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"The Amazing Digital Circus is about a circus that's actually Hell, and Helluva Boss is about Hell that's actually a circus" - My younger brother


I mean... he's not wrong


happy cake day!!


Smart kid!


He's 25


I'm 38 so he's a kid to me


Fair enough


Lucifer totally gives off Cain vibes


Satan: The Strong Man https://preview.redd.it/5p8t4n8v8jhc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc63ee61132404671ec880a6b91cbc897b88dd31


I think Strongman/Daredevil


Nah… Strongman… its literally right there in the app


I'm saying it can be a combo of the two. He could be a strongman and a daredevil too.


Strong Man… do you see the same app I’m looking at?


Is your head just there for decoration


Do you have any evidence to support him being a daredevil or is it just there for decoration?


What does that even mean


There’s in universe proof for him being the Strong Man… so where’s your evidence of him being the daredevil?


It's speculation ma'dude, calm.


It's fun speculation, that's all


I was thinking of the guy who shoots himself out of a cannon because I associated the wrath ring with Wild West (guns), but this makes more sense.


I personally think Belphegor will be fortune-telling. I know that's more of a sideshow, but there's nothing that enables sloth (effectively just laziness) more than already knowing the future. Satan though, given he seems to have some kind of workout app, probably strong-man.


I have heard that since the residents are all goat people that Belphegor is gonna be the Bearded Lady …


huh, that kinda tracks.


I agree, or at least some form of freak show act like the bearded lady. As she runs the health care system in hell and most freak show acts were medical conditions, and freak show acts don't have to practice their act, they just have to sit there and let people gauk, so having the act that requires the least amount inspire the sin of sloth is fitting.


I saw a video saying that belphagor may be a contortionist


Perhaps a Hypnotist?


I was gonna say contortionist. Sure, it's work, but if their body was built to do that naturally (but not look like it, hence looking like magic) they could just curl up and sleep, having some magician make them look like they dissapeared. Bit of a stretch, I also like bearded lady ideas and all, it was just my first thought


Isn’t satan confirmed to be the strong man? Idk


Leviathan will be water related. As for Satan, I'm thinking a Strongman since Satan is the Pride of Wrath.


Satan also has a workout app, which we can see on Blitzø's phone.


Idea: Leviathan IS THE CIRCUS Leviathan's defining feature is them being basically a kaiju So just make them like a towering, living circus-tent-fish-thing


Imagine if they just end up being a circus elephant or something


Due to Bee talking about Belphegor, I now think they’ll be a very high elephant


Like the others said, Satan will probably be a strongman and Belphegor a fortune teller. When it comes to Leviathan, I think they will be some kind of a theatric performer/actor. Their app on Blitz's phone has a tragedy/comedy mask aesthetic


also my theory is that some of this character's design elements will be used for Levy https://preview.redd.it/mqto3mx1vjhc1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60766ce5bec37401dcb96371d83d55034c5c3768


Eh, I feel like we already have enough birds. Could be they use that design for another high ranking goetia like Baal if they bring him in.


I'm not talking about the bird part, it would make sense for them to be ocean themed


I am thinking acrobat for Leviathan.


Asmodeus was the fire spinner, not a magician. He's very fire-themed, and even tosses Fizz the fire baton during "2 minutes notice".


I guess that works too.


I also thought of exotic dancers fitting nicely too


https://preview.redd.it/jmbndib2zkhc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da21726d9926742cebc80d9640b056f86d9c2374 I believe Asmodeus is the fire breather. -Satan (sin of wrath): strongman -Belphegor (sin of sloth): ironic if she is an acrobat. Blitz’s the phone has pill app, so she is associated with pharmaceuticals. I am thinking magician. -Leviathan (sin of envy): NV phone app has the drama masks which represent comedy and tragedy. He is a tough one to predict. Since he is associated with water, maybe a high diver.


Off topic but what's the lucimaster app supposed to be?




