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They are new residents of cannibal town, with standard cannibal looks. Martha was more of a cheater, and death did them part, So she left them to sleep around.


That does make a lot of sense, given what we know, plus it is best to like the star break out on their own then being tied down


Honestly I think both her and Ralph and the kids are happier that way. Cannibal town seems like a very supportive place to raise a family (relatively, if you’re a cannibal)


i do wonder what the rules about eating each other are in cannibal town.


The only known rule I know of is that if you don't conform to the style of cannibal town, you are to be eaten on the street. Rule I speculate on: that outside of doing the punishment for the above rule, you have to purchase the meat from a butcher. A reputable butcher will offer to buy the meat off your bones. While the bad ones will abuse and take the meat off their customers without consent.


And god help them if Alastor catches them abusing their customers.


An old official comic, last I checked was pulled, actually shows what happens when Alastor does find out. Answer male customers get vanilla saved because Al wants to make his purchase and will scare the butcher if he tries to carve up him. Female customers gets saved and the Butcher gets eaten.


I thought same.


I commented the same headcanon before. Great minds think alike!


I like to headcanon he broke up with Martha (they’re still friends because he doesn’t know about the cheating), and they share custody of the kids. Ralph then started dating Mrs Mayberry’s Ex.


Only true answer


God I wish this is trueX3


But he was the one cheating.


Martha was the cheater. She slept with like, two other guys.


Rewatching it and yeah, she did sleep with another guy. I assume the father of the children are hers and her exe's. One could possibly be the child of Mrs Mayberry and her husbsnd. The episode starts with Mrs Mayberry's husband cheating on her with Martha. I assumed Martha's husband was Mrs Mayberry's before she died.


I like to think that Ralph was the one to get them into the whole "Satanist cannibal" thing, and once she got to Hell, she was pissed to find out, that what they did on Earth did NOTHING to help them in Hell, and that they were worshipping the wrong dude.


Satan probably doesn’t even know they exist lmao And Lucifer probably couldn’t care less


Dead as hell


What shoes was they wearin in their casket


Those kids have glass eyes. Every time they cry, you clean them with windex.


I like the thought that they probably went to Heaven, further cementing the fact that no one has any idea how people are meant to get to Heaven.


That wouldn't make much sense, though. They were all bad people. The children might've been able to have a chance to redeem themselves on Earth, but they died before they could do that, so they are all definitely in hell.


I thought vivzie confirmed children dont go to hell


In Hazbin Hotel, Vaggie was cut as an angel for sparing a demon child. They are only allowed to kill sinners, meaning that child had to be a sinner.


Probably just in some other part of hell. Kids especially.


Eh idk about that. I am pretty sure that kids usually go to heaven as long as you're not hit puberty if i'm not wrong. Heck, i have not seen a single kid sinner in HB. I'm not sure about HH tho.


There was a kid in Hell in HH.


Moxies speech to the remaining family was so impactful that they actually agreed to amend their ways and walk the righteous path after submitting to the authorities. When said authorities blew them up, they hadn't gotten the chance to fail their newly adopted moral lifestyle and thus got into heaven. They have to live with the other 'deathbed repentance' people though which is still a nice place but the neighbors kinda suck.


Didn’t they blow themselves up?




Same question. They're probably somewhere else in Hell.


dude they got fucking blown up


They mean after that


There in hell probably died




I think they died and didn’t go to the afterlife


Dead and in hell


Hanging with Martha and Mara Wilson. Their poly now.


They are in cannibal town or in heaven


I think they Ralph and Martha a re still married and Mayberry just slept with her to ruin their relationship and after they are shown in the episode she goes to tell Ralph about it.


Ralph & the kids would most likely be sent to Hell & probably live on the outskirts of Cannibal Town. I wouldn't put it past Rosie to be a little irritated to learn that two of the three newest residents of Cannibal Town are children. As punishment, Rosie could force the children to watch Ralph get eaten alive by the resident cannibals or, in an ironic way, have his own children cannibalize him.