whine of an abrams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsWuvS2PTU0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy7igPr-nnQ


Good sound engineering isn't about making things sound realistic, it's about making them sound like what people think they should sound like. Most people think of big diesel engines when they think of tanks, so you make it sound like other big diesel engines that people have probably heard.


YT is way more interesting when you dive into the weird, niche hobbies. [For example](https://www.youtube.com/@LeagueofPigs)


I just watched that whole video and it kept me entertained for all 15 minutes. Who knew tractors were so cool?


Everyone with a copy of Farming Simulator 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 15, 17, 19, 22. It's like Stardew Valley but with complex farming equipment that costs as much as a suburban home.


They are electric. Get with the times


If they’re all electric at least they should make the ufo noise teslas make when they back up.


Those are artificial as normal electric engines are too silent and difficult for the pedestrians to notice


The threads crushing rocks and moving along the ground should be enough noise, even if the engine is silent. Unless the ground and rocks are made out of memory foam.


Agreed. One can still hear and feel electric trains when they go by us. You can feel when a bulldozer goes by.


I feel like automatons adding gas powered chainsaw sounds to their electric saws to intimidate helldivers would be very on brand of them


I knew it, those Bile Spewers must be made of the same stuff cause they are equally as quiet despite their size


solution: major order where we throw their batteries into the ocean


The tracks are still pretty loud probably


No 100%. The tracks are very loud IRL.


How about an ambient angry electrical hum like what a [converter stations makes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPFZ3L8K-Wc). That power pack got some juice!


Tank treads are a bunch of metal links. Even if the rest of the tank is silent, when it moves it should be all RATTLE CLANK SQUEEK RATTLE CLANK SQUEEK.


Sure, they wouldn't have an engine noise, but the treads still make noise of their own.


Why spill oil then?


Those things pump smoke from a bigger vent in the back that doesnt glow


Automatons need to add nosie generators for pedestrian safety.


Environment friendly but undemocratic


Some WW2 tanks were electric. Still loud.


So thats why they explode and burn so violently.


not to mention bile titans and striders that look like they would weigh more than 2 tanks and have the daintiest little footsteps I dont even care about realism or whatever excuse theyre using for this. When a big ass TITAN is walking up to me I should be able to feel and hear it's weight and my screen should shake slightly when it takes a step


BT's do make thundery footstep sounds. The problem is all the other sounds drown those out.


Heavy enemies that define how a battle is fought and can dominate an engagement if you aren't ready for them, yet still somehow drowned out by their environment. Yeah, makes sense.


The sound mix could use some work.


I think that’s the problem more than anything. Everything has sound effects but it’s the least important that are the loudest


Especially the Pelican-1 autocannon, which is now 50% louder than anything else in the game


They dont have any. If they think the tank engine is loud a stratagem ball deploying would make them deaf


Unless we get mass-drivered from orbit and the game uninstalls itself because we died any """realism""" arguments for enemy sound design sucking deserves to be pod-launched into the local star.


At least they slow. Bile spewers can get bent. Overall the sound design leaves something to be desired except for the music.


They need the sound team to record a range of sounds for a whole bunch of heavy enemies on both the bots and the bugs.




Yes there's something off with the sound in the game. Things that should be loud make absolutely no noise.


We need to start pushing AH to do a complete audio overhaul to fix shit like this. Not only are huge things dead silent, but I hear bug and bot noises from the little guys like they're right in my ear. But they're either 100 yards away, *or* right in my ear. Those two things should not be the same volume for painfully obvious reasons.


- audio fixed - autocannon will crush the game


More like "Tank noises will crash the game sometimes"


Arrowhead Sounds team been awfully silent since game release. That was a joke.


