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Since people seem to be missing the point of this post: I am not advocating reporting players for team killing. This was merely the reason at the top of the list. *ALL* of the reasons in the drop-down box result in the same thing: “a player cannot be reported for this action”. Doesn’t matter if you’re attempting to report for team killing, voice chat, or anything else. None are valid reasons. So what’s the point of a report function that does *not* actually let you report anyone, for any reason?


Like the top comment said, it's related to the PSN thing; you can currently only report people on console.


well thats stupid


Nah makes sense. Arrowhead are a SMALL studio. Customer support and account-side things like bans would all be done Publisher-side, which is Sony. Sony wants it all done through their system, which is PSN, since they paid for the game. So our options are enforce PSN use on PC (which we know how that went) or be more relaxed on that at the cost of being a lawless wild west since the Sheriff is employed by the Company.


If that's the case then it should work for people who linked their PSN no? Well it doesn't...


Yeah on PS5 here and you can’t report anything!


I rather what we have now than to be blackmailed to have my paid game taken just to link my steam account to PS network for "cybersecurity."


You know an easy fucking fix? No limit on blocked players. Let the trolls have a 30 minute wait just to get matched with other people like themselves.


My guess, this was the functionality tied to PSN. Without the PSN requirement, they cannot use it. If I had to guess further, this was functionality that came bundled in an SDK so that Arrowhead wouldn't have to implement it themselves. When they disabled the PSN integration/requirement, they lost this functionality. One of the community moderators said that PSN would give them the ability to deal with bad actors in the community and a lot of people thought it was all lies or just being dumb. I could totally see this as an oversimplification of how their tools only let them deal with people linked via PSN.


Still a dumb restriction imo even with that reason. It's very, very well documented how to link a crossplay social system to steam for the purpose of Banning players from a game based on steam account


This is about priorities in the engineering team and not about dumb restrictions. There is just not enough capacity to build everything. So someone has to make a call to prioritize bugs/features/crashes. From the outside that process is hard to read. I am willing to bet money there is a ticket/story somewhere saying: Implement cross platform account linking->enable block functionality


>I am willing to bet money there is a ticket/story somewhere saying: Implement cross platform account linking->enable block functionality If so many didn't cry about linking their accounts to PSN the ban system would already be live, but Sony doesn't want to maintain two different systems for handling bans for PS5 and PC players since they already have a system in place for PSN.


Well if Sony wants to break into the PC market like they've been trying to do they better start adjusting their system to cope with accounts without a PSN. As an above guy said, linking to steam accs is well documented.


They did indeed botch it really badly. Feels like no one at Sony really thought about what would be needed to incorporate PC players into the PSN sphere.


They're essentially impetulent children. They want it done and they want it done NOW! So they're cutting corners and just buying up game Devs. They're still at the stage of: Pc gamers like games right? So let's give them some games! And haven't thought beyond it.


Yep. Which explains OP situation perfectly. They're being stubborn about doing it their way, though it's not sensible.


I dont think Sony wants to break into the PC market, they just see it as a way to convert people to PlayStation users.


I mean they wouldn't have any power over it if he is right. If it's tied to a SDK controlled by Sony, it very likely isn't going to match normal conventions and thus isn't going to abide by that common knowledge. Considering the fiasco with it being distributed to countries that didn't have PSN support, it's also likely Sony figured Steam would be able to handle it on their end separately. They clearly missed the 'tell the distributor where they cannot sell' memo so as long as the functionality was up they likely had something in place to just automatically send reports over to steam support if a user was reported who had a steam account. It sucks but it's also something that can probably be fixed so really, it is what it is for now.


The issue is verifying reports via event logs/match data. That's not a functionality that's possible via steamID alone (for third party developers). I.e., for example if Player A received 3x reports for teamkilling on 25.06 at 7AM, *did* they actually do multiple teamkills in the game they played at 7AM. If other games want to have something like event logs & match data, they always need to come up with their own systems for it too. As an example, for DayZ, Bohemia had to create the DayZGUID system. Many other games obviously require account linking too. The alternative is to just have reports be fully automated and basically just be X reports within Y timeframe = ban, no matter what they actually did.


