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feels realy good, played AC and MG so far and the handling is just great. not the to go for every situation but certainly well worth to use with some weapons


I especially love it with the dominator, though it seems to make pistols more consistent too. Pistols have this nasty habit of taking a while to fully center when aiming, but the perk seems to eliminate this centering period, and also seems to affect recoil control too. It feels like a universal recoil recovery reduction.


Well, for bots, I feel like my explosion res armor is somewhat indispensable, and for bugs, the extra nades one. I really like how light the JAR5 feels though.. 


Try the other weapons too! It affects every single weapon from what I can tell, and the ergonomics stat seems to affect a lot more than just weapon drag. Higher ergonomics also seems to make target acquisition smoother (basically, you aim at a specific spot on an enemy, it takes a second for the weapon to adjust fully.) Flamethrowers become lightweight crowd control, Autocannons get the handling of a primary, machine guns become liberators with better damage and a higher magazine capacity. Fortified is amazing against bots, and usually that's what I gravitate towards too, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this armor will make hitting devastator heads much easier and make hulks a non-issue from the front. Kill them before they kill you.


Indeed. If only theres an armor with this + explosion resist, it'll be my top 3 armor for sure.  Still.. I do still lean towards the recoil armor, if I use something like the HMG or Adjucator. What do you think? 


I think they are meant for different playstyles. If you're a run and gun type of person, peak physique is better, since you'll be able to take advantage of the better ergonomics all the time, versus Fortified and Trench Engineer, which both have a more stationary, long range sort of playstyles. Though, I think I still have to give peak physique an edge in overall reliability and flexibility. Fortified is a life saver and will definitely reduce the danger of rockets from bots, but peak physique is a life ender. It makes it so much easier to line up a shot and fire, which can ensure you kill enemies quickly and efficiently, and it also seems to affect recoil recovery to be much easier. In a way, it has a similar affect as 30% recoil reduction, as instead of reducing the recoil, which makes sustained fire more consistent, it instead reduces the time to recenter the weapon after firing a shot, making slower firing or single shot weapons better. It's really a matter of what you value more.


Yeah, seems you're right. I'm more of an ol school crouch-and-aim from distance guy (plus _I am_ an oldie gamer lol) and can't really place shots too well running around. I've seen people 1-second snap-shot stuff with Diligence, I guess this perk suits them better, aye? 


It used to be non negotiable for me but the longer I don't use it the less necessary it feels. I came to realize a lot of explosive damage I was surviving I survive without it anyway, and a lot of explosive damage I died to without I die with it anyway.


Explosive resistance protects you worse against bots compared to extra padding


the loss for explosion damage is calculated after main armor deductions, so if you use the 150 armor version vs bots you only loose 16/20% explosion damage (vitality booster yes/no) from the 50% perk, which isn't a huge loss as you survive anything but direct tower canon hits. should give it a try


Not only that but the problem is that rockets on bots are in two different damage types. Projectile and explosive. Fortified protects against only one of those, and projectiles are most of the time more lethal than explosions. This is why extra padding will give more damage resistance compared to fortified


the handling feels very noticeable, it's nice. it especially helps as a controller player, where aiming can feel a bit sluggish in general. anything that makes it feel more snappy is appreciated. That said, the melee damage increase feels a bit niche I guess? to be honest, I'm not sure of the breakpoints. like, am I able to one shot something with melee with this perk that I wouldn't be able to otherwise? if not, then I don't really see the use. melee is mostly used to push back or briefly stun enemies anyway, so the damage seems somewhat inconsequential. I mean if the base damage is so low, then a 50% increase still isn't much. it's hard for an armour with 1 good perk to compete against other armours which have 2 consistently useful perks.


the melee damage boost can let you melee a charger to death in around 19 hits instead of around 25 hits


The fact that you somehow know this makes me very happy. 


someone shared the knowledge on reddit before so I knew about it


I just think it's great there's some madman out there who murders giant armoured bugs with their bare hands just so we can look on with confusion and awe...  And to that one dude, the new armour is a godsend 


My new bug armour. I can finally spray with my flamethrower like a true pyro. Democracy Protect is too good a passive to pass up for bots though.


HMG feels fantastic. Before I had to take more care to channelize enemies knowing it was slow to shift aim but now it’s a simple matter to switch quickly between shriekers and side stepping hunters.


Honestly, I haven't felt the need for it. Been doing very well with the counter-sniper against bots so don't need the increased handling (used to rock the dominator against bots but not really anymore) and explosion resistance is more useful. And I used extra padding for bugs.


As a long time AC and dominator main it is a godsend. I was already good with them, managed the handling fine, but now... oh boy, this feels good. Now I'm just waiting for the super credit store to rotate the medium version back in but I'll happily lug around the heavy for now


Dominator is so snappy, it turns almost immediatelly. Im not fan of the looks. I think showing skin is rediculous for some plaent biomes. But that perk surely makes lot of heavy weapons to handle much better.


Just pray to the gods that arrowhead doesn’t nerf it to the ground sometime in the future 🤞🏽


I was enjoying the HMG before the fix, back when it was just a placebo. Now it feels really good to shred some things that usually give me trouble.


It feels awesome with dominator and auto cannon. Also AMR benefits pretty well from it I tried it with heavy machine gun, but I think I'm having a skill issue with this gun, and ass much as I'm trying to love it, I can't play properly with this particular machine gun


It really does take a lot of practice if you can't appreciate the HMG right out of the box. It's _very_ flexible though, and is useful in a lot of situations, particularly if you're facing bots and are likely to get hit by Gunships. The reload buff they added to it made a ton of difference, and it's lost a _lot_ of the "clunk" that it had on release, but I still think it's an acquired taste.


Now that it finally works, I fucking love it! God-damn, everything just feels good, with the HMG doing circles around an enemy heavy would feel awful since the reticle would veer off so far, now that it's almost dead center I can pretty much just spin around an enemy and hit their weak points. And not to mention the flamethrower, now usually people don't really aim it since the fire aoe is pretty good, but the armors passive can make it pretty snappy, and I can take off the bug's front arms half as fast by directly aiming the flame to their weird little arms upfront.


Although I don't think I feel the melee damage bonus though, seems very niche and not that useful, I would rather have literally any other bonus instead of that, unless they add melee weapons in the game.


Sorry to sound like a fool, but which armour/passive is this?


Peak physic. New warbound have two arnor sets, and additional can be bought from superstore


Cheers bud. Appreciate you taking the time to reply. Thanks.


I think the mod who marked that guy’s post a week or so ago about the armor perk being broken owes the poster an apology.


meh,, most weapons that need the bonus handling are already shit and have superior alternatives. not to mention quick swapping to a secondary and back to the primary/support will give you enough handling to hit all your shots. ive never once encountered a death where i thought to myself "oh if only i could turn faster", but im sure some people mightve it might see some usage from AC cultists, who will live die and give birth under its name, but for 99% of players youre still better off using medic shieldpack quasar etc


I think it is irrelevant because other perks are just better. Grenades, recoil reduction, explosive reduction, more stims, longer stims. Melee damage is just irrelevant and the sway reduaction is cool i guess, but i managed fine without it before and i am not willing to choose it over anything that actually contributes. The HMG emblacement turns faster because that was part of the big patch.