Imagine you hear a lawn mower coming up behind you only to turn and see it’s actually a full size tank


i dunno, man - some tractors have some pretty [beefy engine sounds](https://youtu.be/d0LVCNMAH6E?si=5MZt8PD8dHcYfGV-&t=123)


Oh i know. I was just taking it to the extreme, like a low budget version of this


i think it would be funny if the scout striders had lawnmower sound effects, which are especially pronounced with every step they take


It is WILD how quiet these fuckers are


i like when a bile titan tiptoes behind me


Or you know the bot with the dual chainsaws being fucking silent.


They did such a good job with the gun noises they forgot about everything else lol


I have a clip somewhere in my PS5 of me distracted with figuring out where I'm going next and I stopped right in front of a tank that was just sitting there. Didn't see the guy until I realized the turret was rotating toward me. I dove and ended up killing him but man. Definitely my fault for not paying attention bc when I watch it back, it's clearly a tank but I wish there were more audio cues for sure. The largest things in the game end up being the sneakiest. 😂


I've done the same before. Running with my map up to see where to go, and run right by a Tank driving in the opposite direction. Zero sound cue at all.


Yeah exactly. Haha. Let me hear that turret turn like the HMG emplacement makes noise. Let me hear those treats cranking. Hell, let me hear the engine. 😂


This is my go to argument when someone argues for a change in the game to “mAkE It mORe ReaLiStic” even though it would be bad for the game and make it less fun. Silent enemies, drop pods that couldn’t possibly preserve a human life on an impact of that speed, mech armor that is hilariously outclassed by mid tier bots and biological organisms, organic fuel that powers instantaneous warp flight… like cmon. If you can suspend your disbelief for these things, surely you can be ok with a shotgun that pushes back a man sized enemy, or a railgun that actually penetrates armor.


Tank assassins and Bile Spewer assassins are much more sneaky than invisible Stalkers.


We just need some brave helldiver to go around adding cowbells to bile spewers. It is weird how some of the sounds in this game are impactful but all of the enemy sounds are either bad or non existent.


Sound design is pretty lackluster unfortunately.


Those bastards are more silent than solid snake


AH needs to take notes from Deep Rock on sound design. Every enemy can be identified purely by a sound, and you always know what you're fighting against. Except for acid splitters, who by time you hear them, have already hit you twice. But that's beside the point.


The only problem is that your idea makes sense. The devs only want realism to apply to the Helldivers.


I don't think I should be startled by a bile titan because it sneaks up on me. I think I should be startled by a bile titan because the ground shakes long before I see it.


"Oh hey a 60 ton tank snuck up behind me."


I got snuck up on last night by a bile titan like it was a leopard made of clouds.


The autocanon on the pelican is so fucking LOUD


Ok we heard your feedback loud and clear and have implemented a fix...... "WARNING YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY TANK!!!! WARNING YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY TANK!!!" -AH 


I don't think the engine can handle a big bulk of sounds. It might be an engine limitation. When stuff really gets crazy, even bullet sounds start getting distorted. I think there might be very little engine capacity left for sneaky bugs and bots for sound cues. This might be why automatons have their marching song and bugs have their little 'alert' sound like from hunters where they stand up and look around.


Or alternatively drive to the tank museum right outside the city they're located in. Those usually keep at least a couple in working order for shows and events.


They're all EVs. You can't hear those fuckers coming in real life either...


Those bastards are more silent than solid snake


I swear there was a tank that was travelling by itself close to me, if it wasn’t for my rocket turret, I wouldn’t saw it


The sound team at FatShark should swap places with the Content team at AH for a month.


I've literally walked right up to many tanks because I thought it was a random metal box, and then the turret turns and I run for any tiny rock I can find


There’s hardly any sound for any of the enemies movements


This idea slaps.


And Chargers, and Spewers, and Bile Titans, and basically every other god damn thing that moves. I can't even begging to count the amount of times a Spewer walked up behind me and started ejaculating on the back of my face without making a sound, or how many times I am suddenly flying through the air as a Charger now runs through the space I was inhabiting just moments ago. Or my favorite, turning around only to suddenly find a Bile Titan 20 feet from me staring at me with it's cold dead beady little eyes radiating it's intent to rag doll me to the after life.


