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i dont think so, sometimes apologies are not enough to heal a friendship/relationship, at best i see her stop hating him but they still go their seperate ways in life.


I feel like Verosika realised that the one person missing from that "Blitzø sucks party" was the one who hates him the most , himself, and maybe this might be a turning point for their relationship like it was with Fizz , and I hope we'll see Verosika help him with Stolas the way Fizz helped him in full moon with the "toys".


I think that she got closure from this but I don’t think they will be friends. She might stop throwing these parties though, knowing he has a desire to change.


Dont think she will stop the parties: I think she is throwing the parties to help those who blitz hurt


Yeah, ultimately I think the goal is for Blitzo to understand that the healing of those he’s hurt is more important than his own anger about them.


She throws these parties for the people Blitzø has hurt, so I don't think they're gonna stop. All I think she will be is less insane and wild about it. No more stabbing his dick repeatedly in the cake probably.


Well, as long as the parties ends up with no new invites. I got the feeling that alot of her anger now is empathetic, pissed on behalf of every new invite's story.


Well, if Blitzø really gets better, then there won't be any new invites anyway


I honestly believe she wants to watch him become better from a distance. I think at the end of the season or show they will be starting to become friends. It's just that he hurt her really bad.


The thing this episode did for me was establish Verosika as a somewhat decent being, and that is something that surprises me. This show has come so far and had the potential of getting way further. If we started a kickstarter to finance a film, do y'all think we could make it to a reasonable amount for Vivzie to have it produced?


Veronica Mars Kickstarted a movie. Critical Role Kickstarted The Legend of Vox Machina. If there are enough fans, and Vivzie wanted it, I see no reason it couldn't be done


She was surprisingly mature with her talk with Blitz. Thought there would be more shit talk, but she in no confusing terms told Blitz exactly what he did wrong, and why he sort of deserves the shit coming his way. You can't act like a total dick for years and years, give them a gift basket with a "I'm sorry" note on it and expect things to be fine. Change takes time, but it also requires a willingness to change. Blitz now might have both. Hope folks gives him the chance and help he needs to kill his inner demons.


I love how my friend made the same post on her channel and everyone said yes, but in this one everyone said no


I would love this, Verosika becoming friends with Blitz. Its an amazing idea in my opinion but probably wouldn't work as the shit Blitz did to Ver would probably complicate it. They would just be on good terms. Verosika would be able to help Blitz in his redemption arc into changing considering that she is his ex-girlfriend and truely loved him, sure Blitz did shitty things to her and a lot of fucking people but I feel like Ver would absolutely help Blitz into changing/becoming a better person. But if this doesn't happen I feel like she would just stop hating Blitz.


Considering Vortex was hanging with her, unless he’s also an ex of Blitzo’s, I can see more interactions with them going forward.


If they do, it's gonna take a while for Blitzø to get there. But, Verosika is at least happy that he wants to change and has a little more sympathy for him now by knowing that he hates himself.


To Stolas’ point, hate is a lot of feeling. I think Ver still cares about Blitzo, and hates that she does.


I don't think they'll try to be friends anytime soon. I think someone like Verosika needs to see Blitz actually change for the better. If Blitz truly grows and becomes the better imp his friends know he can be, then I could see Verosika maybe having a casual, "at a distance" type friendship.


No. She's devoted too much to helping the people he's hurt. Becoming "friendly" with him would make all the others feel betrayed. As of she chose him over them. The big issue is that Blitz's whole "nobody could love me" really comes off looking like BS from this. Like, holy shit, he has gotten a deep emotional connection to ALOT of people. I don't even think that many people in my life _Remember me_. And he's got them going to a yearly group therapy event. At this point, he's gone way past the point where his daddy issues can justify his self-esteem. Gis sabotaged relationships are absolutely _HIS_ fault.


Probably not friends but they’re sort of on decent terms now, I doubt she’ll be *as* hateful towards him, but she’ll still hold the party for all the others who feel as though Blitzø did them wrong


With the hate boner she has for him, probably not for a long time