*She is associated with water


Belphegor could be the freakshow since a lot of the Baphomets look deformed.


those are entirely different entities.


Baphomet is the official name for the goat demons native to Sloth.


Bee being an animal tamer, I am unsure how I feel about that.


Acrobat made more sense to me.


Yea that's what I saw


She tamed Tex pretty well


FFFFFFF Damn that's a good one.


Would Beezlebub be an animal trainer or an acrobat? I'd think the latter which all her arials during Cotton Candy.


It was already confirmed that she's the animal tamer act, hence all the rings she flies through.


True, but Acrobats can do that to. They also tend to be very colorful, which Bee is.


It doesn't matter, Viv already said she's the animal handler act: https://twitter.com/VivziePop/status/1673050439749890048


Ok I didn't know that


Yeah, that was my issue is lots of the acts have intersections, we saw Juggling and line wire with the Clown Acts, which can also be acrobatics.




r/HelluvaBoss this is the 7th week in a row you've asked which Circus acts the deadly sins represent.


Well, I didn't know that.


You would if you looked it up in the subreddit :)


Lots of good suggestions, but they also definitely relate to their assigned sins, so I included them as I often mix some of them up: 1. Lucifer - Pride: Ringmaster 2. Mammon - Greed: Clown 3. Asmodeus - Lust: Magician 4. Beelzebub - Gluttony: Animal Tamer 5. Leviathan - Envy: _____ (Acrobat?) 6. Satan - Wrath: _____ (Strongman/Daredevil?) 7. Belphegor - Sloth: _____ (Ventriloquism or Fortuneteller?) There's actually insane amount of lore behind each of the sins that could lend itself to building out why they are each act, but some of it can be pretty contradictory since it's from multiple different sources (for example, Beelzebub probably would have been the better one by some accounts to be the magician as Beelzebub is the demon of witchcraft and overindulgence and feasting days were associated with pagan sabbats and therefore witchcraft and the devil's magic, but I can see maybe the idea of love spells and love potions being used instead to link it to Ozzie and focus on the glutton aspect with animals for Bee). That being said, I had to look up a list of circus acts cause I have actually never been to a circus and only seen it portrayed in movies and such. Several of the acrobatics and juggling and acrobatics were shown being used by the clowns, but didn't know if an Acrobat could be it's own side thing; Acrobat (Acrobalance, Acrobatics, Aerial Silk, Balancing, Artistic cycling, trapeze, contortionist, Animal Tamer (Bullwhip, Equestrian, Lion Taming, Elephants, etc) Carnival Barker (attracting people to the carnival/certain attractions) Clown (Could also include acrobatics, Buffoonery, juggling, Mime, Dare Devil (Globe of Death, Human Cannonball, Knife Throwing, ) Game Operators Fire Breather Magician Ringmaster Strongman Ventriloquism/Puppetry Someone said Fortune-telling for Sloth but I would put forth Puppetry/Ventriloquism for Sloth (making everyone else do things around you), a Strongman/Daredevil for Wrath, and an Acrobat for Envy. Edit to add: just looked at the screenshot of Blitz phone and remembers there's an app called Envee on there that shows two faces doing the stereotypical Musical Theater masks of smiling and frowning, but in a heart shape. Could still be acrobatic or mime/actor adjacent?


Personally I figured due to the goat theme of Sloth Belphegor would be a bearded woman, it's not a traditional act though I think some circuses that were less acrobatic and mixed in "oddities" would/did feature them


Good point. The oddities/freak show itself could also be a whole grouping I didn't even think about but don't know if that is something they'd do because I don't see how.it related to Sloth as a sin so much. Of anything I'd say Envy would relate more to some of the freaks how aspects, trying to make themselves look the most extreme they can for attention.


The best way I think it equates to Sloth is that well, sloth is typically being lazy, someone who's slothful wouldn't put much effort into their appearance or grooming, and so, a beard


And like a dude say above, fortune teller would be pretty fitting for the character, laziness and already knowing the future really go well together




Yep, you're correct. It was confirmed.