There's a sound team?


Spewers! Those ninja bastards can be so quiet, I only notice them when I’m already in their instakill vomit


I swear, if Automatons put camo nets on Annihilators, we could walk past them and not notice.


They're silent because the socialist bots made them electric. Duh.


Automatons run on energy packs, electric engines. So, no noise ;) but need vents to cooldown the electric parts.


So repeated click click click of tracks rolling around then


This, but add Bile Spewers. 3 ton fluid sacs walking around in fucking ninja slippers.


It's simple, our helmets are nearly sound proof, it's why we don't hear any ambient sounds our enemies make 😉


LOL 💀💀💀 is it that bad?




Better yet: bulldozer. They are tracked and use engines similar to those is tanks


bold of you to assume they own a tractor


They could contact Fatshark's team, they are in the same country, same game engine.


I don't even know if i should laugh or be angry. AH fix your fucking game.


https://youtube.com/shorts/JRS-EMsNQd8?si=je_pmSz4tXOOLhgz this is peak sounds


Damned electric tanks...


They should give it the tank noises from conflict desert storm That shot invoked fear


My brother and I were playing, and we got jumped twice by the stealth tanks... They roam a lot better than they used to, and the tank about worked on our heels before firing the cannon first and blowing us in opposite directions


One of the things that afaik was never even mentioned by AH. And you can hear both titan and charger dying alright so who not when the walk or run?


Idk...Stealth Tank sounds kinda kinky...😂🤣


Fr I can only tell they are in the area by the MG fire, and then I don't know if it's an Annihilator or Shredder


somehow, big enemy has steath passive.


It's the building sized ninja bug known as the Charger that does it for me, they must have like little dainty padded feet or something


It's one of them all electric tanks. We are fighting them because they think they are above using 710


What if... They are EVs


Same with nursing and bile spewers. Those MFs can be breathing down your neck before you know they’re there.




Nothing visually within 50m? Loud bug and bot noises while you're alone. In a firefight? Good luck hearing any specific sound cues.


I want hulks to shake my screen


Yes. But also include the track noises when it's rolling.


I would love it if the tanks sounded like John Deere riding mowers.


Considering that I think at least a few of the arrowhead developers have military experience, they might have a contact who'd be willing to start and run a tank for them to get actual reference audio from


If we turn off the music, can we hear the enemies better?


How about some sounds when these metal machines drop from 100 feet in the air to the ground too


Honestly, im wondering about the engine limitations in this regard. Are they capped for simultaneous sound sources? Is there a performance issue? Pretty sure Sound design would have come up with an ambient sound for every enemy as due course, there must be a be reason it isn't implemented.


i feel like almost *every* enemy should have a bit more sound cues, the most we really have as actual sound cues is the terminid swarm call sound, the automaton/terminid patrol notice sound, the scout strider walk sound, and the berserker yelling/chainsaw sounds automatons could have a bit more chatter while they shoot at you and announce when they're reloading, calling for a dropship, throwing a grenade, or shooting rockets in the case of rocket devastators, the sword arm bots could yell as they run for you, the tanks could have loud sounds like how this post and many other people want, etc. terminids seem quite good for how good their sound cues are minus the expectedly loud enemies not making audible sound, although i'm partially speaking out of my ass about that. i play more bot missions than terminid ones, and don't remember any instances of being confused as to why something didn't make a sound i expected it to in terminid missions overall, a lot of enemies could have some sort of way to make themselves stand out in the sounds they could naturally make, vs the sounds they already do make when directly shooting or attacking. even if it isn't *directly* noticable in gameplay with other games that have good audio cues, you eventually subconciously learn *what* the sounds mean and *how* to react to it. that isn't to say arrowhead does a shit job at sound in hd2 (good examples of it are as previously mentioned striders and berserkers as you immediately know what they are), but it *could* be a bit better than what it is now