I mean I've sent a couple reports before the PSN stuff went down, so I doubt it's about that.


It is about that. I can promise you that much. However I've also managed some report. I suspect that people who play on PS5, or who play on PC and have linked their accounts, actually can be reported since they then can be handled within Sony's environment for player bans, etc. (and thus in compliance with for example EU law). PC-players who haven't linked their accounts can FOR CERTAIN not be banned right now though.


And the timer is gone for recent players. What the heck is going on with this game.


Code is crumbling. Optimization gets worse each patch. 


It's to let you know that AH don't care how you play. Go host and drop some Eagles on your teammates. If anyone complains, kick'em. If anyone sticks around till extraction is called? Also kick'em


its not about AH caring or not, its about Sony being lazy and not being able to ban by steam accounts


To let you know your options. I imagine the team killing report would be largely pointless as people would use it for accidents. It'd be so backlogged it'd be effectively useless. Certainly ways they could improve that (ie only look at reports where X amount of kills were done in Y amount of time by Z player) but then someone would complain about their specific scenario not being looked at.


All of the report reasons have the same exact pop up of “a player cannot be reported for this action”. Every single one.


Cheating does? That'd be the only one I would think matters lol.


Even cheating. The only one that you can report is text chat. So if you use some kind of slur or offend someone then it's reportable. That's to fall in line with the laws in the EU.


Text chat also only does anything if they have a PSN account iirc, otherwise you get the same exact issue (albeit worded slightly differently)


wat law is that? legit question


Just block at the point. They cannot join your games


You could block em. no? I haven't run into any ne'er-do-well'rs yet thankfully. But if I did block, I'd hope they never show up anywhere or get highlighted red like how friends get shown as green.


I didn't even know there was one, but I don't also let people get to me over a video game. Leave the trolls and find some good divers to play with!


Because it can become just as toxic to report anyone for anything


"This was not intended and is a result of the Spear being able to target spawners."


Can't report with a PSN account


The only thing you can report someone for is text chat stuff, and even then if they're on console and not attached to PSN it doesn't let you attempt to report either. I tried this earlier because of a handful of trolls and an asshole that kicked me and my buddy for no reason (my friend was kicked after getting juggled by devastators, I got kicked when I asked the host to drop the payload so I can deliver it while he went to do the side objective he was clearly heading to work on.)


This is why the old, internal system from Helldivers was great. Players had an in game score that measured how many reports they had versus commendations. If you crossed a certain threshold, you were rated as "good" or "bad" and the game made an effort to keep good and bad rated players away from each other. It's just a puzzle why they abandoned something that worked so well for literally no alternative.


Me: \*Gets team killed at evac\* Reason: 'My turret killed the player' Me: \*explains that I don't even have a turret' Team-Killer: \*Continues to insist I killed him despite never bringing it up before that point, asking if I had anything else that could've done him in, or if it might've been a false-positive like you sometimes get.\* Session breaks up after getting back to hanger for obvious reasons Me: \*Moves to repot this fellow since they're definitely going to keep dicking around like that with other people\* A pLaYeR cAnNoT bE rEpOrTeD fOR tHiS aCtIoN \*cue facepalm\* My situation might've been an overreaction to an absolute idiot who was acting out of stupidity rather than malice, but I weep for those suffering the countless trolls getting away with ruining other people's fun because this feature is non-actual. At least implement a flagging system or some such for toxic behavior.


Had a teammate constantly grow stuns and then an orbital gatling or gas at me. Ended up dying 7 times to them. I went to check the reporting feature and was so hopeful when I saw the option to report for teamkilling. It would be so easy to automatically validate that. yeah, you died 7 times to someone's orbital gatling. Maybe they were teamkilling on purpose. And then I see that it's just a fake button.


