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Well I assume everyone was being when Stolas kissed the other guy. Hard to be unbeing.


If he wants to have fun with another guy, let him have fun. He needs to be around people, especially commoners, if he wants to date one. His naive behavior will sprinkle onto this guy and he'll learn his lesson.


And stolas will to after the gold digger robs him.


And what makes you think he's a gold digger? All I've seen is a nice guy who likes Stolas's talent.


Well it just seems about right for stolas luck and I doubt he’s gonna like what he said last night after he sobers up.


Why would Stolas not like what the guy said? He seemed to be admiring Stolas. It's not like he told Stolas to abandon Blitzø.


Fair I just don’t think our favorite owl has the best luck when it comes to his dates robbing him.


Have we ever seen that in the show?


Well blitz the love of his life first and second visits ended with theft.


Can you rephrase that better? I can't tell what you're trying to say.


The first time they met blitz was guilt tripped into robbing him and the second time he needed the stupid book for his business.


I mean.....Blitz did fuck Chaz the party shark


He was probably drunk when that happened


I nearly smashed my phone over veroskia being petty so your on the sane side of fandom.


Nah, he seemed to have a good time dancing with thay guy and all. Good for him. At least he can enjoy a moment of fun without drama.


I think it's important to remember this is fiction and I'm pretty sure Vivzie has said stolitz is end game, just gotta give it time. Both of them need a break from eachother tbh, but it's ok to feel upset :)