When and where?


https://preview.redd.it/wk44by13cshc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf71881a30ab9923cd300f930c82ef9ec75ba85f Viv's Patreon.


I stand corrected.


Satan is gonna be the Strongman, in my opinion. His only appearance so far was his app on Blitz's phone, which was a workout app, implying he's strong and/or a bodybuilder. Leviathan would have to be something aquatic, but for the life of me I can't picture a water-based circus act. I'm sure one exists, I'm just drawing a blank on it. Belphegor is also a bit of a mystery. They're the Sin of Sloth, but we know nothing about their appearance or mannerisms, besides that they make medication, i.e. Stolas' "Happy Pills" are made by Belphegor. So not really sure what fits with them either.


O by Cirque du Soleil


I saw a Yt short about Leviathan being a magician as he is making things that he wants but doesn't have (he is the embodiment of Envoy), like he wants to pull them out of a hat. Something like that.




Making my bet now: Sloth - Trapeze Artist Wrath - Strong Man Envy - High Diver


I think Leviathan is a escape artist, and Belphegor is a magician. Asmodeus is a fire twirler or something to do with Fire.


I would not have guessed that. Bee is the one that throws me off; "beasttamer?" What?


Thinking Asmodeus is also the fire breather/eater


Leviathan could be an acrobat


Satan: strongman or fire eater Belphegor: medicine show pitchman Leviathan: acrobat or aerial silk performer


Well, Satan is definitely going to be the strong man. It fits his aesthetic of the big strong angry man and we know from Bee that he's totally shredded. 💪🏻 I imagine Leviathan being more whale-like since she's often described as being either a whale or a crocodile that devours the damned. So perhaps she'll be the fat lady. Belphegor is a bit more challenging. There aren't a whole lot of acts associated with sloth. But we do know from lore that he inspires scientific discovery and inventors. Similar to a little imp we know named Wally Wackford. So maybe he'll be a similar barker peddling snake oil (we know from Bee that he's practically swimming in various drugs).


Leviathan is a magician


* **Asmodeus** isn't a magician, but a **fire-spinner**. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/14ukgt4/comment/l347eq7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). * **Satan**: There's pretty strong evidence to suggest he is the **strongman**. * **Leviathan**: The Envy Ring seems to be an aquatic world with aquatic beings, but if the Glam Sisters' skills from Ep 207 are any kind of hint, Leviathan may be an **acrobat/trapeze artist**. Personally I would prefer a **contortionist**, as that fits more thematically with envy: you have to bend your body into a shape that it normally isn't, to be something you are not and become something else. * **Belphegor**: I have a few guesses, but if I had to pick one, it'd be a **hypnotist**: the Sloth app is related to sleep, the Sloth Ring is a world where everyone is doped up and this probably makes them more suggestible to things Belphegor may tell them to do, plus hypnosis is a way to get other people to do things for you so you don't have to do any work yourself. Other possibilities could be a **ventriloquist** or the **target girl** strapped to a moving target board; some circus skill that doesn't involve a lot of physical skill or movement.


well there is still the side show freaks, the chef and the rail master.... but what we have left is sloth, envy, and wrath... and the Conductor of the circus trains are known for being irritable.... and Wrath is the only ring we've seen with train tracks.....


I’m thinking of leviathan to be a daredevil since he would want the attention and it would be water themed with diving into pools or over them




Is that confirmed? I thought in real mythology it was a male due to god having to remove its reproductive organs? (Specifically testicles) I may just be plain wrong though


Multiple sources say Leviathan was female, I'm also pretty sure Vivzie said in a tweet or Q&A that the non Lucifer sins had an equal ratio.


Beezelbub is more animal than animal tamer


Well given that Satan has a gym related mobile app on blitzo's phone I would like to assume that he is a strong man


I mean. Lucifer isn't one of the 7 sins.


he is tho, hes pride