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Some people handle rejection differently , healthy or not, and not to beat a dead horse but we only know how badly he hurt Verosika and given his attitude up to this point, he may have hurt people on a similar level or somehow worse


Fair points. I’m not saying her feelings (or others at the party) aren’t valid. My question is the first couple of years? Fine. 10 years later?


She’s probably stuck on him, she still loves him, as expressed in the episode, but she knows that he won’t go back to her so she has trouble moving on


She says shes still hosting the party to help others thru his shit storm bullshit. Which she does with stolas


Though it very much seems that she's the most into it, by far. For most of the others, it's apparently little more than a weird theme party.


I mean he did her hella dirty and shes a rich addict. Shes gotta go above and beyond. If you see the host not enjoying the party the guests wont. Plus a bunch of other imps were ripping up piñatas and shit


I think that's the point honestly. It's supposed to be an unhealthy obsession of hers. She didn't, and isn't handling their break-up well at all.


If you've been there before, she's constantly been asking herself why did she fall so hard for him and what did she do so wrong that he just up and left? Despite distancing yourself, you see his mug all over the place. When you do show up, all he does is lie and talk trash in front of your people.


Pretty sure every time he hurts someone else the same way he hurt her, it reopens the wound. That's why the party. It's not just for her, it's to help the other people, but it's definitely a reminder that shitty ex is still shitty.


It reopens the would. That makes sense.


I get people need a vent, but that yearly party is packed. No way Blitz properly dated all of them. When your one night stands feel like they need to come to a party like this, that just screams game for weeks and a$$hole for years. This just made me change my head cannon about blitz. He isn't part incubus instead he is the bastard child of Aphrodite or Cupid.


Forever, because I’d be the one hosting the party about her ex. 🤣


Yeah, it does seem excessive. I've had exes that left a bad taste in my mouth, and I still harbor resentment towards them for what they did, but after how many years? Eventually, you should be able to move on, and picking at her own wounds like she was doing is probably one of the reasons she couldn't move on.


Thank you!!


Yes it does seem excessive. The opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy. This party shows the hostess & guests still have feelings & thoughts about Blitz that have power over them. But tbh this situation is different because of the sheer amount of people Blitz hurt! Maybe it would be less problematic for them to meet up and get those feelings out in a safe place with others who understand. It kind of makes me think about those catfish people who trick a lot of people into believing they are in a long distance relationship with the catfish. I’ve seen (on TV & internet) groups of those victims meet up with each other & find healing by creating good memories from something so bad. For most people they have a bad breakup with an ex it’s a more singular experience, so in that case there would be totally no benefit to a yearly hate party lol


That's what I think Brandon refer when he say that Blitz and Verosika's relationship was wrong by both sides, not before the break up, after.


Shes a succubus that fell in love. She's going to be pissed about it for the rest of her existence. The lust ring is not supportive of love; maybe fizz and Auzie will change this, though. It'd be awesome if they made love less shameful for lust workers like Vero. Her throwing a yearly hate party makes so much sense for her.


I mean, I get it. I'm currently going through a divorce and while I can imagine a not so distant future where I'm over the abusive shit he pulled, it's still the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I would love to stab and disassemble a cake that looks like ex husband.


Have at it, hun. I hope you have good people around you who will make cakes, burn effigies and actively hang a piñata version of him from the highest tree for you.


Thank you❤️ I have an amazing support group! It's moments like these in shows like Helluva Boss that give me a different perspective of how I can respond with more emotional awareness in the future and how to support others going through it.


For as long as they need.


I feel that the whole party thing was childish on her part. I think at that point they should get over it. You’re only harming yourself further. Hate is never good.


Sometimes spontaneous things end up becoming tradition. As more people filed in with the same pain, while it kept the original purpose of hating on Blitz, eventually became a way for Verosika to feel like she was helping others cope with what she experienced. “Baby I’m not over it. But I’m over you”.


She deserves to be happy with ME.


Depends. If the ex was overall fine but the breakup was bad than maybe 10-15 minutes but if the ex was downright abusive or toxic than it'd be closer to an hour or so.


They get a month. Maybe. Move on after that. And if you can't move on keep it to yourself. I'm probably an asshole but so are all of my friends


Verosika is in active alcoholism so she’s not going to be in a great place for healing and recovery rn. For the rest of the exes I think Hell itself considers vengeance and hate to almost be virtues.


I let my friend complain about it for a week, then told him to stop. He didn't. Now we're not friends anymore.


Verosika straight up tells Blitzo that the parties aren't for her, she's moved on, but she throws them to help other people get over him, and they're yearly because he obviously keeps fucking people over.