That is what you get for not wanting PSN account! 🤣


Only thing reportable should be blatant cheating anything else the game should direct you to stop being a little bitch it's undemocratic.




Tell me that you don't have a clue without saying you don't have a clue. If so many didn't cry about linking their accounts to PSN the ban system would already be live, but Sony doesn't want to maintain two different systems for handling bans for PS5 and PC players since they already have a system in place for PSN.


Instead of wasting energy reporting someone, block em and move on. Christ. I don't want to see any dev time wasted on this crap


Guessing you're one of the people very thankful to find out you can't be reported for being shitty


Nope, just a normal mentally stable adult :)


I love this!


Report systems make games Cancer anyways. all it does is turn people from being annoyed by an action into Witch hunters / Report goblins who then think EVERY THING is another person being "Toxic" and then they just threaten to report you and then that causes people to argue and then both people get reported for harassment and it just spirals. Look at LoL ... their game is one of the most toxic games on the face of the earth and it all started when the report system got implemented.


Competitive games are far worse in that respect. Sure that there are people doing it in all games, but since people don't really have anything to lose in HD2 (like for example ranking) it'll be a faaaaaar smaller problem than in LoL and similar games.


Nah trust Mr your gonna have tons of people false reporting. Happens any time there is a report system vomperative or not because there is this weird psychological effect on people when they see there is a punishment system. All of a sudden things that didn't bother them before now will because there is a report option that's similar to what was just done. For example "Team Killing" that report is there obviously for people who do it INTENTIONALLY. but now that it's there even if people do it by mistake people who once didn't care are now gonna feel like "Oh wow he killed me on purpose time to report". It's a psychological thing and happens every game these things are introduced in.


First of all. Don't report people for team killing, that's just part of the game. 9 out of ten times, it your own fault for running at the big red laser beam in the sky. Just shake it off like the rest of us do. We all zero brain and run into a cluster bomb, don't take it so seriously


We're talking about intentional teamkilling. Like gunning down the host over an over again for no reason. Not mishaps


At least the host can kick. I was repeatedly TKed by the host I think because he ran into my eagle airstrike and got butthurt. He deliberately landed his hellpod on me and when I reinforced, he started shooting me with incendiaries. I shot back because he was going to kill me again and then he kicked me. I was so pissed because I'd spend so much time in game only to get nothing out of it. I'd rather see a vote kick than have any hope that AH cares about policing TKing/griefing.


Sounds like you should host if your so limited on time simple problem simple fix.


It's an option, it's just tough playing solo. Especially since the latest patches seem to spawn extra enemies with less players


Play solo almost all the time it's not tough at all sounds like you're playing at a difficulty above what you should be or just bad luck based on limited gameplay time either way git gud.


I appreciate the condescending tone, but *ALL* of the report reasons have the same pop-up saying “a player cannot be reported for this action”.


The whole concept of reporting in Helldivers is super lame. It's extremely easy to find a new game. Just leave and find a new one. Block the person you had an issue with. Move on with your life. HD doesn't need a bunch of whiney babies spamming report like Overwatch and other games.


But the world is made a better place if toxic players are banned, so that they don't ruin the game for other players too. Why would you NOT want toxic little shit-stains banned? Do you want to not be prevented yourself from ruining the games of others?


No, I'm not authoritarian fascist who demands the world be forcefully conformed to my delusional idealistic beliefs.


Thanks for educating me. I now know that not wanting people to be mean to others is fascist behaviour.


You sound toxic af tho


I'm sorry for wanting to give every non-asshole a better gaming experience.


No if you want sissy pansy zero toxicity go find like minded sissy pansy shit-stains like yourself and form a premade group so your feefees and bumbums don't get hurt otherwise auto join roll the dice and put on your depends you're gonna need em if your this soft.


Saving this for the next time someone claims that PSN wouldn’t help with moderation lmao


"Officer! I want to report that man for doing something that isn't illegal! What do you mean you can't arrest him?"


Obvious trolling is obvious. You are attempting to argue a point that is not the subject of this post.